Tranxending Vision

C695 Sword-drawn Anxiety

C695 Sword-drawn Anxiety

Without waiting for the field agent to approach Xia Lei, Jaclyn Eva suddenly shouted angrily: "Stop! Take another step forward and shoot him dead immediately! "    


Ericson pointed his gun at the CIA field agent who was about to arrest him. His gun had been released, and he could shoot the target at any time.    


"What do you want?" Gu Kewen frowned.    


"Leave immediately!" Jaclyn Eva's tone was cold and harsh, "Mr. Xia is an honored guest invited by us in France. We have made a promise to him that no country or individual will be able to apprehend him within France. He left France. We don't care what you do to him, but this is France. This is not a place where you CIA people can do whatever they want! "    


"Who is your officer?" Gu Kewen said coldly: "Give me your phone number, I'll contact him immediately."    


Jaclyn Eva suddenly pointed the gun in her hand at Gu Kewen. This was her answer.    


"You want to stop us? That's all you have?" Gu Kewen continued to put pressure on Jaclyn Eva, "If we make a move, you all will die a horrible death. Leave him to me, and go back and take a bath and get some sleep. The next day, you'll find that nothing has happened, and we'll explain everything to the French government. "    


Jaclyn Eva glanced at Ericson, but the latter did not say anything and only nodded once. Jaclyn Eva's expression immediately relaxed.    


This was obviously a signal, and the message was related to reinforcements. After all, this was Paris, France, and was the territory of the French. The CIA would never have the advantage in numbers here, and even if they did, it would only be temporary.    


Gu Kewen gave another look, and this time four CIA field agent came out. She wouldn't give the French more time.    


"Wait." Xia Lei finally spoke out, "Gu Kewen, do you really think you can take me away from here?"    


"Cut the crap. I'll talk to you slowly when we get back." Gu Kewen subconsciously touched her bottom. She didn't know why, but when she looked at Xia Lei, the scar on her bottom started to itch again.    


Four field agent s from the IA surrounded Xia Lei, but before they could approach Xia Lei, the four agents of the French National Gendarmerie also welcomed them. Four commandos against four agents, four assault rifles against four assault rifles, all pointing their guns at each other, refusing to budge an inch. The atmosphere immediately became tense. At this time, anyone who could not hold themselves back and fired a shot, or even show the slightest intention of attacking, would most likely leave behind a floor full of corpses!    


"Gu Kewen, don't worry. If you can bring me away from France, will I come to France?" Xia Lei was not nervous at all. In reality, with just a gesture from him, Gu Kewen's head would have exploded from a single bullet.    


However, he could not do so. If Gu Kewen died here, the CIA would have a stronger reason to get the French government to hand him over. At that time, he would be in a very passive position and would be in a very dangerous situation. Of course, if the situation became uncontrollable, and Jacqueline and the people from the National Gendarmerie could not protect him, and Gu Kewen and the CIA had to take him away, he would let his men open fire.    


"Xia Lei, I must bring you with me today. It's useless even if you're willing or not." Saying that, Gu Kewen suddenly gave an order, "Take him away, whoever dares to stop him will be killed!"    


The field agent of the CIA followed suit and took more radical actions. Every single special forces of the French National Gendarmerie was pointed at by two or three guns, including Jaclyn Eva.    


A CIA field agent pushed aside the Gendarmerie Army Special Forces in front of him and walked towards Xia Lei in big strides.    


At this moment, an ear-piercing siren rang out from the intersection to the right. A military SUV made its way through, followed by several armoured personnel carriers. On top of each armoured personnel carrier stood a machine gunner.    


The reinforcements arrived in time.    


The CIA field agent who was prepared to capture Xia Lei stopped in her tracks.    


Xia Lei laughed, "Did you see that? Nor is the United States omnipotent. Keep your head there until I leave France. "    


Gu Kewen's face was frighteningly gloomy.    


The French special forces quickly got out of the car and surrounded the CIA. There were three times as many of them as the CIA, and the CIA, which had held the advantage of numbers, had become a weakling in the blink of an eye. No CIA agent dared to make a move, let alone capture Xia Lei.    


"Put down your weapon!" Ericson's voice was as sharp as knives, "Otherwise, we will open fire!"    


The field agent of the CIA did not move, but they were all nervous. They looked at Gu Kewen, waiting for her instructions.    


Gu Kewen was unwilling.    


Bang! Bang! Bang! Ericson shot three times into the sky.    


The corner of Gu Kewen's mouth twitched, but she still gave the order in the end, "Put the spear away!"    


The field agent of the CIA was relieved of a great burden.    


Xia Lei laughed, "Gu Kewen, do you still not understand? I don't know who sent you here to catch me, but I know what he's up to. You were killed by me, and he had every reason to ask the French government to hand me over. You were treated like a cannon fodder and yet you have such a sense of superiority. I truly submit to you. "    


"Have you finished?" Gu Kewen's voice was very cold.    


Xia Lei shrugged his shoulders, "If I were you, I would have dealt with my own matters first and not be used as cannon fodder. It's your luck that you're still alive. Your luck won't stay with you forever. "    


"Shut up!" Gu Kewen roared at Xia Lei. She had enough of Xia Lei's mockery.    


"Remember what I said. Next time we meet, I will take your head." Xia Lei walked towards the Mercedes-Benz.    


Jaclyn Eva looked at Gu Kewen coldly, "Don't cause trouble, this is France, even the CIA can't protect you."    


Gu Kewen coldly snorted, and did not say anything. She watched Jaclyn Eva and Xia Lei leave, as well as the special forces convoy of the France National Gendarmerie.    


"Chief, what should we do?" A CIA field agent asked.    


"Withdraw." Gu Kewen turned around to leave, but just as her back was facing her subordinate, a cold smile surfaced on her lips, "Sean, do you want me to die, or do you want Williams to die? No matter which one of you wants my life, I will take it! "    


At the same time, on the balcony of the high-rise building across Louvre Museum.    


"Boss, what's going on?" Arresian shouted, "Last time in Korea, we took such a huge risk to assassinate Gu Kewen. This time, we could have easily killed her, why didn't boss let us do it? It's such a pity to miss this opportunity. "    


Baghu said: "That's right, if I miss this chance, I don't know when I will have the chance to kill that woman."    


At this time, Amanda's voice came out from the communication device, "You two village fools, can't you see? This time, Gu Kewen was sent here to die by the CIA. If we kill Gu Kewen, the United States would have an excuse to pressure the French government. At that time, the boss would be charged with the crime of assassinating a senior CIA official, so how is he going to leave France? "    


As expected of the Zodiac Clan's tactician, Amanda saw through it.    


"Stop cooing, we have to catch up." Piao Taiyong's voice came out from the communication device.    


The members of the Zodiac Clan quickly retreated, coming and going without a trace.    


This crisis came and went quickly.    


Actually, Xia Lei's appearance was not one bit unexpected for Xia Lei. He came swaggering to France, and it was impossible for the United States not to act. The CIA people would appear in front of him sooner or later, but he didn't expect them to be so anxious. He had just arrived in France and Gu Kewen had already brought the CIA people.    


The Mercedes drove to the Star of Paris.    


"Mr. Xia, are you familiar with the woman from the CIA?" Jaclyn Eva broke the silence in the carriage.    


"Yes, indeed." Xia Lei said: "Her name is Gu Kewen, she is the Asia director of the CIA. I have some personal grudges with her, and she has the heart to kill me. "    


"The Asia director of the CIA. This position is really not low at all." Jaclyn Eva looked at Xia Lei, "But you said that she was someone who was sent to die, and that the CIA is willing to sacrifice such an important person, how much value do you have to them?"    


Xia Lei was silent for a moment, then smiled, "I slept with the daughter of the President of the United States, at that time, she was unwilling."    


"Huh?" Jaclyn Eva was dumbstruck.    


"Please keep this a secret for me. I only told you this because you helped me just now." Xia Lei said in all seriousness.    


"Are you joking with me?"    


Xia Lei said indifferently: "Do you think I would joke around with something like this?"    


"Alright, I won't believe it for a reason like this." Jaclyn Eva said: "If you don't want to tell me, I can understand, so it doesn't matter. I don't want to pry into your secrets. I just want to finish my work. "    


Xia Lei only laughed and did not speak anymore. Jaclyn Eva did not speak the truth, so how could he possibly tell her the truth? However, even if Jaclyn Eva were to investigate, she would never know why the Americans were chasing them so closely.    


The convoy stopped in front of the Star of Paris.    


"Mr. Xia, in view of what has happened, it would be best if you did not leave the hotel. "Also, I will leave some people to protect you, is that not a problem?" When Xia Lei got off, Jaclyn Eva stuck his head out of the window and said.    


"No problem." Xia Lei readily agreed.    


"I'll come back tomorrow and talk to you about cooperation. Good night, Mr. Xia. " Without waiting for Xia Lei's reply, Jaclyn Eva started the car and left.    


Xia Lei laughed bitterly. The French had protected him only for his skills. The sooner this was done, the better for France, since he was a hot potato now, and the sooner he threw it, the better.    


"Will I do as you wish? Dream on. " Xia Lei turned and entered the hotel.    


Ericson brought a few special forces of the national gendarmes to escort Xia Lei up to the top floor. This time, the number of special forces that stayed in the hotel tripled, to a total of 24 people. Not only did they control the top floor of the hotel, but they also closely monitored the elevator and stairs, as well as the hotel lobby.    


Xia Lei was too lazy to bother with the special forces of the Gendarmerie Army, so he knocked on Qing Caiyue's door.    


Qing Caiyue who opened the door was in a daze, wearing a set of pajamas with a cartoon pattern on it, looking cute and adorable. But when she saw that it was Xia Lei standing at the door, she immediately became spirited, and could not help but laugh: "Chairman Xia, you ?"    


"Do you have a pencil?" Xia Lei said.    


"Pencils? You're looking for me for... To borrow a pencil? "    


"Did you?" If not, I'll get someone at the front desk to bring me one. "    


"Yes, I'll go get it for you right away." Qing Caiyue turned and entered the house, and very quickly brought out a pencil and a notebook.    


"Thank you." Xia Lei understood. He took the pencil and book from her hand.    


Qing Caiyue hesitated for a moment, then made a motion of stroking her hair and looked at Xia Lei with misty eyes, "Xia Dong, are you really here to borrow a pencil?"    


"Yeah." Xia Lei said.    


"Is there nothing else?" Qing Caiyue's cute little tongue slipped out of the corner of her mouth, and lightly bit on her lips.    


"Good night." Xia Lei turned and left.    


Qing Caiyue was stunned at the door, and did not move for a long time.    


Who was the CEO that knocked on the secretary's door in the middle of the night to borrow a pencil?    


There's something wrong!    


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