Tranxending Vision

C817 Bleed butt

C817 Bleed butt

Smoke billowed up the stairs, carrying the pungent smell of chemicals. Xia Lei accidentally inhaled, and the smell immediately stimulated his breathing, causing him to uncontrollably cough twice.    


"Boss!" What happened? " Kyoko Tsukino's voice came out from the miniature receiver in her ear, full of anxiety and worry.    


Xia Lei grabbed onto the miniature communicator hidden inside his collar. He was about to say something when he realized that it had already shattered. He didn't know if the black-robed man had crushed it when he pressed him onto the ground, or the explosion had shattered it, but he knew that he could no longer control the members of the Zodiac Clan through it.    


"Boss?" "Answer the question!" Yasuya Khan's voice was also extremely anxious.    


"F * ck!" Xia Lei angrily pulled out the shattered communication device and threw it on the ground. Then, he crawled up from the ground and dove into the stairs.    


Retreating at this time was the most sensible choice, but when he thought of the pitiful peace, he made the opposite decision. He still had a sliver of luck in his heart. That was, Serenity might be able to survive the explosion just now. Although this sliver of hope was very slim, he wasn't willing to give up. Because he knew that if he was lying on that cold surgical bed, Serenity would do the same and desperately rush in to save him.    


Smoke billowed in the thirty story corridor, and the pungent, poisonous air filled every inch of space.    


Xia Lei's gaze passed through the thick smoke and saw that the elevator at the end of the corridor had opened and then closed. At the same time, a shadow appeared on the stairs, but it only took him a second to retreat.    


"Go get the gas mask!" "Hurry up!" A berating voice came from the stairs.    


Then there was the sound of someone hurrying downstairs again.    


Xia Lei had already gotten used to the poisonous gas. When he first came in, he had difficulty breathing, but his body quickly adapted to it. The almost abnormal immune system in his body activated. He could move freely in such a poisonous environment, but no one else could.    


This was an opportunity.    


Xia Lei rushed towards the laboratory.    


The door to the lab was blown open, and the floor was littered with metal, glass, electronic components, and ? Human flesh!    


There was no one standing in the lab, not even a complete person.    


The floor of the laboratory was strewn with blood, flesh, bones, and even organs. The bomber engine machine was gone, its parts and debris everywhere. The huge glass container was gone, too, and the laboratory floor was littered with shards of glass and bloody liquid. Gu Kewen's body was gone, so was the bodies of the European and Asian woman. It was unknown if the flesh on the ground belonged to them or the researchers, in short, the laboratory looked like a battlefield in the mortal world.    


Xia Lei's gaze shifted towards the direction of Serenity. He saw an operation bed that had been knocked over. When a white dot entered his line of sight, he was momentarily stunned. It was ? Her ass?    


He didn't dare to look at the operating table. He was afraid to see the tranquility of a single buttock. He didn't even want to think about that scene!    


After hesitating for a moment, he walked over and lifted up the surgical bed that had fallen to the ground.    


With a single glance, he heaved a sigh of relief. The white thing he had just seen was indeed a peaceful buttock, and not just a buttock. She was curled up on the ground, covered in blood, like a newborn baby.    


This was a miracle! She was the only complete person in the lab. Other than her, not even a machine was complete, let alone a human.    


Xia Lei flipped his one by one, then his heart was about to break. Although her body was intact, her face was badly mutilated, and it was almost impossible to tell that it was her face.    


"Peace? Serenity? Wake up! " Xia Lei shook her shoulders.    


"Cough, cough ?" Coughing sounds suddenly came from her quiet throat, then she opened her mouth wide and inhaled deeply.    


She's alive!    


Xia Lei did not dare to stay long, he carried Serenity up and ran towards the entrance of the laboratory.    


Footsteps could be heard in the corridor, as well as voices.    


"Why did this place explode?" Someone in the smoke said in Japanese.    


"I don't know, but I do want that kid in the lab. I think he got blown up." Someone said.    


"No one can be sure that he's in the lab. That Indian can only prove that the money to start the experiment was paid by that kid. Well, through that archaeologist called Lin Jing. No matter what, this has to do with him. " Someone said.    


"The lab is right in front. Be careful, the air here is poisonous." Someone reminded him.    


The footsteps drew closer.    


The people from the Hattori family had come at the most unsuitable time.    


"F * ck!" Xia Lei secretly cursed, he took a deep breath in, and suddenly rushed out of the laboratory with tranquility in his arms, towards the staircase that led to the Sky Platform.    


The thick smoke from the explosion obscured the people's vision, but not the sound from their feet. Xia Lei's hands were holding tranquility and the hallway was filled with glass fragments. Running along the hallway with his feet making crackling sounds, it was enough to wake up someone who had fallen asleep, not to mention someone from the Hattori family who was still relatively vigilant.    


"There seems to be someone up ahead!" Someone exclaimed.    


"Who?" "Halt!" someone berated.    


"Eighty!" "If you don't stop, I'll shoot!" Someone pulled the bolt in the smoke.    


Xia Lei didn't hesitate or pause at all. Just as the other party was still uncertain of his identity and was berating him, had already rushed to the staircase at the end of the corridor.    


Bang! Bang! Bang!    


Someone fired from the smoke, and several bullets hit the wall of the stairwell.    


"Chase!" Someone shouted.    


Bang! Bang! Bang!    


There were several more shots, and then a flurry of footsteps came from the direction of the corridor.    


However, Xia Lei had already rushed out of the stairwell. He paused at the anti-theft door for a moment, and then used his foot to close the anti-theft door.    


"Phew ?" "Phew ?" The quiet breathing was rapid, and the rise and fall of her chest was also very intense. This was the reaction after her respiratory tract had been stimulated by the toxic gas. Her condition was very bad, and she urgently needed rescue and treatment.    


Xia Lei didn't look like he was going to rush to the edge of the roof. What he wished for the most was for Kyoko Tsukino to climb out from underground if he was unable to contact him.    


Bang! Bang! Bang!    


The sound of intense gunfire filled the air. The metal anti-theft door issued a deafening sound, and holes appeared on the metal door one after another.    


BOOM! Someone fired a shotgun.    


The lock on the anti-theft door suddenly exploded and someone used his foot to kick open the anti-theft door.    


The first person to rush up to the roof was the one with the shotgun. Unfortunately, he was also the first to be finished. He had just rushed out of the security door, and before his feet could steady themselves, a bullet flew over from Xia Lei's direction, accurately and accurately piercing into his head.    


Bang! Bang! Bang!    


With one hand holding onto the tranquility, with the other holding onto the gun, Xia Lei shot towards the stairs. His bullet immediately suppressed the person who was about to rush out from the staircase.    


"He is Xia Lei!" A man's voice, full of excitement and excitement, said, "Catch him for me!"    


"He only has one pistol! Charge out! " someone shouted.    


Xia Lei was burning with anxiety. He only had one handgun, and it was impossible for him to hold on for long. Worse still, Serenity was in desperate need of rescue therapy, and every second she was delayed now made her situation worse. What made him despair was that the situation he hoped to see did not happen. Kyoko Tsukino did not come up from below the roof. She might have retreated out of the alleyway and stormed in with the other members of the Zodiac Clan from the main entrance. However, this was the situation he was most unwilling to see, because he simply did not have the time to wait for the other members of the Zodiac Clan to rush in and support him.    


Another gunman rushed out from behind the security door.    


Xia Lei's muzzle moved slightly, and a bullet shot out angrily towards the gunner's head, and it was still the same headshot. His marksmanship was so accurate that he was afraid of himself.    


Just as he adjusted the muzzle of his gun to get rid of the gunman who was rushing out, a submachine gun popped out from the side of the door.    


Xia Lei suddenly dove down onto the ground, and Jing Jing also fell down onto the rooftop of the roof with a heavy thud.    


"Da Da Da ?"    


A bullet flew past Xia Lei's back. He flew over.    


"Charge!" Someone roared.    


Two gunners suddenly rushed out from behind the anti-theft door, while running, they shot towards Xia Lei's direction. The two gunners used submachine guns with extremely fast firing speed, the dense barrage of bullets made Xia Lei unable to raise his head. Just as he was suppressed by the enemy's firepower for a second, two more gunners rushed out from behind the security door.    


These people were even more skilled than the elite commandos, and the coordination of their tactics was flawless!    


Obviously, they were all the elite family samurai s!    


Sou Sou!    


Two cold lights suddenly flew out from Xia Lei's back.    


It was the shuriken of two Ninjas.    


A cold light flashed. One hit nothing but air. The last gunner who rushed out of the door was stabbed in the chest with a shuriken. He didn't even make a sound before falling to the ground. Under his natural reflex, his finger pulled the trigger, causing a bullet to miss Xia Lei, but accidentally struck a comrade beside him. Although the unlucky fellow dodged the shuriken, he did not dodge his teammate's sniper rifle. As a result of being shot in the back, he fell to the ground as well.    


He wasn't afraid of a god-like opponent, but rather afraid of a pig-like teammate. This was also useful in the world of gunmen.    


Xia Lei's pressure had greatly decreased. Taking advantage of the moment the other party was in a state of panic, he fired two shots in succession, and the remaining two people fell to the ground.    


Xia Lei turned around and saw Kyoko Tsukino, the one who helped him earlier was her.    


Kyoko Tsukino jumped up from the roof's edge, her waist still tied with the rope that had been cut off.    


"What happened?" Kyoko Tsukino's gaze locked onto the opened security door, but no one else came rushing out.    


"Let's leave this place first." Xia Lei's left eye moved slightly, and said: "There is still one more person hiding behind the door, but their reinforcements are almost here, quickly connect the ropes, we don't have much time left."    


Kyoko Tsukino caught the rope and said, "Don't worry, we're already in position." "Yasuya Khan and Sayimu have already found a sniping point there. Arresian and Erdelmtu will attack from the front of the building, we can actually kill our way back and get rid of the rest of the vice clan members."    


There were two snipers, two assaulters at the main entrance, him and Kyoko Tsukino at the bottom of the building. They attacked from three sides, this was indeed an opportunity to kill Hattori family. However, Xia Lei was unable to make such a decision, because there was already no time for peace and quiet.    


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