Tranxending Vision

C792 Godlike man

C792 Godlike man

"I'm going to kill them!" Ye Liena rushed forward like a madman. While using the tree trunk as a cover, he shot at them with the blast assault rifle in his hands.    


"Come back here!" Xia Lei roared: "Dangerous!"    


Just as he finished speaking, Ye Liena also fell to the ground.    


"No ? ?" Xia Lei was about to go crazy.    


Yasuya Khan took out a helldog single-military artillery, loaded it with bullets and shot it towards the enemy's position.    


Two of the FA's agents were blown into the air. One of them was even blown into two pieces. His intestines, internal organs, fingers, and bone fragments all fell onto the ground.    


The remaining four FAA agents crumbled in an instant. A helldog single-military artillery was equivalent to a small tank. With the small amount of light weapons in their hands, it was impossible to defend their front line.    


Four of the FA's agents abandoned the bear meat and retreated deeper into the forest, shooting at the blind fire.    


"Want to leave?" I have to ask if my gun agrees. " A cold smile surfaced on Xia Lei's face as he pointed towards the direction of the trigger of the XL2500 sniper rifle.    




An armored bullet shot out and pierced the trunk of a tree. It stabbed into the chest of an FA agent. Even though most of the impact was offset by the trees, the body of the special agent was still sent flying away from the armor piercing bullet. After losing half of his head, he crashed back down onto the ground.    


Fighting against the world's strongest sniper with clairvoyance within a fifty meter radius was no different from suicide.    


Bang! Bang!    


At almost the same time, Yasuya Khan and Sayimu also shot.    


The two FAA agents fell to the ground after the gunfire.    


Yasuya Khan used a blast assault rifle, but what he shot out was a sniper rifle. He was the Zodiac Clan's Sharpshooter, and just by the strength of this shot, he was fully deserving of it.    


Out of the six FA agents, only one remained.    


Arresian raised his spear to shoot his opponent, but Xia Lei pressed down on his gun, "Leave a live one, he will lead us to the hiding place of Nomosha. We are here, and we need someone to bring this news to the Nomosha. "    


Arresian shrugged, "It's really boring, I'm not here to travel."    


At this time, the Gray's sisters who were hiding behind him and the Russo's s walked over.    


"Boss, what should we do with them?" Yasuya Khan pointed at Kyoko Tsukino's corpse that was lying on the snowy ground, then shifted his gaze to the other direction where Ye Liena's corpse was lying on, his face full of grief.    


Xia Lei sighed, "This is a battlefield, we do not have time to take care of their corpses. Let's go, we have to chase that guy's trail and find the Nomosha. "    


The Gray's's sisters made the sign of the cross with their hands and said reverently, "Merciless Father, you have chosen them ?"    


Without waiting for them to finish reciting, Xia Lei interrupted them and said, "Let's go, we do not have time to waste. And they're not Catholics. "    


Giovanna glared at Xia Lei, "In the eyes of the Sacred Master, everyone is his citizen, he has pity on everyone else."    


Stella also said, "Didn't you feel the slightest bit of gratitude when they died for you?"    


Xia Lei said: "Then you guys can conduct the ceremony for them here, we are leaving."    


The members of the Zodiac Clan followed Xia Lei and left.    


The Gray's sisters and the Russo's sisters looked at each other, then gave up on the ceremony as they chased after Xia Lei and the Zodiac Clan members, heading deeper into the forest.    


Giovanna turned around and glanced at Ye Liena's corpse, then said softly to the collar of his clothes: "He lost another person ?"    


As the forest rose in height, the skis became a burden. Xia Lei and the members of the Zodiac Clan threw away their skis, carried their heavy bags on their backs, and advanced towards the depths of the forest with light footsteps. Ahead of him, about a kilometer away, was a very tall mountain peak. One could vaguely see the snow-capped mountain peak and the forest that covered the mountainside. The released FAA agent had left tracks in the snow, and the tracks led toward the mountain.    


"Will he take us in the opposite direction?" Yasuya Khan said: "Or maybe he deliberately brought us into the trap."    


Xia Lei said, "He definitely has the FA Organization's communication device with him. When we come, he will pass this information to the Nomosha. So, no matter where he takes us, we can still bump into the Nomosha. The place he is going to is the hiding spot of the Nomosha or is it a trap, is there any difference? "    


Yasuya Khan was startled, then laughed, "That's right, we are here to kill her, as long as she appears."    


Sayimu's eyes were originally still filled with worry, but hearing Xia Lei's words, his heart relaxed, and he became less nervous. He knew about Xia Lei's battle at Wangda in Western province. Xia Lei had killed more than ninety special agents, special forces, professional soldiers and killers with his own strength! With such a leader like this, what was there for him to worry about?    


Actually, the reason why Xia Lei did not care about the hiding spot or the trap was very simple. It was because he could see a place that was more than 4000 meters away from him. With perspective, the enemy hidden in the forest would be nowhere to hide. Based on this alone, was he afraid that the FA would set a trap in front of him?    


After five hundred meters, Xia Lei suddenly raised a hand.    


The four Zodiac Clan's immediately scattered and found their own shelter.    


Xia Lei also squatted on top of a tree and waved towards Giovanna who was hiding behind.    


Giovanna braced himself and moved to Xia Lei's side, asking softly: "What are you doing?"    


"Didn't we agree to come over to reinforce the moment we hear the gunshot?" We've already started fighting with people from FA, why haven't your people appeared yet? " Xia Lei said.    


"How, how would I know?" Giovanna's eyes flashed, "Perhaps, it is because of some sudden situation."    


Xia Lei looked straight into Giovanna's eyes, "You couldn't have lied to me, right? I've already lost two people, but your people are hiding somewhere else, unwilling to work! If that's the case, why should I give you fifty million dollars? And why should I give you sacred objects? "    


Giovanna avoided Xia Lei's overbearing gaze, "I, I really do not know what happened, but I believe our people will definitely not let you fight alone. "Believe me, I assure you of my honor as a knight."    


Xia Lei said coldly: "Then I'll also assure you and your Knights Hospitaller, as partners. If you guys want to play any tricks, you won't get anything."    


"Boss!" There's someone ahead! " Sayimu's voice sounded, full of anxiety and anxiety.    


Xia Lei had actually long since seen someone move around in the front, which was also why he had asked the team to stop.    


Yasuya Khan took off the XL2500 sniper rifle on his shoulder, he glanced at it, but quickly frowned, "Too far, there are too many trees, it's impossible to shoot."    


The target was too far away, so the bullet would need a certain amount of time to hit the target. In an environment full of obstacles, some of the predicted shooting points would be blocked. By the time the bullet flew past, the target would have already hidden himself. Thus, when fighting in the forest, a sniper was actually very passive. This is why snipers always carry a pistol with them. In certain circumstances, a gun can be more useful than a sniper rifle.    


Just when Yasuya Khan was at his wit's end, Xia Lei suddenly stood up, raised his gun, aimed, and pulled the trigger. Without hesitation, he shot a bullet out.    


With a gunshot, the specially made armor piercing bullet flew out and flew five hundred meters before striking the trunk of a tree. Then, the FA Special Agent who had just moved behind the tree fell onto his back on the snow. A bloody hole the size of a bowl had appeared on his chest.    


Yasuya Khan, who was watching this scene through the scope of the XL2500 sniper rifle, was dumbstruck. He even forgot to breathe.    


Not far behind Xia Lei, Theresa's chin that was using a telescope to observe the situation fell onto the floor.    


In the world of snipers, as long as Xia Lei called himself number 2, who would dare call themselves number 1?    


Bang Bang Bang...    


"Da Da Da ?"    


The FA Alliance suddenly became restless, and someone began firing off blind fire shots. The bullets were flying aimlessly through the forest. It was a terrifying sight, but it didn't have the slightest effect.    


Xia Lei said in a deep voice, "There are still nine of them, three moving on the left wing, three moving on the right wing, and the remaining three shooting at us from the middle route. "Prepare to meet the enemy!"    


Yasuya Khan and Sayimu then moved towards the left.    


Arresian and Erdelmtu moved to the right.    


Giovanna came back to reality, "The person you released brought us into a trap, but he ? They didn't even ambush you, and you already discovered them. How did you do it? "    


Xia Lei pointed to the sky, "The God gave me guidance, allowing me to discover the enemy ahead of time."    


Giovanna was actually at a loss for words.    


Xia Lei suddenly hugged Giovanna, and both of them fell onto the snow.    




A rocket exploded when it hit a tree trunk. The heat wave almost brushed past the two people's backs as it was pushed away.    


Xia Lei climbed up from Giovanna's body, raised his gun, pulled the trigger, and completed all of the designs in a second. The next second, the FAA agent with the rocket attack was knocked over by a bullet and half of his neck was blown off by the bullet fired from the XL2500 sniper rifle.    


Theresa who was observing the enemy through her binoculars suddenly shifted her gaze onto Xia Lei. Her eyes looked at him as if she was looking at a monster.    


Xia Lei patted Giovanna's perky bottom with a smirk on his face, "You owe me your life, so why don't you brag a little tonight?"    


It was a light movement, his words were vulgar, but this time Giovanna did not react at all. Her mind was still thinking about what had just happened. She did not understand how Xia Lei found out that someone had used a rocket launcher to launch a sneak attack. The Xia Lei in battle gave her a very strange feeling, that he was not a human, but a god, an omnipresent god!    


A question also arose in the hearts of Gray's's sisters and Russo's's sisters, which they couldn't get rid of. Was Knights Hospitaller really going to become enemies with someone like that?    


"The left target has been eliminated!" Yasuya Khan's voice.    


"Got it, support the right wing!" Xia Lei gave the order.    


BOOM! An explosion sounded from the left, and smoke and snow rose together.    


"Hello? "Hey!" Xia Lei grabbed the communication device hanging below his shoulder and roared: "Are you guys okay? Hurry and reply! "    


No one answered.    


"Damn it!" Xia Lei ruthlessly punched a tree in front of him. A piece of bark was broken by him, but his fist was also broken, bleeding profusely.    


"Boss!" They are retreating! " Arresian's voice.    


Xia Lei raised his XL2500 rifle and rushed forward, "Kill them!"    


The Gray's sisters and the Russo's sisters looked at each other, then rushed out as well.    


"He still has two people left, the people he brought with him are average in strength ?" Giovanna lowered her voice, "But he, he's extremely scary."    


Bang Bang Bang...    


In the midst of the gunfire, one of the retreating FAA agents fell to the ground.    


After killing a target, the rapidly advancing Arresian let out a miserable scream and fell to the ground.    


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