Tranxending Vision

C800 A Great God on a red horse.

C800 A Great God on a red horse.

The night had already fallen. The cold wind was blowing, and large snowflakes were flying all over the sky. The corpses that had been abandoned in the mountains would eventually be covered, and the living would have to continue.    


Arthur slowly woke up to see a pitch black roof and a burning fireplace. There was a strange smell in the cabin, like perfume on a woman, but he didn't see any perfume bottles, nor did he see any women.    


He propped himself up on his hands and tried to get up from the pallet, but before he could get up, he fell down again. His head felt drowsy, as if he was drunk. His head was light, his reactions were slow, and even when he looked at things, there was a double effect.    


He shook his head with all his might, wanting to wake himself up. However, he didn't wake up. Instead, the feeling of drowsiness he felt only grew stronger and stronger. However, even in such a terrible state, he still recalled what had happened. He received Giovanna's message and then led his men to capture Xia Lei. Afterwards, he met with an ambush from Xia Lei's underlings in the forest.    


"Damn it, that guy has been lying to me from the beginning!" He's dead for sure! " A surge of hatred rose in his heart, then he shook his head with all his might. However, he found that his brain was starting to go out of control. The images that he recalled earlier became blurry, and some strange images appeared in his mind once again. He saw the crucified Jesus, and then he saw the Horseman riding a red horse ?    


Xiu Xiu! * The sound of a horse panting suddenly came from outside the door.    


The door of the cabin suddenly opened and a bright light shone through. Accompanying it were the clashing of cold weapons and the shouts of soldiers. The feeling it gave was that behind the light was a battlefield, and there were people fighting in that battlefield.    


"Protect the faith and help the suffering!" Someone spoke.    


Arthur subconsciously chanted, "Protect the faith, help the suffering!" He wanted to lift his hand and draw a cross, but his body didn't have the slightest strength. He couldn't even do such a simple action like lifting his hand.    


Voices were heard again in the blinding light.    


"Look!" It's a rider on a red horse! "    


"He's like a flame in the wind!"    


"He entered the holy city of Jerusalem!"    


"Who is he hunting? I can't see! "    


"His armor fell!"    


A voice speaking in Italian sounded very messy and nervous.    


Arthur wanted to crawl up and take a look, but he couldn't do it. At that moment, a person walked out of the blinding light. He was tall, almost 2.5 meters in height. In his hand was a large sword. That sword was at least as tall as a person, just like a tree. He was wearing a very strange robe, as if it was made from a sheet. It was extremely large.    


In the past, people who walked out of the light gave off the strongest feeling that he was big, so big that it exceeded one's imagination. So big that it made people feel like he was the legendary Titan Giant Race.    


The giant with the broadsword seemed to want to walk into the hut, but the door to the hut was too small, and unless he tore down the door, it was impossible for him to enter.    


Arthur stared dumbfoundedly at the giant at the door. He vaguely saw a ball of red thing behind the giant, he felt that it was a horse and also felt that it was a ball of flame. In fact, this did not stop him from connecting the giant in front of him with the Heavenly Revelation four knights riding red horses, symbolizing the war and destruction of the Horseman. This was because he had just heard the sounds of conversing in Italian, his huge sword, and the red war horse behind him.    


To a Catholic, seeing the Horseman was undoubtedly a miracle.    


Arthur once again struggled, wanting to get up from the bed. Then, he kowtowed to the Horseman who had picked up the red horse. However, even in front of the Horseman, he still did not have the slightest bit of strength.    


"You sinner!" The Horseman riding on the red horse suddenly spoke, her voice was also surprisingly loud, "The devil destroyed your kingdom, I fought for you, I lost my armor, and am unable to return to the Heaven Temple. It's almost a thousand years, when will you be able to return my armor to me? I have lost my patience! "    


"Oh god!" Arthur praised her in admiration, "I am your devout believer, I am your most loyal servant. We've been looking for your armor, all that's left is the last piece. "    


"Where did you put my armor?" The voice of the Horseman riding a red horse sounded very dignified.    


"The Holy Palace, Malta."    


"How can I get my armor back?"    


"Angelio's eyes and keys."    


"Why is my armor missing the last piece?"    


Arthur said excitedly: "We have been looking for pieces of armor. Over the years, we have found pieces and pieces of armor. We pieced it together, and now there's only the last piece left. He was in the hands of a Grand China disciple, a despicable heathen! He killed our knight and ruined our agreement. God, if you can help me catch him, I can obtain the last piece, and I will return the complete set of armor! "    


"Do you want to kill him?"    


"Yes, I'm going to kill him."    


"I will catch him. I will kill him and destroy his kingdom. But now tell me, where is your sanctuary on Malta? "    


"Oh my god! It is in the Cross Mountains near the sea, where the Holy Palace is. The sacred palace built by our ancestors was used to collect your armor and the materials needed to restore your country. "    


The Knights Hospitaller was founded on the island of Malta and defeated by Turkey, but until then the island of Malta was truly the territory of the Knights Hospitaller. It was actually very easy for the Knights Hospitaller to build some secret building on Malta. In fact, to this day Malta still has many traces of the reign of the Knights Hospitaller, and those places have almost become tourist attractions for Malta.    


"How many men did you send to defend the Holy Palace and my armor?"    


"Ten squads of knights, a hundred knights, and ten holy knights. They were the most powerful warriors, the most loyal divine servants. My God, if you come before them, they will worship you. If the enemy invades, they will shatter the enemy's body. "    


The Horseman on the red horse was silent for a moment, then said: "You are very loyal, my servant. As a reward, I have opened up the path to heaven for you. Go to heaven, my servant. "    


"Oh my god, I haven't gotten the last piece of armor for you. I can't go to heaven yet, let me get the last piece for you before I go to heaven again."    


"No need, I'll get it myself. I have already opened the path to heaven for you.    


"My God, where is the road? How am I supposed to get there?"    


Horseman who was riding a red horse suddenly pulled out a gun, and aimed at Arthur's head.    


"My God, are you using a gun as well?" Arthur looked very surprised.    




Just as he finished his sentence, a gunshot rang out from the pistol. A bullet had struck him squarely in the head.    


This was the way to the Kingdom of Heaven. If you want to go up there, it's easy.    


The blinding light disappeared.    


If Arthur was still alive, he would have been able to see that the Horseman he worshiped, who rode on a red horse, was actually Xia Lei who was standing on a wooden stool. The group of red horses behind him weren't red horses, but a wooden frame shaped like a horse. It was covered with a layer of red cloth.    


It was not easy to deceive a child with such a clumsy performance, but it was not a problem to deceive a fanatical believer who was delirious.    


"He's dead." Kyoko Tsukino walked out from behind the wall of the small hut. Behind her were Ye Liena, Yasuya Khan, Sayimu, Erdelmtu, and Arresian. The voices of the Crusaders were coming from their mouths.    


"I don't want to kill him either, but he must die." Xia Lei said.    


Arthur was the only one who knew that it was the Zodiac Clan who killed the elites of the thirty Knights Hospitaller.    


"What do we do next?" Ye Liena's voice.    


Xia Lei said: "You guys take care of his corpse, I will go to the small hut by the lake."    


"Boss." Erdelmtu said worriedly: "Even though you helped those four women solve their problems, they are still people of the Knights Hospitaller, and fanatical believers. It's hard to guarantee that they won't sell you out for the sake of their faith. It's actually very dangerous for you to go over there now. "    


Xia Lei laughed, "I have long thought about this, I am not so naive to believe that they are already my Knights."    


"Then why did you go back?" Kyoko Tsukino asked.    


Xia Lei said: "I must go back, there must be an explanation for Arthur's death, I cannot let them suspect that I did it. In a sense, you're dead, so you can't show up with me now. "    


"But if you go back alone, what if the mercenaries and armed men want to deal with you?" Sayimu said.    


Xia Lei replied, "You don't have to worry about this at all. Arthur is dead, and most of the people in the Knights Hospitaller are also dead. The remaining four women and a few armed men from the Knights Hospitaller are not a threat to me at all. "I am the owner of the money. Those mercenaries and armed men would rather listen to me than to those four women."    


"And then?" Kyoko Tsukino asked.    


"I will have those four women retreat together. All of you, for the time being, don't show your faces." Xia Lei looked at Ye Liena, "From now on, you are no longer my secretary, you must walk into the darkness from now on, until I finish what I need to do."    


Ye Liena nodded.    


"Let's meet at Grand China." Xia Lei said as he left the small cabin.    


The six Zodiac Clan members watched Xia Lei as he gradually walked into the distance.    


"What do you think boss is doing?" Arresian broke the silence.    


"I know you're trying to say he wants to pick up four women." Ye Liena smirked, "Many people think that Boss is a lustful person, but I know that it isn't true. The boss has never touched those four women before. All of this was just to maintain his cooperation with the Knights Hospitaller, he still has to use the Knights Hospitaller to deal with the FA. "    


"Enough, stop guessing what boss is thinking. He's the smartest person I've ever met." If his mind is so easy to guess, then he's not our boss. The thing we need to do is very simple. Deal with the corpses, and then return to the Grand China. " Erdelmtu clapped his hands, "It's done, it's done, who will carry the corpse out?"    


The other five looked at Erdelmtu at the same time.    


Erdelmtu was immediately stunned, "Really? Have you guys discussed this beforehand? "    


No one paid any attention to him.    


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