Tranxending Vision

C807 female cadaver and its containers

C807 female cadaver and its containers

Just like that, a day passed. Xia Lei spent the entire day in a state of anxiety and anticipation.    


Yasuya Khan bribed the security guards of the Powerful Biotech Corp and also entered the building, but he could only enter the low level areas, the high level areas were not even allowed to enter by the security guards, let alone himself, the security guard.    


Yasuya Khan sent back a few secret photos. Xia Lei saw a lot of surveillance cameras and uniformed security personnel guarding the high level areas from those photos. From the photos that Yasuya Khan sent back, Powerful Biotech Corp was not just a biopharmaceutical company. It must be hiding some kind of secret. Otherwise, its security level would not be so high.    


At night, Xia Lei did not go back. He stayed in the office, waiting for Yasuya Khan to make his move.    


"If only Amanda was still alive." While waiting anxiously, Xia Lei couldn't help but think of Amanda. She was a hacker of the Zodiac Clan. To pry into the Powerful Biotech Corp's internal secrets, he only needed to give her a computer and a wire. With her dead, the Zodiac Clan was lacking this kind of talent, to the point that she was at a loss for what to do.    


He thought of Liang Siyao and Long Bing. Liang Siyao and Long Bing all had professional hackers under their hands, and they were all agents of the 101st Bureau. Using Department 101's people to support Yasuya Khan's actions was not a good idea.    


Du du du, du du...    


The satellite telephone on the desk suddenly rang.    


Xia Lei's train of thoughts was immediately interrupted. He grabbed the satellite telephone on the desk and asked anxiously: "What's the situation?"    


Yasuya Khan's voice came from inside the satellite telephone, "I climbed up the building from the outside, I'm currently on the 30th floor."    


There was also the distinct sound of the wind in his voice.    


Xia Lei was shocked, "You climbed up to the 30th floor with your bare hands?"    


"If I had a choice, I'd rather take the elevator." Yasuya Khan said, he actually had this kind of cold humor.    


Xia Lei laughed bitterly, "Be careful, this company is abnormal and its security level is very high. If you are in danger, immediately give up and we will think of another way. "    


"Don't worry, boss, I've asked around." This company is not normal, but it's not as good as you think. Those security people are just hired from a security company. I can take care of them. " Yasuya Khan's voice.    


"Just hired from a security company?"    


"There are some veterans, but they are not a threat. Well, I'm going in now. I'll contact you later. " Yasuya Khan hung up the phone.    


And then there was the wait.    


Ten minutes later, Yasuya Khan called.    


"I knocked out two security guards on the 30th floor. I've already entered their core area." Yasuya Khan's voice.    


"Be careful of their surveillance." Xia Lei reminded.    


"Those two security guards were knocked out by me in the control room. I'm in their control room. Wait ?"    


"What did you find?" Xia Lei was very anxious.    


"I saw the woman you told me to follow. Wait a moment, I'll take your picture. Take a look."    


Xia Lei's satellite telephone quickly received a few photos, and with just a glance, he was shocked.    


It was a picture taken from a surveillance monitor. It looked awkward, but it was beginning to show what was in the picture. It was a laboratory, with several staff members wearing anti-bacterial suits. Quiet And Steadfast had already changed into a pure white anti-bacterial suit. She stood dumbly in front of a metal bed, waiting for something.    


Yasuya Khan had even caught the bald old man, Nahauer, in front of him was a huge glass container. The container was filled with a blood-red liquid, and there were a lot of wires and tubes conveying the liquid into the glass container. One could vaguely see a person inside the glass container. It seemed to be a woman. She was soaked in a blood-red liquid, her skin was pale white. But I couldn't see her face.    


The last two pictures were of two dead women, a blond Western woman with a long, well-proportioned body and beautiful muscles. She must have been a sports lover when she was alive. From her appearance, she was very young, around twenty-five years old. The other body was an Asian woman, petite and attractive. But it would be a mistake to assume that she was a weak girl based on such characteristics, because the muscles of her body were thicker and more powerful than most men's. She was young, too, no older than twenty-five. With her delicate face and explosive muscles, she was truly a Vajra Barbie.    


Western women who loved sports, perhaps professional athletes; muscular, professionally trained, even fighting, Oriental women who had died so young. Seeing their corpses, Xia Lei was very curious, but at the same time, he felt pity. They were, after all, two young, fresh, and beautiful women.    


After looking at the photo, a huge question popped up in Xia Lei's mind. The woman in the giant glass container, the two dead bodies, and the silence, what exactly was the connection between them?    


He was sure that there was a connection between them, otherwise, it would be impossible for Serenity to come here from the Grand China.    


"Boss, did you see that?" Yasuya Khan's voice.    


Xia Lei came back to reality, "I saw it, but I don't know what kind of experiment this company's laboratory is conducting. "How long can you stay there?"    


"I guess I can stay here for another ten minutes." Yasuya Khan said, "I don't know what to do now either. I'm not far from the laboratory, but there's someone there, so if I enter, I'll definitely be discovered. I can knock down the people in the lab and take Serenity away, if you want me to. "    


Should I take her away?    


Xia Lei was hesitant.    


With Yasuya Khan's strength, dealing with the few researchers in the laboratory would be as easy as killing a few sheep with a tiger's bite. He could let Yasuya Khan do this, and he only needed to give a direct order. But, was Serenity willing? From the Grand China to India, she appeared in this mysterious biotech company, in this laboratory with corpses. If there wasn't a necessary reason, why would she do such a strange thing? To let Yasuya Khan take her away before she knew the truth, just in case she suddenly "died" again?    


"Boss?" Yasuya Khan's voice.    


Xia Lei ended his thoughts, "Don't take her away, let her stay there. "You can copy all the surveillance footage from the lab to me, and if you can get some information on what they're doing, that would be even better."    


"Alright, I'll try." Yasuya Khan hung up the phone.    


Another anxious and uneasy wait followed. This wait lasted for half an hour. Xia Lei couldn't help but want to call Yasuya Khan, but he was afraid that Yue Yang would sneak into an office to steal some secret.    


"I need a hacker. Finding one is easy, but it's impossible for him to enter the Zodiac Clan. Furthermore, there are some things I need to do that even the members of the Zodiac Clan find it inconvenient to tell me ? "Looks like I need to learn how to be a hacker." In the process of waiting, Xia Lei came up with this idea.    


When he was still in Germany, in order to steal Joseph's mechanical skills, he had studied hard on the knowledge of software. Afterwards, during his second time in Rhine Metal Corp, he had studied this aspect of life, but mostly learned about electrical engineering and software. He had never touched on how to become a hacker.    


It had only been a few minutes since this thought went from impulsive to mature, and he then dialed Long Bing's number.    


"Yawning..." "It's so late. What's the matter?" Inside the phone, Long Bing's voice was very lazy, but her tone carried a sense of familiarity and joy.    


Xia Lei said, "Do you have a hacker with you? The very powerful kind. "    


"What do you want a hacker for?" Long Bing's sleepiness immediately disappeared.    


"I don't want the hackers to help me with anything. I just want to learn about this. I want to learn faster if someone teaches me." Xia Lei said.    


"So that's how it is. No problem, I have this kind of person under my command. I've asked him to come and see you." Long Bing said, and then yawned.    


"When you bring him here tomorrow, get him to bring some professional books."    


"Okay... Oh right, it's already so late, why aren't you asleep yet? "    


"I can't sleep." Xia Lei was unable to tell her what Yasuya Khan was doing for him.    


"After you woke me up, I couldn't sleep either. What should I do?"    


Xia Lei laughed, "Continue to sleep while holding your butt. I can't even sleep myself, can I help you?"    


"Alright, then go to sleep while holding your butt. Good night." Long Bing hung up the phone.    


Du du du, du du...    


Just as he ended his call with Long Bing, Yasuya Khan called.    


"Boss, I'm out." Yasuya Khan's voice.    


"Why did it take so long?"    


"I snuck into an office, looked at the pictures on the wall and the nameplate on the table. Only then did I know that I entered into the office of Nahauer, the CEO of this company. I got the information you wanted."    


"Great, pass it to me as soon as possible. If it's paper, take a picture and send it to me. " Xia Lei was very anxious.    


"A lot. I have to find a computer, and then I'll send it to your mailbox. Nahauer's office does have a computer, but I don't dare to use it, I'm afraid that I might be able to trace it to your head. " Yasuya Khan's voice.    


"You handled it well."    


"Boss, are you sure you won't take that woman away? That place is so strange. I'm a bit worried about her safety. " Yasuya Khan said.    


"No need. You pass it on to me, and then you'll stay out there and keep an eye on the company. If peace comes, let me know immediately. If that Nahauer comes out, you must think of a way to get close to him and put a bug on his body or something like that. " Xia Lei made a new arrangement.    


"I know." Yasuya Khan hung up the phone.    


He still had to wait, but he was not in a hurry. He felt that he was very close to the truth. Once Yasuya Khan transferred the documents over, he might be able to unravel this mystery.    


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