Tranxending Vision

C766 A strange murder scene

C766 A strange murder scene

Song Baicheng's room door was tightly shut.    


Arriving at the door, Xia Lei's left eye twitched, and used his perspective to observe the situation in the room ahead of time.    


There was no one in the living room. The television was on, broadcasting a variety show. The kitchen to the left of the living room was empty. There was a pressure cooker on the gas stove. The pressure cooker was steaming and he didn't know what was cooking it. To the right of the living room was a corridor. On the other side of the corridor, there were three rooms. The doors to the three rooms were also closed. At the end of the corridor was a balcony. The sliding glass doors were open, and there were no people on the balcony.    


Just as Xia Lei was about to raise his eyesight to see through the three rooms, Liang Siyao had already opened the door with a lock picking tool.    


"He has a gun. Be careful. Follow me." Liang Siyao also took out his gun and gently pushed open the door.    


This kind of thing should cause the man to walk in front, but he walked in front of Xia Lei, putting her in the most dangerous position.    


Xia Lei was not a man who was hiding behind a woman. He dragged Liang Siyao behind him and walked toward the hallway. He pulled out his gun, cupped his hands, and held them in a shooting position.    


Liang Siyao did not walk in front of him again. She understood Xia Lei's personality and temper.    


Just as he reached the first entrance, Xia Lei stopped in his tracks, and put down the gun in his hand.    


Although he didn't open the door, he had already seen what was going on inside. Song Baicheng laid on the bed without moving. He only had a pair of underwear on him. But he was definitely not asleep, because his chest showed no signs of rising or falling. Even if one were to fall asleep, it would still cause one's chest to rise and fall. In addition, his face also had a bluish-purple color. That was absolutely not the color a living person should have.    


At this moment, a burst of anger ignited in Xia Lei's heart. He found out about Song Baicheng's background, but the other party immediately tried to silence him by killing him. With Song Baicheng dead, how could they continue investigating this case? What was the use of the little piece of evidence he had?    


"What's going on?" Liang Siyao asked softly. She could not see into the room.    


Xia Lei regained his senses, he was stunned for a moment, then suddenly crashed into the door.    


The door was slammed open.    


Liang Siyao rushed in with his spear.    


Xia Lei also walked in.    


"What's going on?" Liang Siyao quickly realised that Song Baicheng was dead and his face was filled with shock.    


Xia Lei suppressed his anger and asked, "Is there even a need to ask? Someone has already killed Song Baicheng in front of us and silenced us."    


"We'll find out if the killer left any clues." Liang Siyao started her search in the room.    


However, Xia Lei was still standing by the bed, quietly watching Song Baicheng who was lying on the bed.    


There was not the slightest wound on Song Baicheng's body, nor was there any trace of strangling on his neck. Such a body would almost rule out shooting, knife killing, and strangulation. The expression on his face was very serene, as if he had left this world in a dream. He had never experienced the slightest bit of pain.    


Xia Lei frowned slightly. Song Baicheng was someone who had been trained by a secret service agent. How was it possible to kill such a person without leaving a trace?    


Xia Lei's gaze moved towards Song Baicheng's stomach, and then, he probed his stomach.    


Song Baicheng's stomach was very clean, there was no food remaining. His kitchen was still cooking, which meant he hadn't eaten. He didn't have any damage on him, so this card only had the possibility of being killed by a weapon. His stomach was empty, devoid of food and drug residue, which ruled out the possibility of death. So how did he die?    


"Damn it, the murderer didn't leave anything behind." Liang Siyao returned to Xia Lei's side. With her training and experience, he didn't need to search for traces, little by little, like the ordinary police officers.    


Xia Lei laughed bitterly, "We met experts."    


"Who do you think it is?"    


Xia Lei shook his head, "I only know that those who kill him is the most suspicious, but it's hard to say who the killers are."    


"I need to call Boss Shi." Liang Siyao took out his phone and made a call.    


Xia Lei's gaze moved to Song Baicheng's head, his left eye's gaze was like a razor as it shaved off Song Baicheng's hair, straight to his scalp.    


Song Baicheng's scalp was smooth and did not have any obvious scars, but there was a purple birthmark on her head that was as big as a coin. Its shape was also round, very similar to that of a coin.    


Xia Lei's gaze stopped at the purple birthmark, and he quickly discovered a strange place. On that birthmark, there was a hair that had been damaged and traces of blood flowing out of its pores. However, a birthmark mixed with a purple color was extremely difficult to find. Add to that the hair that covers the scalp, it's almost impossible for the average person to find it.    


This discovery was clearly a breakthrough.    


On the pore where Xia Lei's gaze had locked onto, the destroyed pore was instantly pulled in front of his eyes, and it was magnified more than a hundred times. He saw skin and subcutaneous tissue damaged by sharp weapons. What he saw was as if a needle was fiercely stabbed into a piece of tofu. The needle was removed, but the needle had left a mark on the tofu. After that, his left eye switched to the perspective of micro vision, and at the same time placing it into the hole, he entered Song Baicheng's brain little by little.    


The truth quickly appeared before his eyes.    


A very important blood vessel in Song Baicheng's brain had been pierced. It was a segment of the middle cerebral artery, and his brain was filled with blood. It also explained why his face was purple.    


Xia Lei secretly thought: "There are two conditions to being able to use this method to kill people. The first is that he is extremely familiar with Song Baicheng, so much so that Song Baicheng is not on guard against him. The second condition was that the killer had a lot of experience and was a professional killer. "So, who among Song Bocheng's people meets these two conditions?"    


He naturally thought of Ling Hao, but he quickly denied it. Ling Hao had never revealed his skills, and even if he was trained in military fighting techniques like Song Baicheng, it did not mean that he was the killer who killed Song Baicheng. And it was impossible for Ling Hao to be an extremely experienced professional killer who had met the second condition.    


Other than Ling Hao, he did not know who this mysterious killer was.    


Just then, Liang Siyao dialed Shi Boren's number. She even purposely switched on the hands-free so that Xia Lei could hear.    


"Boss Shi." The moment the call connected, Liang Siyao went straight to the point: "I was already at Song Baicheng's house, but ?"    


"But what?"    


"He's dead." Liang Siyao said: "The assassin's method was very clever, the scene did not leave any traces, and Song Baicheng's corpse did not have any injuries. Please send the medical examiner to deal with Song Baicheng's body. "    


"Stay at the scene and don't move. Protect the scene and I'll send people over immediately." Shi Boren's voice.    


"Understood, Boss Shi."    


"Is Xia Lei that brat by your side?"    


"He ?" Liang Siyao wanted to say something but hesitated.    


"Stop pretending with me, give him your phone, I want to talk to him." Shi Boren's voice carried a little anger.    


Liang Siyao flinched a little, then handed the phone over to Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei held onto his phone, braced himself and said: "Boss Shi, it's me, speak."    


Shi Boren's voice came out from the phone, "You brat, I let you stay in the Rayma Military Factory to protect you, why are you here? "Do you think you're not causing enough trouble?"    


"She wants to act alone. I was a bit worried about her, so I followed her. Furthermore, Song Baicheng almost caused the death of Tang Yuyan and I, I want to capture him personally. " Xia Lei said.    


"I knew you would have a reason. Go back immediately!"    


"Song Baicheng is already dead, I want to help Siyao ?"    


Shi Boren interrupted Xia Lei's words, "This is an order!"    


"Alright, alright, I'll be back right away." With that, Xia Lei hung up.    


Liang Siyao said: "You can go back first, let me handle this myself."    


Xia Lei said, "No, I will stay here and wait for the medical examiner. I want to know the results of the autopsy."    


"But the Boss Shi has already given his order, do you want to disobey his order?" Liang Siyao looked at Xia Lei with a bit of worry.    


Xia Lei laughed, "His orders are only useful to you, I don't care about his orders. If I disobey his orders, will he still expel me? "    


Liang Siyao shrugged his shoulders, "He wouldn't expel you, but he will teach me a lesson. As for me, I only have my little life to do wherever I go. "    


Xia Lei, "?"    


Because of this unfathomable sentence, the atmosphere in the room became awkward once again and became quiet.    


The sound of footsteps and voices came from outside the door.    


"Mom, dad said that he would stew the chicken for us to eat. He also said that he would take me to buy toys after dinner. Are you coming with us?" A little boy's voice.    


"You only know how to eat and play, how can you have any future when you grow up? Don't forget, you have a piano lesson in the afternoon, so you have to learn piano. " A woman's voice.    


"Mommy!" I'm not going to learn piano, I'm going to buy toys! "    


"Be good!" A woman's voice said, "Eh, why is the door open?"    


In the bedroom, Xia Lei and Liang Siyao looked at each other, and then left the room quickly. When the two of them came out, they saw a middle-aged woman walking in with a seven to eight-year-old boy.    


The woman's skin was fair and somewhat beautiful. The little boy was fat and chubby, hanging about the same as Song Baicheng. There was no need to guess that this woman was Song Baicheng's wife and this little boy was his son.    


"You ? ?" The woman froze on the spot. However, after a second, he suddenly shouted: "Someone, catch the thief!"    


"Don't yell!" Liang Siyao quickly walked over, "We are not bad people, we are police."    


The woman suddenly saw the gun in Liang Siyao's hands and screamed, "Help, kill!"    


The little boy ran towards the door, crying as he ran, "Help, there's a bad guy!"    


Xia Lei said: "Siyao, put away your spear and let them scream."    


Liang Siyao kept her gun.    


The woman suddenly thought of something and hurriedly ran towards her bedroom. A few seconds later, a pig-slaughtering howl came from inside the bedroom, "Hundred percent!" 100%... "AHH!" Wake up! "    


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