Tranxending Vision

C774 Desire Is the Devil

C774 Desire Is the Devil

The night came unexpectedly.    


A Western and Chinese Featured Dinner also began in the Orchid Room of the Security Bureau.    


Italian pizza and steak, French red wine and foie gras, Grand China roast duck and lamb, and these are just a few of the many delicacies.    


The two candles that Arthur lit on the table were white, and there was the Knights Hospitaller's emblem on the bottom of the candles. The candlelight danced gently as it emitted light while creating a bit of candle smoke. It smelled like tequila, and it smelled good.    


Xia Lei sat at the seat of honor, Arthur sat in the seat opposite him. The Gray's's sisters sat on his left side and the Russo's's sisters sat on his right. On the left were two identical blonde beauties, and on the right were two identical blonde beauties. This scene gave off a dazzling feeling.    


The Gray's's sisters Giovanna and Stella had changed out of their tight leather clothes and wore a set of medieval long skirt. Although this kind of clothing looked very old, it didn't give off any feeling of being old-fashioned when worn on their bodies. Instead, it had a kind of classical beauty, a classical sexiness. Watching them, you'd think they'd come from the Middle Ages, date you, and do something shameful in a haystack.    


The Russo's's sister Rosa and Theresa's style was completely different. The Russo's sisters were all wearing a set of white evening attire, the style was shoulder to shoulder, back to chest, there was very little fabric, there were a lot of spring lights.    


Although he understood what the five people from Knights Hospitaller were thinking, Xia Lei who was dressed in leather shoes maintained his smile and demeanour, just like an established noble family in Britain.    


"I hope you like the dinner I've prepared for you. Let's toast our acquaintance." Xia Lei smiled as he raised his glass, "I have a feeling that no matter what the outcome of our trade is, we will become very good friends."    


The five men from the Knights Hospitaller only nodded slightly, then clasped their hands together and began to pray, "Thank God for the food and our bodies. Please forgive our sins and guide our way... "Amen."    


Xia Lei was embarrassed, he took a sip. This is French Lafite, it's worth a lot, it's a waste if you don't drink it.    


After finishing his prayers, Arthur said: "Mr. Xia, thank you for your hospitality. It would be even better if you could make some concessions. I believe that the Almighty will reward you. "    


Xia Lei laughed, "Every one of us have our own goals, we eat to fill our stomachs, we work to earn money to support our families, and we believe in order to save and release our souls. "Hur Hur, let's talk about something else. Dinner is not about business."    


"Mr. Xia, do you have faith?" Giovanna looked at Xia Lei and asked.    


The other three women also looked at Xia Lei. They seemed to be very interested in the question of Xia Lei's beliefs and also wanted to know the answer.    


"Everyone of us have our own beliefs. Some believe in money, some believe in rights, and some believe in gods like this. You ask me what I believe in. Un, I believe in nature." Xia Lei said.    


"Faith in nature?" Giovanna thought for a moment, then said: "You are not an Indian, but you have the same faith as an Indian, this is truly a strange thing."    


The other three women were not only contemptuous. In this world, the white people discriminated against the black people, the rich people discriminated against the poor, and the people who believed also discriminated against the people who didn't. In their view, Xia Lei was a person without faith. His soul had long ago fallen and he had already booked a room in hell.    


Xia Lei didn't mind the opinions and reactions of the four women in the slightest. He said lightly: "Naturally, they gave birth to us and raised us. The power of nature is mysterious and strong, so we should revere and fear them. I know you think I'm a man without faith, but that's what I believe. I believe in nature. I don't think it is necessary for one faith to reject another. You have fought for your God and the Islamic world for thousands of years, and none of you has ever convinced anyone. "    


"Hehehe ?" Arthur laughed as he raised his cup, "Looks like Mister Xia knows our history very well, but let's not talk about the issue of faith. Let's have a toast. "    


"Cheers." Xia Lei raised his cup and drank.    


"Mr. Xia, I'm really curious as to why you want us to deal with the FA. Can you tell me why?" Arthur asked. He looked at Xia Lei's eyes, and it was as if his eyes could pierce through Xia Lei's soul.    


Xia Lei said: "Mr. Arthur, you asked me a question, so I will also ask you a question. If you answer me, I answer you. "    


"What problem?"    


"I brought out a piece of metal from the maze, silver metal. It is not only the best aviation material I have seen so far, I think its value should be reflected in the aviation business. But why do you call it your sacred object? Is there a story in that? "    


"Mr. Xia, this question of yours is making things difficult for me."    


"Mr. Arthur, your question has also troubled me."    


Giovanna stood up and poured some wine for Xia Lei while holding the alcohol decanter. She went close to Xia Lei's ear and said in a very soft and low voice, "Mr. Xia, if you want to know the answer, I can tell you, but it's not right now and it's not here."    


Xia Lei only glanced at her, but did not say anything.    


Giovanna poured half a cup of wine into Xia Lei's cup, but when he left, he touched Xia Lei's shoulder with his chest. This soft and soundless clash caused Xia Lei to be slightly stunned.    


"Mr. Xia, are you sure you won't keep them?" Arthur said: "From a man's point of view, your decision is not wise at all."    


Xia Lei said: "I have already said it very clearly, I will not use that piece of silver metal to exchange for your woman. You all will only be able to take back your sacred object if you fulfil my conditions."    


"You are a very stubborn person. Well, when the meeting is over, I will tell you what we have decided. Now let's enjoy our dinner, or it will be a waste. " Arthur said as he raised his cup to drink.    


The dinner proceeded in a silent atmosphere, Xia Lei did not ask any further questions. Russo's and Gray's women would sometimes observe Xia Lei from the corner of their eyes, and they could also communicate through their eyes. Xia Lei knew what they were communicating with, it was just that he pretended not to know.    


The candle light flickered and the candle smoke rose in spirals. The large orchid hall that was specially used to entertain guests was filled with the fragrance of tequila. This smell was not normal.    


Slowly, Xia Lei had an abnormal reaction. He looked very hot, and even his mind couldn't hit it, giving others a kind of absent-minded feeling. He unbuttoned his shirt, but that didn't solve the problem, and soon his forehead began to sweat. Then his eyes began to glaze over.    


"Mr. Xia, why did you let us help you deal with FA?" Arthur had always been observing Xia Lei's reaction. Just when Xia Lei shook his head lightly, he raised this question once again.    


"I'm so sleepy ?" Xia Lei said as he continued to shake his head gently.    


Arthur gave Giovanna a meaningful glance.    


Following that, Giovanna stood up and came to Xia Lei's side. She sat down on Xia Lei's lap and wrapped his arms around Xia Lei's neck, "Dearest, why did you do this to the FA Organization?"    


"I ?" Xia Lei looked to be in a daze.    


Arthur looked at him again.    


The remaining three women also stood up and arrived beside Xia Lei. The four women immediately surrounded Xia Lei.    


This place was like a battlefield full of peach trees and flowers. Arthur was the general of this place, while the sisters of Russo's and Russo's were the enemy knights who had charged into battle. Xia Lei's body had actually activated his abnormal immunity ability long ago, he had long since woken up, but he had no choice but to pretend to be hit by it, and to play along with the Russo's and the Gray's's women.    


"I... I got a very, very good.    


"What is it?" Rosa whispered into Xia Lei's ear, her voice sweet and pleasant.    


"There's a valuable piece of information."    


"What kind of information?" Giovanna twisted her waist and used her butt, which was pressed on Xia Lei's thigh, to give Xia Lei more stimulation and trouble.    


Xia Lei remained in a dazed state, "This type of metal is something left behind by gods in this world ? But it's not the only thing. The FA Headquarters and headquarters have a treasured sword made of divine metal ? "That's the Angel Sword ?"    


When these words came out, the five people from Knights Hospitaller were immediately dumbfounded.    


"And, furthermore, the people from FA have killed my people and wanted to silence me. I ? I want to destroy the FA. I want to obtain that Angel Sword." Xia Lei had explained his "secret".    


The Russo's's sisters and Gray's's sisters both looked at Arthur, waiting for his instructions. What Xia Lei had just said had already shocked them.    


It was not only the four women who were shocked, Arthur's eyes flashed with excitement, "Bring him back to his room, you know what to do. This information is too important, I will immediately contact the leader, His Excellency Angelio. "    


The four women followed and helped Xia Lei up, then gathered around and left the Orchid Room.    


Xia Lei muttered as he walked, "I'm not drunk, I can still drink, eh ? "Haaargh ?"    


"Let's go back to our room and drink." Giovanna chuckled.    


Theresa scratched Xia Lei's butt, "You, you will go to hell."    


At the dining table, Arthur dialed a number, "Sir Angelio, I just received a very important piece of information, the FA Organization ?"    


Xia Lei's mouth revealed a trace of a smile.    


Desire had always been a demon. Knights Hospitaller had wanted to obtain that piece of silver metal for hundreds of years. Just one piece had caused them to be so crazy and persistent, if they had a "Angel Sword" made of "God's Metal", how could they not be moved?    


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