Tranxending Vision

C797 Tooth for tooth

C797 Tooth for tooth

Blood splattered everywhere.    


The spear was not the Nomosha's spear.    


But the blood was the Nomosha's blood.    


A bullet struck her right palm, and it was a sniper rifle bullet. It destroyed the middle finger and index finger of her right hand, and a third of her palm!    


The modified pistol fell to the ground.    


Nomosha suddenly jumped up and picked up the spear with her left hand. Her hands were still so nimble that it was impossible to tell he was injured.    


Bang bang!    


Two gunshots.    


A bullet hit the modified gun that fell onto the rock and a bullet hit Nomosha's right leg.    


Nomosha staggered back, looking to her right. A familiar face came into view, and her heart was cold and hopeless.    


Xia Lei walked out from behind a rock. He had the XL2500 sniper rifle in one hand and the viper pistol in the other. His face was expressionless, just like the brown rock at the foot of Nomosha, cold and hard.    


He walked towards the Nomosha step by step, his aura rising along with his footsteps.    


Nomosha dragged his right foot that was shot towards the 14.9sop sniper rifle. However, what she wanted to take wasn't the 14.9sop sniper rifle, but the grenade launcher beside it. As long as she could pick up that grenade launcher, she didn't need to aim at Xia Lei. He only needed to shoot one shot on the ground between her and Xia Lei, and she would perish together with him!    


A smile suddenly surfaced on Xia Lei's lips. He slightly raised his left hand and a bullet flew out from the viper pistol and struck the grenade's launcher, knocking it off the rock.    


"Make your move!" Nomosha looked very calm.    


Xia Lei shook his head, "You forgot what I told you before."    


Nomosha looked at Xia Lei coldly.    


Xia Lei said: "I said I would cut you into pieces and feed you to the dogs. There's no dog here, but there's a knife here. " He threw away his XL2500 rifle and slowly unsheathed his military knife.    


"You're a man after all, come!" Nomosha used his left hand to pull out her blade, and then roared at Xia Lei: "Come and kill me! Kill me with your blade! "    


Xia Lei did not move, and said indifferently: "You want to spar with me?"    


Nomosha was suddenly stunned.    


Bang! With a gunshot, a bullet struck Nomosha's left arm.    


Nomosha's blade fell to the ground.    


"I just want to kill you. I don't want to have a showdown with you. I don't use a gun, am I stupid? " Xia Lei said. With that, he shot again, hitting Nomosha's left knee.    


Nomosha fell to the ground, but did not make a sound. She looked at Xia Lei coldly, his eyes carrying incomparable hatred and fury.    


"Your eyes are quite scary, but what's the use?" Xia Lei returned the viper pistol back into the sheath, then took his blade and walked towards the Nomosha.    


The Nomosha used her elbow to support the rock as she crawled towards the edge of the rock with great effort. Below the rock was a cliff a hundred meters high. It was the easiest way to end life.    


Three meters, two meters ? Just when she was one meter away from the edge, one of her legs was grabbed, unable to crawl any further.    


Xia Lei grabbed Nomosha's feet and dragged her back.    


The Nomosha used her blood to draw a mark on the rock and snow.    


Xia Lei stopped on the snowy ground and turned Nomosha over with his foot.    


"Give me a quick death!" Nomosha said coldly. Even now, there was not the slightest bit of fear on her face.    


Xia Lei squatted down, and placed the blade on her neck, "It's not impossible for me to cut your carotid artery in a second, and your blood will run out in ninety seconds. "However, you have to tell me where the FA's headquarters is in exchange. If you tell me, I'll give you a quick death."    


"Hahaha ?" Nomosha suddenly laughed, her laughter, and her expression gave off a sickly feeling.    


Xia Lei then stabbed the blade in his hand into Nomosha's thigh, little by little. Blood flowed from the gaping hole between the sword and flesh, staining the snow red.    


"Huff ? huff ?" "Inhale..." The intense pain caused Nomosha's heart to palpitate. Her heartbeat quickened and her breathing quickened. Still, she did not cry out. There might be fear in her heart, but it was impossible to see it on her face.    


General Xia Lei's knife had pierced a third of the man's body, and he said coldly: "If you are tormented here, what can the FA do for you? You're not a loyal person, you don't have to keep secrets for the FA. "Tell me where the FA headquarters is, and I'll give you a quick death."    


"Are you really going to cut me apart with one slash?" Nomosha's tone was tinged with provocation.    


Xia Lei fiercely stabbed his blade into Nomosha's thigh.    


Nomosha's body started to tremble as she gasped for air.    


"Tell me!" Xia Lei roared at her.    


"It's in hell. Go to hell and find it." Nomosha laughed sickly, "You said that you want to cut me apart with one blade. I'm right here.    


General Xia Lei pulled out his blade and stabbed it into Nomosha's lower abdomen. However, just as the blade was about to pierce through Nomosha's lower abdomen, he stopped.    


"You're not a cruel person at all. You can't do it. You cut me up one by one, you'll never forget what you did for the rest of your life. I will become your nightmare and appear in your dreams every night. Do you want to spend the rest of your life that way? "    


Xia Lei was silent. He did say that he was going to cut her up and feed her to the dogs, but if he really did that, he wouldn't be able to do that. This was definitely not because he was being merciful towards someone like the Nomosha, but because that kind of method had already exceeded a person's bottom line, and was something that only a perverted person would do. If he did, he would be troubled for the rest of his life, and she would be his nightmare.    


"Hahaha ?" Nomosha sneered: "You simply cannot do it. You shot me three times and stabbed me with a knife. I'm currently losing blood, and at this rate, I won't be able to live much longer. If you want to do that, you have to hurry. You know what? When I cut off Amanda's and Piao Taiyong's heads, their eyes were still staring at me. Don't you want revenge? "Come on, cut me with your knife. Come on!"    


However, right at this time, Xia Lei actually calmed down from the Nomosha's angry roars, he stood up and laughed, "You still want to play psychological warfare with me even when you're dead, you're really capable. "You're right, I'm not the kind of person to do that kind of thing, but I don't want to give you a quick death. What do you think we should do?"    


Nomosha looked at Xia Lei coldly.    


General Xia Lei kept his blade.    


"You want me to live and die here?"    


"In your dreams." Xia Lei suddenly unzipped his zipper, and a burst of hot water poured over Nomosha's face.    


Hot water hit Nomosha's face and entered her nose. She wanted to dodge mouth, but no matter which way she moved her head, the hot water would catch up to his. It was like a missile targeting its target.    


Only after a full minute did Xia Lei finish letting out his hot water. He trembled for a moment, then closed the zipper.    


Nomosha, whose entire head was drenched in sweat, was glaring at Xia Lei. Her pride, her glory, had all been extinguished by Xia Lei's piss. And she, facing a man who peed on her, could only watch and do nothing. Anger, hatred, unwillingness, and other negative emotions flooded into her heart, torturing her and causing her pain.    


Xia Lei stomped his foot on her chest, and those two perfectly round figures instantly became flat under his feet, "Do you think that I can't find the FA Headquarters just because you didn't tell me where it is? The believers of the Knights Hospitaller are all over the world, they have their own information system, they will soon find your headquarters for me. You think I'd do that? "    


"Bah!" Nomosha raised her neck and spat blood at Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei did not dodge. Instead, he said lightly, "Once we find it, there will be even more mercenaries, killers and armed groups that will go to that place. I do not even need to personally act, I can just erase the FA organization from Earth."    


"You're dreaming. Even the CIA can't do that. With just you?"    


"If America really wanted to destroy you, would you still exist? Americans need people like you to do the wrong thing, or the world will be peaceful, and what's the matter with the world police? The former al-Qaeda, the present Islamic State, which had nothing to do with the United States? It's not that the CIA can't do it, it's just that they don't want to destroy you. I'm willing to do what the CIA doesn't want to do. Unfortunately, you won't be able to see it. " Xia Lei said.    


A sneer surfaced on Nomosha's lips, "You will die!"    


Xia Lei laughed disdainfully: "Heh heh! You guys have chased my father for so many years, and yet my father is still alive and well. With this kind of strength, do you still expect the FA to avenge you? "    


Nomosha shifted his gaze away from Xia Lei. He looked to the sky and saw snowflakes dancing in the air. She was waiting for the last moment that belonged to her.    


Xia Lei squatted down and ripped off her clothes.    


Nomosha was immediately nervous, "What are you doing?"    


Xia Lei did not speak, he had ripped off her bra, exposing his voluptuous snow-white skin.    


"Hahaha ?" Nomosha laughed crazily again, "You want to fuck me? Come on, come on! "    


Xia Lei tore open her bra and then wrapped a piece of cloth around her wounds, all of them.    


"What do you want?"    


Only then did Xia Lei speak, "You are too dirty, only dirtier men would be willing to lay their hands on you. I'll bandage the wound and give you a little more time. The mercenaries and members of the armed groups at the bottom of the mountain will definitely like you. I'll hand you over to them, and whoever goes with you, I'll give them five hundred dollars. I want to see how much they can earn from me. "    


Nomosha's face immediately turned pale white. The fear that she had been suppressing surfaced in her heart, then surfaced in her eyes.    


Xia Lei dragged her feet and said while laughing, "I'm thinking, those inhumane people, would they not even let go of your corpse? After all, five hundred dollars is not a small sum. "    


"AHH!" Nomosha roared.    


What you have done to Amanda and Amanda, I will return it tenfold to you. "How about you tell me where the FA's headquarters is, and I'll give you a quick death." Xia Lei said as he dragged Nomosha over the rock.    


But right at this moment, Nomosha suddenly smashed her head against a corner of the rock.    




A muffled sound rang out.    


Blood spurted from her forehead, and her head hung limply.    


Xia Lei turned his head to look at Nomosha. A dent had appeared on her forehead, and blood was flowing out from her forehead. She was dead.    


"Damn, you're really ruthless." Xia Lei sighed gloomily, then threw away the Nomosha's feet that he had grabbed in his hands.    


Halfway up the mountain, Gray's and her sisters were leading a large group of armed men to climb the mountain. Behind them lay the bodies of the people from FA.    


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