Tranxending Vision

C770 Perspective silver metal

C770 Perspective silver metal

The basement was silent.    


Xia Lei looked at the silver metal that he had brought back from the maze, in a daze.    


Leonardo da Vinci said it was part of the Angel Sword. Knights Hospitaller called it the "divine metal" and wanted to obtain it at all costs. Da Vinci was unable to come up with a reason in his entire life and even though the Knights Hospitaller had paid a heavy price to obtain it, she was still unable to. This was the story of the silver metal. In his opinion, its mysteriousness was second only to the ancient alloy.    


"If it is a part of a sword that has fallen, where is the rest? Could it be in the hands of the Knights Hospitaller? If they get this piece, they can piece together a complete sword? " Xia Lei guessed in his heart.    


In one moment, his left eye twitched, awakening his ability to see through.    


It was the first time he had seen this piece of silver metal since he had obtained it.    


When looking through the ancient alloy, his vision would fall into darkness, and that kind of feeling was as though he was on the verge of death, extremely uncomfortable. This time, however, he did not "fall into darkness", nor did he feel any sense of fear or discomfort. His line of sight was like water soaking into a piece of cotton cloth, immersing itself little by little into the interior and mixing with the silver metal.    


However, the silver metal was nothing special. He felt like he was looking through an ordinary piece of metal, such as silver or aluminum. The molecular density was not that high, it could not even compare to titanium alloy.    


"Strangely enough, it can easily scratch metal and it's not hurt at all. It was very light, but it had such strength. Although I tested its strength, it was much stronger than titanium alloy, yet it gave off such an ordinary feeling? Did I overestimate it, or was there some other reason? " Xia Lei was confused. Subsequently, while maintaining his perspective, he awakened his left eye's microscopical ability and continued to improve it.    


When the power of micro vision reached a very high level, the scene in the left eye suddenly changed. It was as if he had suddenly entered a starry sky, and there were countless stars shining brightly, one after another.    


In his mind, he suddenly recalled the painting of the starry sky that he had seen in the maze. The painting was painted with minerals, and after Zhu Xuanyue recovered, all of the minerals disappeared, leaving behind only a canvas. When he saw the painting, the minerals seemed to revolve slowly, like a nebula moving with the stars. And in the silver metal, these glittering minerals are still.    


"What exactly are these minerals?" Xia Lei was shocked.    


Ring, ring, ring...    


The sudden ringing of his cell phone interrupted his thoughts as well as his perspective on the silver metal.    


The phone call was from Liang Siyao, "I found the thing you told me to look up."    


"Un, tell me."    


"I'm outside your villa." Liang Siyao said.    


"Alright, I'll be right out." Xia Lei hung up the phone. He thought for a moment before picking up the silver metal and putting it into his pocket. Then, he left the underground laboratory.    


As he walked out of the villa, Xia Lei saw Liang Siyao standing under a purple gold tree with a single glance. She was wearing a gray sweater and tight jeans. Under the loose sweater were two towering mountains that rose up from the ground. It was a very spectacular sight. Her tight-fitting jeans perfectly outlined the curves of her beautiful legs, paired with her curvy butt. It was simple, but also very alluring.    


Last night, she suffered the nourishment of love and looked good. As soon as Xia Lei came out, her face revealed a smile, and her jet-black eyes revealed an unconcealable joy and excitement.    


She was so happy to see him. If he gave her another hug and a kiss, she would never know how happy she would be.    


Xia Lei walked over and whispered: "Why did you come over personally? Just send me a text or email."    


Liang Siyao said: "Ordinary phone calls are not safe, the messages will also leave traces. I'll come in person and be safer. " The real reason was because she wanted to see Xia Lei again. Right now, she felt like she was a young girl tasting a hot relationship for the first time. After not seeing her sweetheart for a day, her heart had become itchy and empty. It was just that for this reason, she would not tell Xia Lei.    


"Mm, it's good to be careful." Xia Lei did not think too much into it, and led Liang Siyao forward.    


After leaving the villa, Liang Siyao spoke out: "I found the official phone number of the Malta Palace in Rome, but I know that you don't want it. I found the personal phone number of Knights Hospitaller's Great Sect Leader Walton. "    


"Go ahead."    


Liang Siyao gave her a phone number, then said: "I really don't understand why you are looking for Knights Hospitaller. This knight squadron from the Middle Ages is already dead in name only."    


Xia Lei said: "You are wrong if you think so, the Knights Hospitaller has its own forces, and they are not just ordinary strong."    


"You ?" Liang Siyao suddenly understood something, "Are you looking for the Knights Hospitaller to hire their armed forces? You want to invite a mercenary to take revenge? "    


Senior sister was senior sister, she was also a high ranked intelligence officer at the CIA. She had a very strong ability in intelligence analysis, and she instantly saw through Xia Lei's thoughts.    


However, the image of Amanda and Piao Taiyong being killed appeared in Xia Lei's mind.    


Liang Siyao held onto Xia Lei's hand, and said worriedly: "I know you're feeling terrible right now, but you have to calm down. From a certain point of view, the Knights Hospitaller is an entity State, and a religious organization at that. They have a very firm belief in it, so they cannot be bribed with money. "    


Xia Lei said: "I have my methods, so you don't need to worry about it."    


Liang Siyao rolled her eyes at Xia Lei, "Since we have settled this matter, do you still treat me as an outsider?"    


"I don't want to get you involved. It's not good for you to get involved."    


"I know that you care about me and don't want me to get into trouble or in danger, but I am your woman. If you have difficulties, I will share them with you."    


Xia Lei pretended to frown, "When a man does things, a woman must step in?"    


"Alright, alright, alright, I don't care about you anymore, okay? "Male chauvinism ?"    


Xia Lei reached out and patted her butt.    


With this, the dissatisfaction in Liang Siyao's heart was instantly dispersed. In the rippling wave, her heart softened, and her legs softened as well. No one knew where she got the courage from, but she did not care if there was no one around, and suddenly grabbed Xia Lei by the neck and gave him a fragrant and warm kiss.    


Quite a few workers passed by.    


"What the f * ck, did Chairman Xia get another one? Her legs are so beautiful! "    


"Stop jabbering. Do you know who she is?"    


"Who is she?"    


I'll tell you this, kid, she's our Chairman Xia's first girlfriend, Liang Siyao. She's an expert of the Wing Tsun, we'll beat you like this, one on one against fifty! "" Fine.    


"Isn't it a bit too much to fight against fifty people?" But her legs are so beautiful! "    


"Why did she break up with our Xia Dong?"    


"I don't know, but who can leave us, Xia Dong? Isn't it because they broke up that they have to come back. "    


"If you say it like that, when will the Shen-tu Queen return?"    


"How would I know? If you have the guts, don't you know to ask Xia Dong?"    


"Get to work, you guys, don't let your imaginations run wild."    


Several workers left while talking and laughing. Liang Siyao was satisfied, she let go of Xia Lei and smiled: "Aren't you afraid that they will see?"    


Xia Lei shrugged, "So what if I see? I don't care what they think of me, do you? "    


"I don't care. Alright, men do things, women ?" "Yeah, the woman went to do some work too." Liang Siyao laughed, then turned and left.    


Xia Lei watched her leave. He did not hurriedly call Walton, but instead went to the materials laboratory in the Rayma Military Factory.    


The material laboratory was a very important existence. The materials needed to be purchased to make a weapon needed to be inspected by the laboratory before one could enter the production area. In addition, it also carried out some research on new materials, providing the Rayma Military Factory with the support of materials science. Not only was the laboratory staffed by ordinary people, but there was also a material scientist with a high salary.    


The moment Xia Lei arrived, he immediately told the person in charge of the material lab, a material scientist named Li Youdun, "Take a look at this piece of metal, see if there's any way to cut a little of it off and analyze it."    


He took out that silver metal piece and handed it over to Li Youdun.    


Li Youdun looked at it, his face was filled with surprise and curiosity, "Xia Dong, what metal is this? I've never seen it before. It's so special. "    


"Don't worry about that. Just answer my question." Xia Lei said.    


"We just came back with a high precision laser cutter, so we should be able to cut it open. However, Manager Xia, how much do you want to cut? " Li Youdun was obviously not very sure about Xia Lei's "little bit".    


Xia Lei said: "The smaller, the better. It's best if no one can tell that it has been cut. Do you understand what I mean? "    


Li Youdun nodded his head, "En, I understand, I will immediately do it."    


"How long do you need?"    


"It will be done soon, but I can't be sure if I analyze it now." Li Youdun said.    


"Go ahead, I'll wait for you here." Xia Lei said.    


After Li Youdun left, Xia Lei sat in front of Li Youdun's desk and took out his phone to dial the number that Liang Siyao had given him.    


The phone rang for about fifty seconds before someone answered. A man said in Italian, "Who are you? Who gave you this number? "    


The number that Liang Siyao had given him was obviously a private number that was not publicly available. It was not strange for the other party to ask such a question when they saw the unfamiliar caller ID.    


Xia Lei spoke in Italian: "I am Xia Lei."    


The man on the other end of the line suddenly went silent, and at least 30 seconds later, he said: "It's you, Grand China's thief."    


"Thief? If you continue to talk to me like this, we won't need to contact each other anymore and the things that you want will never appear in front of you again. " Xia Lei said.    


"Isn't what you did the act of a thief? That is our sacred object, and it is very important to us! You shouldn't have stolen it. I'll give you a million dollars. How about you give it back to us? In addition, I can make an exception and grant you the title of Knight, allowing you to become a noble. "    


"A million dollars? "Hehe." Xia Lei laughed coldly: "How about this, I'll give you one million dollars, how about you apologize to me?"    


"Do you know who I am?" The voice on the other end of the line was angry.    


"The Great Hierarch Walton, the leader of the Knights Hospitaller. You may have secret armed knights, knights, knights, and captains, but what I want to tell you is that I don't care. If you don't respect me, I won't respect you. I didn't call you to pray, I came to make a deal with you. "    


Walton was silent for a moment, "What is the trade you were talking about?"    


"The metal of God, I can give it to you and let your sacred object return."    


"You ? What do you want from us? " Walton's voice was already trembling with excitement.    


"Send someone with authority to talk to me. You can do it yourself."    


"Just what do you want?" Walton asked.    


"Goodbye." Xia Lei hung up the phone.    


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