Tranxending Vision

C798 female pit

C798 female pit

Gray's's sisters and Russo's's sisters brought their men and climbed up the mountain.    


The top of the mountain was completely silent. Nomosha's corpse laid quietly on the snowy ground, his open chest revealing a large patch of white. After losing a large amount of blood, her voluptuous body laid limply on her chest. He no longer had the delicate feeling he had when he was alive, and he was no longer pretty at all.    


Even so, it did not hinder the interest of the mercenaries and armed men. Some of them stepped on her chest, others poked her with their guns, some of them burned her face with cigarettes, while others took out water guns to water her. The people of Nomosha and FA had made them suffer a lot these past few days. There was a hidden rage in their hearts, and her corpse had also become a place for them to vent their anger.    


The Gray's's sisters and Russo's's sisters couldn't bear to watch as they walked to the side. They saw footprints in the snow, some climbing up the hill, some leaving it.    


"Is that him?" Rosa's voice.    


"Who else could it be other than him?" Stella said.    


Theresa said: "He killed Nomosha, the battle is already over, why is he leaving?"    


"It's obvious that he wasn't the only one fighting the people from FA in the forest to the left. He must have had other helpers." Giovanna said: "He lied to us, he is not only surrounded by those six people."    


"No wonder he wasn't worried at all when those six died. He was hiding an invisible team!" Stella seemed very angry.    


"Will Arthur and our people ?" Rosa thought of something, but this thought scared her, and she didn't dare think any further.    


"Impossible." Giovanna said: "The people that Arthur is leading are all elites of our Knights Hospitaller, unless Xia Lei is hiding more troops than them, it will be impossible to succeed. But remember this, from the moment we told Xia Lei about the situation in Siberia to the time he decided to go there, it has only been a few hours. Also, we came with him on a Russian transport, and there were no other armed men on that plane. "    


Sometimes it's like that. You guess the right thing, but you don't want to believe it.    


"He killed the Nomosha, but why did he run away?" Stella looked down the mountain, but she could not see Xia Lei.    


"Does he know we're going to arrest him?" Rosa's voice.    


"How is that possible? If he knew we were going to capture him, would he still bring us to Siberia? " Giovanna said.    


"Then why is he running now?" Theresa's voice.    


"Yeah, why did he run away?" Stella said.    


No one knew. God may know, but he never speaks.    


"What do we do now?" Rosa looked at Giovanna.    


"You guys bring some people to look for him, I will contact the leader." Giovanna said: "We need new instructions."    


"You guys, come with me!" Stella spoke to the few armed men who were discussing.    


The armed men walked over, and one of them asked, "What about our bounty?"    


"I killed two people. What about the one million dollar bounty?" An armed man said.    


The four women were instantly speechless.    


More mercenaries and armed men walked over.    


"What about our bounty?"    


"I killed one!"    


"I killed three!"    


"What about our bounty, don't tell me you have no money!"    


"Money!" Where is the money? "    


A large group of mercenaries, armed men, and professional killers surrounded four women. The four women had wanted to bring these people to chase after Xia Lei, but the situation changed in the blink of an eye. What they were facing was not a group of obedient babies, but a group of extremely vicious and mercenary evil people. They had promised the bounty, and these people had risked their lives. Now that it was time to pay, and the customer had run off, what were they going to give them?    


There were still a few people in the Knights Hospitaller, but it was not enough. They stood behind the four women, all nervous. Without money, these fugitives could do anything!    


"What do you want?" Stella asked anxiously.    


A mercenary suddenly pressed the blast assault rifle in his hands against her chest, "Fuck, I want my bounty! If you don't give it to me, I'll kill you! "    


One of the Knights Hospitaller's people subconsciously raised the gun in her hand. But in the next second, dozens of guns raised up simultaneously, the guns pointed towards the few Knights Hospitaller's people.    


"Money!" Many of our brothers have died in order to get your money, and if I don't see that money, you will all die! " A mercenary said in a cold tone.    


"Wait, don't be impatient." Giovanna forced out a smile on his face. "You will get the money, I promise you on behalf of the Knights Hospitaller."    


"Who cares about that promise of yours? How much is the reputation of your Knights Hospitaller worth? "    


"Give me money!"    


"F * ck, these bitches are messing with us, kill them all!"    


The scene was a complete mess.    


The four women were extremely anxious.    


Giovanna couldn't help but let out a furious roar in his heart, "Xia Lei, I ? F * ck you!"    


"You just want money, don't you? The money is with Mr. Xia. I'll take you guys to him. " Stella said.    


"Right, right. Teacher Xia will pay you guys." Rosa agreed.    


"Where is Mr. Xia?" The mercenary asked.    


"He's here ?" Stella was speechless. Where is Xia Lei? God knows!    


"He's in the wooden house at the bottom of the mountain. Follow us. I'll take you guys to see him. He'll give you money." Giovanna braced himself and said.    


"Humph!" You'd better not lie to us, or you'll have time to cry! " The mercenary rudely pushed Giovanna away, "Bring us to him!"    


The Gray's sisters and Russo's sisters couldn't help but look at each other. The four of them had expressions that made them want to cry.    


They had dug a pit for Xia Lei, but until now, they were still in the pit that Xia Lei had dug for them. On the other hand, Xia Lei, who should have been in the pit the most, had already escaped until he could no longer be seen.    


Just as a large group of mercenaries and armed men were carrying four women down the mountain, in the forest at the foot of the mountain, Xia Lei withdrew his gaze from the mountain and sneered. "Serves you right! If you guys didn't scam me, how would I scam you? You can pay the reward you promised yourselves. "    


A string of footsteps reached his ears, and when he looked over, he saw five faces: Yasuya Khan, Erdelmtu, Ye Liena, Sayimu and Arresian. The five of them had wounds all over their bodies. Their clothes were tattered, and their faces were disheveled. They looked very tired and in a sorry state.    


During the previous battle, if it wasn't for the fact that the five of them had attracted the attention of Nomosha and the majority of the people from FA's group, it would have been difficult for him to reach the top of the mountain and kill the Nomosha. Half of the credit for getting rid of the Nomosha went to them.    


"Is she dead?" Ye Liena asked.    


The other four people also looked at Xia Lei, waiting for his answer.    


"She's dead." Xia Lei replied, "It's a pity that I couldn't get the location of the FA's headquarters from her mouth."    


Ye Liena said: "I am not surprised by this. Someone like her is not afraid of you torturing her, she is not even afraid of death. You really can't do anything to her if she doesn't want to talk. "    


"Let's not talk about her anymore. Are all of you alright?" Xia Lei asked with concern.    


"We're fine, just some superficial wounds." Arresian said.    


"It's good that you guys are fine. Let's leave this place." Xia Lei said.    


"What about the four women? And those mercenaries and armed men, do you want to kill them? " Erdelmtu said.    


Xia Lei shook his head, "Let them bite, our mission in Siberia is over."    


"Those four women have promised huge amounts of money to the mercenaries and armed men. I would like to know how they are going to pay that amount." Sayimu laughed as he walked, "I think I can only use my body to compensate you? I hope those mercenaries and armed men know how to show mercy to the fairer sex, otherwise they will definitely be broken. "    


If the women of the Gray's and the women of the Russo's could not take out the bounty they had promised, the result of waiting for them would definitely be terrible. For some reason, when Xia Lei thought of the scene of them being humiliated, he felt upset. This feeling was as if he had done something bad, and his conscience was being condemned.    


"Where is Kyoko Tsukino now?" Xia Lei didn't want to think about the Gray's and the Russo's's women. That feeling of guilt made him feel very uncomfortable.    


"She is with Arthur in our safe house." Ye Liena said.    


Sayimu took out an electronic device and looked at it, then said: "We're about three kilometers away from that place. With this speed, we'll be there in half an hour."    


"Then let's go over now." Xia Lei said.    


The six of them advanced towards the safe house, Ye Liena who was at the back used a pine tree branch to clean up the footprints left behind in the snow.    


Snow was falling from the sky, and the marks left on the snow would soon disappear. At that time, even if the women from the Gray's and the Russo's persuaded the mercenaries and armed men to chase after Xia Lei, they would not be able to find any traces of him.    


Half an hour later, the six of them arrived at a valley. There was a hunter built cabin at the entrance of the valley. When Sayimu came here, he used a Google Map to find this cabin.    


The six of them walked to the front of the small hut and Kyoko Tsukino jumped down from a tree. She was wearing a snow camouflage suit, and no one had noticed her earlier.    


As expected of a Ninja of Yi Hesliu's, she was most adept at hiding.    


"Is it done?" Kyoko Tsukino asked.    


Xia Lei gently nodded his head, "She's already dead."    


"Arthur is inside." Kyoko Tsukino said: "Just now, there was a call from Italy from the satellite telephone, but I did not pick it up." She tossed Arthur's satellite telephone over to Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei didn't need to call to know that it was a call from the big boss of the Knights Hospitaller, Angelio. Although the Nomosha was dead and the FA's training ground in Siberia was destroyed, this kind of loss was not devastating for the FA. And what made him worried was that the Knights Hospitaller had clearly set him up, whether or not he still wanted to cooperate with the Knights Hospitaller. Cooperation, how will that work?    


Kyoko Tsukino opened the door of the small hut.    


Xia Lei walked in and saw the lying Arthur. He was still unconscious and had not woken up.    


"Boss, do we need to give him some medicine to wake him up?" Erdelmtu asked.    


Xia Lei thought for a moment, "No, calm down and wake him up first." After pausing for a moment, he asked, "Which one of you has Knights Hospitaller's communication device?"    


Ye Liena threw a communication device to Xia Lei, "I knew you wouldn't have the heart to let those four women be insulted by the group of mercenaries and armed personnel.    


Xia Lei could not help but smile bitterly.    


He really couldn't bear to see those four women being insulted, or even killed, by those mercenaries and armed men. Other than that, there was another reason. That was that the FA had not been eliminated, he had to use the power of the Knights Hospitaller, and this was not the time to be enemies with the other party.    


However, he was too lazy to explain to Ye Liena the reason, because some things got worse the more they were described.    


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