Tranxending Vision

C653 The Destiny of a Chicken

C653 The Destiny of a Chicken

The hole in the ancient alloy box looked normal, normal, and only a hole formed because of a missing part. However, Xia Lei had once placed a brush inside, the result was extremely terrifying. It was right in front of them, and even though there was no movement from it, it still carried a sense of mystery within it, causing others to feel reverence for it.    


"The sky is not the sky. There is no distance. Time was not time. In the blink of an eye, a thousand years had passed. The traveler came from a distant place and time, and the sky was not his obstacle, nor could time destroy his body. He was looking for a starting point, but he was lost in the world of darkness. He almost forgot himself, the only thing he can do ? "    


Xia Lei was still thinking about that line in his mind, and the light that had appeared in his mind started to become clearer and clearer.    


A few minutes later, Xia Lei found a screwdriver and carefully placed it into the gap in the ancient alloy box.    


Last time he stuffed a neutral pen into the ancient alloy's box, he planned on doing this experiment with something stronger.    


The screwdriver was longer than the ancient alloy box, but it seemed like there was a bottomless pit inside the hole.    


When the handle of the screwdriver was only a little bit left, Xia Lei suddenly threw the screwdriver into the ancient alloy box, and then quickly retracted his hand. The screwdriver disappeared. This time, he felt a trace of energy fluctuation through the gap. This trace of energy fluctuated very quickly and disappeared in the blink of an eye. It was so fast that he wasn't sure if it was real or not.    


Xia Lei did not dawdle on this question, his gaze moving to the alloy watch. He remembered the time exactly a second after he had put the screwdriver in.    


Drip, drip, drip ?    


After the second hand moved 59 times, an energy fluctuation was suddenly released from the void. Then, the screwdriver that had just disappeared appeared. It floated silently in the void, as if an invisible tray was holding it. Its body was covered in rust, and even the plastic on its handlebars had disappeared. It felt as if it had spent a thousand years in the wind and sun.    


Pow! The screwdriver fell onto the workbench. Although it didn't turn into a pile of powder, it looked like it was only a tenth of its original size after the rust had been removed. It was also crooked and not smooth at all.    


Although he had already experienced this several times, Xia Lei's heart was still filled with fear. When a screwdriver enters, nine tenths of it becomes rust, and even the plastic handle dissolves. This must have been thousands of years ago! If a living person went in and came out, wouldn't that mean he was just a pile of bones?    


However, the inspiration Xia Lei had was to enter the ancient alloy box to see what was inside!    


The sky was not the sky. There was no distance. Time was not time. In the blink of an eye, a thousand years had passed. Wasn't that the scene described in that sentence the experiment that had just been conducted? The screwdriver disappeared from the ancient alloy box and reappeared from the void. This sky was no longer the sky, it had no distance. Furthermore, the time when the screwdriver enters the ancient alloy box for one minute, and then appears out of thin air was already over a thousand years old. This phenomenon just happened to counter the saying that time is not time, and that time is a thousand years.    


The traveler came from a distant place and time, and the sky was not his obstacle, nor could time destroy his body. This seemed to say that someone had once entered the world inside the ancient alloy box through this passage, but time had not destroyed his body.    


He was looking for a starting point, but he was lost in the world of darkness. This sentence seemed to indicate that the person was looking for something, but was lost in the world of darkness. This dark world seemed to be able to be understood as the world inside the ancient alloy box. Princess Young-mei had once described that the world inside the box was pitch-black. There was nothing at all inside, it was extremely cold. Her description was also a disguised piece of evidence.    


This was all part of Xia Lei's analysis and understanding from the peaceful words. He felt that this kind of analysis and understanding was about 80 to 90% accurate. But Serenity did not finish. The last thing Serenity said was, "He almost forgot himself, the only thing he could do," which was to say that he could not get his head around it and could not understand what she meant.    


"No matter what, I finally found the clue. I must give it a try." Xia Lei turned and left the underground laboratory.    


Ten minutes later, Xia Lei returned to the laboratory. In his hands, there was a plastic bag, which contained a cicada and a cricket. He had caught this in the green belt outside the villa. There was also a live chicken he had asked for from the canteen, but it wasn't in a plastic bag. It was in the other hand.    


"Hehe, hehe ?" The live chicken kept crowing.    


The chicken's brain was very simple, and it was hard to tell if it was afraid or not.    


The live chicken did not die immediately after entering the underground laboratory, nor did it show any signs of going crazy. However, not many people in this world had ever seen a crazy chicken before, right?    


How could Xia Lei have the mood to study the reaction of the live chicken when it was exposed to the ancient alloy? After returning to the laboratory, he grabbed the cicada and carefully inserted it into the hole on the ancient alloy box using tweezers.    


A minute later, energy fluctuations appeared in the air above the ancient alloy box. However, what appeared wasn't a cicada, but a bit of grayish-black dust.    


Then, Xia Lei put the cricket inside. The result was the same. A minute later, instead of a cricket, there was less ash.    


Obviously, the crickets and cicadas could not withstand a thousand years of weathering. When they came out, they turned to dust. It was impossible to know how long the crickets and cicadas stayed in the world inside the box, but outside the box, it only took one minute to see the results, and it ended their life.    


After pausing for a bit, Xia Lei caught the live chicken and carefully stuffed it into the hole in the ancient alloy box.    


The chicken's body was larger than the entire ancient alloy box, and it was many times bigger, but the strange thing was that the gap was like a real black hole. Any object that entered the energy field was changed and compressed, until the entire chicken was placed inside, the chicken did not touch the ancient alloy box. The feeling it gave people was, not to mention a chicken, even a car shouldn't be a problem. This was because any object that wanted to enter the gap would trigger a mysterious energy field. Once triggered, the energy field would open its mouth like a funnel, allowing it to fit in even larger objects.    


Xia Lei did not try to figure out how big of a thing the hole in the ancient alloy box could hold, but he guessed that if he wanted to go in, then he would definitely be able to do so.    


The void trembled for a moment before a pile of chicken bones and fine dust fell down. The chicken bone smashed onto the workbench and turned into dust. Not even a complete bone was left behind.    


Before making these three attempts, Xia Lei had another thought, and that was to take a risk and enter the space in the box to try. But now he flinched again. He only had one life. Although he might be able to see the truth after entering, if it was at the cost of his life, he would rather not see the truth.    


After the attempt ended, Xia Lei once again fell into deep thought, "The peaceful words are obviously a type of reminder, to let people in, but in this situation, who would dare to go in? "But if we don't go in, this clue is meaningless. Ai ?"    


With a sigh, he finally found some clues, but he didn't expect himself to be stuck in a deadlock again.    


Ring, ring, ring...    


Xia Lei's phone suddenly rang, he took out his phone and looked at it, then opened the answer button, "Male lead, speak, what's the matter?"    


"Lu Sheng will go to the office to look for you. You weren't there, so I asked him about it. I told him I was coming to contact you and he was still waiting for a reply. Would you like to let the Germans in? " Liu Zhengnan's voice.    


"How many Germans?" Xia Lei frowned, "Did Lu Sheng ask him about his identity and purpose of coming here?"    


Liu Zhengnan's voice sounded from the phone, then became clear once more, "Bro, I just asked, Lu Sheng said that it was the Ambassador of Germany who came earlier, called Phillip, and his assistant, a woman named Elita. There was also a woman whose name he did not know ? "Yes, very young."    


"I understand. I'll be right over." Xia Lei said: "Male, get Lu Sheng to let people in and bring them to my office."    


"Got it, bro" Liu Zhengnan hung up the phone.    


The corners of Xia Lei's mouth couldn't help but curl up into a smile. This was the first time Xia Xue did not stay by Liu Zhengnan's side but Liu Zhengnan called him brother. This meant that the relationship between Liu Zhengnan and his family had already developed to the point of being "half family". Liu Zhengnan had a good personality and ability. More importantly, he could tell from their last trip to Germany that Liu Zhengnan was a loyal person. When Xia Xue was together with Liu Zhengnan, he, as the older brother, was relieved.    


However, the smile on Xia Lei's face quickly disappeared. The Rayma Military Factory had just completed its overall upgrade, and the helldog single-military artillery had just appeared when the Germans came looking for them again. The reason that Phillip came was probably because of some order given by the German government.    


After a while, Xia Lei kept all the things inside and stored them in the safe.    


"Young German woman? Lu Sheng doesn't know him, but that doesn't mean he is Anina. Maybe he is a German agent or a government official? " As he left the villa and headed towards the office building, Xia Lei pondered in his heart.    


Before even reaching the office, Xia Xue ran over and said from afar: "Brother, I have something to tell you."    


"What is it?" Xia Lei laughed and said: "Don't tell me you want me to prepare a dowry for you?"    


Xia Xue's face immediately flushed red, and she tenderly hit Xia Lei on the arm, "Brother! We, We... We're not there yet. "    


"Don't lie to me, even the men have already changed their way of calling me brother. Does this mean that the two of you are already discussing when you're going to get married? Say it, no problem, I, Xia Lei, will definitely get a dowry of 1.8 billion yuan for marrying my little sister. " Xia Lei's mood improved again.    


"I won't tell you." Xia Xue was not a match for Xia Lei's teasing, he turned and ran.    


Xia Lei said: "Didn't you say you were going to tell me something? Why did you run away again? "    


Xia Xue stopped walking, "Aiyo, I forgot, it's all you!"    


"Speak, what is it?"    


"Today, I received a parcel which was sent to the school. I even went to the school to retrieve it."    


"That's it?" Xia Lei was curious.    


Xia Xue said: "It's not an ordinary package, what's inside is..."    


Without waiting for Xia Xue to finish speaking, a man's voice in German suddenly came from above, "Mr. Xia, I'm coming again. How long are you going to keep me up there? "    


Xia Xue raised her head and saw the German Ambassador, Phillip.    


Xia Xue said: "Brother, you go ahead and do some official business, I'll come talk to you later."    


Xia Lei thought for a moment, then warned: "Don't touch the contents of the bag carelessly, bring the bag to my office later."    


"Alright, I understand." Xia Xue skipped away.    


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