Tranxending Vision

C795 The target appeared, a long-range sniper!

C795 The target appeared, a long-range sniper!

Bullets rained down without end. The Gray's sisters and the Russo's sisters were suppressed by the FA's firepower until they couldn't even raise their heads. The four girls shot back while turning their heads to look at Xia Lei from time to time.    


Xia Lei still had not appeared. He seemed to have encountered a situation ? Constipation.    


"Damn it!" Rosa bellowed: Mr. Xia, what are you still hiding there for?    


"The people from FA are about to attack! Do you want us all to die here? " Theresa's voice.    


But no matter how anxious or nervous the four women were, Xia Lei had mysteriously disappeared, as if he had vanished from the face of the earth.    


"Damn it, that guy must have left us alone and ran away!" Stella punched onto the snow in front of her, causing a pit to instantly appear in front of her.    


It was indeed a pit.    


A trap for women.    


Xia Lei had indeed slipped away, and this was also the first time he had abandoned his comrade-in-arms on the battlefield. However, the women of the Gray's and the Russo's had tricked him, and he tricked them. They had colluded with Arthur to harm him, so why would he fight alongside them?    


Puff puff puff!    


The snow in front of Giovanna was splattered with snow and mud, the sudden bullets almost took her life. The mud under the snow splashed onto her face, burning painfully. She lowered his head, and the anger that had been accumulated in her heart finally exploded. "Xia Lei, I'm going to fuck you!"    


It was extremely urgent, yet Xia Lei abandoned them and slipped away. In such a situation, even the Holy Maiden was about to swear!    


Rosa suddenly appeared and shot with her spear. One of the FA gunmen who had just emerged from behind a tree had been shot to the ground by her. However, in the next second, a bullet flew past her scalp.    




With an explosion, two of the FA's gunners who were holding onto guns and shooting at Rosa were blasted up into the sky.    


The reinforcements finally arrived, but it was not Xia Lei, but the mercenaries, killers and armed personnel who were stimulated by the bounty.    


"Kill ?" Giovanna raised his arms and roared, "Get rid of them! Mr. Xia has offered a bounty of $3 million! "    


"Fifty million dollars!" Theresa shouted an even more exaggerated number.    


Since it wasn't their money, they didn't feel any heartache spending it.    


There would always be brave men after the high reward. A large group of red-eyed gunmen charged towards the FA organization's position.    


Bullets, shells, grenades, rockets, and splinters of wood flew back and forth in the air like drunken locusts. Some had fallen, some had flown into the sky, some had lost their arms and legs, and some had bloomed on their heads. The battle raged on, but the person who had instigated the war was not here.    


A few hundred meters away, on top of a thirty-meter-tall pine needle, Xia Lei's left hand blocked the light coming from the sky, focused on watching the real battle. He couldn't help but click his tongue when he saw a gunner from FA who had both his legs broken by the explosion fall to the ground. "He's really amazing!" In this kind of terrain, robbers with helldog single-military artillery would be equivalent to having several tanks. The FA's firepower is too weak, it's impossible to stop them. "    


How would they feel if the mercenaries, killers, and armed men who were currently fighting heard this?    


A woman suddenly came into his line of sight, and in almost a second the XL2500 rifle in his hand had locked onto the woman. But in the end, he did not pull the trigger. That woman was a gunner from FA, but she was not a Nomosha. His target was the Nomosha, not one of her subordinates. He didn't want to expose his position by shooting one of his men.    


The communicator vibrated and beeped softly.    


Xia Lei took the communication device in his hand, "I'm 001, speak."    


"005 has already taken away our prey, we are in position." Sayimu's voice.    


"Very good! Now he was waiting for her to appear. The call ended. " Xia Lei kept his communication device.    


Everything was ready, now all they had to do was wait for Nomosha to appear.    


Xia Lei's gaze moved towards the battlefield.    


Although they were separated by a few hundred meters, he was able to clearly see what was happening on the battlefield.    


Although the people of FA had higher battle skills, the no-name army summoned by the Knights Hospitaller had the advantage in numbers and weapons. In such a short amount of time, the people from FA who had just rushed down had already left more than ten corpses behind. They then began to retreat in a sorry state.    


The Nomosha still had not appeared.    


Xia Lei frowned, "That guy is probably like me right now, hiding in some hidden corner to peep into the battlefield, looking for my figure and then shooting me a cold spear. Or does she have any other plan I can't guess? "    


While observing the battlefield, Xia Lei's brain was also working very quickly, analyzing the Nomosha's motives, plans and possible hiding spots.    


Just at this time, one of the armed men of Knights Hospitaller was shot in the head by a bullet. The bullet had removed his entire head, leaving only a single lip attached to the head on his neck.    


It was not a rifle bullet, but a bullet fired by an anti-equipment sniper rifle!    


Xia Lei then moved his line of sight to the hillside.    


The mountainside was covered with dense vegetation, so his line of sight could not penetrate the top of the tree that was covered with thick snow. Higher up, near the top of the mountain, there was no vegetation, only steep cliffs and cliffs, some covered with snow, almost impossible to climb.    


Xia Lei gave a thumbs up towards the mountain top, and his brain quickly calculated the result. His current location was about 4500 meters away from the top of the mountain. This distance had already exceeded the maximum range of his customized XL2500 sniper rifle.    


The XL2500 sniper rifle is the best sniper rifle in the world, and few sniper rifles can match its performance. However, this did not mean that it was the sniper step with the farthest range in the world. The anti-equipment sniper rifle had a range of over three or even four thousand meters. Currently, the range of a US 14.9sop sniper rifle has reached an astonishing 5km. Its caliber was astonishing 14.9 mm, and the bullet could even maintain supersonic speeds while flying five kilometers!    


Xia Lei's heart skipped a beat, "Could it be that Nomosha has the newest American 14.9sop Sniper Rifle in her possession? She hid out of my range to kill the people from Knights Hospitaller? "    


It wasn't that there was no such possibility, but that there was a huge possibility!    


Nomosha had fought with him many times, how could she not know how powerful his spear skills were? The safest way to fight him was to be outside the range of his XL2500 sniper rifle. To do this, a sniper rifle with a range of over four or even five thousand meters needed to be equipped.    


Just as he was analyzing this possibility, a muffled sound came from the direction of the mountain peak. Two seconds later, a grenade exploded in the middle of Knights Hospitaller's charge.    


Not only did she have a long-range sniper rifle, but she also had a special grenade gun. She fired from the top of the mountain. The grenade moved along the parabola, and at first glance, it could even hit a target at the foot of the mountain!    


Xia Lei's gaze moved up, and quickly locked on to a location. That was the highest point of the entire mountain, about 4500 meters away from where he was. This distance was the limit of his left eye's vision. He could see it, but he could not see it clearly.    


His gaze swept over the highest point of the mountain, then backtracked and locked onto a target. It was a sheet of snow covering the rock, but it was obviously not snow. It was snow camouflage clothing. Because the rock was at the top of the hill, and the wind was blowing on it almost all the time, there was almost no chance for snow to cover it. Furthermore, its area was very large. The other areas were all brown colored rocks, but there was only a pile of snow covering that area. It was obviously abnormal.    


Then, he saw a sniper rifle emerging from the camouflage clothing. It was at least two meters long and the barrel was astonishingly long. It was indeed the 14.9sop Sniper Rifle that he had predicted!    


He did not see Nomosha's face, but he was certain that the pile of snow on the rock was indeed Nomosha!    


Nomosha finally appeared, but Xia Lei was worried. She was hiding outside the range of the XL2500 sniper rifle, he had no way of killing her in this position, but she could use the 14.9sop distance sniper rifle in her hands to snipe at him, and even use a grenade to blast him away!    


He was secretly glad that he did not shoot that woman just now. Otherwise, his position would be exposed, and with the power of the 14.9sop Sniper Rifle in Nomosha's hands, the tree in front of him would have already been torn apart by the special ammunition!    


"The person who shot and killed Knights Hospitaller, is she trying to lure me in, or is she purely trying to weaken her fighting strength? "No matter what motive you have, if you dare to show yourself, you're dead!" Xia Lei did not linger and slid down the tree.    




Another grenade exploded in the crowd. One of the mercenary's legs had been blown off, the other Knights Hospitaller member had her stomach sliced open by the bullets, and her intestines were leaking out.    


"Damn it!" Rosa shouted angrily, "I can't see the sniper at all. He uses an anti-equipment sniper rifle!"    


"It must be the Nomosha!" Giovanna's voice rang, "She is high above us, and he is outside of our range. We can't do anything to his."    


"Do you want our men to continue charging?" Theresa said anxiously: "We have already lost a lot of people, if this goes on, I'm afraid we will die here!"    


"Where did that bastard Xia Lei run off to? He's our best sniper, but he ran away! " Theresa gritted his teeth in anger, "If I can survive, I will break his neck!"    




Another grenade exploded as an armed member of the Knights Hospitaller flew up. One of his legs drew a parabola in the air before it smashed onto Theresa's head, who was shouting about breaking Xia Lei's neck. Blood smeared her face, and the other half of the man's body entered her sight.    


"Ah ? ?" Theresa was about to go crazy.    


"Everyone, hide!" Giovanna finally gave the order, "Wait for my order before taking action!"    


The people of Knights Hospitaller stopped their charge, and the people of FA took the opportunity to retreat back up the hill. They had lost half of their members in the previous battle, while the Knights Hospitaller's side had lost half. Speaking of the cost, Knights Hospitaller's attack was a failure.    


At the same time, a shadow dashed towards the side of the mountain. He only had an XL2500 sniper rifle, a viper pistol, and a military knife on his body. He threw away most of his equipment in exchange for speed!    


"I have already discovered the Nomosha, she is at the summit of this mountain. "She has a 14.9sop sniper rifle and grenade launcher in her hand. You guys have to be careful, I'm going up first!" With that said, Xia Lei suddenly increased her speed, his body becoming like a hunting leopard.    


Now that the target had appeared, the hunt began!    


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