Tranxending Vision

C749 Impassable Battle

C749 Impassable Battle

Four military dogs fell on the snow. Three of them had their throats cut by knives, and one of them had died from a broken neck. Xia Lei only took two minutes to do the job. The military dog with his broken neck was the food he had prepared for his escape. Tang Yuyan's throwing knives were poisoned, if he used all his throwing knives to kill them, then there would not be any edible dog meat.    


After getting rid of the four military dogs, Xia Lei did not rush to drag them back into the crevice of the cliff. He stood at the edge of the cliff and looked down, watching the movement below. Now that the dogs were up, the Indian soldiers were almost there.    


There was a flash of tactical flashlight at the top of the hill, and indeed the Indian soldiers had caught up.    


Xia Lei's line of sight swept past the Indian soldiers and landed on an even further place. However, he didn't see any of the figures he wanted to see.    


Amanda, Piao Taiyong, Baghu and Markus did not appear.    


Before coming to the Xi Province, Amanda had talked to him on the phone once, and she said that she and the other three Zodiac Clan members were only half an hour's drive away from him and Tang Yuyan. The half an hour drive was about 60 kilometers. If Amanda and the others were to come, they would have already come.    


"Could it be that Amanda, Piao Taiyong and the rest were living 50 to 60 kilometers away? If that was the case, they really didn't know about the battle here. However, the Japanese have blocked the signal here, so Amanda was unable to locate the location based on my satellite telephone. With her experience, doesn't she feel that it's strange? If Amanda and the rest had rushed over when my signal disappeared, they would have arrived by now right? " Xia Lei was very anxious in her heart. Previously, he had confidently told Tang Yuyan that he and she would not die here. He was only confident in Amanda and the other three Zodiac Clan. If the support army appeared, both she and Tang Yuyan could escape and even complete their revenge by attacking the Japanese and Indian soldiers on both sides of the mountain.    


But even if they were anxious, it would be useless. Since the members of the Zodiac Clan did not appear, the situation between him and Tang Yuyan was still very critical.    


However, at this moment, four armed men entered his line of sight.    


The four armed men were not Amanda and Piao Taiyong, but the Japanese who were chasing after them!    


The four Japanese, led by young men in monastic robes, followed closely behind the Indian soldiers as they climbed up the hill. Under normal circumstances, the four Japanese armed men should have avoided the Indian soldiers, but it was obvious that the Japanese armed men were aware of the existence of the Indian soldiers, and the Indian soldiers were aware of the existence of the Japanese armed men. However, the two sides remained at peace, and not only did they not fire each other, they even climbed to the top of the mountain together.    


There was only one possibility, and that was that the Japanese had colluded with the Indian army that had suddenly appeared. This was a meticulously planned series of events!    


In that instant, Xia Lei's brain quickly went through everything that had happened. All the things that he didn't understand or missed previously became clear.    


Someone had leaked the operation.    


Maybe there really were terrorists that roamed the country, but the Japanese had long since killed them and switched them to the Japanese. The chances of this happening exceeded 80%. However, if someone leaked it, the probability of it happening was 100%!    


From the looks of the current situation, it was not only him and Tang Yuyan who were in danger, even Amanda, Piao Taiyong and the others were also in danger!    


Then who leaked it?    


Now was not the time to analyze who was the traitor and capture him. Xia Lei circled around the cliff, and quickly moved to the other side of the mountain.    


A group of white figures were moving towards them in the snow and ice. Even though there was a distance of almost five hundred meters between them and the wind and snow which disturbed his line of sight, Xia Lei was still able to clearly see those white silhouettes. They were armed men wearing snow camouflage clothing. There were white men and black men. They were all equipped with sophisticated American equipment.    


"CIA?" Xia Lei's heart fell into a valley of ice.    


The Americans, the Japanese, the Indians, it was a United Nations army that was besieging the mountain.    


The truth suddenly surfaced. The cooperation between the Japanese and Americans was completely an extension of the cooperation between Gu Kewen and Gu Kewen, they had only moved the location from Paris to this mountain. As for the Indians, the Indian Army would never brazenly attack an agent from the Grand China, especially in such a sensitive location. No, the corruption of the Indian army was well-known all over the world, and as long as they could afford it, it would not be difficult to buy off an Indian garrison stationed in the area.    


From the moment he and Tang Yuyan had been attacked, the other party had wanted to rush him and Tang Yuyan up this mountain, and then rush him up the mountain step by step. Right now, the Indians, Americans and Japanese had surrounded the mountain peak. He and Tang Yuyan were trapped in a desperate situation and had no way out.    


Xia Lei raised his gun, his left eye locked onto a member of the armed forces wearing a snow camouflage uniform, and then pulled the trigger.    


Bang! The dull sound of gunfire broke the silence on the mountaintop. In his line of sight, an armed man wearing a snow camouflage uniform fell to the ground. However, this time, he did not kill him. The man could still roll after being hit by the gun and hide behind a rock.    


The wind at the back of the mountain was really too strong, along with snow. Although he had calculated the wind speed and the effect of the low temperature on the bullets, the wind at the back of the mountain was almost random.    


However, after injuring one of them, the armed men wearing the snow camouflage clothing did not dare to advance forward and quickly hid behind the rocks. Some of them shot back, but the bullets would not reach Xia Lei's body.    


After firing just one shot, Xia Lei gave up and turned to leave.    


The amount of ammunition he and Tang Yuyan had was limited. From the battles from beginning to end, the ammunition that the two of them had was very little. If he couldn't shoot one, he would rather not.    


Xia Lei dragged the four army dogs over to the cliff. Tang Yuyan wanted to climb out from the crevice, but Xia Lei stopped her.    


"I just heard you shooting. Are the Indians coming up?" Tang Yuyan asked. Although she was wearing the shirt and pants Xia Lei had taken off for her, it was not enough at all. Her arms were crossed, and the color of her skin had changed to purple. Under this kind of situation, her brain and organs of her body wouldn't be able to get enough nutrition and oxygen, and she wouldn't be able to persevere much longer, let alone fight alongside Xia Lei.    


Seeing her situation, Xia Lei felt a little sad, and also felt that he owed her a little. Although she was the one who brought him here this time, the one who brought the Japanese and Americans with them was none other than him, not her. If it weren't for him, she would only be dealing with a few poorly equipped terrorists this time, and her seven men wouldn't have died.    


"I ? I ? I'm asking you a question, what are you talking about? Daddle ?" Before he could finish speaking, Tang Yuyan trembled once more.    


Xia Lei didn't know whether he should tell her the truth or not. The mountain was surrounded by the Americans, Indians and Japanese.    


After hesitating for a moment, Xia Lei said, "Yuyan, no matter what happens, you must not come out, okay?"    


Tang Yuyan was startled, "What do you mean? Can't we get away? "    


"No, you'll be fine." Xia Lei said.    


"Y-you, stop lying to me, I want to fight with you!" Tang Yuyan climbed out.    


Xia Lei suddenly struck her carotid artery. Tang Yuyan groaned, and fainted.    


Xia Lei took away the magazine on her gun and the ammunition he carried. Then, he dragged the four military dogs into a crack in the rock, used a throwing knife to cut open the dog's abdomen and covered all the internal organs on her body. Finally, he moved a few rocks to block the entrance to the crevice.    


"Their target is me. This is my battle, and it has nothing to do with you. You shouldn't die here." Xia Lei said, but Tang Yuyan could no longer hear his voice.    


In Tang Yuyan's situation, she had no way to fight with him. Rather than letting her waste ammunition or even die on the fire line, it was better to just hide her and give her a chance to survive.    


After hiding Tang Yuyan, Xia Lei left the cliff. What he needed to do now was to choose a sniper spot and take advantage of the situation to get rid of as many enemies as possible. The more he killed, the less pressure he would feel.    


rejected the idea of sniping down on the Americans who were behind him. He had just fired a shot, and it was hard to shoot a target. Those Americans could be elite Special Forces, or CIA agents, better than Indian soldiers in any way. Fighting them is much more difficult than fighting Indian soldiers. In addition, the wind at the front of the mountain was much lower, and the ballistic impact on the bullet was far less intense than at the back of the mountain. With this analysis, he quickly made the decision to first take out the Indian!    


Xia Lei laid down on a rock that could overlook a large area in front of the mountain, and then extended his XL2500 sniper rifle. He quickly locked onto an Indian soldier and pulled the trigger.    


The Indian soldier was knocked to the ground by the sniper rifle's bullets the instant after the gunshot rang out, a fist-sized hole appearing in his chest.    


The Indians who were climbing the mountain immediately lied. They obviously did not expect that the people on top of the mountain would dare to shoot the person who had shot them under these circumstances. Some of them cursed while others shot towards the mountain top. But the INSAS assault rifle they used was an Indian version of the AK47, but it had an unusually poor performance. The bullets that shot out from the INSAS assault rifle were blown away by the wind from the mountain top. There seemed to be almost no bullets that did not deviate from their trajectory. As a result, they suppressed the fire with crackling sounds. However, the bullets that hit Xia Lei were pitifully few, let alone injuring him.    


"This is Indian territory, I order you to surrender!" A military officer shouted in English.    




As soon as the Indian officer finished his sentence, a bullet tore open his head and flew away with a piece of skull and a ball of brain matter.    


The Indian officer fell to the ground, his eyes wide with anger.    


"Not to mention here, even in New Delhi, I will still kill you!" Xia Lei spat.    


Bang Bang Bang...    


"Da Da Da ?"    


Another wave of gunfire came from below and bullets rained down on the summit.    


A black shadow crept to the front line and hid behind a rock. After pausing for a moment, he stuck the grenade launcher out from the top of the rock, carefully stood up, adjusted the angle of the grenade launcher, and prepared to fire at Xia Lei.    


"Is the Japanese best at sneak attacks?" Xia Lei pulled the trigger.    




The Japanese armed men who were preparing to fire their grenades suddenly fell to the ground. He only had half his head out, but what he had lost was the other half.    


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