Tranxending Vision

C696 superbrain decryption

C696 superbrain decryption

In half an hour, Xia Lei had copied all of the contents of the pencil on the canvas of the? Mona Lisa?. He could have been faster, but he had spent more time doing it in pursuit of perfection.    


Except for the fact that he drew a ratio of 1: 20 in the original book, he drew exactly the same as Da Vinci did.    


He copied the blurry Italian and read it. He was not very familiar with Italian, but that did not stop him. He made a plan for himself to spend five hours learning Italian on his computer. In the process, using the power of the brain to make the vague Italian language "clear" and then to interpret what Da Vinci had left behind on the canvas, according to the Italian language he had learned.    


Time slowly passed by, the hotel's desktop computer was working, Xia Lei's mind was also working. Under normal circumstances, a human brain could not be compared to a computer, but he was an exception. His brain was faster and more perfect than a computer. The computer provided his brain with knowledge in Italian, which it absorbed like a sponge.    


In the course of this learning, his brain was repairing, perfecting, and getting clear and correct content, little by little, according to the Italian characters on the canvas.    


Five hours passed.    


Xia Lei's brain was filled with almost all the knowledge of Italy, and on the white piece of paper in front of him, there was an additional translation.    


I am Leonardo da Vinci, and many incredible things have happened in my life. I benefited from it, but I was also confused. All my life I had been trying to unravel those secrets, and for a while I thought I was close to the truth, but in the end it turned out to be far from enough. You can see what's on the canvas, which means you have the ability. Are you trying to unravel those secrets too? I left you something. If you can read my map, you can find what I left behind.    


This was the word Da Vinci had left on the canvas. After opening it, Xia Lei was unable to calm down for a long time.    


"He used this method to leave the map, it was clearly for the people with clairvoyance to look at. He understands this power, could it be that he really consumed AE capsules before? But Father once said that the AE capsule he stole from AE Research Center was the only one in the world. So where did Da Vinci get the AE capsule from? " He could not understand this question.    


If Da Vinci was still alive and gave him a chance to talk face to face, the problem would be simple. However, the problem was that Da Vinci had been dead for hundreds of years. Whether or not Da Vinci had ever eaten an AE capsule and where he had obtained it, these questions could not be answered.    


After sitting quietly for a while, Xia Lei's attention shifted to the map.    


An unmarked map, drawn in pencil, was an easy way to figure out how difficult it was to find a place on Earth that matched it. Da Vinci seemed to be testing his intelligence in this way.    


Xia Lei closed his eyes, and the map on the canvas appeared in his mind.    


The first light of dawn had washed away the darkness, and the night had already passed. Xia Lei opened his eyes and a ray of sunlight shone through the window onto his face. In the golden dawn, a smile blossomed on his face.    


Dong dong dong ?    


Knocking sounds came out, but Xia Lei did not seem to hear it, the smile on his face became more obvious. This process was like the blossoming of a flower bud, bit by bit, until it was fully bloomed.    


The person who knocked on the door did not continue knocking, but the door opened.    


Qing Caiyue walked in and her gaze landed on Xia Lei's body. She was stunned for a moment, and then said in surprise: "Chairman Xia, was it you who didn't sleep last night?"    


"Hehehe ?" Xia Lei laughed.    


"Xia Dong, you ?" Are you alright? " Qing Caiyue asked with concern. Last night, Xia Lei knocked on her door in the middle of the night and asked to borrow a pencil. Now, he was sitting by the window and laughing idiotically.    


"So that's how it is." Xia Lei muttered to himself.    


"What was that?" Qing Caiyue moved closer.    


"You're too smart."    


"Ugh ?" Chairman Xia, are you talking about me? "    


Xia Lei suddenly closed his eyes.    


"Manager Xia? What's the matter with you? " Qing Caiyue came over to Xia Lei's side. After hesitating for a moment, she extended her hand towards Xia Lei's forehead.    


Xia Lei's forehead was not hot, it did not have any symptoms of fever. His eyes were closed, and Qing Caiyue's hand placed on his forehead had no effect on his brain's work. In his mind, the map that Da Vinci had left behind on the canvas had been taken apart and transformed into lines of varying length and shape. Some of these lines were like earthworms, some were like twisted wires, and some were like iron rods. They continued to combine to form a new pattern.    


This process was very complicated, but the speed was very fast. One by one, the wrong patterns were eliminated, and the correct pattern was created amidst the mistakes, finally taking shape.    


A new map appeared in Xia Lei's mind. At the top of the map was a grave. There was no name on the tombstone, only a cross. Beneath the grave was a complicated underground passage, like a maze. The end was in the center of the maze, and the entrance was beneath the tombstone.    


In one night's time, all the secrets Da Vinci left behind on the canvas were unraveled.    


During the night, Xia Lei was even proficient in Italian. His brain was truly a miraculous existence.    


"Chairman Xia?" Qing Caiyue's hand left Xia Lei's forehead, and instead moved to his cheek. She didn't know where she got the guts from, but looking at Xia Lei's handsome face that was bathed in the morning light, it was as if she was attracted by a devil and wanted to touch him.    


His face was smooth and delicate, like an infant's skin. It felt very comfortable to the touch.    


"What a tender face, what skincare products did he use?" This strange question suddenly appeared in Qing Caiyue's mind.    


Just then, Xia Lei suddenly opened his eyes.    


Qing Caiyue quickly retracted her hand, her jade-like face immediately flushed red, and she stuttered: "Sorry, Xia Dong, I thought you were having a fever."    


However, Xia Lei said: "You didn't say where that place is, but you had already revealed the answer long ago. That place is the Italian Bobbio, the back of the Mona Lisa. Scene. Tranquility also painted the place, the medieval town, the houses, the tombstones... I found it! "    


"Dong ? Dong ?" Qing Caiyue started to get nervous for some reason. She felt that Xia Lei was not having a fever, but had gone mad.    


Xia Lei suddenly stood up, picked Qing Caiyue up and spun in a circle on the ground. Qing Caiyue's body leaned backwards, her long legs under her short skirt "floated" in the air, like a compass, drawing a white arc in the air. From a 45 degree angle, the black Ding became a beautiful scenery. It played the role of a guardian with great difficulty. It fought the air, fought the inertia, and guarded the mysterious and mature place.    


As the skirt flew, so did the female secretary's heart. Everything was messy in the wind, just like a messy little black Ding.    


"Chairman Xia? Dong Xia?" You, what are you trying to do? "I'm feeling dizzy. You, you should put me down ?" Qing Caiyue suddenly gritted her teeth and mustered her courage, "If you really want it, then go to bed."    


Xia Lei suddenly stopped.    


Qing Caiyue's feet finally landed on the ground but she was still in Xia Lei's embrace. She could feel the hand Xia Lei was holding onto her waist with, and she could still feel Xia Lei's firm and firm chest because her soft breasts were stuck to his chest, and were stuck together like double-sided glue, forming a flat shape.    


The two of them were like a still painting.    


Their eyes met, like the N and S poles of a magnet. Under its influence, the two faces slowly approached each other, and the distance between their lips quietly shortened.    


"He, he's about to kiss me ?" Qing Caiyue's excitement was unquenchable as she nervously closed her eyes. To be able to have a romantic time with a man like Xia Lei, even if she couldn't get anything, she wouldn't regret it.    


However, just as their lips were about to stick together, Xia Lei suddenly "woke up" and quickly let go of Qing Caiyue who was in her arms.    


The magnet turned to stone.    


"Cough, cough." Xia Lei coughed dryly, "I'm sorry, I... I was too excited. "    


Qing Caiyue's heart was immediately filled with a sense of loss, but she forced a smile, "N-nothing."    


"What's the matter?"    


"I-I'll get my pencil." Qing Caiyue herself did not know what to say, her heart was in chaos.    


Xia Lei laughed, then gave the pencil to Qing Caiyue: "Thank you."    


Qing Caiyue held the pencil, her heart running like a ten thousand mud horse. The pencil was about to become a demon to her.    


"Let's go eat breakfast, then go to the Villepinte Exhibition Center to take a look." Xia Lei said.    


"Didn't you say that you wouldn't go?"    


"I've changed my mind. Let's go."    


Qing Caiyue's line of sight moved to the notebook on the computer table. She saw a passage of Italian, a Chinese translation and some lines that she could not decipher, and asked curiously: "Xia Dong, are you researching something again?"    


Xia Lei tore off the paper with content in the book, and casually put it in his pocket. Then, he said: "This is a secret, don't tell anyone."    


Qing Caiyue pursed her lips and laughed, "Mn, I know, I won't tell anyone ? Even if I think about it, there's nothing I can do about it. "    


Xia Lei did not explain any further. He brought Qing Caiyue and left the room.    


Ye Liena also walked out from her room.    


"Morning, Miss Ye Liena." Qing Caiyue greeted his obediently.    


Ye Liena only nodded slightly.    


Xia Lei said: "After breakfast, we will go to the Villepinte Exhibition Center."    


"Alright." Ye Liena only said one word.    


Xia Lei moved closer to Ye Liena and said in a low voice: "Let Arresian prepare, I'm going to Italy."    


"So fast?" "Is this how it is done here?"    


"Do as I say." Xia Lei said.    


Ye Liena nodded again.    


The Villepinte Exhibition Center's International Army Weapon Exhibition would only start in ten days. The only thing they could do right now was arrange for the exhibition area. As long as Qing Caiyue was responsible for this, it would suffice. However, the trip to Italy was urgent, and he did not want to wait any longer. There was one good thing about going to Italy now, and that was that everyone still thought he was in France.    


Right now, the only problem was Jaclyn Eva and the members of the French National Gendarmerie. How to get rid of these Frenchmen's surveillance was a problem that he needed to solve.    


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