Tranxending Vision

C567 The Pride of the Germany

C567 The Pride of the Germany

The next day, Xia Lei and the others left the Walden Town, and under the escort of the German Special Forces, they arrived at Dusseldorf. This city is North Rhinewester. The capital of Lenzhou, which is the center of advertising, clothing and communications in Germany, is also the logistics center of Europe. However, the reason why the Germans brought Xia Lei to this place was not to see the exhibition of clothing, but because a German military and industrial enterprise was located here.    


This military enterprise was the Rhine Metal.    


The Rhine Metal made tanks, tanks and naval artillery for Germany. It represents the most sophisticated manufacturing technology in Europe, the most advanced forging and artillery technology. The company's cannons were extremely popular in Europe and America. Even the two American capital tank M1A1 and M1A2 used the company's main cannons.    


Although the army industry of Grand China had been invested heavily and there were many works that could be produced, until now, they were unable to produce cannons that could be compared to the army industry of Rhine Metal. One example would be the new Type 99 tank in Grand China. The turret angle was not good enough to fire at full angle due to the restrictions of forging techniques, and it could not reach the Rhine Metal's angle of 40 to 45 degrees. This has also led to a reduction in the tank's defense and a lack of fire control systems.    


The army industry of the Grand China wanted to obtain the technology of the Rhine Metal very much, but they had never succeeded. Rhine Metal could be said to be one of the hegemons of this world's military industry. His skills and experience were actually proportional to his arrogance. This company had never cooperated with any of the businesses in Grand China before, let alone transferring their technology.    


Only the Rayma Military Factory was an exception.    


was also surprised to discover that he was in the Rhine Metal, because he had previously guessed that it would be the German HK Company. After all, that company was also a manufacturer of light weapons and had a ready-made light weapons production line. However, in the end, it was this heavy military industrial enterprise.    


HK Company and Rhine Metal were actually just like Rayma Military Factory and Shenzhou Industrial Group. They were both small in size, while the latter was a huge monster. In fact, from the fact that the Germans would choose the company known as the Rhine Metal, it was not hard to see how important the Germans were to this matter. The Germans had placed the deal at a very high level, strategic in nature.    


After going through a few security checks, Xia Lei and his group entered an office in Rhine Metal. They were arranged to stay in a guest room to wait. Rhine's employees made a few cups of coffee, warned Xia Lei and the others not to walk around casually, and then left.    


A cup of coffee was almost finished, but no one came to see him.    


"This company's reputation is not small at all. We've already waited here for so long, and yet none of the managers have come to meet us. What is this?" Tang Yuyan was slightly unhappy, "Lei, do you think they will purposefully let us see if they can achieve anything by doing this?"    


Xia Lei thought for a while, "The Europeans are biased against us, they will not easily acknowledge our success. Many Europeans have a sense of superiority towards us Chinese, though not to the point of racial discrimination, but also a little bit interesting. That's why I think it's possible. But don't worry about it, let's do our work and let them be arrogant. "    


Tang Yuyan laughed, "Your words are really interesting."    


"What are you trying to say?" Xia Lei asked.    


"You're just like my grandpa." Tang Yuyan said.    


Xia Lei only smiled, and did not say anything else. Tang Yuyan kept on finding the right words to tell him, but in front of Long Bing and Anina, it was not like he could say too much to her.    


Just then, Liu Zhengnan's phone rang, he took out his phone and looked at it, then stood up and said: Xia Dong, it's Sergei's number, do you want to answer?    


Xia Lei replied, "No need. That friend of yours is really talented, and his suggestion is very good. I also believe in your judgement, so I leave this to you. Give your friend what he needs. "As for him, just give me what I want."    


"Thank you, Chairman Xia. I'll go out and answer his phone." Liu Zhengnan walked out of the reception room.    


Tang Yuyan said: "You trust him this much? Aren't you afraid that he might have colluded with the German architect to deceive you? "    


Xia Lei laughed, "I believe in my judgement, he is not that kind of person."    


"Then in your eyes, what kind of person am I?" Tang Yuyan stared straight at Xia Lei.    


Long Bing and Anina's gazes moved towards Tang Yuyan's face.    


Xia Lei was also stunned, he never thought that Tang Yuyan would ask such a question at this time, and in front of both Long Bing and Anina's faces. Actually, he didn't really care about how Anina felt, but Long Bing was different. He cared a lot about Long Bing's feelings.    


The atmosphere in the reception room suddenly became awkward and ambiguous.    


"Why aren't you saying anything?" Tang Yuyan glanced at Long Bing from the corner of her eyes. For her to be able to present the gem necklace that Xia Lei had given her in front of him, asking Xia Lei this question right now in front of him was simply a piece of cake.    


"Yes." After a brief moment of silence, Xia Lei said, "You are a pure person, someone who has broken away from vulgar interests."    


Tang Yuyan looked at Xia Lei speechlessly. Her teeth itched like she was going to bite Xia Lei.    


"Puchi ?" Long Bing laughed.    


Just then, a blonde German with blue eyes walked in. Xia Lei was not unfamiliar with him, it was because he was Joseph.    


"Joseph!" Anina was a little shocked as she asked, "Why are you here?"    


Joseph said: "I have accepted the request of the German government, I will be in charge of inspection and acceptance. While you are in Rhine Metal, I will accompany you until you leave. "    


Xia Lei immediately frowned. Until now, the Rhine Metal had not sent anyone in charge to meet him, but he had actually sent Joseph, this kind of supervisor. Before he had not felt much about the arrogance of the Germans, but now he could not help but get angry. He said in German, "I say, what do you mean? We came from the Grand China, and we represent the Grand China. Are you going to receive us like this? Who is the person in charge, shouldn't he come and meet with us? "    


Joseph said indifferently: "Mr. Xia, I'm here to receive you, do you have any complaints? Or do you think I'm not qualified to receive you? Why don't I call our Prime Minister and ask her to come and receive you? "    


Anina said: "Joseph, how can you talk to Mr Xia like this?"    


Joseph said: "Anina, I really do not understand why you would follow someone from the Grand China. You are a German, yet work for someone from the Grand China. Maybe it's not just work. "    


Anina was also angry, "Joseph, what do you mean? You weren't like this back in the Grand China, what happened to you? "    


Joseph had a type of attitude in the Grand China. Although it could not be considered to be respectful, there was still some form of courtesy left, but now, he did not even have the most basic of politeness.    


Xia Lei secretly thought in his heart, "Back then, when I was in Germany, Joseph glared at me coldly, and even tried to take advantage of me. Now that he has changed into this kind of attitude, could it be that he already knows that I am that lucas from before? If so, he probably got some information from some source. "    


If Joseph was sure that Xia Lei was the lucas from back then, he would suspect that Xia Lei had stolen his technology on an intelligent machine tool, and Xia Lei had even brought the woman Anina away. With just these two things alone, he already held back himself from using his blade to slash at Xia Lei, so how could he give Xia Lei face?    


This guess about Joseph also caused Xia Lei to feel a bit worried, because once Joseph had played an important role in this transaction, Joseph would definitely set up such an obstacle. And to the Grand China, this transaction was extremely important.    


"What do I mean?" Joseph looked at Xia Lei with an unfriendly gaze, "He should know!"    


If it was another occasion, Xia Lei would definitely not be courteous to Joseph, but this time, he endured it and laughed, "Mr. Joseph, you are one of the top electrical engineers in Germany, it is very appropriate for you to receive us, we do not have any objections."    


"Lu ?" "Mr. Xia ?" Anina hurriedly changed his words.    


Xia Lei gave a meaningful glance to Anina, and interrupted her, "Anina, it's alright, don't bother about this."    


Anina shut her mouth. She was very dissatisfied with Joseph, but she had always listened to Xia Lei's words. If Xia Lei told her to lie down, she would lie down. Let her lie down, and she will lie down. Let her kneel, and she will kneel.    


A cold smile emerged from the corner of Joseph's mouth, "I don't know if I should call you lucas, or Mr. Xia.    


Xia Lei wasn't angry in the slightest. With a smile, he said, "My surname is Xia, you can call me Xia Lei, or you can call me Mr. Xia. Mr. Joseph, it depends on your wishes. However, no matter what you call me, I will gladly do so. "    


"Hmph." Joseph snorted, "Come with me, only you, the rest of you have to stay here."    


Xia Lei asked: "Where are you bringing me?"    


Joseph said: "Didn't you say that you want someone in charge to receive you? I'll take you to see him now. "    


When the engineering team from German side went to Grand China, Ling Hao personally received it. When Xia Lei came to Germany, the situation was reversed. It was actually received by a small electrical engineer like Joseph. Even the person who went to see the manager, was also requested by Xia Lei to meet him, not personally received by the other party. It was evident how arrogant Europe was towards the Grand China.    


Facing such arrogance, if it was for his own sake, Xia Lei would have had enough. But for the country, for the production line of the Typhoon Fighter Engine, he still chose to endure. He shrugged his shoulders and laughed: "Alright, Mr. Joseph, please lead the way."    


However, Joseph did not even bother to speak with Xia Lei. Before he left, he said to Anina: "Anina, we need to have a good talk."    


Anina said angrily: "Joseph, we have nothing to talk about, we don't have it now, and we won't have it in the future."    


"You ?" Joseph was so angry that he couldn't say a word.    


Xia Lei said: "Wait for me here, I'll be back soon."    


Long Bing and Tang Yuyan nodded at the same time.    


"Mr. Xia, follow me, I also have to remind you, the person you want to meet is the CEO of the Rhine Metal, Mr. Mark Amin, he loves to clean up. When you enter his office, you have to clean your shoes, including the soles." Joseph said.    


Xia Lei smiled happily, "No problem."    


Right at this moment, Anina suddenly took out a tissue paper, and without saying anything further, she squatted down to wipe Xia Lei's shoes. Her movements were nimble, and in a few moments, Xia Lei's shoes were shining. Then, she took a deep breath and said with a smile, "Mr. Xia, you don't have to clean your shoes yourself. Your shoes are already very bright." She stood up and said, "If they want you to wipe the dust off the soles of your shoes, I'll wipe it off with my ass."    


Xia Lei, "..."    


She was obviously attacking Joseph.    


Joseph was indeed shocked, and his entire face turned green. The woman that he had secretly fallen in love with and bitterly pursuing had actually helped Xia Lei polish his shoes, and was even willing to use his butt to wipe off the dust on Xia Lei's shoes!    


Tang Yuyan secretly gave Anina a thumbs up, it was also the first time that Anina had received such a good impression from Miss Tang.    


Long Bing did not react at all, but in her heart, she had gained a better impression of Anina. She was different from Anina. She could go and die for him, but she wouldn't do the same for him.    


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