Tranxending Vision

C820 Who are you? Who is she?

C820 Who are you? Who is she?

Who are you? Who is she?    


That night, the television station in New Delhi broadcast the news of the "terrorist attack" on the Powerful Biotech Corp. However, there were no gun battles, only the scenes of firefighters fighting fire and police evacuating the crowd. A spokesman for the New Delhi police also appeared in the camera, denouncing the terrorist attack and hinting that the terrorists were from the East.    


This was obviously because someone had accepted the money and then said so according to the person's wishes.    


It was not hard to guess who the briber party was, and that was Mei Hattori, who represented the Hattori family.    


It was not that Mei Hattori did not want to put Xia Lei's photo on the board and wanted him as a terrorist, but rather, the person who collected the money did not dare to do so. Xia Lei was not only an important figure in the industry of the Grand China Army, he was also the Vice President of the Grand China's Academy. If the Indian police called him a terrorist, then this matter would not be under the control of an ordinary person.    


Some things you can't do with money. Mei Hattori should also be clear of this point, if she wanted to deal with Xia Lei, she could only do it in secret, even in a place like New Delhi, she would not dare to take any open and aboveboard actions.    


It was also on that same night that Xia Lei finally found out that the youth was Masao Hattori's illegitimate child after using a hacker's method.    


This result made Xia Lei a little surprised. He didn't think that Mei Hattori had such a little brother.    


"Tsukiba Hattori, son of Masao Hattori, we will meet again." A cold smile surfaced on the corner of Xia Lei's mouth. Following that, he used the private number of Mei Hattori and used the satellite location to quickly find Mei Hattori's location.    


Mei Hattori's position surprised him. She was actually in the American Embassy in New Delhi.    


After locating Mei Hattori's position, his first thought was to hack into the security system of the American Embassy in New Delhi. However, after thinking for a while, he gave up. If he attacked the security system of the U.S. embassy in New Delhi, the other side would probably find him and lock onto his current location. By then, things would be even worse.    


As the world's overlord, America's electronic warfare power is also at its peak. The American intelligence services and the security systems of the overseas agencies were also under the control of specialized electronic warfare units. He didn't want to set foot in this minefield unless it was absolutely necessary.    


Mei Hattori's position couldn't help but worry. Last time, the people from the Hattori family started cooperating with the CIA, could it be that they wouldn't cooperate this time? One could imagine, if Mei Hattori leaked his information about India to the CIA, would the CIA people still be idle?    


During the last battle with the Wangda in Western province, the CIA's operations had already levelled up. Gu Kewen had also told him before he died that the United States now viewed him as a strategic threat. His plan had also become to get rid of him first before taking away the body. If the CIA were to return to India and take action against him, it would be conceivable that the CIA's actions would be unprecedented!    


With this analysis, Xia Lei could no longer sit still. He left his room, but just as he was about to call Yasuya Khan, Kyoko Tsukino walked over.    


"I was just about to discuss it with you." Xia Lei said.    


"She's awake." Kyoko Tsukino said.    


"What?" Xia Lei was surprised: "Really?"    


"Go take a look for yourself." Kyoko Tsukino said.    


Xia Lei walked towards the quiet room. He had expected the silence to last until tomorrow morning, but he had not expected her to wake up now.    


"Oh right, you said that you want to discuss something with us. What do you want to discuss?" Kyoko Tsukino asked as she chased after Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei said: "I found out that Mei Hattori's position is in the hands of the United States Ambassador to New Delhi, I'm worried that this might not be a unilateral action by the Hattori family."    


"You're worried that the CIA will step in?"    


"Yes, it's not just the CIA I'm worried about. I suspect they're sending out the Delta troops." Xia Lei's expression became serious, "So, our plan has to change. We can't wait until the later days to leave, we need to leave this place as soon as possible."    


"Okay, you go see Serenity. I'll go tell the others to get ready." Kyoko Tsukino turned and left.    


Xia Lei entered the quiet room.    


The room was dimly lit, and the air was thick with the smell of potions. He quietly lay on a medical stretcher. His entire body was covered with gauze, revealing only his nose, eyes, and mouth. Next to the hospital stretcher was a wooden stick. Hanging from the stick was a drop bottle that was feeding the tranquil liquid, drop by drop, to quench the inflammation. There were multiple burns on her skin, and although they had been treated, the inflammation had to be controlled, otherwise the burned skin would become inflamed, festered, or even diseased.    


As if sensing that someone was approaching her, Serenity slowly opened her eyes. She looked at Xia Lei and moved her lips, but only let out a sound of "Ya".    


Xia Lei sat on a wooden chair beside the stretcher bed and said with concern, "It's fine, you're safe now. You'll be fine in a few days."    


Although he said that, his mood was unusually heavy.    


There were multiple burns on her skin, especially on her face, which had almost destroyed her entire face. For a burn of this degree, even a cosmetic surgery would require dozens of operations, big or small, and there was no guarantee that it would be a complete recovery. She was so young and beautiful, yet she encountered such a thing. How could she face the rest of her life?    


"You ?" A clear voice came from the quiet mouth, but it was only one word. She still looked weak.    


Xia Lei lightly patted the back of her hand and gently said: "Don't be anxious, you're still very weak right now. You'll be fine in two days."    


"Yes ?" Quiet said another word.    


Xia Lei was slightly stunned.    


"Who ?" Quiet And Steadfast said the third word.    


These words completely stunned Xia Lei.    


These were the first words that Serenity said to him when she woke up.    


But, no matter if she was serene, or the serenity of Zhu Xuanyue's existence, it was impossible for her to not recognize him!    


Had the explosion in the laboratory damaged her brain and caused her to lose her memory?    


But as far as Zhu Xuanyue was concerned, even if she were to use her cannon to blast her, he wouldn't be able to harm her brain, right?    


But if she was simply calm, and she couldn't survive such an explosion!    


Looking at the woman lying on the sickbed, whose face could not be seen clearly, a question suddenly emerged in Xia Lei's mind. Who exactly was the woman in front of him?    


He stared at Serenity, and Serenity looked back at him.    


A minute passed.    


"You are... "Who?" Serenity actually said these words in a very complete manner.    


"Don't you remember me?" Xia Lei turned his face, "I'm Xia Lei, Xia Lei, do you still remember me?"    


Quiet And Steadfast lightly shook his head, then said, "I ?" "Who is it?"    


"Huh?" Xia Lei was once again stunned on the spot. She did not even remember who she was!    


"Who am I?" The quiet voice became clearer and more coherent. It did not seem to have the feeling of a critically ill patient being weakened at all.    


Xia Lei's heart skipped a beat as the bandages on Serenity's body disappeared layer by layer. He soon saw her skin, scarred and burned. A scar was a sign of a wound that was on the verge of healing. However, under normal circumstances, the burns on her body would take at least ten to twenty days to heal to the extent of scarring! As for her, she only used twenty hours!    


Not only was the wound healing fast, even her spirit was recovering quickly. This could be seen from the way she spoke. She was very weak after waking up and couldn't even complete a sentence. However, in just a few minutes, she had recovered to a very objective state and was able to speak completely.    


Many thoughts flashed through Xia Lei's mind, and he was becoming more and more uncertain as to who the woman in front of him was. He tried to see her face with his perspective, but his face was full of scars and he couldn't see her face at all. After removing that scar, all he could see was flesh and blood ? her skin had not fully recovered after all.    


"You are Tranquil." After a brief moment of silence, Xia Lei probed.    


"Tranquility? Who is Serenity? " Her eyes looked lost.    


"Zhu Xuanyue?" Xia Lei began to probe further.    


"Zhu Xuanyue? Who is Zhu Xuanyue? " Her eyes glazed over even more.    


Xia Lei became anxious, "Do you still remember what happened in the laboratory?"    


"I remember... "Black..."    


"Is it a man in a black robe?"    


"No, the black sky."    


"Do you remember the body? Three corpses, Gu Kewen's, a golden-haired woman's and a black-haired woman's.    


"You're so noisy, I'm going to sleep."    


Xia Lei felt as if someone had strangled him in the throat, and he couldn't say a single word.    


Quiet was not normal from any angle. She had experienced everything in the lab, but she could not remember anything.    


The sound of footsteps came from outside the door, and then, Kyoko Tsukino's voice sounded again, "Boss, we're already prepared. Yasuya Khan is back too. "    


Xia Lei glanced at the tranquility, and then stood up and left the room.    


The six members of Zodiac Clan were all outside in the courtyard, each of them carrying their bags, looking ready to go.    


"Yasuya Khan, how is the task I asked you to do?" Xia Lei said.    


"I took your money and went to New Delhi. I found an officer in charge of gathering and processing intelligence. He agreed. He will do as we ask and, once we arrived in Punjab, he will place the information you designed into their intelligence system." Yasuya Khan said.    


"Are you sure that person is reliable?" Xia Lei asked.    


Yasuya Khan said: "How reliable can someone be bought with twenty thousand dollars? But we don't want him to be loyal. We just want him to do something that's easy for him to do. If he doesn't, my people will make him suffer and urge him to do what he has to do. "    


"Then there's no problem." Xia Lei said: "Bring some peace, we will leave for Punjab tonight."    


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