Tranxending Vision

C616 Ignored clues

C616 Ignored clues

Before they could even get close, a guard stopped Xia Lei and Fan Fan Fan from entering. Xia Lei and Fan Xian walked forward for a distance before they saw an entrance. It was a man-made tunnel, paved with gravel that slanted downwards. At the end of the passageway was an arched stone door. The stone door had already been opened, and a paved passageway extended underground. Lights were lit in the passage, but the end couldn't be seen.    


"Grandfather and I did this three times, but we didn't find anything." After entering the passage behind the stone door, Fan Fan said this. Her voice echoed through the tunnel, accompanied by the sound of her high heels hitting the stone floor.    


"Have you been to the undeveloped areas?" Xia Lei asked.    


"Nope." Fan Fan Fan said, "Some of the undeveloped areas are covered by mud, while others are soaked in water. There's no way to go there."    


"This place was discovered two years ago. I know that it hasn't been fully developed yet. Why is that?"    


Fan Xian thought for a moment, "Probably because of the reservoir." This tomb is right next to the reservoir, and the terrain is also under it. If we rashly excavate some places, the water in the reservoir will flood over, and then it would be impossible to save it even if we wanted to. "    


The two chatted as they walked, unknowingly entering the ancient tomb.    


This was a huge ancient tomb, and the space at the end of the passage looked like a palace hall. It was extremely wide, and there were dozens of stone pillars supporting the dome. There were dozens of stone statues in the hall, some officers on horseback, some soldiers on foot. The sculptures were beautifully crafted, and their facial expressions were vivid and lifelike.    


There was an arched stone door at the front and left of the hall, and behind the stone door were tunnels that led forward.    


"The Princess Young-mei's tomb is in that direction." Fan Xian raised his hand and pointed towards the stone door in front of Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei took a glance, and then moved his gaze to a stone door at the side, "Where is behind that?"    


Fan Fan said, "It's also a tomb chamber, but it's filled with slaves that will accompany the burial. There are also places that store antiques and antiques." Then she pointed to the other side, "The situation over there is the same. This place is very wide and the terrain is very complicated. The first time I came, I was shocked by it. How is this a princess' tomb, it's simply an underground palace. "    


Xia Lei's heart stirred as he thought to himself, "Such a large scale, even Zhu Di's imperial tomb is only this big. It's not normal for a princess' grave to be so large." Could it be that this place is really related to the legendary Forever's Treasure? "    


He didn't know if the archaeologists had thought of this possibility, but it wasn't out of the question.    


Entering the stone door at the front, Xia Lei and Fan Fan took about five minutes to walk through the passage at the east side. It was a very grand and beautiful tomb, and every stone block in the tomb was carved with flowers. In the middle of the tomb, there was a white jade coffin. The lid of the coffin was open, but there was nothing inside. The archaeologists had already taken everything that could be taken away, including the ashes from the Princess Young-mei's splendor.    


"Every place here has been carefully examined. The archaeologists have even knocked on every brick, but they haven't found anything." Fan Fan said.    


Archaeologists have knocked on every brick, showing how carefully the inspection was done.    


Xia Lei said: "I'll just casually take a look."    


"Mm, I'll wait for you. After you've seen this place, I'll bring you somewhere else." Fan Fan said.    


Xia Lei slowly walked around the oval shaped tomb, while walking, his left eye's ability had already quietly awakened. He first took a look at the four walls of the tomb. He then looked through the vault and the floor of the tomb. He could see as deep as he wanted.    


He was disappointed that the four walls and the dome of the tomb had been subterranean with the treated soil, the protective layer of lime, glutinous rice, and clay. This protective layer was very common in ancient tombs. It could prevent termites and seepage of water, as well as seal the air and prevent corpses from rotting.    


Excessive use of clairvoyance made Xia Lei's body show signs of fatigue. He held the jade coffin with his hands and closed his eyes, waiting for the recovery.    


"Brother Lei, what's wrong?" Fan Fan came over, his tone filled with concern.    


Xia Lei opened his eyes, and was shocked by the scene in front of him. He no longer saw Fan Fan in a shirt and short skirt, but Fan in a transparent thong and a bra. The white muslin couldn't even cover the important parts of her body. The most beautiful parts of her body were all exposed to him with 80% visibility. He was plump, firm, white as jade, lush, winding, mysterious and alluring.    


However, this was not the reason he was shocked. The reason he was scared was because Fan was holding a gun with a silicone toy in his hand. His face also had that mischievous smile. Wasn't the toy in her hand, and her smirk, a hint that he was playing the game of changing characters?    


"Brother Lei, you ?"    


"Don't come near me!"    


"Ah?" What's the matter with you? " Not only did Fan not leave, he even grabbed onto Xia Lei's arm. Xia Lei's reaction made her even more nervous.    


Xia Lei shook his head with all his might, and only then did he regain consciousness. Van in transparent underwear disappeared, and her short-sleeved shirt and skirt returned to her body.    


"You ?" Fan Fan stared straight at Xia Lei, and probed: "Brother Lei, did you hallucinate something just now?"    


These words immediately cleared Xia Lei's mind. Only now did he realize that the woman in front of him was no ordinary person, but an expert of bioengineering. She could make speculations based on his reaction, and her speculations were supported by her own expertise!    


From this point of view, if he were to use a sniper rifle to kill a target three thousand meters away, if Fan was present, she would have guessed that his eyesight far exceeded that of an ordinary person!    


Although she seemed cute and playful, as well as having a special physique, she was actually a regular tree that was installed within his body. A bomb could explode at any moment!    


"Looks like I have to be careful of her. I can't show off my extraordinary ability in front of her, or else she'll suspect something. She was going to study my body, and if I showed her an ability far beyond ordinary people, it would be like showing her the direction of her research. Not only can I not do that, I have to try to sabotage her research. " Xia Lei secretly thought in his heart.    


"Brother Lei, speak, do you feel uncomfortable anywhere?" Fan Fan asked with concern.    


Xia Lei laughed, "It's alright, I was joking with you just now. "Aiyo, your legs are covered in mud, let me pat you."    


Without waiting for Fan Xian to react, Xia Lei reached out and slapped her thigh. The movement of his palm was very fast, but when it landed on Fan Fan Fan's thigh, it stopped and changed the motion to 'touch'.    


"Ah, you." Fan Fan's face immediately turned red, and his body trembled slightly.    


Xia Lei pretended to pat her thigh, but his strength and pause in time had nothing to do with slapping her.    


Fan Fan's reaction was very intense. She bit her cherry lips, and her two large eyes looked as if they were about to spit water. She glared at Xia Lei in embarrassment and anger, but her eyes seemed to be staring at a delicious cake.    


After successfully diverting everyone's attention, Xia Lei immediately retracted his hand and said hypocritically: "Alright, it's done."    


Fan Fan looked down at her legs, and saw a dirty palm print on them. Then, she looked at Xia Lei speechlessly.    


"Uh, sorry, I must have got my hands dirty somewhere. I'll pat you again. " Xia Lei extended his hand over again.    


"Don't, don't touch me!" Fan Fan nervously dodged.    


Xia Lei shrugged his shoulders, "I'll keep watching, then we'll go somewhere else."    


Fan Fan Fan didn't pay any attention to him, but a trace of embarrassment and annoyance still remained in his big, black eyes. She had been carried out of the high and all for no apparent reason when she came, and now here he was again. She wasn't some silly girl, she could see that Xia Lei's actions earlier were a little intentional.    


Xia Lei pretended not to see it, and his attention quickly shifted to the floor tiles.    


Every tile in the tomb had a pattern, some words, some animals, some irregular lines, some faces of people. There were no rules for the safety of these patterns. It was as if the craftsmen of the past had inlaid them randomly on the ground.    


No, no matter what, it is still the Princess Young-mei's grave. She is the daughter of the Emperor Yongle, how can her tomb be so inattentive? Xia Lei secretly thought: "But it does not seem to be very particular about it. Why is that so? Could it be ? Someone did it on purpose? "    


The unavoidable situation was not that particular. If it wasn't because it was convenient for the craftsmen to get lazy, then it was because there was another reason.    


Obviously, the possibility of craftsmen slacking off was close to zero. After all, this was a feudal dynasty where the undead who desecrate princesses are exterminated. Who would dare? Excluding the first one, there was only the second one left.    


After eliminating the first possibility, Xia Lei's left eye swept across every single tile and his brain simultaneously entered the extraordinary mode. Every tile that had been "scanned" by his left eye appeared in his brain, piece by piece, until the last.    


There were a total of 999 floor tiles in the tomb chamber. The patterns and contents of each floor tile were different. The words, lines and patterns on the floor tiles continuously lined up in Xia Lei's mind.    


The result of combining the pieces one by one appeared in Xia Lei's mind, but was once again overturned by him.    


Fan Xian looked at Xia Lei strangely. In her eyes, Xia Lei was walking around the tomb, occasionally smiling, but he quickly became silent, as though he had a lot on his mind. She felt that Xia Lei was a little abnormal, but she couldn't guess what he was doing.    


Ten minutes passed.    


"Brother Lei, can you not walk around? My eyes are blurry. " Fan Xian finally couldn't help but break the silence of the tomb.    


At this time, Xia Lei stopped in his tracks, and a smile suddenly appeared on his face.    


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