Tranxending Vision

C635 Shale Plan

C635 Shale Plan

After leaving the ZN Bureau, Xia Lei did not stay in the capital, he returned to Rayma Military Factory. Although he had already left that place, Ling Hao's appearance was still lingering in his mind.    


Ring, ring, ring...    


As they were walking towards the villa, Xia Lei's phone suddenly rang.    


Xia Lei thought that it was Fan Fan, but when he took out his phone and checked that it was not.    


This call was from Ling Hao.    


Ring, ring, ring...    


His cell phone rang as he continued to ponder.    


Xia Lei was still trying to figure out why Ling Hao would call him at this time.    


After the phone rang for about 30 seconds, Xia Lei picked up the call, "Hello, Brother Ling, what wind blew your phone number over?"    


"Hur hur." Ling Hao laughed, "Why are you still being so polite with me? If I want to call you, I'll call you. I'm not afraid of delaying you. "    


"To be honest, I've been quite busy recently." Xia Lei said.    


After exchanging a few pleasantries, Ling Hao said, "Xia Lei, has the upgrade of Rayma Military Factory gone smoothly?"    


"Not bad. You know I'm good at this." Xia Lei smiled and said: "I am preparing to upgrade all of Rhine Metal Corp's techniques. You will see the upgraded version of Rhine Metal Corp soon. Its name is Rayma Military Factory."    


"I'm really looking forward to it. I can't wait to see your factory."    


"Then come on, I'll cook myself tonight and have a good breakfast. We brothers will have a few drinks."    


"Hehe ?" Let's talk about it in two days. I have a job to do. I called this time because I want to ask you something. I don't know if you're willing to tell me. "    


There were hidden meanings behind Ling Hao's words.    


Xia Lei also laughed twice, "Brother Ling, look, you are treating me as an outsider now, what can't we talk about? What is it? Tell me. As long as I know, I will tell you. "    


Ling Hao remained silent for a while, before saying: "It's like this, I heard you met with some trouble. Who is causing you trouble? "Tell me, maybe I can help you get it done."    


If it wasn't for the fact that he was following Song Baicheng, hearing Ling Hao say such words at this time, Xia Lei would have definitely felt very warm and moved. However, when he saw that Ling Hao was together with Song Baicheng, he knew that Ling Hao's other identity was Mr. Z Now, after hearing Ling Hao say such words again, he didn't feel good at all, rather, it was even a little disgusted.    


However, on the surface, Xia Lei still looked grateful, "Thank you, Brother Ling. You have always been taking care of me, thank you very much."    


"Look at you, you're being polite to me again, aren't you? "Don't say such polite words. Tell me, who is the one who is causing you trouble?"    


Xia Lei was silent for a while, before saying: "It's a person called Song Baicheng. I'm not sure about his background, but I'm guessing that his origins are not small."    


"Song Baicheng, you sure are a stranger. "How do you know he has a strong background?"    


Xia Lei said, "Even the Academy's Elder Fan Yiming has to listen to him, how can his background be small?"    


"What do you know about this man?"    


Xia Lei frowned, "I asked Tang Yuyan to look into it for me, but she couldn't find anything. Song Baicheng's file had been encrypted. What I did, hehe, for that I still owe Tang Yuyan a favor. "Since I have failed to settle this matter, I still have to repay this favor. Hur Hur, I was depressed for several days about this matter."    


"Even Tang Yuyan could not find it. But don't worry about it. Leave this matter to me and I'll help you investigate. "    


"Thank you, Brother Ling. If it can be checked, then so be it. If it can't be checked, then forget it. This matter is already over. This person's background is no longer that important to me. " Xia Lei said.    


"Well, I'll try. That's it, let's talk later. " Ling Hao hung up the phone.    


However, Xia Lei was still standing there in a daze.    


The reason for Ling Hao's call was obvious, he was trying to see how much he knew about Song Baicheng and the ZN department.    


"If I tell him that I know who Song Baicheng is, that I know where the ZN Bureau is, that I even know that he is Mr. Z, what will he do?" Xia Lei couldn't help but guess in his heart, but even with his super brain, he still wouldn't be able to guess the result.    


Of course, he wouldn't be so stupid as to lay his cards on the table with ZN and Ling Hao.    


"Ling Hao? Mr. Z? Maybe it's not his real name. Just who is he? " Xia Lei could not control his brain to think about these things related to Ling Hao.    


Fan Fan came from the direction of the villa and called out from afar, "Mr. Xia!"    


Only now did Xia Lei come back to his senses. A hint of a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he then walked towards Fan Fan Fan.    


The reason why he and Fan Fan had to maintain a relationship was simple. It was a relationship that could not be made public just because Song Baicheng had left. If that was the case, the first thing Ling Hao and Song Baicheng would do would be to push Fan Fan Fan's research report down to the ground and then look for the bioengineering's scientist to study his body.    


The two special forces guards standing in front of the villa's entrance looked at Fan Fan and Xia Lei. They couldn't be sure that they didn't receive the secret order to spy on Xia Lei and Fan Fan, monitoring everything that happened here.    


Xia Lei's handling of the matter was also very cautious. He said: "Miss Fan, what business do you have with me?"    


"Well, well, I have a good idea about our research. Let's talk in your underground laboratory. " Fan's reaction was also very calm and normal.    


The two special forces guards at the door watched expressionlessly as Xia Lei and Fan Fan Fan entered the villa.    


A special forces guard said, "What's wrong with someone like Mr. Xia? Colonel, it's really him. Let's keep our eyes on Mr. Xia." Can he steal his own things? "    


Another special forces guard said, "Stop complaining, an order is an order, just carry it out."    


"Hey, tell you something. Yesterday, a sister from Rayma Military Factory asked me for a WeChat signal, he looks pretty good ? "    


"Are there any pictures? Let me see. "    


Humans all have seven emotions and six desires, and the special forces soldiers were no exception. No one can be a real machine.    


In the underground laboratory, Xia Lei closed the alloyed door that could defend against radiation, and the entire underground laboratory immediately quietened down.    


Just as he closed the door, Fan Xian suddenly entered his embrace, tightly hugging him, trembling with excitement. She had a special physique, and her actions were like a moth flying towards a flame. However, she still did not turn back.    


Xia Lei carried her and headed towards the workbench.    


"I, I just want to hug you, you, what do you want to do?" Fan Fan Fan was extremely nervous, so nervous that she didn't stop trembling. Due to her excitement, her skin started to turn red and rapidly spread.    


Xia Lei laughed, "I only wanted to hug you, if not, what do you think I wanted to do?"    


Fan Fan Xian bit his lips, "I-I changed my mind."    


"Then I've changed my mind too." Xia Lei placed Fan Fan on the work table with a stainless steel table, and lightly pushed her legs apart. He stared into her wide eyes, filled with tenderness, sweetness, and gratitude.    


He was able to survive this crisis. Without the help of the mortal world, he alone would not be able to do so. At first, he had wanted to use her to his advantage. But now, his heart was filled with gratitude. He was never one of those ungrateful people who would destroy a bridge after crossing a river, so he was willing to give Fan Fan the things he wanted.    


Half an hour later, both of them quietened down, and the underground laboratory returned to its previous tranquility. However, the smell of love still permeated the air, and he didn't want to disperse.    


In a short period of time, Fan Fan came down from the workbench, and handed her phone over to Xia Lei.    


"Why are you giving me a cell phone?" Xia Lei asked curiously.    


Fan had awakened the screen.    


Xia Lei's gaze moved to the screen, there was a photo of the research report. However, the research report on the phone was not the one that Song Baicheng took, but rather the original one that had not been deleted.    


As the finger of Fan Xian slid across the table, Xia Lei took a look at the pictures in the research report one by one.    


In these photographs, each indicator and number far exceeds that of a normal human being, and some even reach a point of heaven-defying proportions.    


Finally, Fan Fan's finger stopped at a photo.    


This photo had data on Xia Lei's IQ test, but it was not 298, but 998.    


This number was almost three to five times the value that Song Baicheng and Ling Hao knew of!    


"You ?" Xia Lei could not guess what the mortal wanted to do.    


Fan Fan then said, "You ?" "What is it?"    


Xia Lei was startled, "What else can a man be?"    


"No, you are ?" He paused for a moment, then said, "God."    


"Are you kidding?" Xia Lei laughed.    


"The information recorded by your gene chain proves that you are evolving in an absolutely perfect direction. I have never seen such a perfect body. Your brain, it's even faster and more useful than today's computers. You are not a god, but what do you mean? "    


Xia Lei became silent. His secret was still unable to be hidden from the extremely rare bioengineering scientist. Although he had tried his best to weaken his body's reaction when cooperating with her to do those research, the results hadn't changed.    


"Also, even your essence ? Son, they also have a heaven-defying ability. They contain the genetic blueprints you've inscribed, but because they're so powerful, they start killing each other the moment they leave your body. It's almost impossible for you to get a woman pregnant. It's simply... I can't describe it. "    


"Fan Fan, can you keep this a secret for me?" Xia Lei was facing reality.    


"Sure, but I have a condition." Fan Fan blinked his large eyes, and a sly smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.    


"What condition?"    


"Give me a child. I want to conceive your child. I can't imagine how smart or strong your child is, but I know that he must be a unique genius! "    


"I promise you." Xia Lei laughed bitterly, "However, since you are clear about this situation, I do not know if I can make you ? "Pregnant."    


"Have you forgotten what I do? I am an expert in bioengineering, I will find a way to get me pregnant, I have decided, I will start my new research project now, Little Thunder Plan! "    


Xia Lei, "..."    


Fan Xian stared at Xia Lei, his soft lilac tongue slipping out of the corner of his mouth. He lightly pursed his lips and then said, "Have you rested? I'm going to take a sample. "    


Xia Lei, "..."    


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