Tranxending Vision

C811 Fast Hacker in New Delhi

C811 Fast Hacker in New Delhi

New Delhi, India.    


A man and a woman walked out of Gandhi International Airport and stood by the side of the road, waiting for the car to arrive.    


The man was in his thirties with a beard on his chin. He looked tall and hard. He was holding a toy monkey in his hand, as if he was giving it to a little friend. The woman also appeared to be in her thirties. Her appearance was ordinary, but her figure was very sexy. Standing with a man, she gave the impression of a couple from the Grand China who had come to visit India.    


A taxi stopped in front of the two. The driver stuck his head out from the driver's seat and asked them in Hindi and English if they wanted to take a taxi. The two of them shook their heads and refused. Soon after, a red Ford Impressionist stopped in front of the two of them. No one questioned them, but the two of them opened the car door and got in. The Ford pathfinder pulled into the driveway and looked out toward downtown New Delhi.    


"Boss, if it wasn't for the monkey in your hand, I wouldn't even recognize you." Yasuya Khan who was driving said.    


The man and woman sitting on the sofa in the back was Xia Lei and Kyoko Tsukino. Both of them wore human skin on their faces. Mask. This technique was taught to Xia Lei by Xia Changhe. Not only did he learn this technique, he even improved on it. a piece of human skin made by him. The mask was more lifelike and refined.    


Coming to India, of course Xia Lei could not appear in public as a real person.    


"Tell me about the new situation." Xia Lei said, then casually threw the toy monkey that was used to indicate his identity behind the sofa.    


"My people are still monitoring that place from the vicinity of Powerful Biotech Corp's headquarters. Peace has not come out, and Nahauer has not come out either. Furthermore, my people have even helped me look into Nahauer's situation. That fellow is good at doing scientific research, but he is an outsider when it comes to doing business. He had single-handedly created the Powerful Biotech Corp, but now he was going to be expelled from the board of directors. Everyone thinks he's still a billionaire, but apart from that lab, he's a pauper now. " Yasuya Khan said.    


This coincided with the information that Xia Lei had gotten from the documents, but he had obviously not looked through the documents carefully.    


"I got it, take me to a computer city." Xia Lei said.    


"Why are we going to the city? Not our safe house? Ye Liena, Sayimu and the others are waiting for you there. " Yasuya Khan said.    


"I'm going to buy a computer and accessories. From now on, I'll take over from Amanda." Xia Lei said.    


"You?" Yasuya Khan couldn't help but turn his head to look at Xia Lei, his face full of shock.    


Kyoko Tsukino also looked at Xia Lei strangely, she did not believe that Xia Lei would be able to do the same. Hackers required talent and professional training, so Xia Lei obviously did not have these two requirements.    


Xia Lei didn't explain anything to Yasuya Khan and Kyoko Tsukino. He looked out the window and saw a scene flying away, but he was actually thinking about the woman who was soaking in the glass container. Was she really Gu Kewen?    


"Drive well." Kyoko Tsukino said.    


Yasuya Khan shrugged, and then turned and continued driving.    


Half an hour later, the Ford Pathfinder stopped in front of a computer mall. Xia Lei told Yasuya Khan and Kyoko Tsukino to stay in the car to wait for him as he entered the city alone.    


"He said that he wanted to take over from Amanda." Yasuya Khan turned his head to look at Kyoko Tsukino, "Do you believe it?"    


"He can build tanks, but I don't believe he's a hacker. We haven't cooperated with Amanda that much, but her skills in the field of hackers are at the top. However, with Amanda dead, we also need someone like him to support our actions. Give our boss some more time, and he'll be able to learn it. " Kyoko Tsukino said.    


"I hope so." Yasuya Khan said.    


"Yasuya Khan, there's something I need to ask you."    


"What is it?"    


"Is there really a lot of rape in India?"    


"I'm an Indian, and your question makes me uncomfortable. Do you want to experience it once? I can satisfy you. "    


Yasuya Khan, "..."    


The two of them did not talk for long before Xia Lei walked out of the City. In his hand was a computer bag and a huge plastic bag.    


"Let's go." Once they were in the car, Xia Lei only said one sentence.    


Yasuya Khan started up the car and continued driving.    


In the car, Xia Lei took out the 2000 S14.1 Inch notebook that he bought earlier on and opened it up to change the parts that he needed. This is a computer that costs 68 thousand Chinese dollars at home and 600 thousand Indian rupees at India, which is a bit cheaper than home. It has bulletproof and self-destruct capabilities, but is too crappy. The only reason he bought it was because its body was thick enough to be modified. The bag of accessories he had bought was also worth several hundred thousand Indian rupees, and he had spent almost one hundred thousand Chinese dollars on it. In the world of hackers, this sort of equipment was considered top tier. Of course, it was just mobile equipment.    


In less than ten minutes, Xia Lei had changed a big bag of accessories, and threw all the broken parts from the machine out of the window. Then he started the computer and installed it. His ten fingers were dazzlingly fast, and the car was filled with the crackling sound of a keycap.    


Kyoko Tsukino looked at Xia Lei in shock, but she could not understand the instructions on the monitor. She could not help but ask, "Boss, have you done this before?"    


"No, I only learned it yesterday." Xia Lei said, and then he added, "I'm still not proficient enough."    


Kyoko Tsukino, "..."    


If you're still not proficient enough and that's the case, then if you're proficient enough, how are you going to let others live?    


After around ten minutes, Xia Lei inserted a mobile internet card as an excuse and entered the internet. He said: "Drive slower."    


Yasuya Khan slowed down his speed.    


The speed of the car slowed down, and Xia Lei's ten fingers once again rapped on the keyboard. The voice was dry and boring, but it drew the attention of Kyoko Tsukino and Yasuya Khan.    


Before the Ford pathfinder had even reached his destination, a set of monitor screens appeared on the computer's display.    


That was the monitoring screen in Powerful Biotech Corp.    


Kyoko Tsukino and Yasuya Khan were dumbstruck again.    


Xia Lei's finger knocked on the monitor, and a monitoring screen immediately zoomed in. That was the surveillance footage from Na Ha's laboratory. The glass container containing the woman and the red liquid appeared on the surveillance screen. There were also the corpses of the two young women, as well as ?    


Xia Lei's gaze shifted to a metal bed, and he was unable to shift his gaze away.    


On the bed lay not the body of a young woman, but peace, covered with wires and tubes of liquid. Her eyes were closed and still.    


The same was true of the bodies of the two young women, who were covered in wires and tubes of liquid.    


Without exception, the two corpses and the wires from Serenity's body entered the huge glass container that was filled with the blood liquid.    


This was a very strange scene, even Xia Lei was unable to see through it.    


"If the glass container is filled with Gu Kewen's body, then there are only three female corpses in this laboratory. Why did Serenity join in? and so on... The Transmigration Project of Na Ha'er had woken up early on to have examples of people being used for experiments. Could it be that Na Ha'er was using tranquility for experiments? If this was initiated by Zhu Xuanyue, then she would only need a fresh corpse to revive her. But there are a total of three corpses in the laboratory, if added with Serenity ? " Xia Lei's brain had already reached its maximum capacity, but he still could not understand what was going on.    


"Boss." Kyoko Tsukino could not hold back the confusion in her heart, but she still said it out loud, "Is this really your first time being a hacker?"    


Xia Lei's train of thought was interrupted as he replied, "I've learned this before. If Amanda was still alive, I wouldn't have done this. There's nothing we can do. "    


"I think you're stronger than Amanda." Kyoko Tsukino said.    


"Don't talk about me." Xia Lei changed the topic, "Tonight, I want to enter the laboratory, come with me, you are good at this."    


Kyoko Tsukino nodded.    


Xia Lei's line of sight once again landed on the monitor.    


That Ha'er brought a few people with her to the surveillance footage. They were Asian faces, neatly dressed and serious.    


Xia Lei's heart was moved, "Could it be the Japanese? Is it someone from the Hattori family? "    


The people of Grand China, the people of Korea and the people of Japan were all similar. It was hard to tell them by their skin color and appearance, but it could be distinguished by their words, demeanor, style, and temperament. The Chinese were easy-going and friendly. Koreans are sensitive and irritable. The Japanese were serious and reserved, with an emphasis on etiquette. Adding that to the deal with Hattori family, it was very easy for Xia Lei to guess the identities of these few eastern faces.    


The appearance of the people from the Hattori family was not a good omen.    


On the screen, Na'er led the Japanese to the glass container. She pointed at the woman in the glass container and said something to the Japanese. The Japanese nodded slightly in approval. However, without the treatment of the technology, Xia Lei was simply unable to use his lip language to decipher the conversation between Nahauer and the Japanese people.    


Two faces appeared in Xia Lei's mind. One of them was Mei Hattori's face, and the other was the face of the Japanese killer leader that appeared in Wangda in Western province's battle.    


"Xingzi, you are Japanese, and you are also a Ninja of Yi Heliu. Do you think that the Hattori family has a Ninja like you?" Xia Lei suddenly asked.    


Kyoko Tsukino thought for a while, "Hattori family is a very ancient family, and is also a half-hidden descendant of a legendary Ninja. However, I am not very clear about the situation in Hattori family, and I have never exchanged blows with anyone from Hattori family, so I do not know their strength. "    


A cold smile surfaced on the corner of Xia Lei's mouth, "You will soon have the chance to fight against the people from the Hattori family."    


The Ford Shaker suddenly turned off the road and entered a gate, then stopped in the yard. "We're here, boss."    


Before he even got off the car, Xia Lei could already see a few familiar faces through the window: Ye Liena, Erdelmtu, Sayimu and Arresian.    


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