Tranxending Vision

C748 iceberg warming male

C748 iceberg warming male

Without waiting for Xia Lei and Tang Yuyan to reach the top of the mountain, the four army dogs had caught up. The four army dogs attacked Xia Lei and Tang Yuyan at almost the same time.    


Roar! A military dog jumped up from the ground, opened its mouth and bit towards Tang Yuyan's throat. The other one lunged at her leg from the ground. For the two dogs to form such a tacit coordination, one could imagine how meticulous the training was.    


On Xia Lei's side, it was the same as when he had encountered a similar situation. One of the military dogs maintained its attacking posture, while the other circled behind him. The two military dogs actually wanted to attack him from the front and back.    


Xia Lei suddenly rushed forward, his spear smashing onto the military dog that was maintaining an attack posture in front of him. Without waiting for him to finish off the military dog, Tang Yuyan waved his right hand twice, and the two military dogs that were attacking her fell to the ground. Each military dog had a throwing knife stuck in its forehead.    


Tang Yuyan turned around and waved her right hand again.    


"Howl!" The military dog behind Xia Lei cried out and fell to the ground.    


Bang! Only now did Xia Lei's spear catch up to the dog's head that was dodging, and knocked it out unconscious on the ground.    


Tang Yuyan clapped her hands, "At least I have something better than you."    


Xia Lei shrugged his shoulders. In terms of throwing daggers, how many people in this world could possibly be a match for the descendants of the Tang Sect? He had always wanted to learn the Tang Sect's true qinggong and secret weapon skills, but he had never had the chance. The two times he had secretly learned it, all he had learned was the surface.    


"This time, at Shu area's hometown, I'll get my grandfather to teach you."    


Xia Lei, "..."    


Tang Yuyan quickly pulled out the throwing knife that was stabbed into the dog's head, and inserted it into her belt. Only now did Xia Lei clearly see that her flying knife looked similar to Liu Ye, it was extremely sharp, the edge of the blade had a bluish-black color, it was obvious that it was poisoned. Her belt was also not simple. It looked like an ordinary leather belt, but the middle of the belt was empty, allowing his to hide small throwing knives.    


He had already taken off Tang Yuyan's jeans before, it was only tonight. However, he didn't discover the mysterious thing in his belt, which made him feel ashamed. What were his thoughts at that time?    


Woof woof woof ?    


From below came the sound of dogs barking.    


Xia Lei retracted his train of thoughts, and started frowning: "Fuck, is Ah San a dog owner? Bring so many dogs. "    


Tang Yuyan burst out in laughter, "So even you can curse and swear, you really can't see anything."    


Xia Lei rolled his eyes at her, "I was born to work at a construction site and was originally a boor, do you know that now?"    


Tang Yuyan rolled his eyes, "Hey, you are just a crude hammer, I like you!"    


Xia Lei, "?"    


"Haha!" Do you think you're the only one who would swear? I will too. " Tang Yuyan bumped into Xia Lei, "Let's go, if we don't leave now, Ah San will catch up."    


Xia Lei followed Tang Yuyan up the mountain. In his heart, he couldn't help but ponder over the vulgar remark Tang Yuyan had made just now. However, that was the Shu area's dialect, so he couldn't understand it.    


The tactical flashlight at the foot of the hill flashed, and dozens of Indian soldiers rushed out of the mountainside forest, following the trail left behind by the dogs.    


However, this Indian army was not Xia Lei's only enemy.    


On the mountainside, a young man wearing a monastic robe raised his head and looked in the direction of the mountain peak. He saw the swaying tactical flashlight and the angry barking of the dogs. The corner of his mouth curled up into a sneer, "Father, didn't you always think that I was useless? This time, I'll prove it to you. Although I was born from a maid, I am the strongest person in the Abdomen Family! Only I am the successor of the family, not that mixed blood woman! "    


His name is Tsukiba Hattori.    


He was the illegitimate child of Masao Hattori, the younger brother of Mei Hattori's half-brother.    


Xia Lei guessed that he was related to the Hattori family, but he didn't think that he was Masao Hattori's son. This mistake was unavoidable because Mei Hattori's mother was an American and Tsukiba Hattori's face was that of an Asian man.    


Tsukiba Hattori walked out of the mountain forest.    


Three gunners came out from the left and right sides.    


Masao Hattori waved his hand forward, and the three gunners followed him towards the peak of the mountain.    


They don't seem to be worried at all about the dozens of armed Indian soldiers...    


Half an hour later.    


The temperature dropped sharply before they reached the top of the mountain. The cold wind blew, allowing Xia Lei and Tang Yuyan to enter the cold winter from the beginning of autumn. The Ford E450 did have a jumpsuit, but the problem was that neither of them had had a chance to bring one with them at the time.    


"So cold, duo duo ?" Tang Yuyan shivered, "Lei, are you sure that the route you chose is the right one? It's cold and cold without climbing the mountaintop. If we climb the mountaintop, won't we freeze to death? "Without waiting for the Indian soldiers to catch us, we would be frozen into icicles."    


"This is our only way out." Xia Lei said: "There are a few Japanese guarding the foot of the mountain. If we go down there, we will definitely exchange fire with them. Move sideways, those Indian soldiers stay in a parallel line with us, dozens of gun blind fire, can we run past the bullets? I don't want to leave my life up to luck. "    


"Alright, being able to die together with you is not a bad thing ?" Aren't you cold? " Tang Yuyan crossed her arms and looked at Xia Lei curiously. It was only then that she realised that Xia Lei, who was dressed similar to her, was not affected by the sudden drop in temperature. He did not shiver nor did she tremble when he spoke.    


Xia Lei was also a little curious. It was the first time he had suddenly come to a cold place from a warm place, but his body seemed to have adjusted to this huge temperature difference on its own. He did not feel the cold. He was well aware of his own situation. His hands and feet did not show any signs of freezing, his heart was beating, and his breathing did not show any sign of discomfort due to the sudden change in temperature. The most direct and obvious evidence was the fact that his face and hands were still warm.    


He carefully felt his body and quickly found the reason. The reason why he wasn't affected by the cold was because he had a small amount of mysterious energy stored inside his brain. It was flowing through his veins in the form of blood, protecting his organs and the proper functioning of his body.    


After he found the reason, Xia Lei's heart also calmed down. However, he pretended to be cold on the surface, "Why aren't you cold ? Let's go, climb over the hill, we... Go around to the side. "    


"Fine, fine." Tang Yuyan clenched her teeth and continued to climb.    


Looking at her extremely cold expression, Xia Lei really wanted to take off the shirt and pants on her body. But he thought that if he did that, Tang Yuyan would treat him like a monster.    


Finally, they reached the top of the mountain.    


Looking ahead, there were white hills. This was a world of ice and snow, with no end in sight.    


"Oh my god ?" Tang Yuyan sat on the snowy ground in despair. The clothes she and Xia Lei were wearing could not hold on for much longer. In such a cold environment, if a person did not have clothes to protect against the cold, he would freeze to death in less than half an hour.    


Xia Lei couldn't care about anything else as he took off his shirt and pants.    


"You, what are you doing?" Tang Yuyan looked at Xia Lei who was wearing only a pair of underwear in shock.    


Xia Lei threw his shirt and pants onto Tang Yuyan's body, "Put it on."    


"No, don't you want to die?" Tang Yuyan flatly refused.    


"Put it on!" Xia Lei roared angrily from her: "Now, let me make the decision. Whatever I say, you can do it. You are not allowed to talk back!"    


Tang Yuyan's tears rolled down her face. In her opinion, this matter was because Xia Lei had given her all of his clothes in order to keep her warm. How could she not be moved by such a heartwarming matter?    


Tang Yuyan stood there dumbly. Then, she rushed over and forcefully draped the shirt over her shoulders.    


"I don't want the pants." Tang Yuyan regained his senses.    


Xia Lei suddenly slapped her face, "Wear it!"    


This slap did not have much force, but it had caused Tang Yuyan to be stunned. Since she was young, she had not been hit by anyone, but now, Xia Lei gave her a slap. However, after receiving this slap, not only did she not feel the slightest bit of anger, she was even moved to tears and snot flowing out of her body.    


A man gave you all of his clothes in the snow and ice. If you didn't wear it, he would slap you until you wore it. Can you blame him for giving you a slap?    


Tang Yuyan bit her lips and wore Xia Lei's pants, and said while crying: "If you die, then I won't live anymore."    


"We won't die. Trust me, follow me." Xia Lei ran towards a cliff formed by rocks. Just as Tang Yuyan was about to put on her pants, he had already discovered an indent at the bottom of the cliff. It was a crack in front of the two rocks, forming a space that could fit him and Tang Yuyan in.    


Reaching the bottom of the cliff, Xia Lei first let Tang Yuyan burrow inside, then he burrowed inside.    


The cliff and rocks blocked the cold wind. Tang Yuyan's situation was slightly better, but she was still shivering from the cold.    


Xia Lei hugged her and warmed her up with his body.    


"Why are you so warm?" Tang Yuyan said in shock.    


"Wu Chun's ultimate technique ?" Xia Lei thought of a name, "Child's Warming Yang Skill."    


"Boy?" Tang Yuyan's expression became even more horrified, "You ? It's actually a boy? "    


Xia Lei really wanted to slap himself. What inner force mental cultivation method was not easy to come up with, but he had added a "child" prefix. If he was a child, would Long Bing think like this? Would Jiang Ruyi think that? Shentu Tianyin, Liang Siyao... What would they think?    


Woof woof woof ?    


The sound of a military dog suddenly echoed.    


"Damn it!" "Even if I die, I want to drag a few of Ah San down with me!" The barking of the dog diverted Tang Yuyan's attention, she grabbed the blast assault rifle and was about to crawl out.    


Xia Lei pressed his hand on her shoulder, "Stay here, I'll go get you a dog skin coat."    


"You want to kill dogs?"    


"Lend me a throwing knife." Xia Lei reached out his hand to Tang Yuyan's waist.    


Tang Yuyan dodged instinctively, but it was only a symbolic gesture. When Xia Lei's warm hand reached into her waist, she immediately quietened down like a cat.    


Xia Lei took a throwing knife from her belt, and then climbed out. Just as he was about to climb out of the hole, he turned his head to look at Tang Yuyan, "Those Indian soldiers have caught up, can they be killed?"    


"Kill!" Fuck. "Yah, what's wrong, let me carry it!" Tang Yuyan said bitterly.    


Xia Lei grinned, "Then I know what to do."    


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