Tranxending Vision

C776 The mantis stalks the cicada and the oriole

C776 The mantis stalks the cicada and the oriole

To Knights Hospitaller, the greatest pain was the loss of one's territory. In the Middle Ages, when Gods ruled over everything, it was not surprising that they believed that there were any Horseman in this world that could help them rebuild the kingdom of God. But after entering the modern era, even the Knights Hospitaller herself would not believe that there was a Horseman that could ride on a red horse in this world, right?    


Putting aside the silver armor, why was Knights Hospitaller, who rode a red horse, still so desperate to obtain the silver metal?    


There must be a reason.    


After thinking for a moment, Xia Lei moved his head close to Stella's ear and whispered into it, "Does Knights Hospitaller have that set of silver armor?"    


"I... "I don't know." Stella's answer.    


Xia Lei then moved closer to Giovanna's ear and whispered into her ear, "Do you know where that silver set of armor is?"    


"I don't know." Giovanna's answer.    


Xia Lei was not surprised by the Gray's sisters' reply. Giovanna and Stella were women gifted to him by the Knights Hospitaller. To the Knights Hospitaller, they were goods, property and things like that.    


"Who is the true leader of the Knights Hospitaller?" Xia Lei whispered into Giovanna's ear.    


"Angelio." Giovanna's answer.    




"All the knights listen to his command. He is the fist of the Lord." Giovanna said.    


Xia Lei moved closer to Stella's ear, "Who is the true leader of Knights Hospitaller?"    


"Angelio." Theresa said.    




"He controls the Knights Hospitaller's... The armed forces. "    


Although the content of the Gray's sisters' answers were different, the meanings were the same.    


"How many Knights are there in the Knights Hospitaller?"    


"I don't... I know, besides the Knight, there is also ? No sealed Crusader. "    


"Are you a knight or an unknighted Crusader?"    


"I am a knighted knight." Stella said.    


Xia Lei did not ask Giovanna the same question again. He wanted to dig out the secrets of the Knights Hospitaller from the Gray's sisters, but the level of the Gray's sisters was just too low, he did not know much. He then asked a few more questions, but with little success.    


Xia Lei gave up. He opened the window and the exhaust fan and changed the air. He took the cork and put it back into the perfume bottle. Finally he rinsed the wet part of his suit with tap water and wrung out the excess water...    


When he went back to bed, he heard footsteps outside the door. He hurriedly returned to the bed and laid down between Giovanna and himself. Outside the door, the door panel disappeared from his left eye, and he saw Arthur, who was quietly approaching with a glance.    


Arthur's gaze was fixated on the door, and he stuck his ear onto it.    


Xia Lei's heart was moved, he suddenly flipped Giovanna one by one, his butt facing the sky. He raised his palm and slapped down. With a crisp sound, a soft and exquisite ripple appeared.    


"Uh-huh." A vague voice came out of Giovanna's throat, it was filled with a seductive meaning.    


Xia Lei's palms successively struck down, and the sounds of "pa pa" continuously rang out in the room. He seemed to be beating a drum, and the drum was constantly making the sounds it was supposed to make. When he slapped Giovanna's butt, he had also been observing Arthur who was outside the door the entire time.    


The noise from the house made Arthur frown, but his mouth revealed a smile. He didn't like the clatter in the room, but it told him that his plan was going smoothly.    


"Against men, the best weapon isn't a gun, but a woman." Arthur muttered, looking at the door with a trace of contempt.    


In the room, Xia Lei flipped Stella over one by one, and then smacked down.    


With a crisp smack, ripples appeared.    


Russo's's sisters also appeared in Xia Lei's field of vision. Their footsteps were hurried, and their eyes shone with excitement.    


"Is it done?" Arthur lowered his voice.    


"Got it." Rosa said.    


"Give it to me!" Arthur could not wait and asked.    


Theresa handed over a piece of cloth in her hand to Arthur.    


Arthur opened up the cloth and a piece of silver metal was revealed. He held the piece of metal in his hand and looked at it, then touched it. His eyes sparkled with excitement. "It's this! That's right, it's this!"    


"What do we do now?" Theresa asked.    


"Let's leave this place!" Arthur wrapped the silver metal bag tightly in his hands, afraid that someone would steal it away.    


"Then... What about the sisters of the Gray's? " Rosa said.    


"Don't worry about them, this is the Lord's destiny for them. They will understand, it's their honor to sacrifice themselves for their master. " Arthur turned and left.    


The Russo's sisters looked at each other, hesitated for a second, and then left with Arthur.    


Inside the room, Xia Lei jumped down from the bed, quickly put on his clothes and shoes, and then left the room.    


Arthur brought the Russo's sisters and rushed towards the main door without even taking a bow. There were no guards at the entrance of the Peaceful Mansion. It was very quiet. The three of them smoothly walked out of the main gate and headed in the direction of the White Deer Town.    


"When we get to the town up ahead, we have to find a car. Rosa, you handle this matter. " Arthur said.    


"No problem." Rosa said.    


Theresa turned around and glanced in the direction of the Peaceful Mansion, as if she wanted to say something, but in the end, she did not. The fate of the Gray's sisters was not difficult to imagine. After all, Xia Lei would definitely not let them go after they stole the sacred artifact. She and Rosa had finally left, but had left them in the pit of fire. Was this really the Lord's will and plan?    


Arthur took out his mobile phone, dialed a number, and made a call as he walked, "Sir Angelio, we have already obtained it. The sacred object is already in my hands. Please arrange for someone to come and receive us immediately. We need to leave the Grand China through a special channel. "    


"How could it be so easy? How did you get it? " A man's voice came out of the phone. It was low, hoarse and filled with authority.    


"The sisters of the Gray's will not be able to return, but they have won us the opportunity to steal the sacred objects and retreat." Arthur said.    


"Very well, I will immediately arrange for people to come and help you." "Keep in touch." The other party hung up the phone.    


At the same time, in a room in Peaceful Mansion, Xia Lei was flipping through Arthur's attach? case while making a call, "Have you located it?"    


Ye Liena's voice came out of the phone, "We found him this time. Angelio's location is on Malta Island."    


Xia Lei heaved a sigh of relief, "Well done, it's all up to Erdelmtu now."    


The Maltese Palace in Rome, Italy, was merely an office in the Knights Hospitaller, a place to rent. It could not possibly be at that place, but to break the silver metal's secret and even find the "protective suit", the first problem he had to solve was to find the Knights Hospitaller's true base.    


If Amanda was still alive, with her attainments in the field of hackers, she would have definitely been able to track him down when she made his first call. Although the equipment was the same, she was still lacking by a large margin. That was why she acted tonight.    


Arthur's goal was to obtain the holy object at the minimum cost, and his goal was to find the true headquarters in the Knights Hospitaller, and prepare for the next step. Furthermore, he also had a side goal, which was to become more likely to grasp the secrets of the Knights Hospitaller. This was also the reason why he came to look through Arthur's heart.    


All of the things Arthur had brought were spread out on the bed.    


A Catholic copy of Nerves, a silver cross, a change of clothes, a room card from a hotel in Rome, a knight's medal from the Knights Hospitaller, and a gold card with a passage in Italian: Defend the Faith, Help the Misery. On the back of the gold card was a chip the size of an SD card.    


Xia Lei's heart was moved, "Could it be a pass to the true headquarters in the Knights Hospitaller?"    


Although he was not sure about this, Xia Lei still stuffed the gold card into his pocket.    


Then, he went to the Russo's sisters' room. He quickly riffled through their bows, but there was nothing else but a change of clothes, underwear, cosmetics, and an aunt's towel.    


He restored everything and left the room.    


At the entrance of White Deer Town.    


, Rosa and Theresa who were walking quickly, suddenly saw a van that was stopped by the side of the road. Beside the van stood a young man from Grand China, who was playing with his phone.    


"Hello!" Rosa quickly walked up, "Can you speak English?"    


"Yes." The youth laughed, "Are you guys renting a car?"    


"That's right, that's right!" Rosa said excitedly: "Please bring us out of here."    


Theresa interrupted and said: "We will give you double the amount of money."    


"Get in." The young man put away his phone and got into the driver's seat.    


"Done." Rosa and Theresa looked at each other and laughed.    


Arthur revealed a suspicious look, wasn't this way too smooth? Would there be a taxi waiting for them in the middle of the night?    


"Are you going or not?" The young man urged.    


Rosa and Theresa turned around and glanced at Arthur.    


Arthur said in a low voice in Italian: "Be careful, if there's anything wrong with him, get rid of him!"    


Rosa and Theresa nodded slightly.    


The three Knights Hospitaller people carefully got into the van. The young man started the car and entered the road, but instead of going in the direction of the Rayma Military Factory, he went in the direction of the Rayma Military Factory.    


"Who are you?" Arthur suddenly realised something.    


Rosa suddenly stood up from her seat and grabbed the young man's neck.    


The young man suddenly turned around, opened his mouth and spat out a needle. There was actually a small metal tube hidden in his mouth!    


Rosa, who was reaching out to grab the young man, did not even have time to react before he was hit in the neck by the needle.    


Puff! Puff!    


The young man spat out another two needles at an extremely fast speed. One of these two needles pierced Theresa's neck, and the other pierced Arthur's forehead.    


"You are... "Xia ?" Before he could finish speaking, Arthur's vision went black, and he slumped onto his seat.    


Before him, the Russo's sisters were already unconscious.    


The van quickly arrived in front of Peaceful Mansion's big doors. The big doors were open and Xia Lei stood behind it with a smile on his face.    


The mantis stalks the cicada and the oriole, and he is the bird keeper.    


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