Tranxending Vision

C656 Reuter Squadron

C656 Reuter Squadron

At the end of the country road was a village, which was half an hour later. This place was no longer within the boundaries of White Deer Town. It was a very remote place, and Xia Lei had never come here before.    


A firewood dog barked at Xia Lei's Suburban Land Rover. It looked very ferocious. After Xia Lei pressed his horn, it ran away. In front, Ye Liena rode on his electric car and followed a smaller path on the hillside. Xia Lei was no longer able to drive on this road. He got out of the car and climbed up on foot.    


Ye Liena still did not stop, and she quickly disappeared along the small path covered by trees. Xia Lei climbed for a few hundred metres and saw a small farmyard. There were a few green-tiled houses and a courtyard wall. Behind the house was a lush bamboo forest, and beyond that was an even denser forest.    


The door to the farmhouse was shut tight. The paint on the door was almost all gone, black, white, and red. However, the color was not bright. It had a sense of being worn down by the elements for decades. Xia Lei walked over, and without knocking, he immediately pushed open the door, because he had long since seen the situation behind the courtyard door.    


In the courtyard, Ye Liena was standing behind a middle-aged man. The middle-aged man had a black and yellow face and a pair of large hands that were full of calluses. He looked just like a farmer. But Xia Lei knew, he was not a farmer, he was his father, Xia Changhe. Her father was just like Ye Liena, who wore a piece of human skin on his face. Mask.    


Xia Lei could not help but smile. He was still worried that he wouldn't be able to find his father Xia Changhe, but he didn't expect that the moment he wanted to see him, he would appear. Every time.    


"Dad, have you always lived here?" Xia Lei closed the door and walked up.    


Xia Changhe opened his arms and hugged Xia Lei. He strongly patted Xia Lei's back and said, "The FA and CIA are chasing me everywhere. Where is the safest place? Grand China, of course. I've had my eye on this place since you came back from Germany. The owner of the house moved into the city. They didn't want this place anymore, so I rented it out. This place is very close to you. If you have any plans, I can come and support you as soon as possible. "    


"I really didn't expect you to be by my side." Xia Lei could not help but smile.    


Ye Liena said, "Normally, when I have nothing to do, I would stay in White Deer Town to gather your information. I know almost everything that's happened to you, as well as your father. Otherwise, why do you think I would appear at this time today? "    


"You already know what happened?" Xia Lei was a little surprised.    


Ye Liena suddenly put his finger in his mouth and whistled loudly.    


Xia Lei suddenly realized something as he turned around to look in the direction of the courtyard door. The door panel disappeared from his left eye and he saw a young man in a security uniform walking towards him with a package in his arms. What surprised him was that the package was the one Xia Xue had given to him, and he did not take it down when he was going up the mountain just now. Then, his gaze fell upon the young man's face, and he suddenly froze.    


That young man was actually one of Rayma Military Factory's security guards, a subordinate of Lu Sheng. Xia Lei remembered his name, he was Erdelmtu, a Mongolian. Previously, when Rayma Military Factory expanded his recruitment process for the security guards, he prioritised it as he had experience of leaving the army. Who would have thought that such an ordinary worker would appear in front of him in such a way!    


Erdelmtu pushed open the door and walked in. Seeing Xia Lei, he lowered his head, and said with an ashamed expression: "Chairman Xia, I'm sorry ? ? I work for your father. "    


Xia Lei laughed bitterly, he wanted to say something, but he could not say it out.    


Fortunately, he was working for his father, Xia Changhe. If he was working for the FA or the CIA, it would be terrible.    


Erdelmtu handed the package over to Xia Changhe.    


Xia Changhe opened it up and looked at it a few times, then sneered, "They finally used me to threaten you. It seems like no matter if it's FA or CIA, their patience has already been completely cleaned up by you."    


Xia Lei said: "This parcel was sent by Gu Kewen. I suspect that she is a double-sided spy. Back then, when Long Bing killed Gu Kewen in Japan, the Nomosha took her corpse away. Gu Kewen will be resurrected. The person who saved her can only be the Nomosha. "    


Xia Changhe glanced at Erdelmtu, and said: "You can go back down, and watch the outside."    


Erdelmtu nodded his head, turned and left the farmhouse's small courtyard.    


Xia Lei asked: "Dad, is he reliable?"    


Xia Changhe said: "If he wasn't reliable, he would have died a long time ago. I knew him more than a decade ago, when he was only nine. His mother was very ill and his father broke his leg at the construction site. I paid to cure his mother and help him to read. Every winter I go to Mongolia and train him myself. "    


Xia Lei couldn't help but look at Ye Liena, who was also the Russian version of Erdelmtu. Looks like his father Xia Changhe was really good at cultivating his own strength in this way.    


"Dad, how many more of these people do you have?" Xia Lei asked, he was very curious about this.    


Xia Changhe replied, "Twelve. I don't need hundreds of people. I just need teams that are always elite, teams that are capable of doing any kind of mission. They are spread all over the world, and they are gone as soon as they are summoned. They were all trained by me personally, but each of them had their own area of expertise. It could be said that they were all people that I had carefully selected. The one who just left, his code name is ? Tiger. "    


Xia Lei suddenly felt that his father was really an old shark who hid his strength well!    


Xia Changhe stepped aside, and pointed at Ye Liena, "Her code name is Chicken."    


"Chicken?" Xia Lei never thought that Ye Liena would actually have such a codename at his father's place.    


"Rats, cows, tigers, rabbits, dragons, snakes, horses, sheep, monkeys, chickens, dogs, pigs." Xia Changhe said, "Their code name is one of the Twelve Zodiac Temples. The one that was killed by Liang Siyao is a pig."    


Xia Lei could not forget that woman. In Hai Zhu, Liang Siyao had killed her with her sniper rifle. At that time, she was being revealed to him, revealing Liang Siyao's true identity.    


"Yevgenia is dead." Pausing for a moment, Xia Lei then asked: "Is there anyone who can replace her?"    


"Of course."    




Xia Changhe laughed, "I will temporarily keep her secret, but when the time comes, you will definitely know. You have to remember, this Zodiac Clan is the only present I, as a father, can take out. "Now, I'll give you this team. From now on, they'll listen to your orders."    


Xia Lei was stunned on the spot.    


He was very clear that Zodiac Clan played a very important role in helping his father Xia Changhe survive the global pursuit of the CIA and FA. Also, for Father Xia Changhe to be able to gather information from all over the world, it was undoubtedly because of this Zodiac Clan. This Zodiac Clan was his possession talisman, but now he gave it to him.    


The love of a father is like a mountain. Xia Lei's eyes were already starting to tear up, "Dad, you've given me the team that you've painstakingly built up, what are you going to do?"    


Xia Changhe sighed, "You came out to find me in such a rush, how could I not know what you are thinking? Didn't you build so many contributions just to exchange for me a peace, an old age where you can carry your grandson around the park? I'm getting old, and it's time to drop the line of fire. But your path has just begun, so this Zodiac Clan can help you. "    


He couldn't hide anything from his father. Old sharks were old sharks.    


"Dad, do you agree?"    


"I don't agree, wouldn't it be a waste if you paid so much? Xia Xue that girl is probably going to forget about me. If I don't go home now, she won't be able to recognize me. She's going to be married to that Liu Zhengnan brat, right? I don't want to miss her wedding. " Xia Changhe's eyes were filled with tranquility and hope.    


No father would be willing to miss out on their daughter's wedding, even if it was a Shark ranked father like Xia Changhe.    


Xia Lei could not help but reveal an excited smile, "That's good then. I can make a request to the higher ups, I've paid so much, and I'm the only one with this request. They have no reason to not agree to my request."    


Ye Liena was a little worried: "Then why did you tell those people about your father's identity?"    


Xia Lei laughed, "That's not important, the most important thing is that he is my father. If they don't, they'll repent their guts. "    


Xia Changhe replied: "I am not worried about that. What I am worried about is the FA. With the FA's style, they would never send you a package to blackmail you. "    


Xia Lei said: "If they attack and I attack, I will make them regret it. This time, I have to kill Gu Kewen no matter what. "    


"You don't have any proper bodyguards by your side, take Ye Liena with you. Her marksmanship was very good, and she was best at eliminating potential dangerous targets. Do you know why her code name is chicken? A chicken can eat insects hidden in the grass. " Xia Changhe said.    


Xia Lei looked at Ye Liena, "Are you willing to follow me?"    


The corner of Ye Liena's mouth slightly rose, "Because of your father, I can do anything for you."    


Xia Lei laughed, "Alright, I am currently lacking a secretary, you can take it."    


He initially wanted the HR Department to recruit secretaries for her, but with Ye Liena, he no longer needed to recruit other secretaries.    


Xia Changhe said: "You've already met two members of the Zodiac Clan, there are ten that you haven't seen yet. When my business is settled, I will gather them to meet with you. I'm going to announce it in front of them. "    


"Will the man with the codename Pig come?" Xia Lei asked.    


Xia Changhe patted Xia Lei's shoulder, and laughed: "Don't worry, when the time comes, you will know who she is."    


Xia Lei couldn't help but guess the identity of this "pig", but it was a pity that he couldn't.    


"Ye Liena, you follow Xia Lei back. From now on, you're his man. As his secretary, you don't have to hide your head and tail, just take off your mask. " Xia Changhe said.    


Ye Liena didn't say anything and only nodded his head. Then, she took off the human skin on her face. The mask revealed his true face. He had blonde hair, blue eyes, and long legs. She was very sexy, but he gave off a very dangerous feeling.    


Xia Lei also understood that the reason why such a dangerous character like Ye Liena was willing to obey him was still because of his father, Xia Changhe. Although his father had "washed his hands of gold," these people would still listen to his orders. Therefore, as long as his father was still alive, the members of the Zodiac Clan would stand by his side and listen to his commands!    


This was the first time Xia Lei felt that his fist had become hard in the face of the threat from the CIA and FA.    


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