Tranxending Vision

C825 In the next life, you should just turn into a fish

C825 In the next life, you should just turn into a fish

"No!" Mei Hattori screamed as she held her head.    


The helicopter was her only hope of escape, and if it was shot down, she would lose her last hope.    


What would the outcome be if he fell into Xia Lei's hands? She didn't even want to think about it, nor did she have to.    


However, just as the helicopter was about to be hit by the artillery shell, a machine gun bullet hit it. With a loud bang, the shell exploded below the helicopter. The shock wave from the explosion shook the helicopter, but it did not fall. The frightened pilot didn't dare to stay there for even a second longer. He pulled on the control stick and retreated.    


Mei Hattori suddenly thought of something. She took out her communicator from his jacket pocket and roared into it, "Save me! "Save me!" Crying for help, she scrambled down the hill.    


The battle on the mountain was still ongoing, but it was almost over.    


Xia Lei and the members of the Zodiac Clan were spread out across the six sniping points. The charging Indian anti-terrorism special soldier were attacked by the XL2500 sniper rifles and blast assault rifle from different directions. With the support of the helicopter in the air, they became moving targets. In just a few minutes, more than a dozen corpses were left on the hillside leading to the summit.    


"Why did the helicopter fly away?" The Indian commander of anti-terrorism special soldier roared at Tsukiba Hattori: "Call it back immediately! Immediately! "    


Tsukiba Hattori crawled behind a rock and asked the messenger, "Why are you retreating? Come back, continue to use your firepower to support the attack of the Indian Army! "    


"It was Miss Bud who told us to retreat." A Japanese voice came through the communicator.    


"It's that bitch!" "Ga Ga!" Tsukiba Hattori shouted angrily, "She is not in danger, come back to support the fight at the top of the mountain!"    


"Sorry... "You don't have to listen." The helicopter flew towards a blind spot at the foot of the mountain.    


Tsukiba Hattori's eyes were terrifyingly cold, he gritted his teeth, "I'm going to kill him!"    


The Indian commander of anti-terrorism special soldier suddenly pointed her gun at Tsukiba Hattori's head, "I'll give you three seconds, immediately get that helicopter back, otherwise I'll kill you!"    


"I was also betrayed by that bitch!" Tsukiba Hattori said angrily.    


"I don't care! Get the helicopter back right now! "    


Tsukiba Hattori suddenly tilted his head.    


Just as the Indian commander of anti-terrorism special soldier was about to move her gun to Tsukiba Hattori's head, he suddenly stopped. He looked down at her chest and then fell to the ground.    


There was a saber in his chest.    


No one had realized what was happening here. Tsukiba Hattori looked in the direction of the mountain peak and suddenly stood up. However, at that moment, a bullet came from behind and struck his spine. He lost control of his legs and fell to the ground. He slid forward a few meters until his head hit a rock. That collision had also caused him to faint.    


"Want to run?" You don't have the luck you had last time. " A cold smile surfaced on the corner of Xia Lei's mouth. The blast assault rifle in his hands was still smoking, the barrel of the gun burning.    


A few minutes later, the surviving Indian anti-terrorism special soldier stopped shooting. A leader of the special forces lifted his rifle from the rock, and a white cloth was tied to the barrel of the rifle. I don't know if it was torn from my shirt or from somewhere else.    


After the leader of the special forces took the lead, each of the special forces quickly did the same thing. They stepped out from behind the rocks with their guns raised. They had given up fighting.    


"These guys, they actually surrendered. Boss, what do we do? " Arresian's voice.    


Xia Lei was silent for a moment, then asked the messenger, "What do you guys think?"    


Just as he finished speaking, Kyoko Tsukino pulled the trigger. An Indian Special Forces soldier holding an assault rifle fell to the ground. Almost at the same time as she shot, the other members of Zodiac Clan also shot.    


In the blink of an eye, the remaining Indian commandos all fell onto the ground.    


Xia Lei was surprised, "I just wanted you two to discuss it, why are you two ?."    


Kyoko Tsukino said: "Zodiac Clan has never accepted surrender, nor will they leave any prisoners behind."    


Xia Lei, "..."    


He actually wanted to get rid of these Indian commandos as well. Leaving him alive was a troublesome matter. It was just that his conscience made him somewhat hesitant, while the members of Zodiac Clan didn't have any scruples in doing such dirty work for him.    


"Unfortunately, one of them ran away, and that was family samurai." Mei Hattori said.    


Xia Lei stood up from behind the rock cover and looked at the place where the helicopter had landed. However, that place was a blind spot. Even his left eye could not see through part of the mountain. He said, "The ones who have come this time shouldn't be Hattori family, right? At least they aren't the elites that I met the last time. The people who have come today are obviously not on the same level. "    


This was a good thing, because it had already proven that he had weakened the power of the Hattori family.    


"I think they'll be more honest after this. I'll go and see if they're still alive." Kyoko Tsukino also walked out of her hiding place, carrying her blast assault rifle and headed down the hill.    


The other members of Zodiac Clan also walked out from their hiding spots, and headed down the hill. All of them had wounds on their bodies, but they were not gunshot wounds. Instead, they had been stabbed by fragments of rock. Arresian's arm, Ye Liena's forehead, Erdelmtu's leg, Kyoko Tsukino's butt, Sayimu's chest and even Yasuya Khan's face, all of them had colors on their bodies. Xia Lei was actually no exception. There were still many pieces of broken rocks on his thighs and back, and blood had also wet his back.    


Xia Lei returned to the crater and took a look. He was still lying on the stretcher calmly and she did not receive any injuries. With a sigh of relief, he also walked down the hill.    


The sound of the Spirit Star's gunshot rang out from the hillside.    


As long as the members of the Zodiac Clan saw any Indian Special Forces that were still alive, they would fire another shot. There is no mercy in their world.    


Xia Lei came to Tsukiba Hattori's side. Tsukiba Hattori was his target the moment he stepped off the plane. If Tsukiba Hattori did not escape, perhaps he would need to spend some effort to finish him off. But Tsukiba Hattori had escaped, the people who were running on the battlefield had actually betrayed their backs to the enemy. This was not because Tsukiba Hattori was a rookie, who did not understand this logic, but because he had lost to fear. The battle on Wangda's snowy mountain caused him to lose his confidence and courage.    


Tsukiba Hattori lied on the ground, blood continuously flowing out from his waist, wetting half of his body.    


Xia Lei used his foot to kick off the TAR-21 assault rifle beside him, then used his leg to flip through it one by one.    


Tsukiba Hattori did not wake up. When his head hit the ground, coupled with the gunshot wound on his tailbone, he was actually only left with half his life.    


Xia Lei squatted down, and used his hand to pinch Tsukiba Hattori's middle finger.    


At this moment, a helicopter flew up from the blind spot at the foot of the mountain.    


"That woman ran away." Kyoko Tsukino said in a voice that was filled with cruelty, "She's even able to sell out her little brother."    


Xia Lei said indifferently: "Isn't this in line with her interests? Tsukiba Hattori had died, so he would have to take over the Hattori family sooner or later. She's actually the biggest winner of this battle. "    


"Cough, cough ?" Tsukiba Hattori suddenly woke up. An unfamiliar face entered his line of sight, but he knew that this was Xia Lei. Instinctively, he reached for the gun, but it was only a rock. He gave it a snap, but most of the rock was buried in the dirt and couldn't be picked up. If he could catch it, he would definitely use it to smash Xia Lei's head.    


Kyoko Tsukino extended her leg and stepped on Tsukiba Hattori's hand, and the sole of his foot slowly turned.    


Tsukiba Hattori clenched his teeth, and did not make a sound.    


Xia Lei said: "You guys deal with your wounds, leave him to me."    


Kyoko Tsukino released her leg.    


The other members of Zodiac Clan climbed to the top of the mountain, teasing each other about their wounds along the way.    


"Ye Liena, now that your looks have been ruined, who will marry you in the future?"    


"Go away, you Indian monkey. You'd better take off your pants and check that your Tintin is small. If you blow up a part of it, I'm afraid you'll have to use a magnifying glass to see it."    


"Xingzi, do you need me to treat the wound on your butt?"    


"Sure, come here."    


"What are you doing with the knife? I was just joking with you. "    


Laughter filled the hillside.    


Xia Lei's face also revealed a smile. He pulled out his blade, placed it on Tsukiba Hattori's neck and said in Japanese: "In Wangda in Western province, you killed a few brothers from the 101 rounds. I'll give them an explanation today. Do you have any objections? "    


"Eight!" Tsukiba Hattori shouted angrily: "If you want to kill me, kill me!    


"Did you know your sister sold you?"    


"Don't mention that bitch in front of me!"    


"Do you hate her?" The corner of Xia Lei's mouth held a smile, "But I feel that she's not bad, her skin... Tsk tsk, that's really great. Her skills in bed are also very good, and she's very good at serving men. "    


"F * * k!" Make your move! " Tsukiba Hattori could not bear such a humiliation.    


"I can give you a quick one, but you have to answer a question." Xia Lei asked: "What is the relationship between your sister Mei Hattori and the CIA?"    


"Humph!" "Pfft ~ ~" Tsukiba Hattori spat a mouthful of blood on Xia Lei's face.    


Xia Lei reached out to wipe the blood off his face, "Or, is she a member of your Extra High School?"    


"Why do you ask such a strange question?"    


Xia Lei said: "She is the assistant of the Lockheed Martin Corp's Lady Folson. This is a very normal identity, but she has done too many abnormal things. In France, she tried to sleep with me to get information from me, and then set up a trap for me. And now they were coming to India to set up the operation. "Say, can I still treat her like a normal person?"    


Tsukiba Hattori's eyes flickered.    


Xia Lei said: "She betrayed you, and obviously wants to continue the Hattori family's business, are you still going to protect her interests?"    


"She is a member of my Hattori family, even if she were to betray me, I would not sell out the interests of my Hattori family. Go and die, Grand China Pig! " Tsukiba Hattori opened his mouth, preparing to spit at Xia Lei.    


But just at that moment, Xia Lei's blade suddenly stabbed into his mouth. It pierced his tongue and pierced his throat.    


"In the next life, just go and make a fish. Fish love to spit." Xia Lei's wrist turned and he slowly pulled out his blade.    


Tsukiba Hattori's mouth continued to spew blood as he continued to inhale in and out. However, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't suck in a single breath. After a few seconds, his mouth was still.    


Xia Lei turned around and left. He didn't even bother to look at him again.    


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