Tranxending Vision

C794 urinary escape

C794 urinary escape

Hearing a sound that was similar to a bird's cry, the corner of Xia Lei's mouth raised in a smile, and a stone placed in his heart quietly fell to the ground.    


He glanced back, but his expression was somewhat nervous. "I heard a gunshot just now. What happened?"    


Xia Lei also turned his head to take a look, "I can't see it, it should be one of your people.    


Stella said: "Didn't you and your men finish off all the enemies in that area?"    


Xia Lei said: "Then I don't know, could it be that they encountered a bear?"    


"Aiyo ?" Giovanna covered his stomach again, "Wait for me." She ran behind some more trees.    


Snowy and white, hot water and cold air, beautiful scenes played out in this corner of Siberia. The female Knight, who was squatting on the ground, spoke into the communication device on her winter clothes, "Grand Knight Head, we are almost at the Nomosha's stronghold ?"    


No one answered.    


"Grand Knight Head?"    


Still no one answered.    


Giovanna's heart quickly sunk.    


Xia Lei moved two steps, choosing a spot where he could see Giovanna, and said loudly: "Miss Giovanna, what did you eat last night? Have you eaten too much? "    


Stella stood in front of Xia Lei, his deep blue eyes staring wide, "What are you looking at?"    


"Your sister's ass." Xia Lei said, and a sinister smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, "So white."    


Stella, "You ?"    


If you think I'm lustful, then I'll show you.    


"Dirty." Theresa said with fierce eyes.    


Xia Lei laughed, "You aren't intentionally stalling for time right? Are you waiting for someone? Or do you have any plans that I don't know about? "    


"What are you talking about?" Rosa said angrily: "We are allies! We're helping you! "    


Xia Lei sneered, "Help me? I have paid fifty million dollars in compensation, as well as the holy items that you all want. You did not help me for nothing. "    


"All of you, stop arguing." Giovanna walked out from behind a few trees with his pants up, "Mr. Xia, please do not question our sincerity. We have a strong belief that we are not the people you think we are. "    


Xia Lei spread his hands out, then turned and walked towards the foot of the mountain. He didn't want to argue with them. He believed they were believers, but they had no integrity. Faith and good faith were two different things.    


"What happened?" Rosa lowered her voice, "Why aren't our people here yet?"    


"One more step and we'll be in the FA position. Once we have a firefight with the FA, the consequences are unpredictable. " Theresa said.    


Once they started fighting, Xia Lei could very well be caught by the FA, or even be killed by the Nomosha. Regardless of which outcome it was, it would be disadvantageous for the Knights Hospitaller.    


Rosa, Theresa and Stella's gazes all gathered on Giovanna's body.    


Giovanna shook his head, his voice was filled with worry, "I can't contact you."    


"How is this possible?" Theresa's voice.    


Giovanna said: "Right now, we can only hope that it was the FA that cut off our communication using the interference device, if not then ?"    


Xia Lei turned his head, "Heh! Are you guys leaving or not? "    


"Don't say anymore, we've already aroused his suspicions." Giovanna walked towards Xia Lei.    


As they walked on, the four women glanced back from time to time, but the person they wanted to see never appeared.    


Half an hour passed.    


The foot of the mountain was right in front of him. It was covered with dense vegetation and the ground was covered with a thick layer of snow. Looking up, he couldn't see anyone on the mountain, or hiding in the forest.    


"Stop going forward." Giovanna said, "We are sure that this is the FA's stronghold. The Nomosha and her people are on this mountain."    


"Wait for our men to finish their encirclement, then attack again." Stella said.    


Suddenly, Xia Lei opened his throat and roared: "I- Xia Lei is here!"    


The four women were shocked by him.    


However, before anyone could stop him, Xia Lei raised the blast assault rifle in his hands and shot towards the sky. Then, he roared, "Nomosha! Didn't you want me to come? I'm coming! "Get out here!"    


Is he crazy?    


This thought appeared at the same time in the hearts of the Gray's's sisters and the Russo's's sisters.    


The sounds of the gunshots and Xia Lei's angry roars reverberated through the forest and traveled far away. If Nomosha was really on this mountain, then she must have heard Xia Lei's voice as well as the sound of gunshots provoking her.    


Giovanna rushed forward and grabbed Xia Lei's spear, "What are you doing? Are you crazy? "    


Xia Lei looked at the hillside, and a strange smile appeared on his face, "It's too late, she and her people are already here."    


Stella then raised the telescope in her hand and looked at it. With the aid of the binoculars, she could already see movement on the hillside. Several gunmen in snow camouflage gear were moving down the hill.    


Xia Lei's line of sight had already swept across the left and right sides. From his line of sight, there were movements from the left and right sides of the hill, and there were no less than 30 gunmen on both sides!    


Last night, he eavesdropped on Arthur's video call with Angelio. Arthur said that there were still more than twenty people in the FA organization. On the way here, he had already killed more than ten people, but there were still more than thirty people by Nomosha's side. With the combat skills of the free agents of the FA, coupled with the terrain advantage, the Nomosha was not afraid of the attacks from the Knights Hospitaller and mercenaries. Now it seemed that the Nomosha was only deliberately showing weakness and was only waiting for him to come!    


Although she was too far away to see the Nomosha, Xia Lei was sure that she was among those gunners that were moving downwards.    


A cold smile surfaced on the corner of Xia Lei's mouth. This plot of the Nomosha's was not a wise move. He only used the fact that he wanted to kill her to get revenge, and also because she was confident in her own strength!    


"They are coming! Heavens, they still have... Over thirty people! " Stella tensed up, "There's something wrong with our previous intelligence report!"    


"How could they still have so many people?" Rosa was also getting nervous.    


"Prepare to fight!" Giovanna's voice.    


"It's no use. We only have five people. We're not their match at all!" Theresa's voice was not only nervous, it also contained a trace of fear.    


The only one who remained calm among the five was Xia Lei. He said lightly, "The people from FA are here, I am their target. It's not too late for you guys to escape now."    


Rosa said angrily: "People of our Knights Hospitaller will never run on the battlefield!"    


"It's all your fault! Why didn't you act according to our plans, and why did you lure the Nomosha and her people down? " Theresa was also very angry.    


Xia Lei shrugged his shoulders, "If we don't lure her down, why would we have to fight with her? The Nomosha and her people occupied the high ground, so it would be difficult for us to attack from above. I can't bear to see you guys die, you are Knights Hospitaller's gifts to me, you are my women. "    


"Shut up!" Stella bellowed: Are you still in the mood to talk about this now?    


"We are the knights of the Knights Hospitaller! It's not goods, and it's not your woman! " Theresa's voice carried anger within it.    


Xia Lei laughed, "Whether it's the goods or the Knights, in short, you were given to me by Knights Hospitaller." With that said, he raised the blast assault rifle in his hand and shot towards the sky.    


Bang Bang Bang...    


The gunfire was deafening, disrupting the peace here, and once again indicating his location to the FA.    


"You're crazy, you're crazy!" Giovanna's voice.    


Xia Lei said: "If you want to live, then immediately get Arthur and his men to come and fight."    


"He ?" Giovanna wanted to say something but hesitated. She had tried to contact him several times, but he couldn't.    


"Well, let's assume he's dead." Xia Lei said: "Right now, who should be in charge of your Knights Hospitaller?"    


Giovanna hesitated for a moment before replying, "It's the four of us."    


Xia Lei said: "Alright, I think you have the most thoughts. Let's assume that Arthur has already been killed by the people from FA, your people can't have no leader, you just have to be the leader. "Immediately give the order to your men to come join the battle."    


Giovanna did not move, she could not make a decision.    


Xia Lei said in a stern voice: "If you don't do this, your people will all die here, and we will all die here! Let your people come here, and we will fight with the FA here. Your people have the advantage in numbers and equipment! "    


Giovanna glanced at the other three women, and the four of them started to exchange glances.    


"You guys can continue the discussion. I'll go and get it over with." Xia Lei turned and left.    


The four women looked at his back with the whites of their eyes.    


Giovanna took out his communication device from his winter clothes. She changed the channel and said in a deep voice: "I am Giovanna, and will be commanding this battle in place of Arthur. I will have you all rush to the FA organization's stronghold to participate in the battle."    


Xia Lei turned around and said, "Tell them, to kill a member of FA, I will pay them five hundred thousand, and to kill a leader, I will reward them one million. If you kill or capture the Nomosha alive, I will reward you 10 million USD. "    


Giovanna then conveyed the words to him.    


To Xia Lei, the elites of the Knights Hospitaller no longer existed. There were only around 10 to 20 ordinary armed personnel left, and most of them were mercenaries, killers and members of armed groups. These were all fugitives. Right now, was something that could be solved with money still a problem for him?    


A reply came through the communicator.    


Xia Lei walked to a patch of snow and poured some water on it while unzipping his zipper. A column of water flew through the air, creating a two meter long parabola before falling onto the snow. The snow quickly melted, and water vapor rose from it.    


"Can you solve your problem somewhere else?" Stella frowned.    


The nearly straight stream of water in the air not only stimulated her, but the other three women as well.    


"You really are hopeless. Even now, you still have the mood to disgust us!" Rosa's voice.    


Xia Lei turned around and glanced at the four women, "Alright, I'll take care of it behind the tree. By the way, do you have paper? "    


"I have bullets, do you want them?" Theresa could not take it anymore!    


"All right, I'll take care of it with the leaves." Xia Lei zipped up the car and walked towards the back of the row of trees.    


"Hurry up! Nomosha and her people are coming! " Giovanna said anxiously.    


"I understand, I will settle it quickly." Xia Lei's voice came from behind the tree.    


Bang! Bang! Bang!    


A gunshot rang out.    


A few bullets flew past the four women's heads and bodies with a swishing sound.    


The four women threw themselves to the ground and then separated, using the trees and rocks as cover to fire back.    


"Damn it!" After firing a few shots, Giovanna turned his head and roared in Xia Lei's direction: "They're coming!"    


No one answered.    


"Mr. Xia?"    


Still no one answered.    


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