Tranxending Vision

C699 peach trap

C699 peach trap

There were stars, the lights of the city lit up the night sky, and the night in Paris was beautiful as a dream.    


The silent burning of candles, the French fried goose liver, the steak and red wine, the blonde in the candle flame, for a man, this was the romance of Paris.    


Jaclyn Eva was wearing a set of white evening gown, with her low-cut shoulders exposed. The vacuum, her snow-white neck, her fragrant shoulder, and her V-shaped face were all exposed in Xia Lei's field of vision, looking very natural and at her mercy. However, what Xia Lei saw the most was still the protrusion on the ground. Under the cover of the cloth, the place where the two particles were clearly visible to him. A hazy beauty was the most alluring beauty.    


After drinking a few cups of red wine, Jaclyn Eva's face had an extra touch of red, "Mr. Xia, your alcohol tolerance must be really good, right?"    


Xia Lei laughed, "It's not very good either, but we can't get drunk drinking red wine. "The alcohol content of our liquor is usually between 50% and 60%. I can drink one catty of that liquor or even more."    


"My God ?" Jaclyn Eva's mouth was wide open, "You can still drink half a catty with such a high alcohol concentration? If I drank so much wine with such high alcohol content, I would definitely die from drunkenness. I was going to get you drunk, but it seems I can't do it. I'm almost drunk, but you're still fine. "    


"Do you want to get drunk? "And then?"    


Jaclyn Eva pursed her lips and smiled, with a hint of allure, "What are you trying to do?"    


Xia Lei coughed dryly, "My problem is, what are you planning to do after getting me drunk?"    


"What do you think I want to do?"    


"Is this a French tongue twister?"    


"Cluck, cluck, cluck ?" Jaclyn Eva chuckled, the sound of her laughter was pleasing to the ear, her deep blue eyes rippling with lust.    


Xia Lei's gaze shifted away as he scanned the direction of the door. At that moment, the door panel disappeared from his left eye, and two special forces of the French National Gendarmerie, who were standing in the doorway, came into view. Following that, his line of sight shifted to a wall. A second later, the space behind that wall also entered his left eye's line of sight.    


There were two people in that room, a laptop and a listening device. They were both in civilian clothes and had headphones on their heads, and they were staring at the monitor on their laptops. The monitor on the laptop displayed the effect of him eating dinner with Jaclyn Eva in real time.    


Xia Lei retracted his gaze, and looked at Jaclyn Eva with a smile, as if he was moved.    


He was very clear in his heart that this place was not Jaclyn Eva's home, but was specifically prepared by the French intelligence services. The two Gendarmes outside the door were in charge of protecting his date with Jaclyn Eva, while the two French intelligence agents in the next room were in charge of listening in on him and Jaclyn Eva.    


The Government of France was truly willing to give up all their resources. In order to obtain his skills, even a beautiful secret service agent like Jaclyn Eva had come to his doorstep. In the intelligence community, beautiful women were the easiest to get information on, because their bodies were the most powerful weapons to conquer men.    


"Mr. Xia, I've already prepared the perfume you wanted." Jaclyn Eva obviously did not want to play the "French Bypass Token" with Xia Lei anymore.    


"Mary's desire?" Xia Lei pretended to be moved, "That's great, can you let me take a look?"    


"You take it yourself." Jaclyn Eva said: "They are placed under my chair."    


"Under the chair?" Xia Lei's gaze instantly pierced through the dining table and the wooden chair under Jaclyn Eva's butt. Sure enough, there were three bottles of perfume hidden under the dining chair. Jaclyn Eva stuck them onto the wooden board under her butt using a rubber bag.    


Is this also a manifestation of Paris romance?    


A trace of a sweet smile emerged from the corner of Jaclyn Eva's mouth, and her voice was filled with a tempting feeling, "Mr. Xia, do you want? If you want it, then take it. "    


Xia Lei laughed, he put down his napkin and got up to walk towards Jaclyn Eva.    


Jaclyn Eva moved the chair slightly, and faced Xia Lei. But she didn't have the intention to stand up for Xia Lei to take the perfume, she still sat on the dining chair and smiled at Xia Lei.    


The oriental woman had exquisite face and delicate skin. Western women excelled at the curvature of their faces, and their physiques were explosive. Jaclyn Eva's face had the distinctive angular sense of beauty that Western women had. With her high nose bridge and blue eyes, if this wasn't enough to attract men, then her figure would be the ultimate weapon used to conquer men. At a height of 1.92 meters, with slender waist and long legs, how many people could resist her allure?    


"You could actually help me take it out." Xia Lei stared at her legs and said.    


"They are very precious. If you want to obtain them, you must pay a price." Jaclyn Eva said.    


Xia Lei shrugged, "Alright."    


He squatted down, and his eyes unavoidably fell on the center of the ivory door. Between the ivory and the ivory, a small white Ding quietly entered his line of sight, thin as a cicada's wing, hazy yet long. It was like a spark on a prairie fire, carrying the power to destroy everything. The defensive line he had built started to shake, as though it would collapse at any moment.    


Xia Lei's right hand extended under the dining chair, little by little, carefully and cautiously.    


Jaclyn Eva maintained her graceful posture, but just as Xia Lei's right hand reached under the dining chair and was about to remove the three bottles of perfume, her ivory door suddenly closed, and held his hand in between the crack of the door.    


"You?" Xia Lei clearly knew what she wanted to do, but he still pretended to be shocked.    


Jaclyn Eva suddenly leaned forward, and his entire body pressed onto Xia Lei's body. Xia Lei instinctively used his left hand to support his body to prevent himself from falling to the ground. However, Jaclyn Eva's legs also made a forceful motion, using his absolute advantage to press Xia Lei down onto the carpet with him. In the process, the dining chair was also knocked to the ground by her feet.    


Three bottles of "Mary's Desire" spilled out of the bottle. The room was suddenly filled with a mysterious and tempting scent of perfume.    


Xia Lei had long seen what kind of perfume "Ma Li's Desire" was. He had actually already seen that the three bottles of perfume were not properly stoppered, but he was too lazy to expose the tricks of the French female agent. The French woman had her mission and her mission, and he had his plan.    


"The perfume is overflowing." Xia Lei reminded Jaclyn Eva.    


"I still have a lot. I can give you whatever you want." Jaclyn Eva pressed down, she did not want Xia Lei to speak anymore, she used her lips and tongue to cover his mouth.    


Xia Lei gave up resisting. In his arms, he controlled his breathing the most carefully. He only absorbed the air that kept his brain and body functioning normally. As for the other things, he did not care about Jaclyn Eva's hands, as what sort of vulgar thing was her mouth doing.    


The perfume scent was getting stronger and stronger, and the scene in the room was getting more and more unsightly.    


In another room.    


"I was lucky this time." A French intelligence officer stared at the monitor, his face filled with a vulgar smile, "Usually you don't even give us a friendly face, but now you are doing this in front of us, in front of a Grand China brat. Haha, I have to copy it, and watch it every night."    


"You are courting death. Your head is the trump card of our swimming pool. You don't need me to tell you how powerful she is, right? You copy her videos and she'll know about them in a hundred ways, and then you just wait and die. " Another said.    


The "swimming pool" was a nickname given to the French General Directorate of Foreign Security, which had its headquarters in the old Motie barracks near the Tulwell swimming pool in the 20th arrondissement of Paris. The Directorate General of Foreign Security is a very important intelligence agency in France. Not only does it manage and coordinate all intelligence and espionage services in France, it is also the largest intelligence and espionage organization in France. It also has the most elite spies and agents in France, collecting intelligence around the world, combating terrorism, assassinations, subversion of hostile regimes, and so on. It is almost a replica of the CIA in the United States.    


Jaclyn Eva was the trump card of the "swimming pool", so it was not hard to tell how determined the French Government was to get hold of Xia Lei's technology.    


"I'm just saying that I don't want to die for no reason."    


"It's good that you understand this ? Damn, that Grand China brat is the number one beauty in our swimming pool. "    


"Wow, it's starting."    


"I can't take it anymore. Fuck, I have to find a chicken after work."    


"Let's go together, otherwise we'll be bored to death."    


"Isn't that Grand China kid too strong?"    


"Otherwise, why do you think your head is working so hard?"    


"It's so cool, if I could be like that Grand China brat and do it for the first time, I would be willing to not take any salary for a year."    


"Keep dreaming, how much is your annual salary? Do you know how much money that Grand China kid has? Almost 2 billion! They could smash you to death with money! "    


At this time, Jaclyn Eva suddenly spoke out from her laptop, "Mr. Xia, your Raylong intelligent machine tool, your XL2500 sniper rifle and production line of blast assault rifle, what price do you need the French Government to pay in order for you to agree on the deal?"    


"The avionics systems and systems of De Gaulle and de Gaulle." Xia Lei's words carried a bit of a blurry feeling.    


"Except this one?"    


"I, I want this, and you ?" "Heh heh heh ?"    


"If the French government agrees, but requires you to exchange the Raylong intelligent machine tool for the second generation of Raylong intelligent machine tool, are you willing?"    


"I won't."    


"Accept. Can we sign the contract now?" Jaclyn Eva's voice sounded as if she was in a dream.    


Xia Lei's eyes became lifeless, he said mechanically: "I am willing."    


In front of the laptop, the two agents from the Directorate of External Security smiled at each other, then clapped their hands.    


"Done, the head is the head. After this mission is completed, she will be promoted again. "    


"Once we get the documents signed by that kid from Grand China, we don't have to worry about him not submitting. If he doesn't give us what he promises, we can detain him indefinitely and even put pressure on the Grand China. For such a matter, even if it were to reach the International Court of Justice, he would definitely lose. "    


"Hehe, let's make a bet. Should we sign the documents after we finish our business with that Grand China kid, or should we break it off to sign now?"    


"After I finished gambling, you've lost for sure. See how much you enjoy right now? She definitely doesn't mind wasting a few minutes of time."    


"A few minutes? I think she won't be able to deal with that Grand China kid within half an hour, right? I'm definitely going to lose? I think you're the one who's going to lose. I'll bet you 50. "    


"Deal." The two agents from the General Security Service clapped again.    


At this moment, the curtain was suddenly blown open by the wind.    


The two agents from the Directorate of External Security reacted quickly, shifting their eyes the moment the curtains were blown open by the wind. However, right at that moment, a figure appeared at the window ?    


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