Tranxending Vision

C861 Lin Da's Secret

C861 Lin Da's Secret

The black gunner, Iron Book, the Italian professor of archaeology, as well as his student Linda ?    


These people and things were all entangled in Xia Lei's mind, unable to stop.    


From the room next door came a faint sound of footsteps.    


It was late at night. What was she up for?    


Xia Lei crawled up from the bed. With a slight jump of his left eye, the wall blocking his line of sight silently disappeared.    


In the room next door, Linda walked towards the door. She wore a light set of pajamas. Under the light's illumination, the curve of her body faintly revealed itself, protruding outwards and backwards. It was very alluring.    


Linda opened the door, and then walked towards her study.    


Xia Lei got off the bed and quietly walked to the door. Only when Linda entered the study room did he open the door, and then slowly walked towards it. Throughout this entire process, he kept his gaze fixed on Linda.    


Linda closed the door to the study, and then walked towards a bookshelf.    


"She can't be looking for a book to read?" Xia Lei thought in his heart.    


Just then, Linda squatted down and opened a wooden cabinet beneath the bookshelf. The crouching position allowed her nightgown to wrap around her buttocks, a large white ball in the true sense of the word. Under the illumination of the light, the indentation in the middle of the white mass could be clearly seen. Its color was dark and extremely alluring.    


This kind of scene made Xia Lei feel extremely awkward.    


Linda did not know that there was someone behind the door, so she took out a leather backpack. She took the leather backpack to the desk and opened it. Then, she took out the contents and placed them on the desk. Among them were passports, a handwritten notebook, a pistol, and a few odds and ends that looked like electronic equipment and archaeological tools.    


She was hiding a pistol. However, it was not surprising that an Italian woman, especially an Italian woman living in a Sicily, had a gun. In Italy, gun management was seemingly strict, but in the people it was rampant. Even many white-haired old ladies had a gun.    


Linda grabbed the handgun, took out the magazine, and looked at it. Then, she stuffed the scattered items into his backpack. She put the backpack back in the cabinet under the bookshelf and then walked towards the door with the gun in hand.    


Xia Lei quickly left, but there were no footsteps. Just as he returned to his room, Linda came out from the study with a gun. He hid at the door, his left eye continuing to lock onto Linda.    


Linda walked to Xia Lei's door with the gun in her hand and stopped in her tracks.    


"Could it be that she wants to kill me?" Xia Lei was very surprised, but he did not panic, he had already made his preparations to attack. He placed his hand on his waist, ready to pull out the military knife hidden at any moment.    


But right at this moment when they were at loggerheads, Linda shook her head, turned, and left the door.    


Xia Lei was stunned, he couldn't understand what she wanted to do. And just as he was in a state of shock and suspicion, Linda changed into a pair of ball shoes at the front door, opened the front door, and walked out.    


Xia Lei also opened the door and followed him out. He saw Linda walk down the slope. Under the hazy moonlight, she seemed very strange in her pajamas. She looked like a wandering ghost on a hillside, or a female ghost waiting to devour someone.    


"So she wants to go to Professor Oman's home. Just now, she just wanted to ask me to go with her?" Xia Lei had guessed Linda's motive and had a deeper guess, "She didn't go and search for something when it was dusk at Oman's house. Could it be that she did this on purpose, and only brought it back when no one was around at night? Could it be ? Iron Book? Otherwise, why would she carry a gun? "    


This guess made Xia Lei excited.    


Linda's walking speed wasn't fast, so she only walked for a short distance before turning around to take a look.    


Before she could turn around, Xia Lei had already hidden in the front door, and he had already made a decision. He did not follow her at once, but hurried to her study.    


If he followed Linda closely, it was very likely that Linda would find him. With her current speed, he could easily catch up to her before she reached the town. In this period of time, he could do something else, which was to look at the contents of the notebook.    


After entering the study, Xia Lei quickly took out Linda's backpack from the cupboard under the bookshelf, and took out the notebook inside.    


He opened the notebook and saw the contents.    


In front of her were some archaeological notes that recorded her research on some cultural relics. The content was complicated, but it looked very professional. He skimmed through the content and soon came to the end. A different paragraph of content came into his line of sight.    


The Professor Oman asked me to study Iron Book with him, and he told me that it was the hardest mystery to solve in this world. The book, Iron Book, was born at a much older age than human history. There were some mysterious words that could not be deciphered even now. He reckoned that the Iron Book was a product of the Ice Aeon. In the history of Earth, was there a prehistoric civilization? After all, the Earth was billions of years old, and the history of mankind was only one or two million years old. I accepted his offer. It was an opportunity, an opportunity to witness the wonders of the archaeological world...    


I finally saw the Iron Book. It looked like a slightly larger ordinary book. Before I saw it, I thought it was made of iron, but I didn't expect it to be bronze. I asked the Professor Oman why she was called Iron Book and not a bronze book or something like that. He said that the owner of that name in Roman times had always used the name Iron Book. It appeared in the Roman era, my God, it has been discovered for more than two thousand years, until now no one has been able to unravel its secrets ?    


Professor Oman and I have tried many different methods, such as spectral analysis and searching for the language expert, but unfortunately, we could not find anything. Our research seems to be in disarray, and I am dismayed. However, I also know that no one has been able to unravel its secrets for more than two thousand years. How could I hope to unravel its secrets so quickly ?    


The people of the Holy Church were anxious as they sent people over to inquire about the progress. This is really funny, they already have this book of Iron Book for hundreds to thousands of years already, and they still haven't unraveled its secrets in such a long time, how could they expect me and Professor Oman to unravel it in such a short period of time? Why are they in such a hurry? I can't figure out the reason for this. The Holy See is as mysterious as this Iron Book book ?    


The Professor Oman said that he had experienced some hallucinations, and he was sure that he did not drink alcohol, much less take those prohibited drugs. I asked him what kind of hallucination it was, but he wouldn't tell me. Forget it, I have to put aside the work at hand. I need to go to Grand China to participate in an academic exchange meeting. Hopefully, she could obtain inspiration from her peers in the Grand China to find the answer to the Iron Book's secret ?    


When he finished reading, Xia Lei was still stunned.    


Although Linda did not take any pictures of the Iron Book, according to her description, he already confirmed that the Book of Leaf was the same as the bronze valuable book in his hands!    


Two bronze valuable book s, what was going on?    


The voice message that "I" had left in the bronze valuable book suddenly surfaced in his mind.    


"You can read my voice because you are the only one. I left my voice in this bronze book. I'm going to tell you my story. I got a box once, and I got a great power for it. My life is long, longer than you can imagine. I've built my own kingdom, and I don't even know how big it is. I've conquered a lot of women. I can't even remember their names. My grandson always dies in front of me, even the grandson of my grandson dies before me. The long life became my pain, and my people called me the only one. I think that's what God meant. But I know I'm not a god. The wine and the women and the vast expanse of the land no longer satisfied my desire, and I began to think of unravelling the mystery of the box. So I left my kingdom. I crossed the tallest mountains and the widest seas in the world. I don't know how many places I've been, or where else in the world I haven't been. My kingdom is destroyed, but I don't care. Then the earth began to snow endlessly, and I witnessed the extinction of all things, and I was the only one. You can't feel this loneliness. I dropped everything to unravel the mystery of the box, but in the end I found nothing. I want to end my life where the sun rises. I was in the east, closest to where the sun rose. This was where I wanted to go. I left you this bronze book, but when I was ready to end my life...    


The sound is here.    


The "I" did not tell what had happened when his life ended. He had once suspected that he had encountered some accident, so that the recording of the sound had been interrupted. But from the looks of it, it was not an interruption, rather, his bronze valuable book was split into two parts!    


The Iron Book that Professor Oman and Linda had studied into was another part!    


"As long as I can find the other bronze valuable book, I can decipher the voice inside. I can find out what happened to 'me' when I was preparing to commit suicide. I might even be able to unravel the secrets of AE or the ancient alloy! " Xia Lei's heart was filled with uncontrollable excitement.    


Two minutes later, he returned the leather backpack back to its original position and left Linda's house.    


As he walked out of the front door, his eyes looked far ahead, and very quickly, he noticed Linda who was already at the entrance of the town.    


She was a little faster than before, her hands behind her back, the pistol hidden behind her. She looked nervous.    


Under normal circumstances, it would have been better if she had changed into clothes suitable for the gun, but she only had a nightgown with nothing underneath. Even if she wanted to hide the gun, there was nowhere to go. But it could also be seen how impatient she was to return to Professor Oman's home.    


Xia Lei ran down the mountain with a very fast speed. It took Linda about seven to eight minutes to finish this journey. When he caught up to the entrance of the town, Linda had coincidentally arrived at Professor Oman's doorstep.    


The street lamps in the small town were cold, and no one was walking on the street.    


Linda bent over and went through the isolation tape set up by the police, and found the key under a flower pot. She quickly used her key to open the door. However, just as she was about to enter, a black figure suddenly jumped out from the dream!    


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