Tranxending Vision

C815 female cadaver and Clothes

C815 female cadaver and Clothes

"Mister Adam." Salman's voice was soft, "Do you believe in God?"    


"Believe me, I'm a Buddhist." Xia Lei said.    


"Do you also believe in gods in this world?"    


"Of course, God created everything, including me." Xia Lei said with a serious look.    


"Then let me tell you that before this was an experiment, both Mr. Nahal and I heard the voice of God."    


"The voice of the god?" Xia Lei's heart was moved, "What did it say?"    


"The voice of the god guided Mr. Nahal to the southern frontier and found the body of the woman. At first, I didn't believe it was true. I even suspected that Mr. Harl had been driven mad by his terrible situation. However, when we went to that snowy mountain, we really did find that woman's corpse. She had been dead for days, you know, but the temperature was still there. Snowflakes fell on her face, melting. In that instant, I believed that there was a God in this world. "    


Xia Lei was stunned on the spot. He had always been curious as to why Gu Kewen's corpse would come to this place, and now, Salman had given him the answer. Salman had described this matter as under the guidance of a God, but he knew that the voice that Ha Er was hearing was just Zhu Xuanyue's voice, it was as if she was controlling Serenity to do as she wanted. This was not some divine guidance at all, but Zhu Xuanyue controlling Ha'er, and even this Salman in front of him!    


"I knelt down beside her and I kowtowed to her. And then I heard God's voice. " Salman's eyes were filled with sincerity, making him look very strange.    


"What did you hear?"    


"She told me that a blond European woman would die and an Asian dark-haired woman would die. She told me where to go and told me to bring the body back."    


"The voice you heard, was that of a woman ? Is it the voice of God? " Xia Lei originally wanted to say women, but he changed his mind.    


"Yes, it's the voice of a goddess."    


"Was the body she told you to bring back was the body of the two women?" Xia Lei pointed to the two female corpses.    


Salman replied: "Yes, it's those two women's corpses. I couldn't explain all this, but when I got there as she had instructed, the blond European woman and the dark-haired Asian woman came in separate cars. Then, they died right in front of me. I don't know what happened to them, but they were dead, painless, very suddenly. "    


Xia Lei said in shock: "Could it be that no one suspects? Or do something? "For example, calling an ambulance."    


"You never went there at all. You don't know what it was like. The place was deserted, and even the nearest village would take an hour to get there. Other than me, there was nothing else that found them. "    


Such a scene appeared in Xia Lei's mind. A golden-haired European woman, a black-haired Asian woman, had somehow driven all the way to a barren land and then mysteriously died. The feeling he got was that these two women had come all the way here to donate their corpses. Just the thought of such a scene was enough to send shivers down his spine!    


"I was driving in a cold car. I took their bodies. They are clothes the gods need. "    


"Clothes? Is that what God said? "    


"Of course, all the female corpses here are her clothes."    


Xia Lei was shocked, his mind was also blank, he could not think properly.    


At this time, the two researchers had already moved Gu Kewen's body into the glass container, where she was covered with patches of wires and pipelines that were used to transport liquids.    


"Mr. Abba, it's time to witness this miracle!" Salman walked towards a machine that looked like the engine of a large bomber.    


For some reason, Xia Lei's heart tensed up, but at the same time, it was filled with contradictions. He didn't want to see Gu Kewen return to the human world, but he also wanted to witness the occurrence of this "miracle".    


Just as Salman was about to activate that strange machine, Xia Lei suddenly thought of something. He didn't know those two women and he didn't care about their lives, but Serenity was different. She was his friend and he was innocent. If she became one of Zhu Xuanyue's clothes, then it would be too cruel!    


"Wait!" Xia Lei quickly walked towards Serenity, "She can't join!"    


"Stop! What are you doing? " Salman chased after him.    


Xia Lei reached out and grabbed a patch that was stuck to Serenity's forehead, "I said, she can't participate!"    


"Just who are you?" Salman's eyes were full of vigilance and suspicion.    


Xia Lei cursed himself in his heart. He was worried about the peaceful fate, but he had already forgotten that the role he was playing was Japanese, and it was impossible for him to know Serenity. If he didn't know her, why did he stop her from participating in the reincarnation experiment?    


"If you think that you can stop this miracle from happening by giving me some money, then you're completely wrong ?" When she was speaking, Salman's expression suddenly became strange, giving people a kind of hollow and numb feeling. Right at this moment, a strange voice came out from her mouth, "Go! "Danger!"    


Xia Lei was surprised: "What did you say? "Who are you?"    


"Danger! "Let's go!" The strange voice that came out of Salman's mouth was full of anxiety.    


Actually, Xia Lei had already heard it clearly the first time she said it. This voice caused his mind to fly back to Paris. That night, he received a call from Mei Hattori's villa, and the voice of an unfamiliar woman warned him of the impending danger. It was also during that time that he encountered an unprecedented opponent, and almost lost his life there!    


The same sound appeared again. Could this mean that the strange existence had chased them to New Delhi?    


"Start the machine!" Salman's voice, had become normal.    


A researcher quickly started up the strange engine of the bomber. The laboratory was suddenly filled with the sound of whining, just like the wind in the deep valleys, or the wind in the unmarked cemetery, which gave off the feeling of wailing ghosts and howling wolves. In the midst of this strange and terrifying sound, lines of blue lightning jumped out of the machine like snakes, and followed the wires into the huge glass container. Gu Kewen's body suddenly trembled. The next moment, the blue lightning bolts left the glass container and entered the corpse of the blonde woman, the corpse of the black-haired woman and the body of the peaceful woman.    


In that moment of hesitation, a snake-like blue electric arc suddenly shot out from the electric wire. Xia Lei, who was holding onto the metal plate, couldn't let go of it in time and was struck by lightning. In that instant, he lost control of his body. A powerful current bounced him away and he landed heavily on the ground!    


Kyoko Tsukino flew over and asked anxiously: "What happened to you? Are you all right? "Hey!"    


Xia Lei shook his head with all his might. His mind was already awake, but his body was still in a paralyzed state.    


"I warn you, Mr. Abba, either stay put or get out of here!" Salman said rudely.    


"Baja!" Kyoko Tsukino glared at Salman, and a shurikens slipped from her sleeves and into her palm. As long as she raised her hand, the shuriken would pierce into Salman's heart or her forehead.    


But just as she was about to do that, Xia Lei's body had already regained his ability to move, and he grabbed onto Kyoko Tsukino's hand, "Let's leave this place."    


Kyoko Tsukino looked at Xia Lei in shock, and asked, "Leave this place?" She didn't understand why Xia Lei made such a decision. He climbed up 30 floors and spent $100 thousand to unlock the mystery of the reincarnation experiment. This mystery was about to be solved, but now he was going to leave. She couldn't understand why.    


Xia Lei did not explain. He crawled up from the ground, picked up his backpack and walked towards the door.    


"Mr. Abba, this is your own decision. I will not refund your money." Salman said. At this moment, she seemed to have returned to her original state, greedy and crafty.    


"Keep the money. I just want you to keep the secret that I've been here. Otherwise, the money will leave your pockets. " Xia Lei said.    


"Of course not." The corner of Salman's mouth revealed a sly smile. She wouldn't be so stupid as to give away the money in her pocket.    


Xia Lei's gaze once again moved onto the peaceful body. Her body trembled on the cold surgical bed as his hair stood on end. Her eyes were completely white without a single trace of black in them. He looked extremely frightening.    


Xia Lei sighed in his heart, "I'm sorry, I can't bring you along with me in this situation. I hope you can stay safe and take care of yourself ?"    


He hardened his heart and withdrew his gaze, then walked towards the door of the laboratory.    


In fact, if he tried to force Serenity away, the researchers wouldn't be able to stop him. But he knew very well that he could not do that. Firstly, he did not know what would happen if he suddenly stopped the reincarnation experiment. Furthermore, he was certain that this matter was related to Zhu Xuanyue, and he could not interfere with Zhu Xuanyue's matter. Because she wanted Serenity to die, even if he brought her away now, it would be useless!    


Just as he was about to reach the door, Yasuya Khan's voice suddenly came out from the receiver hidden in his ears, "Boss, someone has entered the building!"    


"Who is it?"    


"The Japanese, and that Nahar. They have a lot of people. You and Xingzi, quickly get out of there! We can only make use of our firepower when we're outside. " Yasuya Khan urged.    


"Got it, get ready to retreat." Xia Lei's voice was low and cold.    


"Ah?" Retreat? " Yasuya Khan's voice was filled with surprise.    


"That's right, prepare to retreat." Xia Lei repeated his order. What he was worried about and afraid of was not the Japanese, but the terrifying existence!    


A normal person wouldn't be able to fight against it, it was as if no one could fight with Zhu Xuanyue!    


"Alright, we'll wait for you outside." Yasuya Khan ended the call.    


Xia Lei reached out and grabbed the doorknob.    


Suddenly, the light in the lab went out.    


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