Tranxending Vision

C791 Attacks on the snow

C791 Attacks on the snow

After entering the forest, Xia Lei quickly decided on the place to camp out. Then, the members of the Zodiac Clan raised up a few military tents. The Gray's sisters and Russo's sisters had also erected two tents beside Xia Lei's tent, becoming his "neighbors". They were Arthur's eyes and ears, but Xia Lei saw them as the "microphone".    


The cold wind blew against the treetops and blew between the trees. The entire world was filled with the sound of the wind, as if there were thousands of ghosts crying. Only in such an environment could one feel the power of nature and feel reverence for it. Other than Yasuya Khan who was on sentry duty, the rest of the Zodiac Clan s were all hiding in their tents. No one wanted to be exposed to the wind and snow. If they did, they would be frozen into ice bars in less than two hours.    


Yasuya Khan was standing guard outside Xia Lei's tent, causing the sisters of Gray's and Russo's to not dare to approach Xia Lei's tent.    


Inside the tent, Xia Lei was hiding in his sleeping bag and looking at a box shaped electronic equipment. It was only six inches in size and looked like a cell phone. On its screen, it showed the timely image of the cabin.    


Arthur was talking to someone via video chat.    


"Captain, sir." Arthur's tone was very respectful, "Xia Lei has already reached Siberia, so our plan is going smoothly."    


"How many people did he bring?"    




Xia Lei's finger had enlarged the size of the military laptop on the touch screen, but he was still unable to clearly see the person who was talking to Arthur. After all, the video call window was only a few inches long on the monitor, and it was useless even if he could awaken his micro vision if it was onto the several inches large terminal in his hands.    


But he wasn't worried about not being able to see what the Grand Master looked like. The spy device wrapped in chewing gum had recorded the video, and if he took it back with a more advanced device, he would be able to get a clearer picture. At that time, he could clearly see what the Knights Hospitaller's "Captain" looked like with one glance.    


The Head Captain's voice came from the speaker of the military laptop, "Six? He was really bold. The six of us are easy to deal with. This is our chance. I want to hear your plans. "    


Arthur said: "We trapped the Nomosha, but he is not the only one. There are at least twenty people from FA in that area. I will have Xia Lei take his men to fight against the FA and burn out his men. When he's the only one left, I'll grab him and let his father exchange the relics for him. "    


"What if his father doesn't know where the relic is hidden?"    


"No problem, I will personally go to the Grand China's capital. The Gray's sisters and Russo's sisters had lived in Xia Lei's house for a period of time, and had also been to the Rayma Military Factory. So, as long as we capture Xia Lei, I can take back our divine object. "    


The person in the window went silent for a moment, then said, "You have to remember, this operation can only succeed, not fail. If you fail and Xia Lei escapes, it would be even harder for us to retrieve our divine object. "    


Arthur said: "This is Siberia, a forbidden zone for humans. Without transportation, he cannot escape. Tomorrow there will be a battle, the people from FA will die, Xia Lei will also die, Xia Lei will become our hostage. Captain, please wait for my good news. "    


"Alright, if you catch Xia Lei, you will get the reward that you deserve."    


"Protect the faith and help the suffering." Arthur knelt in front of the table and made a cross with his hands.    


The video call ended.    


"I never thought that there would be more than 20 people in the FA group. It seems like the people from the Knights Hospitaller are purposely surrounding us without killing them. They are only waiting for me to come." A cold smile surfaced on the corner of Xia Lei's mouth. He took out the communication device that was used inside the Zodiac Clan and lowered his voice. "Kyoko Tsukino, come inside my tent for a while."    


"Yes." Kyoko Tsukino's voice came out from the communication device.    


Two minutes later, Kyoko Tsukino entered Xia Lei's tent and looked at him strangely, "What do you want me to do?"    


Xia Lei took out the bug that Arthur placed on his body.    


Kyoko Tsukino then opened her mouth, "Awoo, awoo ?"    


Xia Lei looked at her, dumbstruck.    


Kyoko Tsukino pointed to the bug in his hand.    


Xia Lei originally only wanted to remind her not to spout nonsense, but he didn't think that she would interpret the script from a different angle and even put on a show. However, it was undeniable that he was an authentic Japanese person. When Yalai Butterfly and all that other stuff came out of her mouth, they were all real Japanese goods. They were authentic, and her taste was pure.    


Kyoko Tsukino spread out her hands with a strange look on her face.    


Only then did Xia Lei come close to her ear and whispered: "Tomorrow..."    


Kyoko Tsukino nodded her head, and continued to speak with her true Japanese accent, shouting out the most unique words of the island.    


A question suddenly emerged in Xia Lei's mind. Where did she learn all this from? Was it a compulsory course for the Lady of the Ish?    


Inside the Russo's Sisters' tent.    


"So disgusting!" He actually did that kind of thing to his female subordinates in such an environment! " Rosa's voice.    


"I hope the Siberian cold water freezes his Tintin." Theresa even mimicked his actions, "Pa! Falling to the ground, and then turning to dust. "    


Inside the Gray's Sisters' tent.    


"What is that woman's name?" Stella listened attentively.    


"Japanese, you're shouting so exaggeratedly. This is simply blasphemy to us." Giovanna made a cross with his hand, begging for forgiveness.    


"Humph!" This is probably the last time he'll enjoy it. He'll be finished tomorrow. "    


"Shh ?"    


Dawn's light dispelled the darkness, and the wind and snow ceased. However, the sky was still densely covered with gray clouds, and not a single spot of sunlight could be seen.    


Xia Lei and the members of the Zodiac Clan had some energy food, then pulled out their army tents and walked towards their assigned direction. The Russo's's sisters and sisters also followed Xia Lei and his team. To Xia Lei, these four women were like candies as they stuck to him.    


The people of the Knights Hospitaller also began to move, the soldiers moved in three different directions towards their destination.    


Arthur led a thirty man team and advanced towards the six o'clock direction. This direction was not far from the direction that Xia Lei and the Zodiac Clan were in charge of. The direction that the two groups were heading in was also only towards a right angle of ninety degree, and they were both going to meet in the end.    


The snow in the forest grew deeper and deeper, and the skis came in handy. However, for Xia Lei, this was another first time following his first parachute jump. This was his first time skiing. He had nearly thirty kilos of equipment on him, and he was not familiar with the sport of skiing. One of them even knocked into Giovanna's body, and together with her, they fell into the snow.    


But Giovanna was not angry, on the contrary, he was secretly happy. Xia Lei ski skied like this, how could he escape this time? did not know how to ski so he sent a report to Arthur at 6 o'clock ?    


After an hour of trekking, Sayimu suddenly pointed in a direction and said: "There's blood there!"    


The team immediately scattered and carefully approached that area.    


The blood that had been left on the snow had dried and dried. There was also some bear hair and organs of discarded bears, intestines and stomachs. It looked very bad, very bloody.    


Xia Lei stretched out his hand to feel the blood traces and a piece of the animal's internal organs. There was no temperature, but his left eye could see the blood and internal organs, and upon seeing the situation inside, he quickly came to a conclusion, "They left for less than half an hour. They brought bear meat with them, so it is impossible for them to quickly chase after them!"    


Without waiting for someone to determine the direction to go in pursuit, Xia Lei had already stepped on the snowboard and chased after him.    


"How did he come to that conclusion?" Giovanna was surprised, "Other than the blood stains and the animal organs, I didn't see anything else."    


"That's right, the FA organization has already covered up the footprints. How could he determine the direction of their departure?" Theresa was also full of doubts.    


However, the and her sisters did not hesitate and followed behind the group. Giovanna, who was at the back of the group, was gliding across the snow while speaking into the collar of his winter clothes, "Xia Lei has already found traces of people from the FA team. We are currently tracking them in the direction of two o'clock. The report is complete. "    


Not long after, footprints appeared in the snow. It was messy, and not just a human footprint.    


"There are six of them." Xia Lei said: "We are already not far from them, be careful."    


The others were still looking at the footprints in the snow, but he had already determined the number of people.    


The people of Zodiac Clan quickly reacted, each of them finding a place to hide, and entered the battle state.    


Xia Lei took off the snowboard on his feet, he walked in front of Giovanna and said with a face full of anger: "Didn't you say that only Nomosha is here? Why are there footprints of six people? "    


"How, how do I know?" Giovanna was a little nervous.    


Bang! Suddenly, a gunshot rang out.    


A bullet flew out of the forest and hit the trunk of a conifer pine. Wood chips flew everywhere, and snow fell from the treetops.    


"They're right ahead, about fifty meters!" Yasuya Khan's voice.    


Bang! Bang! Bang! The members of Zodiac Clan shot back.    


Bullets flew back and forth through the forest, accompanied by whizzing sounds and splinters of shattered trees. The fighting scene turned white-hot in just a few seconds.    


Xia Lei did not question Giovanna anymore, he was also immersed in the battle.    


"What should we do?" Theresa said in a low voice.    


"Let them fight." Stella said: "We'll just casually fire two rounds from behind."    


Giovanna laid on the snow and spoke once again at the collar of his winter clothes, "Xia Lei and his men have already started an exchange of blows with the people from the FA ?"    


Just then, Kyoko Tsukino suddenly screamed out and fell into the snow. A stream of blood flowed out from beneath her, dyeing a patch of snow red.    


Giovanna's voice became excited, "The FA Organization has killed one of Xia Lei's subordinates!"    


"No!" Xia Lei roared angrily as he crawled to Kyoko Tsukino's side. He shook Kyoko Tsukino's shoulders and said, "You can't die, quickly get up!"    


Kyoko Tsukino did not react at all, but she blinked her eyes slightly.    


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