Tranxending Vision

C864 Knight's Castle

C864 Knight's Castle

The next morning they left the hotel and took a taxi to the University of Malta.    


The person that Professor Oman wanted Linda to meet in Malta was a history professor at the University of Malta, a Jew named Von Cullen. He held an important position in the history of Europe and was close friends with the Professor Oman.    


Arriving at Von Cullen's office, his assistant told him that Von Cullen was busy teaching the students and had them wait in the office. The assistant didn't say anything more and left after informing the two of them.    


Xia Lei looked at Von Cullen's office.    


Von Cullen's office was filled with the aura of history. There were a few paintings with Christian content, a copy of the Crusader Battle Armor, and some decorations in the style of the Middle Ages. If it wasn't a computer on a desk, it would have given the impression of being misled into a medieval study.    


"Have you met this Professor Von Cullen before?" After observing Von Cullen's office, Xia Lei casually asked.    


"I met her once in Professor Oman's house, but I only greeted her once. I was just about to leave." Linda said.    


"Do you think he's a knight?"    


"Knight?" Linda laughed, "What era is it now? The era of the Knights has passed. There may still be people who buy the title of knight from the Maltese Palace, but that has no meaning. Mr. Marley, are you interested in the history of the Knights? "    


Xia Lei laughed, "En, I am very interested in the history of Knights. "Riding on a war horse and shouting slogans while fighting on the battlefield, fighting for the sake of faith, this is the dream of many men."    


"I don't think you're that kind of man." Linda looked strangely at the spot between Xia Lei's legs.    


Xia Lei, "..."    


Her eyes explained everything.    


You are a homosexual, how could you aspire to the hot-blooded life of a knight?    


"You've never been with a woman... Has that happened? " Linda was afraid that Xia Lei didn't understand her words, so she added on, "You know what I'm saying."    


Xia Lei laughed awkwardly, "Why are you so interested in my private life? Can't we talk about something else? "    


"Oh, I'm sorry." Linda apologized.    


Xia Lei changed the topic, "According to Professor Oman and your plan, you will bring Iron Book to Malta to meet this Professor Von Cullen. Now that the Professor Oman is dead and the Iron Book is gone, is there any meaning in you coming to see him? "    


"Of course it does." Linda said: "I just told you, I met him once in Professor Oman's house. On that day, the Professor Oman brought the Iron Book back from the Vatican Museum. Later, Professor Oman told me that it was Professor Von Cullen who persuaded the Pope to take out the Iron Book for research. To convince the Pope, there had to be a reason to move him. That's why I'm here. "    


Xia Lei's heart moved, "You mean this Professor Von Cullen actually already has a certain level of understanding towards Iron Book?"    


"He's probably one of the top experts in European history. He might know its origins, or he might know that he will take it away. " Linda said.    


However, Xia Lei secretly said in his heart: "I actually do know its origin, and you will never be able to unravel its secret." He said: "If Professor Von Cullen tells you all this, what is your next plan?"    


Linda shook her head, "I don't know, let's talk after meeting Professor Von Cullen first."    


After all, she was an archaeologist, not a soldier, not a detective. In the face of such a situation, her ability was limited and she was almost unable to do anything.    


"Aren't you afraid of the danger? Last night, you almost died twice. " Xia Lei said.    


Linda smiled, "Of course I'm afraid, but I can overcome it. "Besides, don't I still have you to help me?" After pausing for a moment, she stared straight at Xia Lei, "This has nothing to do with you. You can stay away from danger, why are you still helping me? I thought you were attracted to me and wanted to go to bed with me. But I took off all my clothes and you didn't react at all. Tell me, what are you doing this for? "    


Xia Lei regretted not having slept with her last night. If he had, then there would be no trouble in front of him. Last night, he had learnt to control his desire and that other thing on his body. But now, he could no longer face Linda's question. That's true. If it wasn't beneficial, he wouldn't have risked his life just to pick up girls. What were you after?    


Just as Xia Lei was unsure of how to answer this question, a person walked into the office.    


However, the Professor Von Cullen whom the two of them did not want to meet, was the same associate professor who had left earlier.    


"I'm really sorry." The associate master's face was apologetic, "Something happened in Professor Von Cullen's house, so he ended his class early and went home. He asked me to tell you that he would see you at his house. Have you been there? "    


"Nope." Linda said: "Please give us an address."    


"The address is useless. He lives in a remote place where very few taxi drivers know about. "How about this, I'll drive you there." the assistant said.    


"Thank you. Thank you so much." Linda said politely.    


Moments later, the trio left the University of Malta in a Chevrolet pickup truck and drove along a coastal road.    


Through the window, Xia Lei could see the ancient walls and castles erected on the seashore. Those were fortifications built by the medieval Knights Hospitaller when they occupied this land to defend against the attacks of the Turks. Hundreds of years had passed, and they still stood under the firmament, telling the story of the time in silent language.    


There were countless historical sites on Malta, and most of them were related to the Knights Hospitaller. However, Xia Lei did not discover any activities of the people from the Knights Hospitaller. And he clearly knew that the true headquarters of the Knights Hospitaller was here. They have never given up on taking back this territory that once belonged to the Knights Hospitaller.    


"Would Horseman, who rides a red horse, help Knights Hospitaller recover her territory after repairing the armor on her horse? There were many people who believed in this way of speaking in the Middle Ages, but now that it was the 21st century, even the people of the Knights Hospitaller would not believe in this way, right? Then, why are they so persistent in finding and piecing together the so-called Horseman's armor? " Monuments flashed before her eyes, and Xia Lei was quietly pondering about this question in her heart.    


His plan was to sneak onto the island. If he could steal the protective suit, it would be good to stay there, but if he couldn't, he had to find out where the FA headquarters were, then have the Knights Hospitaller initiate a new war. But now, another bronze valuable book had appeared, and a new force had appeared. It was the gunner who wore black last night with a bald head. Things were getting complicated once again, not under his control.    


"Sir, where are you from?" As the car drove out of the Waletta City, the assistant asked Xia Lei a question.    


Xia Lei replied, "I come from the Grand China."    


"Oh, you speak good Italian." The assistant professor said, "Is this your first time in Malta?"    


"Well, yes, I like this place very much. Even if I think about it, I still haven't been able to complete it. This time, I still have to benefit from Linda's ability to complete the mission. " Xia Lei said.    


"Sir, what do you do?"    


Xia Lei immediately frowned, wasn't there too many questions regarding the assistant teacher?    


Linda seemed to be afraid that Xia Lei would offend the associate master, so she said: "Mr. Marley is my friend, he has her own company in Grand China. "Yes, mainly engaged in clothing design and production."    


"Oh, really? That's awesome, maybe the clothes I'm wearing are made by your company. " The assistant professor said with a smile. After calming down, he shut his mouth and concentrated on driving.    


As Valetta moved farther and farther away, the landscape ahead became more and more desolate.    


Linda moved closer to Xia Lei and whispered into his ear: "When you see Professor Von Cullen later on, I'll tell you what to do, okay?"    


The hot breath from her mouth came into his ear. It was ticklish and seductive. Xia Lei's thing was stimulated, but before it could react, he willed it to become obedient again. After so many "exercises", his control over this new skill had become more and more adept.    


"Well, what do you mean?" Xia Lei's voice was very soft.    


"Some people have a prejudice against their race. Do you understand what I'm saying?"    


"Racial discrimination? "Understood." Xia Lei felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.    


"Sorry." Linda placed her hand on Xia Lei's thigh, "I will compensate you. Didn't you want to go to the historical monuments of the island? I'll accompany you when I meet Professor Von Cullen. I'll accompany you wherever you go first. "    


Xia Lei then revealed a smile: "Okay. When the time comes, you can talk to Professor Von Cullen and I will wait for you outside. "    


Linda laughed but did not move his hand that was on Xia Lei's thigh. Instead, she gently slid it towards the most sensitive area.    


She seemed to be trying to straighten him out.    


But, there was no reaction from Xia Lei's side.    


After about ten seconds, she retracted her hand, her eyes filled with disappointment.    


There was no reaction at all. Even if she used her fork to prop it up, what use would it be?    


The car entered a valley. The dense forest, the grass filled with wild flowers, and the rolling Mediterranean in the distance. The scenery here was like a painting.    


Xia Lei raised his eyes and looked into the distance. He saw a stone building that was placed atop the cliff of a huge mountain. It was ancient and majestic, and very special.    


"Linda, what kind of place is that?" Xia Lei pointed to the front window and asked Linda.    


Linda glanced over and said, "That is the famous Sun Temple."    


"Sun Temple?" This was the first time Xia Lei had heard of it.    


Linda said: "It is almost an unsolved mystery. It was built in 10205 BC, more than ten thousand years ago. It measures time by the light of the sun. It is a very accurate sun clock. It's hard to imagine that humans from more than 10,000 years ago could have such extraordinary architectural standards, but what's even harder to imagine is that humans at that time grasped the exact algorithm of the sun clock. "    


But for some reason, Xia Lei thought of another place.    


Who could have built such a magnificent temple more than ten thousand years ago?    


Was the purpose of the builder merely to measure time?    


"We're right in front. We're here." The assistant professor's voice.    


As the car turned a corner, an ancient castle-like villa appeared in the middle of the valley. Walls covered with moss and vines, towers of arrows, medieval pavilions and spires, it looked like a knight's castle.    


The assistant professor who was driving said with a smile: "It is Professor Von Cullen's home. It should be very surprised, it has a 500-year history."    


Xia Lei said: "Such a huge fortress, it must be worth a lot of money. How did a university professor get his hands on it?"    


The assistant's eyes immediately flashed with a peculiar light.    


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