Tranxending Vision

C844 Terrorist attacks?

C844 Terrorist attacks?

"Where are you?" Long Bing's voice.    


Xia Lei peeked his head out of the window to look at the road sign, "I'm near the Academy of Sciences, En, Peace Street, there's a Wal-Mart supermarket beside me."    


"Wait for me, I'll be right there." Long Bing hung up the phone.    


Xia Lei sat in the carriage and waited, but in his heart, he was worrying about Qing Caiyue and her. He wanted to call Qin Xiang and ask him about the situation, but he didn't manage to do so in the end. He trusted Qin Xiang. If Qin Xiang found any clues, he would definitely call him at the first possible moment. The fact that Qin Xiang did not call showed that he did not have any leads, even if he did call, it would be useless.    


A few minutes later, Long Bing arrived in her car, two minutes faster than what she had said.    


Long Bing parked her car on the side of the road and walked to the driver's side of Xia Lei's Suburban Land Cruiser. "Go to the front passenger seat, I'll drive."    


Xia Lei did not even step out of the door as he directly climbed from the driver's seat to the passenger seat.    


Long Bing got on the car, started the car, and left.    


"Are you near here?" Xia Lei asked curiously: What happened?    


Long Bing said with a serious expression: "A strange thing happened at a fitness club. The information I got was that all the people at that club died, twenty-five of them."    


Xia Lei was shocked, "So many people died? "How did he die?"    


"I don't know. The initial suspicion was that it was a terrorist attack. The terrorists seemed to have used the latest nerve gas."    


"Nerve poison?"    


"I'm not sure about the details either. That's what the information says."    


"You were sent alone to investigate in the first 101?"    


"Of course not, Liang Siyao and Tang Yuyan have also taken action." Long Bing said: "They are probably already there, I have specially come to pick you up."    


"What can I do?"    


"This is what the Boss Shi wants. She wants you to help him investigate." Long Bing glanced at Xia Lei, and said: "Originally, I had let Tang Yuyan come to pick you up, but she was unwilling."    


Xia Lei laughed bitterly. He should still be angry about what had happened. Why would he come to pick him up? Thinking that he would soon see her, his head began to ache.    


Long Bing changed the subject, "I never thought that the higher ups would actually want to get you and Fan Fan Fan together, but this is also good. If you and Fan Fan Fan were to get married, Tang Yuyan and Shentu Tianyin would not have to fight. That senior sister of yours will also no longer hold any illusions, so you will be more at ease. "    


"What about you?" Xia Lei looked at her face. He really wanted to know what she was thinking in her heart.    


"Me?" Long Bing laughed, "I am happy for you. If you marry a woman like Fan, the person who wants to deal with you in the future will have to carefully consider their own worth. The Rayma Group needed a powerful mistress, who was the most suitable candidate. If she can help you deal with those demons, then you can do your job in peace. I guess there are considerations in that as well. "    


Xia Lei went closer to her ear and told her what had happened.    


Long Bing was stunned at first, but then said: "For a woman to be willing to help you in such a way is actually when she really wants to marry you. It didn't matter if it was fake or real, the other party probably didn't care. It was just that Tang Yuyan was a very proud woman. After such a thing had happened, she felt that there was no need to care about her reputation. If there was a chance, she could just try to persuade her and comfort her. She really likes you, and this time she's really hurt. "    


"Do you know how kind you are to her?"    


"I'll be satisfied if she doesn't argue with me too much. I don't expect anything. She has the temper of a young miss, so I can understand her. "    


"Then, do you know that the secret mission you received this time was ?" Xia Lei hesitated for a moment, but in the end, he still said it out loud. "Actually, it's for her taking over Boss Shi's class, to clean you up out of the 101 rounds."    


Ga ge!    


The Suburban suddenly pulled over to the side of the road.    


Long Bing's hands were tightly holding onto the steering wheel, her silver teeth were tightly biting her lips. Although she did not speak, Xia Lei could see the anger and grievance in her eyes.    


Xia Lei wanted to console her, but the words were stuck in his throat. He reached out to grab Long Bing's hand that was holding onto the steering wheel, only to hold onto it.    


Du du du, du du...    


His communicator suddenly beeped.    


Only then did Long Bing come back to her senses. She took a deep breath and picked up her communicator: "I am Long Bing.    


"I am Liang Siyao." Liang Siyao's voice came out of the communicator, "Why are you not here yet? Where are we? "    


"We're on the way. Come over immediately." After Long Bing said this, he stepped on the throttle of the Suburban and the SUV drove back to the road.    


Even if she was pushed aside by her own good sister, even if she had to suffer such grievances, Long Bing's first thought would still be to work, and fight for her country.    


The Suburban SUV arrived at a fitness centre in ten minutes. The street had already been cordoned off by the police, but even with the police cordoned off, it could not stop the curiosity of the crowd. The two ends of the street and the opposite side were filled with onlookers.    


Long Bing brought Xia Lei into the fitness centre. Liang Siyao and Tang Yuyan were already there.    


Tang Yuyan stared straight at Xia Lei, her eyes filled with rage.    


Xia Lei braced himself and greeted them. "Yuyan, Siyao, you're here."    


Liang Siyao smiled at Xia Lei.    


Tang Yuyan glared at Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei said: "Yuyan, I don't want to either, but..."    


"Don't you want to?" Tang Yuyan's eyes were filled with tears, "I think you are looking forward to it! "The higher-ups are going to introduce Fan Fan to you. That woman is beautiful and her position is higher than mine, so you must be very happy. Have you found a good wife?"    


Xia Lei smiled bitterly, he did not want to argue with Tang Yuyan. There was some guilt in his heart, but not too much. If not for the fact that he knew that she and Shi Boren were to push Long Bing out of the one hundred and first place, the feeling of guilt would have been even stronger.    


"What do you think?" Tang Yuyan looked very angry.    


Long Bing said: "The two of you are enough, what time is it now? If you want to quarrel, go out and argue. "    


Tang Yuyan glared at Xia Lei again, but did not continue arguing with him.    


Arriving at the entrance of the training grounds, through the closed glass window, Xia Lei saw the dead people. Some had fallen on the ground, while some were even sitting on fitness equipment. Most of the dead were men, just two women. Whether they were men or women, these dead were all very robust, including the two women who had very developed muscles.    


Liang Siyao said: "This is a very professional fitness club, all these dead people are participants who are preparing to participate in a bodybuilding competition."    


Xia Lei's gaze swept across the training grounds, and said: "There are no traces of a struggle here, are you sure this is a terrorist attack? What kind of nerve poison is there? "    


Long Bing said, "There are 101st batches that have been predicted and evaluated against sudden events. The terms' terrorist attack 'and' nerve poison gas' are all transparent, but we are not sure yet. Some experts have already taken samples of the air in the training gym and will soon give their results. "    


Tang Yuyan reached out to the door.    


Xia Lei suddenly grabbed her hand, "What are you doing?"    


"How are you going to investigate this?" Tang Yuyan said: "I want to go in to take a look."    


"The test results haven't come out yet. If there's really a nerve poison gas, you'll be the same as anyone else!" Xia Lei said.    


"You care about me? I don't need your concern! " Tang Yuyan roared at Xia Lei: "Let me die!"    


Xia Lei's head had already become many times bigger.    


Liang Siyao glanced at Long Bing, and a hint of a smile appeared at the corner of her mouth but Long Bing's expression was cold and indifferent.    


At this moment, an expert wearing protective suit walked over, "The air test results are already out, but ?"    


"But what? Long Bing asked anxiously.    


"The air is normal. No nerve gas." the expert said.    


Xia Lei released Tang Yuyan's hand. Since there was no nerve gas, he didn't need to pull her.    


Long Bing pushed open the glass door and walked in. Xia Lei also followed him in.    


Liang Siyao entered and turned to look at the Tang Yuyan who was still standing there in a daze and said: "Didn't you say you want to go in? "Let's go."    


Tang Yuyan then entered the door.    


The air in the gym was normal. There was no strange or unusual smell. There were no signs of a struggle, and everything seemed normal. The people who died here didn't have any expression of pain on their faces. Each and every one of them looked very quiet. It was as if the people here had suddenly died at some point, and all of them.    


If it was a person, it could be said to be an accident. However, as many as 25 of them were dead with their robust bodies, this situation was rather strange.    


"No gunfire, no fighting, not even nerve gas." Long Bing frowned, "How did these people die?"    


Liang Siyao shook her head, "I don't know either, I am a trace expert now, let them search for traces and clues." She used her communicator to call for someone.    


"What do you think, Leizi?" Long Bing said as he looked at Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei replied: "I don't know, I'll take a look first." He walked over to a corpse.    


The body lay on an instrument for sit-ups, and he remained in a sit-ups position.    


Xia Lei quietly awakened his left eye and clairvoyance. He first looked at the surrounding ground, and after he did not discover anything, he moved his gaze to the dead person's head. When a person suddenly dies, it is usually in two situations, either the heart or the brain.    


The perspective enters the brain of the dead.    


And in that instant, Xia Lei's entire body froze.    


The brain of the deceased had shrunk, and his head was empty except for a black, dried, fist-sized brain!    


The cause of death of the deceased was the same as that of the members of the Group!    


Xia Lei then moved on to the other corpse and probed the corpse's head. The result was the same.    


"What did you find?" Long Bing walked over.    


Just as Xia Lei was about to say it, he reacted and shook his head, "There are no traces at all."    


Once these corpses were dissected, Long Bing would definitely know how they died. But what he said now was another matter. How could he see the situation of the dead man's brain when no one else could see it?    


A trace expert from Department 101 entered the scene to conduct a trace sampling.    


Tang Yuyan walked to Xia Lei's side, "There's nothing to do here. Let's go out, I want to talk to you."    


Just as Xia Lei was about to agree, his phone suddenly rang.    


"Wait a moment, let me take a call." Xia Lei took out his mobile phone and was stunned after taking a look.    


Unexpectedly, the phone's screen showed Qing Caiyue's name and number.    


"Hello? Where have you been? "Where are you now?" The first thing Xia Lei said after he answered the phone.    


"I'm at your house, look after that devilish brat for you." Qing Caiyue's voice carried a hint of complaint, "You don't know how mischievous she is, to actually run into the mountains. "To find her, I cut my skirt ?"    


Xia Lei heaved a sigh of relief, then interrupted Qing Caiyue's words, "Let's leave it at that, I'll talk about it when I get back."    


"Wait, let me finish."    


"What else?"    


"She fell into the water and seemed to catch a cold, but she wouldn't come with me to the hospital. I just touched her head, as if she had a fever. I can't control her. Come back and take a look. " Qing Caiyue said.    


"I'll be right back." Xia Lei hung up the phone.    


Tang Yuyan's eyes were filled with hidden bitterness, "Now you don't even have time to chat with me?"    


"No, I'm in a hurry. I have to get back. Let's talk tomorrow. " Xia Lei said as he walked.    


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