Tranxending Vision

C824 The Battle of the Herba Saponidae

C824 The Battle of the Herba Saponidae

Heavy machine gun cover, Chinook helicopter tactical landing. The special forces who had already landed on the ropes started firing towards the mountain top to suppress the attacks. Gunshots and bullets rained down, the scene was like a Hollywood gunfight.    


Just like that, in the midst of the gunfire, Xia Lei suddenly stood up from his hiding spot, following that, the helldog single-military artillery on his shoulder roared out, and a cannonball flew towards the Qiunu helicopter that was floating in the air.    




The shell hit the propeller on the nose of the Chinook helicopter.    


The flame was so bright that the nose of the Qiunuqian helicopter was instantly torn open and smashed into smithereens. The rest of the fuselage crashed to the ground and rolled twice before stopping.    


No one would have thought that Xia Lei actually had such a heavy weapon in his hands. If they knew beforehand, even if Qiunu was given a hundred guts, he wouldn't dare to land within the attack range of the helldog single-military artillery.    


However, there was no medicine for regret in this world.    


Once the shot was successful, Xia Lei retreated backwards. Almost at the same moment, a few bullets flew past his head.    


"Well done!" Kyoko Tsukino could not help but cheer up, and patted Xia Lei's shoulders.    


Using a cannon to shoot a helicopter was almost impossible in the military world. But that would depend on what kind of cannon it was. If it was the helldog single-military artillery of the Rayma Group, they could do it under certain circumstances, such as this one.    


"Be careful, these people are not ordinary people. They are all the most elite anti-terrorism special soldier in India." Xia Lei did not relax. Just as he was speaking, he had already completed his second reloading of the helldog single-military artillery.    


There was only one helicopter left, but it didn't dare to approach the top of the mountain. The machine gunner at the side of the cabin crazily used his heavy machine gun to pour ammunition on the hill. He really wanted to use the machine gun in his hand to raze the hill to the ground. The pilot did not dare to fly into the range of the XL2500 sniper rifle, nor did he dare to fly into the range of the helldog single-military artillery. However, while he remained at a distance of four thousand meters, the helicopter carried a heavy machine gun with almost zero accuracy.    


However, even this kind of blind fire had brought trouble to Xia Lei and the members of Zodiac Clan. Bullets were flying above their heads and around their bodies, who could guarantee that they wouldn't get hit by a stray bullet the moment they appeared? As long as luck was good, it was good. If it was bad, it was bad. If luck was bad at this moment, it would be a matter of life and death.    


Under this kind of suppression, the anti-terrorism special soldier who had previously completed the rope descent already had a firm footing and set up a front. With their help, the men in the trapped Chinooks escaped. However, to them, these few minutes of battle were like a nightmare.    


"Damn it!" commander of anti-terrorism special soldier who climbed out of the cabin went crazy, "Who gave this information to us! This is simply a trap! "    


It was too late to save his life. Who would bother to answer his question?    


Mei Hattori who was crawling out of the cabin laid on the ground. She was the only one here that wasn't wearing a battle uniform and carried a weapon. She was wearing a flirty black leather skirt with black stockings and red high heels. The feeling she gave off was not that she was here to fight, but that she was here to look at the aristocratic ladies in the gunfight.    


But what she didn't know was that what she was seeing wasn't a 2D movie, but a 3D movie. She wasn't really nervous at all when the LCH helicopter was shot down. It wasn't until the Dragon-Strangling Craft she was riding was killed by Xia Lei with a single shot and landed on the ground did she realize that the situation was out of her control! It was only then did she realize that she wasn't the one who was chasing and killing Xia Lei this time, it was Xia Lei who had set up an ambush to kill Hattori family!    


The Indian commander of anti-terrorism special soldier suddenly rushed to Mei Hattori's side and grabbed onto her hair, then pointed the gun at Mei Hattori's head, "Tell me! "What's going on!?"    


"I ?" On one side was the threat of death, and on the other was the loss of control of the Indian commander. Under the double pressure, Mei Hattori's face immediately lost all color, and she couldn't even straighten out her tongue.    


"Tell me what is going on!" The Indian commander of anti-terrorism special soldier bellowed, "Our losses are so heavy! How do you expect me to account for it to the higher ups?!"    


A LCH helicopter, a Chinook that was imported from the United States, and an ordinary helicopter. Such a loss could not be explained to the military, especially since it involved the corruption of the Indian military!    


"Let her go!"    


A cold voice came from behind. Without waiting for the Indian commander of anti-terrorism special soldier to turn around, a gun was pressed against the back of his head.    


A few nearby anti-terrorism special soldier s also pointed their guns at Tsukiba Hattori, who was their commander. Some even shouted, "Bastard! Are you courting death? Put the gun down! "    


However, Tsukiba Hattori didn't have the slightest hint of fear on his face. He raised the communicator in his hand to his mouth and said, "My men are still on that plane. As long as I give the order, they will shoot you. None of you will be able to survive a single enemy. "    


The few anti-terrorism special soldier s were also getting nervous. The people of Hattori family were still on the helicopter, controlling the two heavy machine guns. If those people were to shoot them from behind, they would really die here!    


"Wait!" The Indian commander of anti-terrorism special soldier moved the gun that was placed on Mei Hattori's head away, "Don't be rash, we are not enemies."    


Mei Hattori slowly came back to reality, "The one who should not be impulsive is you! It was your officer who took the money, and it was your officer who should have explained it to the Indian military, not you. This operation is information provided by your Indian intelligence system, and this operation is just a counterterrorism operation, a failed counterterrorism operation, do you understand? "    


Mei Hattori's words seemed to have made the Indian commander of anti-terrorism special soldier sober up, his gaze also turned from Mei Hattori's body to the direction of the mountain peak.    


"Also, that man on the top of the mountain is a big shot that both the United States and India want to get rid of. If you and your men can catch him or even get rid of him, not only will the Indian Army not hold you accountable, they will even give you a generous reward!" Mei Hattori seemed to have completely recovered. Her weapon was not a gun, but her mind and her mouth.    


"Mr. Abdomen, get your men to support us from the air, I want to kill those guys!" The commander of anti-terrorism special soldier of India said.    


"No problem." Tsukiba Hattori spoke into the communicator in Japanese: "Fly higher, maintain the suppression of the firepower, and cooperate with the ground attack!"    


"Roger that!" A voice answered in Japanese.    


"There's more." Tsukiba Hattori lowered his voice, "Be smart, you are controlling the last helicopter, we need to leave a way out."    


"Understood." A reply from the communicator.    


The helicopter that was hovering in the sky suddenly rose to a higher altitude, wanting to approach the top of the mountain at the same distance. Two heavy machine guns on both sides of the plane fired at the top of the hill. The bullets fired by the two heavy machine guns were like red-hot molten iron as they rained down towards the mountaintop.    


"Charge!" Kill them all! " The commander of anti-terrorism special soldier of India gave the order.    


Hidden behind a rock, the anti-terrorism special soldier moved quickly. Borrowing the terrain, she crouched down and charged upwards. While advancing, she ascended blind fire.    


The person on top seemed to have dug into the ground, but there was no response.    


When the Indian anti-terrorism special soldier started her charge, Tsukiba Hattori gave Mei Hattori a look.    


Mei Hattori took off her high heels and ran down the mountain.    


"What is she doing?" The Indian commander of anti-terrorism special soldier looked at Mei Hattori's back angrily, her hands subconsciously raising her spear.    


Tsukiba Hattori blocked in front of the commander, "She is a woman, she doesn't even have a weapon, do you still expect us Hattori family's women to fight?"    


"She can go, but you have to come with us!" The commander said fiercely.    


"Humph!" I came here to kill him! " Tsukiba Hattori kept his handgun and took down an Israeli IMI TAR-21 assault rifle from his shoulder. Pulling on the bullet, he rushed up the hill as well.    


The battle continued, but it was carried out in a way that the attackers absolutely did not wish to.    


It was fine if the people at the top of the mountain did not shoot, but if they had the chance, they would definitely shoot a anti-terrorism special soldier. Those people were not terrorists at all, they were top-notch hunters!    


Just as the battle was going on like a raging fire, Mei Hattori stumbled down the mountain. The rock had cut through the soles of her feet, shredding her skirt and clothes, revealing a large, snow-white back and a red bikini buttock. But at this time, she no longer felt pain or shame. The only thing in her mind was to escape from this place and live on!    


The people of the Hattori family and the Indian anti-terrorism special soldier were still attacking, but she had given up. At that time, on the snowy mountain in Grand China, an elite of close to a hundred people chased after Xia Lei and a female secret service agent from the 101st Bureau. Compared to that battle, Xia Lei still had the advantage in the terrain, and he had more helpers! Why was she still optimistic about the ongoing attack?    


Tsukiba Hattori was also in the offensive team, she was clear about one point, but she was not concerned about it at all.    


BOOM! An explosion came from behind him. Mei Hattori, who was running, turned her head in panic. She saw that a few of the Indian anti-terrorism special soldier s had been blown away. A person's head drew a bloody parabola in the air and landed on a rock in front of her with a bang.    


Her head had already exploded when the explosion occurred, and the fall had caused it to explode as well. Brain matter, blood, and bone splattered all over her leg.    


"Wahh ~ ~" Mei Hattori opened his mouth to vomit, but she couldn't hold it.    




Xia Lei's men suddenly started to retaliate crazily. The six blast assault rifle s were like six wild beasts, baring their fangs and brandishing their claws at the attackers. With a very fast firing rate, it was comparable to the range of a sniper rifle. With nearly zero recoil, the power and performance of the blast assault rifle that was produced by the Rayma Group threw the rifle far, far away. In the blink of an eye, the counterattack destroyed the attack of the Indian anti-terrorism special soldier and several corpses were left on the ground!    




A shell suddenly flew from the ground towards the helicopter that was hovering in the air.    


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