Tranxending Vision

C790 You men are so disgusting

C790 You men are so disgusting

You men are disgusting    


Xia Lei, I hate you!    


Xia Lei, I will cut your throat!    


Xia Lei, I will kill you!    


Xia Lei, do you know that you are the only reason for me to continue living?    


Xia Lei, it's my birthday today, I want to dig out your heart and use it as my birthday present!    


Xia Lei, I want you to remember me for your entire life!    


Xia Lei...    


Every word carved into the wall with a knife was filled with hatred and a curse. Although there was no name carved into the wall, Xia Lei could guess the answer in an instant. These words were carved into the wall by Gu Kewen. This made him feel very surprised. He did not think that this was a place where Gu Kewen and his father, Xia Changhe, had been trained before.    


An uncontrollable scene appeared in his mind. The bone-piercing cold wind, the swirling snow, Gu Kewen who was lying on the snow looked very calm. It was as if she was immersed in a wonderful dream and couldn't bear to walk out ?    


Gu Kewen died. Although she couldn't exact her revenge, she did one thing, and that was to make him remember her for the rest of his life. Xia Lei didn't want to admit it, but it was a fact.    


"Mr. Xia?" Arthur's voice.    


Xia Lei came back to reality, "What?"    


"You're daydreaming." Arthur's gaze moved to the wall with the words carved on it, "I have also seen those Chinese characters, and I even got someone to translate them, I think the person who carved would hate you, and you also know who that person is right?"    


"There's no need to test my words. There's no point in knowing who she is, because I've already killed her with my own hands." Xia Lei sighed, took out a piece of chewing gum from his pocket and started to chew.    


Arthur shrugged his shoulders, "Alright, then let's talk about how we should proceed."    


"How many of you are there?"    


"More than a hundred."    


"I need a specific number." Xia Lei said.    


"No problem." Arthur looked like he did not care, "This time, we originally participated in the mission with 140 people. Three to eight died, so we still have 102 left. Is that clear enough? "    


"Is the number you mentioned all of them or just the number of people in your Knights Hospitaller?"    


"Of course, all of them." A trace of displeasure flashed across Arthur's eyes.    


Xia Lei originally wanted to ask more about it, but seeing that Arthur was already unhappy, he did not continue asking. But from his observation, there must be a lot of people in Knights Hospitaller, and more than half of them.    


"Have you searched the area?" Xia Lei said.    


"Of course I have."    


"Then how are you so sure that the Nomosha is in that area?"    


"Dead. We searched back and forth the last time. Three people died in the first time, two in the second, and two in the last. That's why we're sure she's still in that area. "    


"When was the last time you searched that area?"    


"Starting from 2 PM yesterday and ending at 6 PM in the evening. It's almost impossible to move at night, and it's the same for Nomosha. She can only hide at night, or else she'll freeze to death. " Arthur said.    


"Then we'll start tomorrow morning. You bring your people, I bring my people. " Xia Lei pointed to the satellite map on his military laptop and said, "My men and I will enter from the three o'clock direction. You have a lot of people, so you can split your men into three groups: six o'clock, nine o'clock, and twelve o'clock. This way, we can expand the scope of the search. "    


"No problem."    


"No matter which direction the enemy is at and immediately fire an alarm, the other three teams will have to rush over to support them and surround them." Is that okay? "    


"Sure, no problem." Arthur said: "Right now, there's still some time until daybreak. You and your people can rest in the tent. I have prepared a tent for you guys, it's right by the lake."    


"No need, we brought our own equipment." Thank you, Mr. Arthur. " Xia Lei leaned towards Arthur and spread open his arms.    


Arthur hugged Xia Lei naturally.    


And in the instant the two of them were embracing, Arthur put something in Xia Lei's pocket. And at the same time, Xia Lei stuck his tongue out, causing the piece of gum in his mouth to fall into his palm. In the palm of his hand was a miniature electronic device that blended with the gum in the blink of an eye, but revealed the part that should have been exposed. With a flick of his finger, the piece of gum flew to the wall above the fireplace and stuck.    


After finishing the hug, Xia Lei turned around and left the hut.    


"Boss, what's the situation?" Ye Liena moved closer to her.    


Xia Lei said, "We will start our operation at dawn. Let's find a place to set up camp and rest up after that."    


Sayimu replied, "Boss ?"    


Without waiting for Sayimu to finish speaking, Xia Lei gave him a meaningful glance, and then said: "What do you want to say?"    


Sayimu himself was the core of the Zodiac Clan's intelligence network, he had his own professional understanding of Xia Lei's eyes. He changed his words, "What I want to say is that this damned place is so cold, where are we going to settle our tents?"    


Xia Lei said: "Let's go to the forest over there. The trees can shield us from the wind."    


He brought the Zodiac Clan members towards the forest, and while walking, he took out the bug that Arthur secretly put in his pocket, took a look at it, and then returned it back to his pocket.    


The other members of Zodiac Clan all saw the bug that Xia Lei took out from his pocket and they understood what was happening.    


Xia Lei muttered to himself as he walked, "The people from the Knights Hospitaller are really useless. They can't even catch one person with more than a hundred people, and they even need me to do it myself."    


"We must show them our strength tomorrow!" Arresian's voice was loud.    


"Where is the bitch Nomosha hiding? I wish I could grab her and cut her open with my blade and feed her to the dogs! " Ye Liena's voice.    


The few of them chatted as they walked, and soon, they were far away.    


In the cabin, Arthur carefully checked his pockets and collar, reassuring him with the results. The speaker on top of the military notebook computer, that was placed on the table, was the very clear voice of Xia Lei talking to someone.    


Arthur could not help but smile coldly, "That intelligence report is right, women are your biggest weakness."    


At this time, the Gray's and his sisters walked in.    


Giovanna said: "Grand Knight Head, we saw Xia Lei bringing his men to another place, aren't they prepared to use the tent that we prepared for him?"    


"I knew it. He was cautious." Arthur said indifferently, "However, since he's here, we have achieved our goal. Let's just let him kill each other for now. When his people are pretty much dead ? "Hahaha!"    


"Doesn't he know that there isn't just the Nomosha in that area, but also a member of the FA?" Stella said.    


"What do you think? If it was just the Nomosha alone, even if she was a War God, she wouldn't be able to stop us, right? Arthur said.    


"I hope we can succeed this time." Theresa said hatefully: "If he is allowed to return to the Grand China, things will become troublesome again."    


"He can't go back." Arthur sneered: "To be able to persuade Xia Lei to come to Siberia, you have all contributed a lot. The eyes of the Lord will look at you and will remember what you have done. "    


"Protect the faith and save the suffering." The Gray's and her sisters said in unison as they drew a cross in front of their chests.    


"Go, go to Xia Lei's side." Arthur said: "Just listening to their conversation is not enough, I still need to borrow your eyes to monitor his and his people's movements."    


"He ?" Theresa bit her lips, and finally mustered up the courage to speak. "He's very lustful, very vulgar, and really disgusting."    


Arthur's eyes immediately turned cold, "Women are his only weakness, you must remember, you are Knights Hospitaller's Knights, have you forgotten about your oaths?"    


"We'll go right away." Giovanna turned and left.    


The other three women also left the hut, and the four women walked towards the direction Xia Lei had left.    


Fifty meters in front, Xia Lei propped up his ears that were being blown by the wind and snow, revealing a smile at the corner of his mouth.    


He didn't come to Siberia because of the four Knights Hospitaller's women's persuasion, but instead, Arthur wishfully believed that he had been bewitched by Gray's's and Russo's's sisters. It looks like it was worth it for him to reach his hand under Theresa's skirt to do that kind of evil thing in front of Arthur back then.    


Now it seemed that Arthur's plan was not complicated, using the Nomosha to lure him to Siberia, and using the FA organization to weaken his strength, finally catching him, and using him to exchange for a Holy Artifact. The so-called honor and credibility of the Knights could actually be abandoned in the face of the core benefits such as holy objects.    


In the face of the snow and wind, Xia Lei secretly thought in his heart, "You want to borrow the hands of the FA to weaken my strength, isn't that what I plan to do with you as well? After we get rid of the Nomosha, I'll have some fun with you. If you make a move on me, I'll make a move on you. If you want to use me to exchange for a sacred object, I will dig out the secret that I want from your mouth! "    


Coming to Siberia was a big risk, but it also had a big strategic interest. Four members of the Zodiac Clan had died in the hands of the Nomosha. Kyoko Tsukino, Sayimu and Yasuya Khan had returned to their side and he had personally brought them to Siberia for revenge. Secondly, he had to take the chance to weaken the Knights Hospitaller's strength and dig out the secret he wanted from Arthur's mouth!    


Thus, even though he knew it was dangerous, he still came.    


Sometimes, risks and benefits are proportional. The greater the risk, the greater the reward.    


"Mr. Xia!" "Wait for us!" Giovanna's voice came from behind.    


Xia Lei first gave a meaningful glance to the members of the Zodiac Clan, then said with a smile: "Hey, women are really troublesome. There were four of them, but I only had one Tinker. Damn, I wanted to grow three more and take care of them all at once. Do you know, I have to sleep with them one by one every night, and I'm so tired that my back hurts. "    


"Haha!" Boss, you must have brought Brother Wei, right? " Arresian laughed.    


"You men are so disgusting." Kyoko Tsukino scolded.    


Ye Liena then spat on the ground, "I have to stay away from you. I hate hearing the voices of those women calling me window. That night, you tormented them for most of the night, so I didn't sleep for the entire night! "    


"Oh, I am sorry, but I am too strong. "Hahaha!" Xia Lei laughed sinisterly.    


He discovered that every member of the Zodiac Clan was a good actor.    


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