Tranxending Vision

C804 Steal

C804 Steal

"Mr. Xia, let me toast you." In a high-end Chinese restaurant, Wei Guanyi toasted Xia Lei with a wine cup in both hands.    


Xia Lei drank a cup with him and then changed the topic, "Doctor Wei, I feel that Doctor Jing's condition is very repetitive and has not completely recovered. What do you think?"    


"I actually think so too. I tested her and her test results seemed very normal, but I keep feeling that there was something wrong with her. I can't describe that feeling, but I will observe more." Wei Guanyi said.    


"I recommend continuing to observe and treat her and not letting her out of the hospital. She must have asked to be discharged? " Xia Lei tried to test the waters.    


"Yes, she offered to leave the hospital, but I told her I couldn't. As you know, her identity is very special. If she doesn't leave the hospital, I really can't make the decision. "    


"It's best not to leave the hospital. After my contact with her, I was very worried about her condition. I felt that she should continue her treatment."    


"I'll do my best to treat her." Wei Guanyi revealed a smile. Xia Lei gave him a huge additional "salary" every month, so he didn't want to leave the hospital peacefully.    


Just then, Wei Guanyi's phone rang.    


"Mr. Xia, I'm sorry, but I have to pick up the phone." Wei Guanyi got up and walked towards the door of the private room, but he did not go out.    


Xia Lei looked at Wei Guanyi.    


Wei Guanyi exclaimed after answering the phone, "What? Dr. Serenity... It's gone! "    


A smile surfaced on Xia Lei's lips.    


"Alright, alright, I'll be back soon!" Wei Guanyi quickly ended the call, then said to Xia Lei: "Mr. Xia, I'm really sorry, I just received a call from the nurse who checked the ward. She said that Doctor Jing has disappeared, and I need to go back to take a look."    


Xia Lei was surprised: "Missing? What was going on? We left not long ago, but wasn't she still fine when we left? "    


"That's right, I also thought it was strange. A perfectly fine living person, why did he disappear?"    


"Do you want me to go with you?"    


"No, I have to hurry back." Wei Guanyi left as soon as he said he would. He was keeping Xia Lei's money, this was hidden from the academy. At this time, Xia Lei followed him back, and the two of them reeked of alcohol.    


"Sure, give me a call if you need anything." Xia Lei said.    


"Of course." Wei Guanyi opened the door and walked out of the private room.    


Ring, ring, ring...    


Who was Xia Lei?    


Xia Lei took out his phone to look at it, then picked up the call, "You didn't leave anything behind, right?"    


"No, you don't trust me when I do things?" Qin Xiang's voice.    


"Where is it? "Give me a location in Baidu, I'll be there shortly." Xia Lei said.    


A minute later, a map of Baidu was uploaded to Xia Lei's phone. Xia Lei paid and left the restaurant, drove the car out of the city, and arrived at a small hotel in the suburbs.    


Qin Xiang, who was waiting at the door, came over, "I got a room, she's in it, follow me."    


"How did you get her out?" Xia Lei did not participate, he really wanted to know the process.    


Qin Xiang said as he walked, "I got a set of clothes made up first and pretended to be a nurse. Then, I entered her room. I took her out of her room, put her in a plastic bucket of medical garbage, and pushed her out the back door. "    


"No one asked you?"    


"Who would suspect a beauty like me?" Qin Xiang said in all seriousness.    


Xia Lei wanted to laugh, but when he thought of Serenity, he could not.    


Qin Xiang brought Xia Lei to the entrance of a room, and stopped. "I bought some clothes for her, because her body is dirty. It should be about now. Go in, I'll stand guard outside the door. "    


Xia Lei rolled his eyes at him, "Watch out? It's not like I'm doing anything bad. What will you do? "    


Qin Xiang did not bicker with Xia Lei. He opened the door for Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei walked in.    


Qin Xiang closed the door.    


When the door closed, Serenity was just coming out of the bathroom, wiping her wet hair with a towel. The towel should have been wrapped around her body. When she wiped the water off her head, there was not a single thread left on her body. In that instant, her entire body was seen.    


She had lost weight, but there was still a fleshy texture to her, such as her chest and buttocks.    


They looked at each other and let out a quiet cry of alarm, hurriedly using a towel to cover up the important parts of their body.    


Xia Lei turned his body awkwardly, and said apologetically: "I'm sorry, I didn't know you were still bathing."    


"No, it doesn't matter." The quiet voice sounded very nervous.    


Xia Lei said: "I'll wait for you outside."    


"No need, no need. You just stand there. I'll finish it very quickly." Quiet said.    


The sound of clothes rustling came from behind him.    


Xia Lei couldn't help but think of her body again. He was extremely thin, yet his chest and buttocks seemed very well-rounded. However, he didn't have any evil intentions in his heart. All he had was sadness and pity. She was probably the most troubled woman he had ever met. Her parents treated her like a commodity and didn't care about her feelings or her happiness. It wasn't easy for her to muster up the courage to walk out of the control of her parents, live independently, and then go crazy because of X-Secret Gold Project. Now that such a strange thing had happened to her, how could others not pity her?    


"I'm done." A few minutes later, a calm voice came from behind.    


Xia Lei then turned around.    


Calm wore the clothes Qin Xiang had bought for her. A pair of blue tight-fitting jeans along with a white sweater. On her feet was a pair of red New Bailan sneakers, giving her a youthful and lively aura.    


Jing smiled shyly. "Is that alright?"    


Xia Lei laughed, "Alright, it looks good this way."    


Serenity stopped talking again as she looked at Xia Lei with excitement.    


Not knowing why, Xia Lei suddenly felt that the current her was truly at peace, that peace that he was so familiar with. He couldn't help but ask in his heart, could it be that she really recovered?    


Their gazes met, and they did not make a sound.    


In the end, it was Xia Lei who became a little unnatural under her gaze. He laughed, "Why are you looking at me like that?"    


"I don't know." Quiet shook his head, "I feel like I haven't seen you for a long time. I'm so happy that I suddenly saw you."    


Xia Lei originally wanted to say "Didn't we just meet in the evening?", but after seeing her innocent smile, he couldn't bear to say those words. He just stood there and let her watch.    


"Thank you." The quiet voice was very gentle.    


"Thank me for what?" Xia Lei said.    


"You got me out. I hate that place. I feel like I'm going crazy staying in that place."    


Hearing her say "crazy", Xia Lei's heart was filled with sadness.    


"Give me the money. Ten million dollars. I'm going to India." The quiet voice was suddenly no longer gentle, and her eyes had changed.    




"Give me, give me, I don't want to hear that voice!" Quiet And Steadfast seemed to be very anxious and nervous.    


"Did you hear that sound again?" Xia Lei grabbed her hand, "What did it say to you?"    


She suddenly lifted the sweater on her body, exposing her chest immediately. She said: "Give me the money, you can do anything to me. Do you want to do it? I'll give you everything. "    


Xia Lei's heart felt like it was being pierced by a needle, and he felt a dull pain.    


Quiet reached for his belt on his jeans again, looking anxious.    


Xia Lei hurriedly stepped forward to grab her hand, "I'll give you, ten million dollars, I'll give it to you, don't be like this."    


"Really?" "Thank you, thank you, you are a good person."    


Xia Lei took out his wallet and took out a black letter. He used the card and handed it over to Jingjing, "Although this card was issued by a domestic bank, its cash withdrawal limit is 10 million US dollars and the consumption limit is 20 million US dollars. You can pick them up at their branch in New Delhi, and I'll call them and get them ready. "    


Quiet And Steadfast grabbed the card in his hand, as if he was afraid Xia Lei would take it back.    


Xia Lei took out a stack of US dollars from his wallet, "This money is enough for you to spend on the road, tell me now if you have anything else that you need my help with."    


"No, just give me the money. I'm leaving, I'll be back. " He left just like that, without even saying a single superfluous word.    


Xia Lei did not say much as he watched her leave.    


After calmly turning his head to glance at Xia Lei, he opened the door and walked out of the room.    


"Miss Ning, where are you going?" Qin Xiang's voice.    


It was quiet, but she didn't even speak to Qin Xiang. She just lowered her head and moved quickly.    


Qin Xiang shrugged his shoulders, and then stuck his head in from the door, "Is that it?"    


Xia Lei also did not speak to him. He took out the satellite telephone, dialed a number, and then said to the satellite telephone: "She has already left.    


"Understood, boss." Yasuya Khan's voice.    


"Take care of her. Don't let anything happen to her." Xia Lei warned.    


"Don't worry, India is my hometown. I will take good care of her."    


"If anything happens, let me know immediately."    


"Got it. I saw her. I'm hanging up." Yasuya Khan hung up the phone.    


Xia Lei kept his satellite telephone and walked to the window and opened the curtain. From his vantage point, he could see the silence as she walked out of the inn. She stood by the side of the road, looking anxiously in the direction of the intersection. The night wind blew her hair, blowing and drifting. It was filled with a quiet and refreshing scent. It was impossible for her to be connected to those strange things.    


"Why did she go to India? And why would she want so much money? " These two questions were lingering in Xia Lei's mind.    


A taxi stopped in front of Serenity, who opened the door and sat down. The taxi headed downtown.    


Soon after, a locomotive came from the direction of the intersection. Riding on the locomotive, the helmeted rider waved towards Xia Lei who was standing by the window, then used the throttle to chase after the taxi.    


Xia Lei withdrew his gaze and looked at Qin Xiang who was standing behind him, "Sometimes when I don't tell you the truth, it's actually to protect you, I hope you can understand me."    


Qin Xiang laughed, "It's fine, you are someone who has done great things. I could tell very early on, I can understand that. There are some things that you don't need to tell me the truth about. I can do whatever you want me to do for you. "    


Xia Lei patted his shoulder, "Let's go back."    


"What about this room?"    


"If you like, you can stay here for the night. I'll go back first." Xia Lei said.    


Qin Xiang rolled his eyes at Xia Lei in dissatisfaction, "What a waste."    


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