Tranxending Vision

C576 Stealing a chicken is not enough to eat rice

C576 Stealing a chicken is not enough to eat rice

From the time Sylvia drank the beer to him falling onto the ground, less than thirty seconds had passed. This was not an ordinary sleeping pill, but a highly effective pill that could knock people unconscious.    


Just from this point, Xia Lei was almost certain that Sylvia had another identity other than being the Chief Mechanic of the Rhine Metal.    


Sylvia who was lying on the sofa had her legs spread wide open, her posture was not refined at all. The black Ding Ding had been exposed in Xia Lei's field of vision without any concealment. It was tightened but had deviated a little, revealing some content that should not have been revealed, which was very alluring.    


Her sexiness was a fatal temptation to any man. Right now, this was precisely the situation, she had already fainted and did nothing, yet Xia Lei found it difficult to walk out from his excitement and impulsiveness to do anything to her.    


Xia Lei moved closer and whispered into Sylvia's ears: "Miss Sylvia, what's wrong?"    


Sylvia didn't have any reaction.    


Xia Lei touched her carotid artery for a bit, and then, he checked her breathing. When he determined that she wasn't in any life-threatening danger, he stretched out his hand and helped her tidy up that black colored Ding. Finally, he got up and went to her study.    


No matter what identity this Sylvia had, he had to open the safe. The reason was simple, no matter if Sylvia was a CIA agent or a free agent for FA, she was still the Chief Mechanic of Rhine Metal, and she had real skills. The duel with her a week ago was a proof of that.    


When he passed by the door of Sylvia's room, he heard a "gu gu gu" sound coming from her room. It was the sound of his cell phone ringing.    


Xia Lei's heart was moved, he turned and entered Sylvia's room. He quickly found the BlackBerry in his windbreaker. When he woke up his phone, he saw a text message.    


Text message: Baby, is it done yet?    


The owner of the text message was deemed by Sylvia to be "My beloved", and the number was a number from the United States.    


Xia Lei then opened his phone's mailbox, and saw more "my beloved" and the content that Sylvia was using short messages to communicate with each other.    


My Beloved: Baby, I'm in some trouble, you have to help me.    


Sylvia: Darling, what kind of trouble did you run into?    


My Beloved: Baby, really, this time if it doesn't work out well, I'll be killed by them.    


Sylvia: My god, what are you saying? What kind of trouble are you in?    


My Beloved: Baby, I can't tell you now. His name is Xia Lei, find a way to get close to him and bring him to your house.    


Sylvia: Darling, what are you saying? Do you want me to go to bed with him? How can you talk to me like that!    


My love: No no, my darling, I love you, how could I let you go to bed with another man? I'll give you a pill, if you just seduce her a little, then put it in the wine and let him drink it.    


Sylvia: I can't do it. He's very smart, and he has bodyguards.    


My Beloved: My darling, you are so beautiful, so sexy, no man does not like you. You only need to seduce him a little. One of his weaknesses was that he was lustful.    


Sylvia: Tell me why, otherwise I won't do it.    


MY DEAR LOVE: All right, I'll tell you. He had something from our lab that he stole. I'm responsible for this. If I don't get those things back, I'll be killed. Please, help me, my darling, will you watch me die?    


Sylvia: What is it?    


My Love: Baby, please believe me, I can't tell you now, but I'll tell you when I get it. When this is over, we'll go to Greece and relax.    


Sylvia: Alright, I'll help you.    


My Beloved: He will faint soon after he drinks the wine. Send me a message that someone will come in and take him away. Then you don't do anything. Go out and have a drink. If anyone asks you where he's been, say you don't know. You drink in a bar.    


Sylvia: I'll remember, let's do it this way. Wait for my good news, dear.    


The exchange of text messages between the two ended here.    


Xia Lei also understood in his heart. This Sylvia was not a secret service agent from the IA or FA, she was just a woman who was being used. And using her "my beloved" was not from the CIA or FA, but from the AE Research Center!    


Although "my beloved" didn't say clearly that he came from AE Research Center, he mentioned "laboratory", "I am responsible for this matter", and he also asked Sylvia to do this for him. This was enough to prove that he was a person from AE Research Center.    


The AE Research Center finally made its move, using this unimaginable method.    


Letting a normal woman do it, and more importantly, it was a sexy girl, if it wasn't for the fact that Xia Lei was taking things out of his bra, he might have already been drugged. In reality, he was also suspicious and wary of Sylvia because he discovered that Sylvia had drugged her. Before that, he could not even connect her with the CIA and FA organizations, much less the AE Research Center.    


Through this event, Xia Lei also gained a new understanding of AE Research Center. It was that it might be more cunning and insidious than the CIA and FA organizations.    


Gugugu ?    


Another text message arrived.    


My Beloved One: Baby, what's going on?    


Xia Lei thought for a moment, then used his fingers to tap the content of the letter and sent it up. "Darling, don't worry, he's still bathing, I've already prepared the wine, I'll let him drink it the moment he comes out."    


My Beloved One: Well, baby, don't lose out, or I'll get jealous.    


Xia Lei did not reply with a text message. He took Sylvia's phone and left the room, quickly entering the bathroom and turned on the shower. Soon after, he entered Sylvia's study.    


He had bought himself a little time, a little time in which to get what he wanted.    


The password on the safe was unable to stop Xia Lei. With the cooperation of his left eye and hand, he quickly unlocked the password and opened the safe.    


There were many blueprints inside the safe, as well as a document bag, as well as about ten thousand euros in cash and Sylvia's passport that was used abroad.    


Xia Lei took out all of the blueprints and placed them on the table, there was a thick stack inside.    


It was just these blueprints that made Xia Lei's eyes light up. These blueprints were all blueprints of the several types of manager cannons and chariots of the Rhine Metal, as well as some related parameters.    


It was not strange for these important blueprints to appear in Sylvia's home, because she was the head Mechanic of the Rhine Metal and was in charge of the Exquisite Processing Workshop of the Rhine Metal. No matter if it was the cannons or chariots, some parts and components that needed to be refined went through her hands. She worked on the parts, where they were used, and what they were assembled into. From beginning to end, she must have understood everything. Therefore, these blueprints appeared in her safe.    


Xia Lei's left eye quickly swept through the diagrams one by one. What he saw looked like it was a picture taken by a camera, as if there was not a single drop missing. And this speed was even faster than when a trained agent took pictures with a camera.    


After looking through all the diagrams, Xia Lei took ten minutes.    


Then he opened the folder. Inside was also a stack of blueprints, but it was not the design of a certain type of artillery or war chariot. Rather, it was the newest type of anti-ship missile defense system.    


The defensive system of the Rhine Metal was also famous in the world. This portion of the profit made up approximately 40% of the Rhine Metal Corp's overall profit. Its excellence and importance could be imagined.    


Xia Lei's left eye was rapidly "shooting" the blueprints, his mouth could not help but curl into a smile. Sylvia's safe was a guarantee for him. If the Rayma Military Factory were to produce their own cannons, tanks and tanks, or even an anti-ship missile defense system, Sylvia would have done the job.    


The "my beloved" from the AE Research Center used Sylvia to seduce him, trying to seduce him. However, he benefited from the misfortune and obtained what he urgently wanted. These things would put wings on the Rayma Military Factory and fly away!    


With Xia Lei's style, the technology he stole would not be used as it was before. He would definitely join in his research, design, and then enter the market with an even better performance!    


After looking through all the blueprints, Xia Lei returned the things he took out from the safe. Finally, he closed the door of the safe and left the study.    


Sylvia was still lying on the sofa, unconscious. Her body was still attractive.    


"Thank you, Miss Sylvia." Xia Lei softly said a few words, and then walked towards the door.    


Suddenly, the sound of footsteps came from outside the door. It was very light, but very fast.    


Xia Lei's ability to awaken his left eye allowed him to see the situation in the corridor in the blink of an eye. Four gunners were sneakily approaching Sylvia's room from the left and right sides of the corridor. Their backs against the wall, they moved cautiously. Behind them, on the left, was an open door, and on the right, an open door. It was obvious that these four people had been hiding in two rooms on the same floor. They only needed to wait for Sylvia to give them the signal to quickly enter Sylvia's room and take him away.    


Gugugu ?    


The BlackBerry vibrated again.    


Xia Lei glanced at the screen of his phone.    


My Love: Baby, is it done?    


Xia Lei quickly typed: He is just finishing that glass of beer.    


After entering the words, Xia Lei rushed towards the guest hall's balcony. When he reached the balcony, he jumped straight down from the balcony on the third floor.    


Both of Xia Lei's feet landed on the ground, causing his body to roll forward, using this method to reduce the impact.    


A business car parked by the side of the road suddenly opened its rear door.    


"What happened?" Tang Yuyan stuck her head out from the carriage.    


Xia Lei did not say anything. He flipped himself up from the ground, sprinted forward, and jumped into the business car. After entering the carriage, he quickly closed the door and said, "Let's go!"    


Almost at the same time, the driver got in the car and drove away.    


Xia Lei looked through the glass window on one side of the carriage and saw Sylvia's balcony on the third floor of the apartment building.    


A gunman appeared on the balcony. Unfortunately, all he saw was a street full of cars.    


"What happened?" Long Bing asked anxiously.    


Xia Lei heaved a long sigh of relief, "There are CIA people in that apartment building. They want to capture me."    


"Huh?" Long Bing was stunned on the spot. But there was no way around it. Since they were not in the Grand China, neither she nor Tang Yuyan could obtain the information they needed. Her movements were also severely restricted.    


Tang Yuyan smirked, "Pervert, have you learned your lesson this time? I told you to be so lecherous, you almost lost your life. "    


Xia Lei laughed, "I do not regret it, I reaped a great harvest this time."    


Tang Yuyan frowned, her expression exaggerated, "Of course you did. I heard that German bitch say that you had her fur cut off, and you even gave her skin cut off ? "Oh wow, just thinking about it makes me feel disgusted."    


Xia Lei, "..."    


"Is that Sylvia from the CIA?" Long Bing's voice.    


"No, it has something to do with her boyfriend."    


The three of them talked to each other, and in their voices, the MPV drove towards the Rhine Metal. He returned with a great harvest.    


For "my love", it was like stealing a chicken without eating a grain of rice.    


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