Tranxending Vision

C784 Stinking hooligan

C784 Stinking hooligan

Two days later.    


"Ye Kun is really cunning." Qin Xiang laughed and said: "He got a branch manager's faraway village to submit a report, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't find out. Also, he had the workers work the night shift to process our spare parts. They process their own during the day, and there are very few of them. "    


Xia Lei laughed, "If he is not cunning enough, he would not be able to sit in his current position today. We don't have to worry about him as long as he's really on our side. "    


"Based on the current situation, he is indeed on our side. However, you should be careful of someone like him. If he can sell Mu Jiangfeng out, he can sell you out. He sells people as easily as flipping through books. "    


"Don't worry, I won't give him that kind of opportunity. I sold him before he betrayed me. "    


"Hehe, you reminded me of something."    


Xia Lei looked at him, "What did he say?"    


Qin Xiang pursed his lips and smiled, "The straight devil is one foot high, the straight devil is three feet high. In my eyes, you're the worst guy ever. "    


Xia Lei, "..."    


"Tell me, don't tell me you really have feelings for Fan Fan Xian?" Was she there last time? "" Yes.    


"Fuck you, is this something you should worry about?" Xia Lei was extremely embarrassed.    


"You're just giving me whatever you want, but you're not going to get married, are you? "I've seen through you. You're so bad, you beautiful killer."    


"Scram, I don't want to see you."    


"Yo, no matter what, I am still a beauty. Do you understand and admire me?" Qin Xiang twisted his waist, "Look at my waist, is it nice to look at?"    


Several black lines instantly appeared on Xia Lei's forehead. He was already extremely angry at Qin Xiang, but he couldn't possibly kick his out, right?    


Fortunately, Qing Caiyue walked in.    


"Manager Xia, there are a few people here to see you." Qing Caiyue's voice was very gentle.    


"How many people?" What kind of person is it? " Xia Lei was curious.    


Qing Caiyue stepped aside, and four faces appeared at the door.    


The ones who came were the female Knights of the Knights Hospitaller, Giovanna and Stella of the Gray's, Rosa and Theresa of the Russo's.    


Four blonde girls, two pairs of twins, one black Western dress, long legs, and bendy front, like some kind of uniform movie.    


Giovanna was even holding onto a computer bag, looking like a professional elite. However, the feeling it gave was not that. It made people wonder if her laptop bag contained a woman's underwear or those kinds of toys.    


"All of you, go back to work." Xia Lei said.    


Qin Xiang and Qing Caiyue left the office.    


"Why are you looking for me?" After Arthur left, Xia Lei threw the four female Knights inside the Peaceful Mansion. Usually, he would avoid them, but he never expected that they would actually come to this place.    


"Is it safe here?" Giovanna said in Italian.    


"Safe." Xia Lei said.    


Rosa then closed the door to the office.    


Giovanna brought his computer bag to Xia Lei's desk and opened it. Then, he placed an Apple MacBook in front of Xia Lei. Then she woke up the screen. The camera above the screen lit up, and a video of the communication software's connection appeared on the screen. She lightly tapped on the return key, and Arthur's face appeared on the screen again.    


Xia Lei also saw his own reflection in a small window, as well as Giovanna who was standing behind him.    


"Mr. Xia." Arthur started to speak, "We've already received your gift, not bad."    


The gift he meant was the weapons produced by the Rayma Group, the XL2500 sniper rifles, blast assault rifle s and helldog single-military artillery s. Xia Lei was also very generous, it was enough to equip a company. This type of equipment was enough to fight against an army of five or six hundred people. In order to get rid of the FA, he had put in his all.    


"It's good that you've received it. When will you start?" Xia Lei said.    


"We have already begun to act, after we have reached an agreement." Arthur said: "This time, not only will I express my thanks, I'll also give you some information."    


Xia Lei's heart skipped a beat, "What kind of information?"    


"The woman you want to kill is still in Siberia, a training camp for the FA. Our people, and those who took our money, have left for Siberia. When the time comes, there will be a battle, and we will eliminate the person from the training camp. If you want to catch them alive, I'll make our people do what they can, but if they can't, please understand. "    


"Alright, no one can explain what happened on the battlefield. I can understand, but if you kill her, then remember to record a video for me. I want to see it with my own eyes." Xia Lei said.    


"No problem, I can definitely do it."    


"Where is the FA headquarters?"    


"Sorry, we haven't found any yet. "Our followers are all over the world, don't worry, as long as the FA is headquartered on this planet, we will be able to find out."    


"That's good. I'll be waiting for your good news." Xia Lei said.    


"Giovanna and the rest did not cause any trouble for you, right?"    


Xia Lei laughed, "No, they are very obedient." He suddenly reached out his hand to Theresa, who was standing beside him, and pulled her into his embrace.    


With a crisp smack, a soft ripple rippled out.    


Theresa's face flushed red, she was extremely nervous. The other three women also looked at Xia Lei in shock. They didn't understand why he would do such a thing.    


Xia Lei didn't take the reactions and feelings of the four women to heart at all. He laughed out loud, "Mr. Arthur, thank you for giving them to me.    


Arthur drew a cross on his chest, "May the Lord forgive you for your crimes, amen."    


Since he said that, Xia Lei might as well stick her hand into Theresa's skirt.    


Theresa fiercely bit her lips, flames almost spitting out of her eyes, not only flames of anger, but other flames as well.    


The other three women's faces were also red.    


Arthur seemed to be unable to continue watching, the image on the screen disappeared.    


Xia Lei's hand also withdrew from Theresa's dress and she put down Theresa's waist that was in her embrace.    


Theresa hurriedly escaped from Xia Lei's leg, and then, he slapped Xia Lei's face.    


Xia Lei reached out and grabbed Theresa's wrist, "Don't think that I'm a vulgar person, I'm helping you guys."    


Theresa tried to pull back his hand, but she was unable to pull her hand away.    


"Let her go!" Rosa shouted in anger.    


Xia Lei released Theresa's hand and lightly said: "Don't think that I don't know why Arthur left you here. I do what he likes in front of him. Isn't it good that you guys can make a smooth trip? "    


The Gray's sisters and the Russo's sisters were immediately stunned. They were furious at Xia Lei's barbaric and vulgar actions, but when they calmed down and thought about it, what Xia Lei had said was actually a true situation, and it made sense.    


"Alright, I've already completed the mission for you guys. From now on, you guys are going to annoy me." Xia Lei waved his hand, "You may leave."    


Theresa said angrily, "Hmph! Your soul is filthy! "You will ?"    


"Theresa!" Giovanna interrupted his. She knew that Theresa wanted to say "You will go to hell", but she could not let Theresa anger his.    


"Let's go. I don't want to stay in the same room as him." Rosa held onto Theresa's hand.    


Xia Lei laughed. He extended a finger in front of his nose and sniffed. Then he said: "Miss Theresa, is there no water in my bathroom?"    


"What do you mean?" Theresa turned and glared at Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei replied, "It smells like salted fish."    


"Go to hell!" Theresa was about to pounce and fight with Xia Lei, but he was stopped by the other three women.    


Xia Lei shrugged his shoulders, "I'm only allowed to have you guys scold me. Aren't you women too domineering? "    


The four women left the office.    


"Theresa, how can you be so impulsive? Our mission is to get close to him. He just gave you a chance, why are you scolding him? " Giovanna chided.    


"I can't help it, he's so rude, and he said something so hurtful." Theresa had her reasons.    


"He is indeed very vulgar, but ?" Rosa sighed, "We have to admit, he has indeed helped us out greatly. What happened just now, was indeed what Arthur hoped to see. "    


"So what? He's a scoundrel with no manners. " Stella said.    


The four women talked about going away.    


In the office, Xia Lei retracted his vision. Just now, he really did that on purpose. He wanted to make Arthur think that he had been tricked and lost his guard. At the same time, he didn't want the four female Knights to pester him, so he did it in such a crude and barbaric manner. Actually, he was somewhat glad that these four female Knights were the real Holy Maiden. If they were four women of the mortal world, he would have long surrendered long ago.    


Ring, ring, ring...    


His cellphone suddenly rang.    


Xia Lei took out his cell phone to take a look at it, then answered the call, "Hello, Chairman Ye, it's me. Speak."    


Ye Kun's voice came out of the phone, "Xia Dong, Mu Jiangfeng realized that I am still helping you process the parts and components, he brought someone to my office to cause trouble. Ling Hao will be here soon, quickly come and help me. "    


"Don't panic." Xia Lei said: "Didn't you get someone to submit the reported materials?"    


"That thing must have been suppressed by someone. If reporting that material could get rid of Mu Jiangfeng, he would have been stripped of his position decades ago. Why would I even need to report him?"    


"Don't worry, I'll be right there." Xia Lei hung up the phone.    


Qing Caiyue walked in, "Chairman Xia, are you going out?"    


"There's something urgent. Oh yeah, call those reporters who are related to us right away and have them rush to the Hanwu Weapons Corp Headquarters. Tell them there's important news. " Xia Lei then proceeded to speak.    


"Okay, I'll call right away." Qing Caiyue said.    


Leaving the office, Xia Lei made a call as he walked, "Tiger, what do you have that can make people faint, but can't injure them?"    


"Yes, what do you want to do?" Erdelmtu's voice.    


"Bring those things with you and go to the Hanwu Weapons Corp's headquarters." Xia Lei said.    


"Alright, I'll wait for you in the guard room." Erdelmtu hung up the phone.    


The corner of Xia Lei's mouth revealed a cold smile, "Mu Jiangfeng, you are courting death!"    


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