Tranxending Vision

C752 The Fool Who Descends from the Sky

C752 The Fool Who Descends from the Sky

Tang Yuyan was dragged out, her body was covered in blood. The cold and the dragging did not wake her; she was too weak.    


The two CIA agents threw Tang Yuyan onto the snow. Her face, when it touched the snow, was agitated. Her eyelids fluttered, but she did not open them.    


Gu Kewen said, "You guys don't find her dirty. She's famous for being a great beauty. If I were a man, I would definitely not give you this chance."    


Two black special forces from the Marine Corps revealed a vulgar smile, as if they were eager to give it a try.    


"Enough!" Xia Lei said angrily: "Gu Kewen, you have already caught me. I will follow you, let Tang Yuyan go!"    


"Cluck, cluck, cluck ?" Gu Kewen laughed innocently like a little girl, "Xia Lei, are you begging me?"    


Xia Lei clenched his teeth, "Yes, consider it my request."    


Gu Kewen's voice turned cold, "Is there anyone who begs for others like you?"    


"What do you want?"    


Gu Kewen roared at Xia Lei: "Kneel!"    


He wanted to break Gu Kewen's neck, but when he thought of Tang Yuyan, his legs bent down.    


Dignity was precious, but it was nothing compared to life.    


Putong, Xia Lei kneeled on the ground.    


Tang Yuyan's eyelids twitched once again. This time, she finally opened her eyes a little. She saw Xia Lei kneeling on the snow, saw Gu Kewen, and also saw the tiger-like CIA agent and the special forces standing beside Gu Kewen. She suddenly understood what had happened.    


"Xia ?" "No ?" She wanted to say something, but the sound coming from her mouth was so weak that she couldn't hear it herself.    


"Alright, I'm already kneeling in front of you." Xia Lei lowered his head, lowering his posture to the lowest point, "I beg you, let Tang Yuyan go. I'll go with you, you can do whatever you want to me. "    


Two tears rolled down from the corner of Tang Yuyan's eyes, fell onto the snow and melted a little snowflakes. What Xia Lei had said was the most touching romantic words she had ever heard in her life, causing his heart to melt.    


"You killed my father, you killed my brother, you caused me to lose everything, and now you're like this." Gu Kewen looked at Xia Lei coldly, "Do you think that the moment you kneel down, the grudge between us will disappear? Will I let you go? "    


"I didn't tell you to let me go. I've said it before, you can do whatever you want to me, but please let Tang Yuyan go. This is a grudge between you and me, it has nothing to do with her. " Xia Lei moved his knees, moving towards Tang Yuyan.    


No one stopped a person who walked on his knees. Xia Lei, who once made the CIA agent's face change color, had now turned into a pitiful bug.    


"You say so?" I said that I would be happy to do anything that would make you miserable. " Gu Kewen looked at the two black special forces beside him.    


The two black special forces understood what was going on and they walked towards Tang Yuyan.    


Xia Lei suddenly leaned on Tang Yuyan and protected her body, "Don't touch her! Otherwise, I will kill all of you! "    


"What is this guy shouting about?" A black special forces soldier kicked Xia Lei's back.    


Xia Lei did not let go of Tang Yuyan. Taking advantage of the trembling of her body, his hand reached into Tang Yuyan's waist.    


"Take him away!" Gu Kewen ordered, "You all have ten minutes. After playing around, get rid of this bitch."    


The two black special forces smiled.    


Two CIA agents came up and grabbed Xia Lei's arms, lifting him up from his body.    


Xia Lei didn't resist and looked towards the back of the mountain. His eyes were filled with anticipation and anxiety.    


"What are you looking at?" Gu Kewen looked in the direction that Xia Lei was looking, but she didn't see anything.    


Xia Lei shut his mouth tightly, he did not say anything. His two hands were clenched into fists, while his right fist was slightly relaxed.    


Gu Kewen walked in front of Xia Lei, went close to his ear, and whispered in a low voice, using Chinese to say: "Xia Lei, are you waiting for your reinforcements? Let me tell you, your four men are being dealt with. Do you remember that woman from Japan? She'll take care of your men. No one will come to save you. Today will be the end of you. "    


"Pfft!" Xia Lei spat all over Gu Kewen's face.    


"Bastard!" Gu Kewen slapped Xia Lei's face.    


The two black special forces lifted Tang Yuyan up and walked towards an area with wind blowing from their backs. They obviously didn't want to do that in a place where the wind was blowing.    


"You're still not making your move? What are you waiting for?" Xia Lei suddenly roared in Italian.    


"What did you say?" Gu Kewen was startled, and stared at Xia Lei warily.    


Xia Lei then used Italian to shout, "You still dare to attack, what are you waiting for?"    


"Bastard!" Gu Kewen slapped Xia Lei again, "What are you screaming about?"    


Xia Lei stopped roaring, he looked at Gu Kewen coldly, and a cold smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.    


"Boss, he seems to be speaking Italian." A CIA agent said, "Seems to be asking why someone hasn't made a move yet."    


Gu Kewen laughed coldly: "Are you crazy? "You ?"    


Her voice suddenly stopped.    


The two black Special Forces that were carrying Tang Yuyan and preparing to do that sort of thing also stopped in their tracks.    


Almost all eyes were focused on the back of the mountain.    


Under everyone's gaze, a blond girl with a pointed witch's hat and a wooden staff climbed up the steep hill. The wand in her hand looked like a wand, but it was obviously not, because the top of the wand in the movie and novel was studded with gems, while the top of her wand was embedded with a pink plastic ball. Moreover, the wand also has the label "Madein China" on it.    


This originally very dark, very sinful, very depressing scene. The moment this golden-haired girl appeared, the scene's atmosphere immediately changed, and an additional sense of joy that shouldn't have appeared appeared appeared.    


Crash! * Dozens of guns were raised horizontally as the guns were pointed at the blond girl.    


As long as Gu Kewen gave the order, the bizarre golden-haired girl in front of him would be beaten to a sieve.    


But Gu Kewen did not give such an order, because this golden-haired girl did not have a weapon and looked like she did not have any offensive power. However, this was definitely not the reason why she did not immediately kill the blond girl. The reason why she did not immediately order the shooting was because the blond girl was just too bizarre.    


Who is she?    


Why was she here?    


These were all questions that Gu Kewen wanted to know the answer to.    


"Sorry, I came a bit late, but I definitely did not do it on purpose. My parachute hung on a rock, and it took a lot of effort to untie it. My ass was swollen from the fall. " The blond girl said in standard Italian.    


"What did she say?" Gu Kewen panicked: Translate her words!    


Without waiting for the CIA agent who understood Italian to translate her words, the blonde girl said in Chinese, "No need to translate, I can use the language of all the people in this world. Look, I'm talking to you in Chinese right now, can you understand? " She scanned the CIA agents and commandos and said in English, "Do you have any Eskimos? I can say hello in Eskimo. I know Mayan, too. "    


She was Xia Lei's Heaven Descended Elite Armament.    


But the moment she stepped onto the stage, Xia Lei felt as if a hundred alpacas had lined up and stepped on his body.    


Was she here to perform?    


"Who are you?" Gu Kewen pulled out his spear and pointed it at the golden-haired girl's head.    


"Martina." The golden-haired girl smiled and introduced herself very generously, "I also have a Chinese name, Zhu Xuanyue."    


Zhu Xuanyue.    


When the name came into his ears, Xia Lei's heart felt like it was being held by a single hand, unable to beat.    


She's back.    


In this unbelievable way!    


"Why are you here?" Gu Kewen's voice was very cold.    


Zhu Xuanyue pointed at Xia Lei with her "MadeinChina" Wand, "I came to help him. Un, I will kill all of you. I don't want you to know my secret. " After a pause, she continued, "Have you finished asking? Can I do it now? "    


"F * ck, retard!" Gu Kewen pulled the trigger.    


Bang! Bang! Bang!    


Gu Kewen instantly shot three times, three bullets almost struck Zhu Xuanyue at the same time, one hit her head, one hit her heart, and one hit her right lung. These three spear strikes, every single one of them was fatal!    


Zhu Xuanyue fell to the ground, her blood dyed the snow red.    


It ended just like that?    


Xia Lei was dumbstruck as he looked at the golden-haired girl lying in a pool of blood.    


He was sure that this Zhu Xuanyue was an imposter, because even if it was the incomplete Zhu Xuanyue, her killing technique was still ten thousand times better than the golden-haired girl in front of him. That time in the operation in Japan, it was Zhu Xuanyue who appeared and killed more than 20 Japanese Navy soldiers for him. At that moment, she was like a gust of wind that had stabbed into the heads of the Japanese Navy soldiers, who had died without a drop of blood. At that time, Zhu Xuanyue was strong to the point where he felt fear, not daring to release her. But the current Zhu Xuanyue, with her "MadeinChina" Wand, was not able to kill one of her enemies. Instead, she was killed by Gu Kewen!    


This was f * cking ? Whose joke was this?    


"Hahaha ?" Gu Kewen laughed, "Xia Lei, is this your rescue? Did you get it from the circus? "    


Xia Lei was about to speak, but the words stopped midway. In his line of sight, the golden-haired girl lying in a pool of blood melted quickly like ice cream under the scorching sun. The more blood she bled, the more blood flowed in the snow, and the smaller her body became.    


"She ? She ?" A CIA agent cried out in alarm.    


In a blink of an eye, the blond girl's corpse had completely melted into the snow.    


The blood quickly spread and dyed the ground on the mountaintop red while everyone was still in a daze!    


A chilly wind suddenly blew over.    


The cold wind and blood, the dark sky without the moon and stars, gave people the feeling as if they had suddenly fallen from the human world into hell.    


"What's going on? "What's going on?" Gu Kewen screamed in fear.    


The CIA's agents and special forces of the Marine Corps assisting the CIA in this mission were also panicking. They were searching for suspicious targets vigilantly, and their faces were filled with fear. Some Christians even crossed their hands in the hope of overcoming fear in this way.    


At this time, the mysterious energy hidden in Xia Lei's mind trembled for a bit, and then was released. Almost at that moment, Xia Lei's field of vision swept by like a fierce wind, and the illusions that confused them all disappeared.    


On the snow, there were no blonde girls, nor was there blood. There was only a bunch of panic-stricken CIA agents and special forces.    


Everything just now was an illusion!    


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