Tranxending Vision

C767 Let go when it's time to let go

C767 Let go when it's time to let go

Song Baicheng's woman cried his heart out. Before the police arrived, the security guards and a few neighbors had already arrived. The fat boy who had run away came back, and a woman held him in his arms to keep him from going to the bedroom. He was still young, and seeing such a scene was not a good thing for his growth.    


A sad atmosphere filled the room.    


Song Baicheng was unworthy of sympathy, but his women and children were innocent. A woman lost her husband, a child lost her father, and their lives changed.    


Enough crying, Song Baicheng's woman wanted to cover Song Baicheng with a blanket, so Liang Siyao stopped her, "Don't touch anything, you can't touch anything here."    


"Since he's dead, are you going to let him stay naked? Even if he's gone, can't he even cover himself with a blanket? " The woman was very excited.    


"After the medical examiner has examined the body, you can do whatever you want, but not now. You can leave now. Don't stay at the scene. "    


"This is my home!" The woman shouted at Liang Siyao: "If you want to leave, then it's your turn!"    


Liang Siyao frowned, "Get out! Otherwise, I'll be rude to you all! "    


"Who the hell are you? "You said that you were police, why don't you take out your ID cards and let me see!" She even reached out to grab Liang Siyao's clothes.    


This woman was not Liang Siyao's match at all, thus Liang Siyao grabbed her hand and dragged her out of the bedroom.    


The woman was crying and making a ruckus in the living room. The few neighbors also accused Liang Siyao of being rough, as the scene was messy and noisy.    


This scene gave Xia Lei a huge headache. He was also glad to have Liang Siyao by his side. After all, Liang Siyao was a woman. It wasn't a big deal if there was a grudge between women, it wouldn't be convenient for him to do such a thing.    


Song Baicheng's woman shouted loudly while asking to see Liang Siyao's and Xia Lei's identification, but neither of them showed their identification. The people in Bureau 101 were doing different things than the ordinary police. If necessary, they could kick everyone in the room out, regardless of how they felt. However, in the end, the two of them didn't do much. This mother and son pair was already pitiful enough. If they continued to do that, it would undoubtedly be sprinkling salt on their wounds.    


After a quarter-hour of stalemate, an unexpected situation occurred. Before the agents and medical examiners of Bureau 101 had arrived, a group of police officers had arrived.    


When the police arrived, Song Baicheng's woman began crying to the police officer leading the team. Several neighbors began to describe the situation at once.    


The police officer who thought he had understood the situation walked in front of Xia Lei and Liang Siyao, "You said you're from the police, which sector are you from? Take out your ID and have a look? "    


Liang Siyao and Xia Lei did not move.    


"They're not cops, they're murderers!" Song Baicheng's woman shouted.    


The lead police officer sternly said, "If you don't show your ID, don't blame us for being impolite!"    


Only then did Liang Siyao take out the National Security Bureau's certificate and handed it over to the police officer leading the team. When the police officer saw Liang Siyao's ID, he was moved, and the fierce aura around his body disappeared.    


Liang Siyao said: "Take your people and leave, this matter is not something that you can handle."    


The officer leading the team hesitated.    


Just at this time, a few more people walked in from the door, led by Ling Hao.    


Seeing Ling Hao, a doubt immediately appeared in Xia Lei's heart, "Song Baicheng died, how did Ling Hao find out so quickly? And they even brought people with them. "    


Ling Hao comforted Song Baicheng's woman for a while and then walked towards Xia Lei, "Xia Lei, long time no see, why are you here?"    


"Why are you here?" Xia Lei asked him the same question.    


Ling Hao said: "I rushed here as soon as I received the call, this is truly unfortunate news."    


"Who called you?" Xia Lei asked.    


Ling Hao frowned, "Xia Lei, what do you mean? Are you investigating me? "    


"No, I'm just a bit curious. I just want to get to the bottom of it." Xia Lei said lightly.    


"You want to know, and I'll ask you one thing. Why are you here? " Ling Hao's eyes were cold.    


Xia Lei said: "I'll capture him."    


"Why him?"    


"What happened in the Xi Province was related to him. He leaked the information to the Japanese. He committed treason. " Xia Lei said.    


"Bullshit!" Song Baicheng's woman roared crazily as if he had been bitten by someone, "You're lying! You're slandering me! My husband is a good person, not a bad person! "    


Xia Lei did not retort. He disdained arguing with a woman.    


Ling Hao had only raised his hand once, but Song Baicheng's woman had already shut his mouth.    


"Do you have evidence?" Ling Hao asked Xia Lei.    


"Of course there is. Otherwise, would I have come here to capture him?" Xia Lei said.    


"Let me see."    


"Who are you? Shall I show you the evidence? " Xia Lei said.    


A cold smile surfaced at the corner of Ling Hao's mouth, "Your wings have hardened, and the way you speak is also different from before. Well, I'm not really interested in what you call evidence. Song Baicheng is my subordinate, and also a member of our department. We have our own professionals to handle this kind of thing, so we won't bother you two any longer.    


"You want us to leave? Why are you doing this? " Xia Lei said coldly: "Also, for you to let us leave in such a hurry, could there be a hidden reason?"    


"You'd better be careful when you speak." Ling Hao's voice carried a trace of anger.    


Liang Siyao said: "What authority do you have to let us leave? I'll let you leave now, get out! "    


"Liang Siyao, you don't have the qualifications to say such words to me." Ling Hao looked at Liang Siyao, "Do you want me to tell you what you did during the CIA?"    


"You ?" Liang Siyao was so angry that she couldn't say a word.    


Ling Hao no longer bothered with Xia Lei and the others. He immediately gave the people who came with him a direction to Song Baicheng's bedroom.    


"What are they going to do?" Liang Siyao said.    


"They are professionals from our department. They will investigate Song Baicheng's death and give him justice." Ling Hao said.    


"A medical examiner?"    


"You could say that."    


"No way!" Liang Siyao wanted to go up and stop him.    


Xia Lei grabbed her hand. Liang Siyao turned his head to look at Xia Lei, only to see Xia Lei shaking his head at her.    


"They ?" Liang Siyao wanted to say something but hesitated.    


Xia Lei pulled her to a corner of the living room, went close to her ear and whispered: "Song Baicheng and Ling Hao were transferred to Yu Shanhe's department, and have become people with military positions. It was an independent system. They had their own investigative bodies, even their own courts. They really have the right to investigate this. "    


"They are there to guard and steal!" Liang Siyao looked angry, but her voice was low.    


"Anyone with a discerning eye would be able to tell."    


"Should we just let it go like this?" Liang Siyao looked extremely dissatisfied.    


Xia Lei said: "If Song Baicheng is dead, then no matter what evidence it is, it is useless. If you go head to head with them, you will suffer a loss. "    


Liang Siyao looked at Xia Lei, his gaze softening, "Did you let go of me to protect me?"    


Xia Lei nodded. In his experience, with Song Baicheng dead, the incident in the Xi Province would end here. No one would make a fuss about it, and there would be no thorough investigation. The culprit would go unpunished, and Ling Hao and Yu Shanhe would not be affected at all. Liang Siyao was a woman that jumped from the CIA to the 101st board. If she insisted on investigating, she would really become cannon fodder. And even if she paid all the price she could, the only thing she could get back was a meaningless result. It wouldn't change anything at all.    


"Leave this matter to the Boss Shi, you don't need to meddle in this anymore." Xia Lei said.    


Liang Siyao softly replied, then said: "The culprit has gotten away scot-free, the person who betrayed you is fine with nothing. I am truly not reconciled, this is not fair."    


Xia Lei said: "There has never been any fairness in this world. I also didn't expect that I would be able to kill someone like Ling Hao with just Song Baicheng. However, this matter will not end here with me. One day I will make them pay, but that is all we can do now. "    


If you do not seek revenge, you are not a gentleman. It is not too late for a gentleman to seek revenge for ten years.    


The special agent of Department 101 and the medical examiner arrived. Right when the medical examiner from Department 101 arrived, the "professional" that Ling Hao brought along also gave a preliminary autopsy result ? ? his brain was bleeding.    


Xia Lei saw Song Baicheng's body again, his hair was kicked off. The man who shaved his hair was a terrible workman and had cut several wounds on his scalp. Two more wounds had been cut off from the coin birthmark, and the hole that had been pierced by the steel needle had been destroyed as well. This way, Song Baicheng could truly die from a brain hemorrhage. After all, his brain was filled with blood.    


Xia Lei was not surprised at all that such a situation had occurred.    


Department 101's Medical Examiner was going to inspect the corpse, but Song Baicheng's woman pounced on them, pestering them to not perform a second autopsy on Song Baicheng's body.    


"Everyone's dead. If you don't check it once enough, you'll have to check it a second time ?" Woo woo ? * What do you want? 100%! When you were alive, you worked diligently, you were a person... Services... Woo woo ? * "Now that you've left, they'll even ruin your corpse ?" Song Baicheng's woman rolled over and over and left.    


Xia Lei looked at Song Baicheng's woman and seemed to understand something. The corner of his mouth curled up into a sneer. Before, he had pitied the woman and her child, but now he realized that he was still too kind. A detail surfaced in his mind once again, and that was this woman spiteful towards him and Liang Siyao. However, Ling Hao had only raised his hand once, and she quieted down. Just by this one detail, he was able to determine that this woman was very familiar with Ling Hao, and their relationship was not just average.    


"She really knows how to put on an act, hiding her strength. Who exactly is she?" Xia Lei secretly thought in his heart, but he did not ask. To investigate this woman, it was not a wise choice to speak now. It would alert the enemy. His better option was to be a mortal.    


Because of Song Baicheng's woman's interference, the Forensics Department's Level 101 were in a difficult position. They asked for help while looking at Xia Lei and Liang Siyao.    


Xia Lei said: "Let's do it this way. Since the autopsy results are already here, we should just follow the results of their autopsies. Of course, this is just my personal opinion. If you need any instructions, you know who to ask. " After he finished speaking, he then turned to Liang Siyao and said, "Siyao, let's go."    


Liang Siyao very obediently nodded her head and followed Xia Lei out.    


"Xia Lei." Ling Hao called out to stop Xia Lei, "Let's be brothers, I have something to say for you."    


Xia Lei turned around and looked at him, "Speak."    


"If you want to see something good, then stop. Sometimes rushing back bravely is a very good choice."    


Xia Lei laughed, "Thank you, I also want to give you a message."    


"Go ahead."    


"Sometimes abandoning evil to do good is a better choice."    


Ling Hao laughed, "Well said, take care."    


"Goodbye." Xia Lei waved his hand at Ling Hao, and then, he left with Liang Siyao.    


The two men wanted nothing more than to kill each other, yet they acted so courteous on the surface. Liang Siyao felt that it was weird.    


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