Tranxending Vision

C670 Difficulties and Countermeasures

C670 Difficulties and Countermeasures

When Xia Lei walked out of the Residence of Peace, the seven members of the Zodiac Clan s also withdrew. The group of seven members that Xia Lei had brought along had all moved, if not it would have been impossible to defeat all of An Xiuxian's men. This mission not only allowed Xia Lei to witness the terrifying power of the Zodiac Clan, he also understood that the reason his father Xia Changhe was able to survive through the double attack of the FA and CIA was not by accident, nor was it luck, but instead, was due to his strength.    


After exiting the Residence of An, everyone, including Xia Lei, wore human skin. The mask had become a different person, a different identity. Human skin. The technique of the mask was originally taught to Xia Lei by his father, Xia Changhe. It originated from the Zodiac Clan, so it had long become a necessary choice for the Zodiac Clan to carry out missions.    


Qin Xiang stayed in the Residence of An, according to the agreement between An Jinjian and himself, he had to help An Jinjian steal some things that could not be exposed to the light of day. Once those things were in his hands, An Jinjian would be able to give Pu Xiuzhen a fatal blow. This is called liberal politics. Not all voters are clean, not even honest, with votes.    


An hour later, Xia Lei arrived at Piao Taiyong's lair in Korea. It was an old, dilapidated building in the slums of Seoul, with only two floors. The upper floor was occupied, and the lower was the garage. There was also a basement, which had become the logical command center for the Korean operation.    


"We still have 30 hours." In the basement, Xia Lei said, "In this period of time, we need to find Gu Kewen and kill her. If we do not reach that goal within 30 hours, we will leave Korea. "    


30 hours later, if Xia Lei still hadn't appeared in the Grand China, the German delegation would already be present in the Rayma Military Factory. At that time, Liu Zhengnan wouldn't be able to continue acting even if he wanted to. This time, Xia Lei had even avoided the one hundred and first round, let alone letting the ZN Bureau know about it. And if Ling Hao found out that the "Xia Lei" at Shu area Branch was disguised as Liu Zhengnan, then he would be unable to explain to Ling Hao where he had gone to in the past two days or what he had done.    


He really wanted to kill Gu Kewen, but if he did not do it within 30 hours, he would retreat. He had two objectives for this trip to Korea. One was to reach an agreement with An Jinjian, and the other was to kill him. Hence, even if he could not kill Gu Kewen and had to retreat out of Korea, he could still accept this result.    


"Give me two more hours, I'll look for Gu Kewen." Amanda said.    


Her computer was always working. However, it is not easy to find someone in such a big country.    


Erdelmtu said: "Let's do something too."    


Markus used a hammer to pry open a wooden chest.    


Inside were pieces and guns, XL2500 sniper rifles and blast assault rifle. The black body of the spear shone with a cold light under the light of the lamp.    


Markus whistled, reached out and grabbed a blast assault rifle, "Boss, this is the world's most advanced blast assault rifle? I wanted one already. I've told my dad a few times, but he just won't agree. "    


Xia Lei smiled and said, "One blast assault rifle and one XL2500 sniper rifle each. In the future, when the Rayma Military Factory has the most advanced weapons and equipment, the first one to be equipped will be us. "    


"Boss, can I have an armored chariot?" Arresian said with a smile.    


Xia Lei shrugged his shoulders, "Do you want the Italian traffic police to find trouble with you?"    


Laughter filled the basement.    


The members of the Zodiac Clan were chatting and laughing as they made preparations for battle. They checked their guns and prepared ammunition and other equipment. Xia Lei also learned about these people from their idle chat and built up his relationship with them. If he wanted to lead this team, the first thing he needed to do was to join it.    


Two hours later, Amanda suddenly said, "I found her."    


Xia Lei followed him. The other members of the Zodiac Clan also joined in.    


Amanda had indeed found Gu Kewen. This was supposed to be a happy thing, but no one laughed or even said anything. This was because Gu Kewen was not in a hotel, but in the Mount Dragon's base at the US military base in Korea.    


"There are more than 2,000 Eighth Army soldiers and 700 airmen in the Mount Dragon base. There are also more than 200 Marine Corps special forces with a total strength of more than 3000 people." Amanda's voice.    


Xia Lei frowned. If Gu Kewen was in the hotel, killing him wouldn't be too complicated. However, he did not expect Gu Kewen to hide inside the American military base in Korea. Wasn't it easier to assassinate a senior CIA officer in the American military base?    


The members of the Zodiac Clan all focused on Xia Lei. Entering the Mount Dragon to assassinate Gu Kewen, this was undoubtedly a suicide mission. But once Xia Lei made his decision, they would still go. Although they came from all over the world, they viewed the honor of the Zodiac Clan as more important than their own lives.    


"Boss, if you want to assassinate Gu Kewen at the Mount Dragon base, I will start preparing the plan of action right now." Amanda said.    


Xia Lei said: "What is your plan?"    


"We can pretend to be American soldiers, American soldiers of all colors. Furthermore, we need some fake ID and our fake ID information to be embedded into the security system of Mount Dragon's military base. Then we can go into the military base in our American uniforms. " Amanda said.    


Xia Lei thought for a while but still shook his head, "It's not hard to sneak in. The hard thing is not to let the CIA's agents see through your plan, and the problem I have to face after killing Gu Kewen is the problem of retreating. Furthermore, this time when Gu Kewen came to Korea, not only were there people from the CIA, there were also people from FA. "    


Ye Liena said: "Nomosha, she must be in Korea."    


Arresian said: "The Nomosha is in Korea? We can kill her too! The first person Father killed was Nomosha, it was the best gift for him to wash his hands. "    


"I agree with Arresian's idea." Baghu said.    


"Let's do it, boss." Piao Taiyong said.    


These people were fearless people, and even the military bases of the United States could not stop them from carrying out their mission. But Xia Lei couldn't let them die for nothing. He stayed silent for a while before saying: "Let me think about it."    


Xia Lei entered into a meditative state. His brain based its assumptions on some of the resources in his possession, even the simulation, and got the results. In the eyes of others, he was just silently pondering over a problem. There wasn't anything special about him.    


"Boss, how is it?" Baghu said softly, "It was Amanda who had always been designing the plan of action. She was without a doubt the smartest one among us, she was also good at this kind of thing."    


"I don't know, I don't know much about boss." Arresian said.    


"Ye Liena, you should know your boss very well. Aren't you going to say something?" Baghu asked Ye Liena.    


"All of you, stop arguing." Ye Liena lowered his voice, "Boss is an extremely intelligent person, look at the weapons in your hands, they were all designed by him. Can he design the world's most advanced weapons, and still not a plan of action? "    


A few Zodiac Clan members immediately shut their mouths. How smart Xia Lei was, they didn't have an accurate idea in their hearts, but they knew how excellent the weapon in their hands was.    


Just then, Xia Lei suddenly said: "Piao Taiyong, find me a local phone, I want to make a call."    


Piao Taiyong was startled, "Boss, who are you calling?"    


Xia Lei replied: "Just give it to me." Then, he turned to Amanda and said, "Prepare to do something for me."    


Amanda didn't know what Xia Lei wanted her to do, but she nodded her head, "No problem."    


At the same time, at the Mount Dragon's base in Seoul.    


Cold water sprinkled down from the shower and onto Gu Kewen's head. Her skin flowed down along her face.    


Ring, ring, ring...    


A cell phone's ringtone came from outside the door.    


Gu Kewen looked in the direction of the bathroom angrily, guessing who was calling her at this time. Not many people knew her number.    


Ring, ring, ring...    


"Damn it!" Gu Kewen closed her shower, wrapped herself in a towel and walked out.    


His phone was still ringing on the table.    


Gu Kewen took his phone and looked at it. The caller ID showed that the owner of the number was the Grand China, but the number seemed to be different from the numbers provided by the various major operators in the Grand China.    


Gu Kewen flipped open the answer button, "Hello, who is it?"    


A man's voice came out of the phone, "Gu Kewen, didn't you say you want to meet her again? "Where are you?"    


"It's you!" Gu Kewen was startled for a moment, then suddenly started walking towards the door. As she walked, she said: "What? Is that how you want to meet me? "    


"We have to settle our grudges eventually. Let's talk about the time and place, I came from the Grand China to meet you."    


"You are in the Grand China?" Gu Kewen opened the door.    


Behind the door was another room with several CIA agents, not only heavily armed fighters but also technicians waiting by the computer.    


"Of course I'm in the Grand China. Where are you?"    


"I'm in Japan." Gu Kewen said as he gestured to the technical staff of the CIA for them to track the phone number that was talking to her.    


The CIA technicians quickly entered a state of work.    


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