Tranxending Vision

C775 Indoor intelligence warfare

C775 Indoor intelligence warfare

The room was the and his sister's room. Xia Lei was supported in by four women, and then thrown onto the bed. The Russo's sisters swiftly pulled off his clothes, and in the blink of an eye, only his underwear was left. Fortunately, they kept it for him.    


The Gray's's sisters had lit two white Soul Comforting Candles. They were the same as the one Arthur had lit on the table, with the Knights Hospitaller's emblem at the bottom of the candles.    


"They really can afford to. This kind of candle that can make people delirious is enough to light one. They actually lit two." "Is he trying to finish this quickly?" Xia Lei secretly thought.    


"Hello?" Rosa reached out and patted Xia Lei's face, testing him out: "Darling, wake up."    


Xia Lei opened his eyes and said unclearly: "Tian Yin, is that you? You're so beautiful, I miss you so much. "    


"Tianyin?" "According to the intelligence provided by the Grand Knight, he has a wife named Shentu Tianyin. However, she is already divorced."    


"This name is really awkward to pronounce." Stella said: "However, he treated you as his ex-wife, which means that he is already delirious."    


The women did not know that Xia Lei said that intentionally.    


Theresa extended a hand in front of Xia Lei, and then extended two fingers, "Darling, look at how many fingers these are?"    


Xia Lei opened his eyes once again, "Five blades, hehehe ?"    


Theresa chuckled, "With his current condition, do we still need to follow him?"    


Giovanna said: "Grand Knight Head's orders are very clear, we need to carry out his orders."    


"Yes, protect the faith and help the suffering." Stella said: "We need to carry out Grand Knight Head's orders, to avoid any mistakes."    


However, Xia Lei was secretly complaining in his heart, "Did the door trap the woman's head in Gray's? Or was there only one thing in their heads? "I'm already like this. I can save that part, but they still want to be together with me ?"    


Giovanna, you and Stella will stay back and do those things with him. My sister and I will go get our holy items. " Rosa said.    


"Then let's quickly find out where the holy object is hidden. We stand here and discuss, we can't do a single thing." Giovanna said.    


Stella climbed onto the bed and lied on the left side of Xia Lei's arm. Giovanna also climbed onto the bed and lied on the right side of Xia Lei's arm. Finally, it was Rosa and Theresa who crawled onto the bed. One knelt beside Xia Lei's legs and the other beside Xia Lei's head. In a moment, Xia Lei was surrounded by beauties, the Gray's woman's breasts and legs, in his eyes, were filled with a seductive beauty.    


"These four guys probably only received theoretical training?" Xia Lei secretly thought in his heart. He used his right hand that was being pressed by Giovanna and quietly reached out to take off his clothes that he had thrown on the blanket.    


Just as he was about to touch her clothes, Giovanna, who was lying in the crook of his arm, suddenly grabbed onto the hand that was moving stealthily, pressing it down onto her soft body, and then whispering into his ear in a sweet voice: "Darling, where did you put that piece of silver metal?"    


"I put it in my room." Xia Lei's voice was very vague, but he could still barely hear it clearly.    


"Where did you put it in your room?" Stella asked from the other side. Although she did not grab onto Xia Lei's other hand, she had her own hand. Her hand drew circles on Xia Lei's abdominal muscles, rings after rings, like a car on a bridge, going back and forth in search of the intersection to go to.    


Xia Lei tensed up. He could control his brain, but his brain could not control his body. His body had reacted a long time ago, and it was a resounding reaction. Even so, he had to force himself to carry it. "There's a safe in my room, silver, silver metal in it."    


"What's the password for the safe?" Rosa said excitedly.    


"383874." Xia Lei told his the password.    


"Let's go." Rosa then jumped off the bed.    


Theresa's movements were also very nimble. She got off the bed, tidied up her wrinkled skirt, and said: "Giovanna, I'll leave Stella to you guys, give us a bit more time."    


Rosa added, "It would be best for you to pry more information that is useful to us.    


"You guys be careful, God bless you." The voices of the Gray's sisters.    


Just as the four women were talking, Xia Lei had already put his hand into his pocket, and pushed open the cork bottle of perfume with his thumb. After doing this, he quietly retracted his hand.    


The Russo's sisters quickly left the room.    


"What is this smell?" Giovanna sniffed it.    


"Yeah, it smells good. I've never smelled such a good perfume. " Stella said. Her gaze quickly moved to Xia Lei's clothes, and then she grabbed Xia Lei's clothes, and found an opened glass bottle in her pocket.    


There was still a bit of perfume remaining in the bottom of the glass bottle. After Stella took out the glass bottle, the perfume smell in the room became even stronger, the bit of Dragon Snake Orchid that An Hun had given him was not enough to look at.    


"This guy actually brought a bottle of perfume with him." Giovanna frowned.    


"The Grand Knight Head said that he is a very lecherous man. It seems that this is true. He definitely brought some perfume with him to pick up girls."    


"The Grand Knight Head also said that he is the world's strongest sniper, and there are at least 100 people killed by him. But look, he is very clean, very gentle, how does he look like a killer?" Giovanna looked at Xia Lei strangely.    


"Right, I also feel that he doesn't look like a hitman. I feel like he's a pretty boy. Hmm, the kind that makes money in nightclubs."    


"Ah?" When are you going to the nightclub? "    


"I've never been there, but I know the place. This world is completely dirty, and needs to be purified. "    


"Let's talk about this later. What are we going to do now? Where should we start? "    


"That's it." Giovanna laid in Xia Lei's embrace.    


Stella was stunned for a moment, and then, she also laid in Xia Lei's embrace, and looked at the Giovanna opposite him through Xia Lei's chest, "Is it like this?"    


"Otherwise, what did you think?" Giovanna looked at Stella.    


Stella thought for a bit, then placed both of her hands on Xia Lei's chest. Her left hand formed a fist, which didn't seem to be too tight, and she stuck her right index finger into the hole in her left fist.    


Giovanna, "Oh?"    


Stella raised the forefinger of his right hand, then plunged it into the gap between her fists and raised it up again. Like a moving piston, she said: "I thought I wanted this.    


"Cluck, cluck, cluck ?" This time, Giovanna understood.    


The Gray's and his sister's conversation, as well as Stella's ridiculous and vulgar action were all in Xia Lei's eyes. His heart was filled with thousands of words, "Fuck, you're retarded!"    


In the end, the Gray's women did not do the same thing as he did with his index fingers and fists. They just lied in his embrace and chattered. The Russo's sisters thought that they had taken advantage of the situation, but in reality, what they had chosen was the most difficult job.    


"Elder sister, do you want to take a look at his?" Stella's voice.    


"Disgusting, may God forgive you for your sin." Giovanna's voice.    


"Just for a moment. God will forgive us for our sins, as long as we pray."    


"Then... "Once?"    


In Xia Lei's heart, he was already thinking of scolding others. If he had made a mistake or committed a crime and he only needed to pray to be forgiven, then what was the law in this world for? Just when his mind was in a mess, he suddenly felt that his belt was grabbed by two legs, and then it was lifted up and then it was empty.    


"Is that Tad?"    


"How disgusting."    


"How ugly."    


At this moment, Xia Lei even had the heart to die.    


Fortunately, "Mary's Desire" finally came into play, the Gray's sisters' reactions became slower and slower, and their words became more and more unreliable, giving people a feeling of unconsciousness. Finally, they shut their mouths and stared blankly at the ceiling.    


It was time to turn the tides.    


Xia Lei pushed the two girls down from his embrace and then crawled back up. He pinched Giovanna's face with his hand, and then used his hand to pinch Stella's face. Both women had the same kind of slow, sluggish, and dazed reaction.    


"Where is your home?" Xia Lei asked the first question.    


"Rome, the Palace of Malta." Giovanna's voice.    


"Rome... The Palace of Malta. " Stella's voice.    


The Gray's sisters answered in the same manner, but one after the other.    










Xia Lei then asked a few unimportant questions, such as who were the sisters and who were the sisters, who were the family members, and what kind of food they liked. These seemingly boring questions were actually very necessary, as they were able to let the Gray's women form an habitual thought process. They would answer any questions he asked after this habitual thought had been formed.    


After a few questions that did not matter, Xia Lei got down to business, "Why does Knights Hospitaller regard that piece of silver metal as a sacred object?"    


Giovanna replied, "This is Knights Hospitaller's highest secret, I don't know. But my grandfather told me a story. He said that a miracle had been seen on the day the kingdom of Jerusalem was breached, and that the Horseman, mounted on a red horse, had crossed the holy city of Jerusalem in the midst of the war. The Horseman on the red horse lost his silver armor, and the war continued for thousands of years, enveloping Jerusalem. If you return the silver armor, the Horseman riding the red horse will rebuild the Holy Kingdom in Jerusalem. "    


Stella's answer was more or less the same.    


Information related to the Horseman surfaced in Xia Lei's mind.    


In the Bible, there were four Horseman s. Riding on a white horse was a plague, and he carried a bow and arrow, symbolizing conquest. The massacre on the red horse, he carried a sword, symbolizing war. A black horse is a famine. He carries a scale that symbolizes famine and pestilence. Riding a green horse is death, he carries the underworld, symbolizing death.    


Giovanna and Stella both mentioned the massacre on the red horse, this story gave him endless associations.    


"Horseman riding a red horse? This was a mythical story from the Bible. That era was a crazy religious era, so the credibility of such a story was extremely low. But any story would have a prototype. Would there really be a rider in a red horse and silver armor who crossed Jerusalem on the day Saladin broke through the holy city of Jerusalem? What kind of enemy did the silver-armored knight chase after? But in the end, he failed and lost his armor? " As he thought of this, Xia Lei's heart thumped, and the image of the experiment he did in the underground laboratory surfaced in his mind.    


The silver metal was a part of the armor!    


Knights Hospitaller must know some information about it!    


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