Tranxending Vision

C655 Mysterious Package

C655 Mysterious Package

You've always wanted me to give, and I've always given, and I've never asked you for anything. This time, I have a request. You have to fulfill my request.    


These were Xia Lei's words to Tang Tianlong. He wanted to send this message to the people above through Tang Tianlong, so he wouldn't give it up for nothing this time!    


His request was actually very simple, it was ? the return of his father, Xia Changhe!    


All this time, he had been building up his achievements and fighting for the powerful military industry in Grand China. He had never asked for anything in return. Right now, the upgrade of Rayma Military Factory was complete, helldog single-military artillery was born, and more advanced heavy weapons and defense systems were about to appear. Father Xia Changhe's time was also ripe.    


This time, Sylvia's arrival was precisely the chance to make this request, and if she missed the chance, she would not be able to speak.    


Xia Lei actually didn't care about how much money he earned or how much glory he would gain. Letting his father return, living a normal life would be even more meaningful to him.    


However, before making this request, the first thing Xia Lei had to do was to find his father, Xia Changhe, and chat with him. But this was not an easy matter. His father Xia Changhe had always been a elusive person, and it was only because he wanted to see him that he appeared. He had never once seen him on his own accord.    


After placing Sylvia in Anina's room in the villa, Xia Lei started to think about how to find his father, Xia Changhe.    


"I have to talk to him. If I bring it up and the higher ups agree, but he doesn't want it, that would be bad. If he missed this opportunity, there wouldn't be a next time. Even if he doesn't agree, I still have to find a way to convince him. " Xia Lei secretly thought.    


Sylvia opened her luggage, took out a large envelope from inside, and then passed it in front of Xia Lei, "Mr. Xia, Anina asked me to pass this over to you."    


Xia Lei took the letter, and only then did he realize that there was a stack of photos inside. These photos were all about Anina, and every one of them were about her castle. There were pictures of her standing in front of the castle, and behind her, the castle was magnificent. There were pictures of her wearing a bikini beside the swimming pool inside the castle. The water in the pool was crystal clear. There was a picture of her naked at the bedside, the bed was soft and comfortable. There was also the picture of her wearing only a triangular-shaped inner garment as she stood on the viewing balcony of the castle, roasting the meat. The beef on the grill was almost eighty percent done.    


Anina had already fulfilled her wish, and she was currently living a happy life. That was enough.    


Xia Lei's mouth revealed a trace of a smile, and he kept the photos.    


"She's so happy." Sylvia said with a hint of envy in his deep blue eyes.    


"Have you and Anina become friends?" Xia Lei casually asked.    


Sylvia said: "Yes, before I came to Germany this time, I stayed at her place for a while. She talked about a lot of things regarding you."    


"What did he talk about?"    


"Don't worry." Sylvia laughed and said: "She didn't say a single word about the Rayma Military Factory's secrets. We only talked about some women's topics, feelings, life, and the like. Well, she shared her love story with me. As a woman, I envy her. "    


"You rest first, I still have something to attend to." Xia Lei turned and left.    


"Mr. Xia, can I have dinner with you?" Sylvia suddenly said.    


Xia Lei stopped walking for a while, but did not look back. "Not today, next time. Also, I have to remind you, there's our special forces guards here, all of your actions are under their surveillance, don't do anything stupid. "    


Sylvia smirked, "I'm not a child."    


Xia Lei didn't say much to her and left.    


How to find father Xia Changhe? This was a problem that he urgently needed to solve, he was not in the mood to chat with Sylvia.    


After leaving the villa, Xia Lei headed towards the car park.    


"Brother!" Xia Xue chased after him with a parcel in her arms, "Are you going out?"    


Seeing the bag in Xia Xue's hands, Xia Lei remembered what Xia Xue had told him before. His left eye moved, and before Xia Xue could give the bag to him, he saw the contents of it.    


The package contained a large pile of Russian documents and some photographs. Xia Lei didn't even have time to look at it carefully before Xia Xue had already walked to his side, "Big bro, it's this package. If you ask me to bring it over, I'll bring it to you. Look at what's inside. It's so strange. I don't know Russian, or I'd know what it is. "    


Xia Lei took the bag and said: "Don't leave the factory for the next few days. Tell the main male not to leave the Rayma Military Factory casually."    


"What happened?" Xia Xue became slightly nervous.    


Xia Lei said: "Don't worry about it, just listen to me. Remember, this is not a joke. I am serious, don't leave Rayma Military Factory. "    


Xia Xue said: "Alright, I will call the school and request for a few days leave."    


"Go back. I'll handle this package." Xia Lei said.    


"Okay, then I'll go back." Xia Xue left.    


Xia Lei got into the driver's seat of the Suburban Land Cruiser, opened his bag, and took out the documents and photos inside.    


The photos were very old, and they were all about a teenager. The boy was Chinese. One photo showed a teenager shooting two Russian soldiers with an AK-47. One photo showed a teenager training in combat. Beside him were several strong teenagers his age, both white and black. One was of a teenager standing up straight and saluting a black flag. The flag was just pitch black, with nothing on it. There were a few others, but they were all bloody and cruel.    


This youth was none other than the youth version of Xia Changhe!    


Xia Lei then looked at the documents.    


The few documents in the bag were all secret documents of the FA, the contents of the documents were different, but they were all related to Xia Changhe's mission in Grand China. Just with these documents, Xia Changhe was able to be shot ten times!    


Xia Xue did not know German well, and could not tell that the young man in the photo was her father. After all, she was just an ordinary person. She didn't even know what the FA organization was. But what Xia Lei could not understand was how could the package containing the secret documents and photos of the FA organization be sent to Xia Xue?    


"This is obviously the work of the FA organization, but if the FA organization wants to force me into submission, isn't it easier and more effective to direct it at me? They sent the parcels to Xia Xue. Could it be that they want to tell me that Xia Xue is also their target? " Xia Lei thought in her heart.    


That seemed to be the only explanation.    


Xia Lei packed the documents and photos into a bag, then started the car and left Rayma Military Factory.    


Ring, ring, ring...    


The phone suddenly rang. It was an unfamiliar number.    


Xia Lei switched his phone to Bluetooth mode, then a woman's voice came out from the sound system of the car.    


"Xia Lei, long time no see, have you been free?"    


This voice, was Gu Kewen's voice. Xia Lei remembered it even if it turned to dust.    


Xia Lei sneered, "So it's you who I thought it was. That package was from you, wasn't it? If you want to use the contents of the package to threaten me, I advise you to give up on this thought as soon as possible. "    


"It was sent by me. However, I did not threaten you. I merely felt that there were some things that you needed to see, and that they should be kept by you. After all, those things belong to your father."    


"How did you get your hands on the FA's secret files?" A trace of doubt rose in Xia Lei's heart.    


"Want to know the answer? Come to Japan and find me. I'll tell you everything. But the question is, do you dare? " Gu Kewen's tone was filled with provocation.    


Xia Lei suddenly thought of another woman, the Nomosha. Back then in Japan, the ace assassin Nomosha of the Fa organization used Gu Kewen as a bait to deal with him. Later, Long Bing killed Gu Kewen, but Gu Kewen mysteriously revived. This must be related to the Nomosha.    


"Hehe, I suddenly understand. You are probably working hard for the FA organization while bearing the CA salary, right?"    


"You really know how to make up stories. You should be a screenwriter."    


"Is Nomosha by your side? Let her talk to me! "    


"I don't know who you're talking about. I'm thinking about what would happen if the things inside the bag were to appear in Shi Boren's office. "    


He didn't say that he was a threat, but every word he said was a threat.    


"Say it, what do you want?"    


"I can't explain it over the phone. Let's meet up."    


"Sure. When and where."    


"Wait for my call." With that, Gu Kewen hung up.    


"Meet?" The corner of Xia Lei's mouth revealed a cold smile.    


He was the target of both the CIA and FA, so whether she was on the CIA's side or the FA's, her target was still him. But his goal had never changed, and that was to make Gu Kewen disappear from this world!    


Just for that reason, meeting Gu Kewen was essential.    


Tick Tick...    


An electric car suddenly burst out of the side country road. The one riding the electric car was a girl. She looked very clumsy and almost bumped into Xia Lei's car.    


Xia Lei stopped the car, and peeked his head out the window, asking with deep concern: "Are you alright?"    


The little girl stopped her car and turned to look at Xia Lei.    


It was only then that Xia Lei realized that she wasn't some little girl. Her chest was firm and firm, and his butt was big. Then his eyes moved to her face, and he saw that she was wearing a human skin. Mask. This woman was none other than his father's assistant, Ye Liena.    


It was no wonder that Xia Lei didn't recognize her. In the past, when Ye Liena appeared, he always rode on a locomotive. This time, she was riding a electric car and was dressed like a little girl. This was completely different from her style.    


Ye Liena only glanced at Xia Lei, and then, he rode the electric car and walked forward.    


No words, no chewing gum, which obviously meant he had to follow her. Xia Lei also started up the car and followed behind her from a distance.    


Ye Liena did not have to drive on the road for long, after about 5 minutes, she rode the electric car into a rural road. This road could barely fit Xia Lei's car. If there was a car in front of him, there would be no mistake. On either side of the country road were farmland, growing vegetables and food crops, and farmers working in the fields.    


Ye Liena did not stop, he continued to drive after her.    


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