Tranxending Vision

C823 sniper rifle VS armed helicopter

C823 sniper rifle VS armed helicopter

The four helicopters got closer and closer. When they were still two kilometers away, Xia Lei saw the symbol on the first LCH helicopter. Then he saw the armed men in the cabin, two commando pilots in the first helicopter. The armed men of the two helicopters behind were wearing black combat suits. Without any markings, it was not hard to tell that they were all Japanese just by looking at their appearance and physique. It was obvious that the two helicopters in the middle were filled with members of the Abdominal Family. Only the pilot was visible, though he was also wearing the battle suit of the 62 Air Force commandos.    


"It's India's counter-terrorism unit!" Xia Lei whispered as he held onto his communication device.    


"F * ck!" Yasuya Khan scolded, "Usually they are slow, but today they are so fast. They must have taken the money to be mercenaries! India is hopeless! "    


"Calm down, this is not the time to complain about the Indian government." Xia Lei said with a heavy tone, "Everyone hide yourselves, do not shoot easily. The first thing we have to do is to kill that helicopter, which is the biggest threat to us. "    


"Roger that!" The other five members of the Zodiac Clan replied at the same time.    


Just as Xia Lei finished making the arrangements, that LCH helicopter flew to a location 500 meters away. The pilot was very smart and did not approach. This was obviously an incentive and a probe. Once someone fired a shot at the helicopter, it would undoubtedly stab the hornet's nest. The rocket launchers and machine guns carried on the LCH helicopter would set off a bloody storm. With its firepower, not only would it flatten the entire mountaintop, it would also be no problem to kill the people hiding on the mountaintop.    


"Don't move, don't move ?" Xia Lei called for his men in a low voice, "The other party is trying to lure us in, please do not shoot!"    


"It stopped right there, just in time to shoot, boss!" Arresian said.    


"Don't shoot. The wind from the propeller will affect your trajectory, and the glass in the cockpit is much stronger than normal bulletproof glass. It's very difficult to kill the pilot with just one shot, and we only have one chance." Xia Lei said.    


Although he was telling his subordinates to calm down and not to be nervous, he couldn't help but be nervous himself. His hand was also sweating. After all, the other party was an anti-terrorist unit from India. They were the most elite special forces unit, and they also operated helicopter gunships with huge firepower. If they were not careful in such a battle, a single mistake could cost their lives.    


The helicopter hovered in the air, and the three helicopters behind also stopped, not moving closer.    


This was tantamount to a tactic to attack their hearts. The opponent wanted to use this method to pressure Xia Lei and the other members of the Zodiac Clan. There was a limit to a person's ability to withstand pressure. Once that limit was exceeded, the person's mind would collapse. This was the situation for those who ran on the battlefield. Those who could not withstand the pressure would often give their backs to the enemy.    


Two minutes passed.    


To the members of Xia Lei and Zodiac Clan, these two minutes were even longer than two days. Every second they were under great pressure to survive, every second was torture.    


But this was war, a gamble on life.    


On the Chinook.    


"Why isn't the helicopter in front moving?" Mei Hattori said to a commander of anti-terrorism special soldier with a doubtful tone.    


"Miss Bai Li'er, don't worry, don't you think that everything is under our control?" commander of anti-terrorism special soldier said, "This is a pressure war strategy. We have dealt with many terrorists, and almost no one can withstand this kind of overwhelming pressure. Once you take care of his man and his men, we'll know where he is and blow him to pieces if they shoot at us. If they run away, it will be even simpler. We only need a few minutes to finish the battle. "    


"That was before the target left the mountain and I was afraid they would flee into Pakistan. I think you guys should fly around the top of the mountain and see what's going on behind the mountain. " Mei Hattori said.    


"Give me another two minutes. If there's no response after two minutes, I'll do as you say." The commander of anti-terrorism special soldier said.    


"Don't you have a heat detector on your helicopter?" Tsukiba Hattori who was on the same helicopter as Qi Nu said.    


"Of course there is, but that has to be very close. Also, that kind of machine is best used at night and not at all during the day. " The commander of anti-terrorism special soldier said.    


Tsukiba Hattori did not speak anymore, but from his expression, it was clear that he was not too satisfied with commander of anti-terrorism special soldier's way of doing things and her explanation.    


Mei Hattori anxiously looked at the watch on her wrist, waiting for two minutes to pass.    


Two minutes passed quickly.    


"Time's up. Let the helicopter fly over the hill and have a look." Mei Hattori urged.    


"Miss Bai Li'er, why are you in such a hurry?" The commander of anti-terrorism special soldier did not immediately give the order.    


Mei Hattori said: "You don't know how crafty the person we are going to deal with is. Did you know that not long ago, he killed fifty of your Mountain Master warriors by himself?"    


"He alone killed fifty of the Mountain Masters' warriors?" The Indian commander sneered: "Miss Bai Li'er, are you joking with me?"    


"I'm not joking with you! I tell you, this is the Indo-Pakistani border! " Mei Hattori said: "If the four helicopters from your side appear here, and are discovered by the Pakistani radar, their fighter aircraft and ground troops will react very quickly. The Pakistani people won't want us to hurt a guy. We won't have a chance then, you understand? Also, don't forget how much we paid for this operation! "    


"Fine." commander of anti-terrorism special soldier finally gave the order as he picked up her communicator, "Hunting Hawk, let's begin!"    


The LCH helicopter, hovering at the forefront, finally moved, heading for the top of Boneyard Hill.    


On the mountain top, Kyoko Tsukino who was hiding amongst a pile of rocks said nervously: "It's here."    


"I see it. Steady, don't shoot. We have to wait for the best opportunity." Xia Lei said.    


At that moment, several rockets were fired from the helicopter towards a spot on the mountaintop.    


BOOM! BOOM! Rumble ?    


The violent explosion caused the rocks to shatter into pieces. Thick smoke rose up into the air, spreading everywhere.    


"Steady, steady!" This is their final test! " Xia Lei continued to tell his subordinates to remain calm. However, his back was also covered in cold sweat. Although the other party was firing rockets randomly, if they were to be deceived and in the right direction, then he and the members of the Zodiac Clan would be in danger.    


Fortunately, the mountaintop was so big, and it would not be an easy thing to blow up the enemy's hiding place. Of course, in addition to the probability, luck played a large role. At least for now, their luck was still on their side.    


After firing a few rockets, the helicopter suddenly lowered its nose and fired at the two Land Cruisers parked at the foot of the mountain.    


"Woosh, woosh, woosh ~ ~ ~"    


The artillery shells of the machine guns whistled through the air. In the blink of an eye, the two SUVs that had stopped at the foot of the mountain were blasted into smithereens, then disintegrated into a sea of flames.    


"Hit!" The pilot of the LCH couldn't help but laugh. He looked excited. After blowing up the two SUVs, he adjusted the nose and headed straight for the top of the hill.    


He did not realize that his LCH helicopter was almost at the same level as the top of the hill.    


"Now ? shoot!" Xia Lei suddenly gave the order.    


Almost at the same moment his voice left his mouth, the seven sniper rifle's armor piercing bullets flew straight at the helicopter's cockpit. It was also at that moment that the bulletproof glass in the cockpit of the helicopter was shattered, and the pilot behind it was killed on the spot. If there was a slow end to this process, it would be if the bullets from the four sniper rifles struck the glass of the cockpit, while the remaining three shot into the pilot's body.    


Because the sniper position was different, the time the bullet hit the target was different. The first four had broken through the bulletproof glass, and the last three had killed the enemy. This was not a coincidence, but a meticulous calculation!    


The helicopter, which had lost its pilot, flew over the top of the hill and dropped to the ground behind it. The co-pilot in the co-pilot's cabin frantically unbuckled his seat belt, but just as he was about to reach out and pull the helicopter up, the ground suddenly enlarged in his line of sight ? BOOM!    


Flames shot up into the sky, followed by explosions of fuel tanks and ammunition. The loud explosion could probably be heard from ten miles away.    


"Kill them!" The commander of anti-terrorism special soldier in the Qiunu Kan helicopter seemed to have instantly entered berserk mode.    


The rear cabin door of the Qiunu helicopter opened, and the anti-terrorism special soldier in the cabin prepared to descend by rope.    


At the same time, Tsukiba Hattori grabbed onto a communication device and roared: Fire, shoot and kill them!    


The two helicopters suspended in the air, loaded with heavy machine guns, suddenly parted and flew simultaneously from left and right toward the top of the hill. As the fuselage cut across, the two heavy machine guns looked toward the top of the hill and began to pour out their ammunition in a frenzy. Machine gun bullets rained down from the sky like a storm, but they were not machine guns. They could easily tear through walls and trees, but they could not tear apart large rocks one after another. Their opponents were all hiding behind huge, hard rocks. It was as if they were hiding within a solid defensive fortification during the Second World War, unable to injure them at all.    


Bang! When a helicopter went around the mountain, Xia Lei suddenly raised his gun and within a second, the pilot of the helicopter landed on the bridge.    


BOOM! A helicopter carrying the Hattori family's armed men also fell to the ground.    


The remaining one was like a frightened bird, quickly connecting its height to the net and retreating to the side. It didn't stop until it was about four thousand meters away, then fired madly at the top of the hill. The range of the heavy machine gun was far greater than that of the sniper rifle, but there was no accuracy at this distance. It could only use this method to suppress the people on top of the hill and buy time for the Qiunu drone to land.    


The Qi Nu Gan helicopter rushed to the bottom of the mountain, one rope after another was lowered, and anti-terrorism special soldier that was armed to the teeth jumped down from the helicopter.    


Xia Lei who was carrying the helldog single-military artillery spoke to his subordinates. "Steady, steady. Don't shoot yet.    


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