Tranxending Vision

C630 first face-to-face confrontation

C630 first face-to-face confrontation

The mysterious ZN Bureau brought Xia Lei a crisis. This crisis was within his expectations, and he just came early. Before Song Baicheng had arrived, Xia Lei was fighting alone, but now, he had a comrade.    


The next day, in the laboratory on the first floor of the villa.    


"Mr. Xia, thank you for your cooperation. That's it for now. I'll come and find you when I need your help. " Fan Fan said to Xia Lei expressionlessly.    


Xia Lei took off the electrical cables sticking to his skin, quickly put on his clothes, and left the laboratory. Throughout the entire process, he didn't say a single word to Fan Fan.    


Of course, this was all done for Song Baicheng to see. When Song Baicheng arrived, this laboratory had installed a surveillance camera. He could see the scene where Fan Xian worked.    


Just after Xia Lei left Fan Fan Xian's laboratory, Song Baicheng and Fan Yiming bought Fan Xian's laboratory.    


Fan Fan was in the midst of organizing the information on Xia Lei's body that he had just gathered. When Song Baicheng and Fan Yiming came in, she only raised her head to take a glance, before focusing on her work again.    


"Mr. Song, Xia Lei is a very smart person, he immediately cooperated with you the moment you came here." Fan Yiming said.    


"He really is a very smart person. Don't you think that her intelligence is too outrageous?" As he was speaking, Song Baicheng walked to the front of Fan Fan Xian's table and looked at his work.    


Fan Fan stopped what he was doing, "Mr. Song, you are interfering with my work. If there's nothing else, please leave this place. "    


Song Baicheng frowned slightly, Fan Xian's attitude obviously made him uncomfortable, but he did not express it out loud. He smiled, "Alright, you are the most talented person in the field of bioengineering, I believe in your ability to work. I'm just here to see how your job is going. Well, by the way, can you get it done in a week? "    


Fan Fan Xian indifferently said, "If I can't do it, then there's probably no one in the country who can. A week, no problem. I'll give you a study in a week's time that will satisfy you. "    


"Alright, just keep busy." Song Baicheng turned and left.    


Only then did Fan Yiming speak out, "Fan Fan, how can you use this kind of attitude to speak to Mr. Song?"    


Fan Fan looked at Fan Yiming, "Is there something wrong with my attitude? I'm a researcher and I'm responsible for my work, so I don't have to fawn over an unknown person. "    


"You ?" Fan Yiming was a little angry, but he didn't know what to say. Then, he turned around and left as well.    


In the hallway, Song Baicheng said: "Elder Fan, there is no need to bother about your attitude. I am not one of those people from the government, your reputation is more important than anything else. I want results, not face. Anyone who is the most talented scientist in the bioengineering in our country will believe in her ability, and that will be enough. "    


Fan Yiming sighed softly, "Sigh, it's all my fault for spoiling him with her parents. This child, he doesn't know how to talk, and his ability to handle matters is weak as well."    


"Forget it, let's not talk about this anymore. I'm going to Xia Lei's workshop to take a look. Old Fan, do you want to go with me?"    


"Alright, let's go to the place where Xia Lei works. I'd like to see how he works. " Fan Yiming said.    


Just as Fan Yiming and Song Baicheng were about to leave the villa, in the laboratory, Fan Fan Xian was looking at the set of data on the apparatus with a surprised expression, as if he was looking at a cat that had wings that could fly.    


However, this shocked expression only lasted for a very short period of time, to the point that it was only a few blinks of an eye. Then, she returned to her previous state, calm and focused, a standard working state.    


However, her heart was in turmoil. "Under the inducement of tiny stimuli, his brain's Y wave frequency exceeds 300HZ, which is almost ten times that of an ordinary person! Moreover, this was only a weak inductive stimulus. If he was extremely focused on something, or was in a battle state, just how strong would his brain waves be ? My God, what a brain he has! "    


In her mind, she suddenly recalled the scene of Xia Lei using chalk at the Academy to calculate the difficult problems in chemistry. At that time, Xia Lei calmly stood in front of the blackboard, holding his brush like it was flying. Even if there were some parts that needed a calculator's assistance, he would write out the answers without thinking. The speed of his calculations was astonishing. Thinking back now, it was not by chance, if Xia Lei did not have such an extraordinary brain, how could he have reached such a level!    


He single-handedly developed the XL2500 sniper rifle and blast assault rifle, and he also single-handedly created Raylong intelligent machine tool s. He could even process extremely precise parts that the entire world could not process at the moment ?    


After being stunned for a long time, a thought surfaced in her heart, "Don't tell me that the person I fell in love with was a super brainer? No, no, this title isn't suitable for me. I should use 'Superman' to describe him." Wait, Superman? Pah pah, what am I thinking? He's my boyfriend... Even though, I can't reveal our relationship now... I should do something for him. "    


Her mind was as special as her physique, but her movements were unambiguous. She skillfully manipulated the instrument to change the abnormal data on it.    


What she didn't know was that her every move was being observed by Xia Lei.    


Just as the data was being changed, at the back of the villa, Xia Lei withdrew his gaze from the panoramic view and ran towards the new workshop like a cat. He had to enter the new workshop before Song Baicheng and Fan Yiming arrived at the new workshop.    


When Xia Lei returned to the new workshop, Song Baicheng and Fan Yiming had not yet arrived.    


The scene of Fan Fan changing the numbers appeared in Xia Lei's mind, as a hint of a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.    


Previously, during the laboratory test on his brain, he had actually been able to control his thoughts and make his brain less responsive to the stimulation of the apparatus and the mortal world. But he didn't. He wanted her to see something real, then observe her reaction.    


If Fan Xian did not change the test data, then his plan of using a beauty trap would fail, and he would have to carefully deal with the rest of it. However, judging from his reaction, the beautiful man trap that he had set up was a success, and a considerable one at that. This also increased his confidence that he could pass through this crisis according to his original plan. This was because with the help of Fan Fan, he had more options.    


In addition, he had another goal. That was to properly let anyone come into contact with his extraordinary brain. She liked men with high IQ, and this would help him conquer her heart even further. Only by making her wholeheartedly fall in love with him would she be able to wholeheartedly help him!    


Love makes a woman blindly obedient, and that's what he wants.    


At this time, Fan Yiming's voice came out from the system, "Mr. Xia, are you inside? We'd like to come in and have a look, if you please. "    


Xia Lei casually grabbed a cloth that was soaked in machine oil, wiped it on his body and hands randomly, and then went to open the door.    


"I'm sorry, Mr. Xia. Sorry for disturbing your work." Song Baicheng said a few polite words.    


Xia Lei said: "It's fine, please come in."    


Fan Yiming followed Song Baicheng into the new workshop, and the door automatically closed.    


"Mr. Xia, your confidentiality measures are pretty good." Song Baicheng said.    


Xia Lei said: "Mr. Song, if you were not Elder Fan's student, I would not have let you in. Do you know what I'm doing here? Let me tell you, when I create a second generation of Raylong intelligent machine tool here, it would surpass the Raylong intelligent machine tool of the previous generation. Once out, it will become the world's unique super integrated intelligent machine tool. Not only can it increase the productivity and manufacturing standard of our Rayma Military Factory, it can even become a respectable business card made by us. "    


"Mr. Xia, you are really something." Fan Yiming sighed: "Although I study materials and materials science, but I also know the difference between our country's manufacturing industry and Europe and the United States, you have completely erased this difference, and have even walked in front of Europe and America's manufacturing industry. Just with your XL2500 sniper rifle, blast assault rifle and Raylong intelligent machine tool, you made me sigh to myself. "    


Xia Lei laughed, "Elder Fan, you're too courteous."    


Fan Yiming said: "I'm not being polite. The achievements that you have obtained have already surpassed the achievements of my entire life. Not to mention those scum who only know how to do research on paper to swindle funds out of money. You are a doer of the practical world, and all of your things have brought tangible benefits to this country. "    


Xia Lei observed the change in Song Baicheng's expression from the corner of his eyes.    


Song Baicheng's expression did not change in the slightest, he only listened to Fan Yiming's praise for him, and it was a kind of indifferent attitude.    


Xia Lei felt a little uncomfortable in his heart, but he didn't show it on the surface. He smiled and said: "Haha, Elder Fan, not everyone agrees with my work and achievements. Some people drink their milk and think about the taste of the beef. They probably already have the intention of slaughtering the cows and eating the meat. "    


Song Baicheng's expression finally changed. He looked at Xia Lei, and said indifferently: "Mr. Xia, what do you mean by this?"    


Xia Lei replied: "Nothing much, just a bit of a sigh."    


Song Baicheng said, "It's best not to say out some of your regrets, because emotions itself doesn't have any power. They can't change anything."    


Xia Lei laughed, "Mr. Song's insights are indeed unique, there is a certain amount of logic to it. However, I, Xia Lei am not an indecisive, sentimental weakling. What I want to do, I do. No one can force me to do what I don't want to do. "    


"Mr. Xia, there is no doubt that you are a very powerful person. Your ability has already surpassed everyone I know. However, you are still a person after all. There is always a limit to your strength. I take the liberty to ask, when faced with an absolutely powerful external force, can you still do something like this that no one can force you to do? " Song Baicheng's eyes revealed a tinge of provocation.    


Xia Lei shrugged his shoulders, "Mr. Song, then do you think that a person like me needs to look at others' faces and do things? I think there is a limit to everything. I am tolerant of some people and things, but there is a limit to my patience. "    


"What would you do if someone or something went beyond your limit?"    


"Hur hur. I think I'll have a lot of options, and immigration may be a choice. I believe it's not difficult to find a suitable place in the world for me. The United Arab Emirates, Argentina, Russia, Sweden, Canada, whatever. After all, I have too much in my possession that they would dream of. "    


Song Baicheng originally had a trace of a smile on his face, but when he heard Xia Lei say that they were immigrants, the smile on his face immediately disappeared.    


Indeed, with such a talent like Xia Lei, as long as he wanted to emigrate, there were almost no countries that would not be willing to accept him. Not all the countries in the world were allies of the United States. If there were countries that were willing to provide political protection for Snowden who was listening in on the door, then there would definitely be countries that were willing to accept Xia Lei. Moreover, with the technology that Xia Lei possessed, his value was tens of thousands of times greater than Snowden's!    


"Hur hur, you guys are talking too far." Fan Yiming seemed to have felt the tension between the two, and he hurriedly rushed out to save the situation, "Mr. Xia, you busy yourself. We're only here for a tour, you don't have to greet us like that. "    


"Un, alright then. You can take a look. I have to get to work." Xia Lei walked towards the arena where second generation of Raylong intelligent machine tool were assembled.    


This was his first direct confrontation with Song Baicheng in the ZN game, but he had slightly defeated his opponent!    


Surpass my bottom line?    


Fine, I will make you short on money!    


This was the signal Xia Lei had sent to him!    


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