Tranxending Vision

C747 crisis

C747 crisis

The forest was not quiet. As the wind blew, the grass swayed and rustled. There was also the sound of insects in the grass, which seemed to be warning the human invaders.    


On the hillside, two men, two XL2500 sniper rifles, blended with rocks and grass.    


Two gunshots, at the same time.    


On the grass at the foot of the hill, two gunners fell to the ground at the same time. One was a sniper in disguise, the other was a sniper at the front. The former was killed by Xia Lei, and the latter was killed by Tang Yuyan. The two's teamwork was very well coordinated.    


However, the strength still manifested itself after a second. After firing the first shot, Xia Lei almost didn't stop at all. The XL2500 sniper rifle's muzzle shifted one centimeter, and the second bullet immediately flew out in anger.    


Another Gunner fell to the ground with a OneHeadShotWithoutExplanation.    


However, Tang Yuyan still locked on to the target among the sniper scope. She couldn't kill her target without using a sniper scope like Xia Lei, she had to use a sniper scope to lock on her target. Furthermore, she only wanted to shoot targets with extremely high military attainments. The other party would not give her the chance to lock onto them.    


After leaving behind the three corpses, the people at the bottom of the hill charged into the forest. Most of the bullets flew over the two of them, but there were still some bullets that struck the rocks beside the two of them, causing sparks to fly everywhere.    


"Let's go!" Xia Lei crawled out from his hiding spot, turned around and climbed even higher than that.    


Tang Yuyan also climbed up from her hiding place, then followed Xia Lei up to a higher place. She was very clear about Xia Lei's plan. Using the range and terrain advantage of the XL2500 sniper rifle to attack the enemy, she could kill the enemy at the price of zero.    


"Just now, how did you kill the second person?" As he moved quickly, Tang Yuyan raised the question in his heart. She didn't actually see the details of Xia Lei shooting earlier, but she saw Xia Lei killing the third target from the sniper scope, and at that time, she wasn't even able to lock onto her next target.    


"Shoot him, or how do we get rid of him?" Xia Lei did not explain.    


Tang Yuyan curled her lips in dissatisfaction. She was a little unconvinced, but she knew clearly in her heart that if the world's snipers competed once, then no one could beat Xia Lei. He was the world's strongest sniper.    


After climbing up for fifty meters, Xia Lei stopped. He turned around and looked down the hill. The dense trees blocked his view. He could not see the people moving in the forest.    


Tang Yuyan entered the sniping state in advance as she climbed onto a rock to support her XL2500 sniper rifle.    


"This time, let's compete to see who will be the first to get rid of the enemy." She did not turn back as she stuck her left eye onto the sniper scope, carefully searching for her target.    


"What's like that?" It doesn't matter who kills the enemy first. Xia Lei said. He looked left and right, then his gaze stopped at a willow tree. That willow tree was very big, it was the left-handed willow tree that was unique to the Xi Province. The trunk, which required two men to hold it, twisted to the left, circle after circle. The crown of the tree was very dense, and the branches that made up the crown were also very large. It was sufficient for a person to stand on top of the tree and do something.    


"If I win, how about you accompany me to Shu area's hometown?" Tang Yuyan said: "You and I have known each other for so long, yet you have never been to my hometown. Okay? Hello... Why aren't you saying anything? " She turned around and saw Xia Lei climbing a tree. His movements were extremely nimble, like a monkey.    


Go to the Shu area's Tang Sect? Thinking about this bet, Xia Lei felt a headache, much less agreeing to it.    


"Humph!" "Escaping me again ?" Tang Yuyan retracted her gaze, and raised her small mouth high up in the air.    


On top of the willow tree, Xia Lei climbed onto a branch that was below the treetop. The ground at his height was about fifteen meters, and with the willow tree on the higher hill, he was able to see at least thirty meters below the ground. Thirty meters was almost ten stories high. From this height, he looked down from the hillside, and immediately, he could see the entire mountain forest.    


He quickly found his target. The leader in a monastic robe and a gunman walking in front of him. To his surprise, the path taken by the leader in the monastic robe was almost perfect. He never walked three steps in the same straight line, and almost all the routes he chose had trees as cover. Even if he appeared in the sight of the sniper, the sniper aiming at him barely had enough time to fire at him before he changed position.    


However, the monk robed leader's perfect route could only be used against snipers of Tang Yuyan's level, it was completely useless in Xia Lei's eyes.    


Xia Lei placed the XL2500 in his hand on the tree branch in front of him, and then tilted the spear's body downwards. He quickly locked onto the sniper in the monastic robe, but just before he shot, he changed his mind and switched his target to the sniper walking in front.    




A gunshot rang out.    


The one who shot was not Xia Lei, but Tang Yuyan.    


Just as Xia Lei changed targets, Tang Yuyan had already killed one.    


Xia Lei also pulled the trigger. After the gunfire, the sniper who was walking in front of the leader in the monastic robe also fell to the ground.    


The leader in the monastic robe hid behind a large tree, not even a centimeter of his skin showing through.    


"I'll let you live a little longer." Xia Lei secretly thought. The reason he left that leader in the monastic robe was not because he did not want to kill him, but because he wanted to leave the most valuable person alive.    


Bang Bang Bang...    


A series of gunshots rang out from the forest. Being attacked, the other party also judged the direction of Xia Lei and Tang Yuyan and then shot blind fire. Bullets rained down, fragments of rock, fragments of trees flew all over the place.    


Xia Lei jumped down from the tree. Tang Yuyan also hid behind the rocks, waiting for the other party to disappear.    




Just as Xia Lei crawled to Tang Yuyan's side, a grenade exploded a few metres away from him. The mud and stones that were blown away by the grenade smashed onto their bodies, making them look like zombies from their graves.    


After the explosion, both of them stood up at almost the same time and ran towards the top of the hill.    




Another grenade landed, and the rock they were hiding in exploded.    


"There are four of them." As Xia Lei ran, he said: "The next time is the end, you just need to kill one, and leave the other two to me."    


"I'll take care of one, you take care of two, and the other one ?" Tang Yuyan suddenly understood, "You want to keep one alive?"    


"Leave that guy in the monastic robe." Xia Lei said: "It's impossible for the Japanese regular army to have this kind of courage. The possibility that they are Japanese special forces or special forces is very small, I want to find out exactly who they are."    


"Okay, we'll do as you say." Tang Yuyan agreed with Xia Lei's suggestion.    


After some distance, the two stopped once more. This time, Xia Lei did not climb up the tree again. The other party only had four people remaining. As long as they entered their field of vision once more, he and Tang Yuyan could take care of the other two in one go. Without the advantage of numbers and firepower, he had already reduced the other party's threat to a very low level.    


"I won just now." Tang Yuyan leaned his elbow on Xia Lei's waist, and said: "When this is over, you must accompany me to my old home."    


"I didn't agree to make a bet with you." Xia Lei said.    


"I don't care. I want you to accompany me back to my hometown." Tang Yuyan asked.    


Xia Lei had a headache, just as he was about to find an excuse to refuse, the sound of dogs barking came from the right side of the mountain. He looked in the direction of the voice and saw many flashing beams of light. It was the beam of a tactical flashlight, very strong.    


Tang Yuyan also heard the sudden barking of a dog, she looked over and saw the jumping tactical flashlight's beam. Those beams of light jumped and flickered within the mountain forest. Their numbers were astonishing!    


"Who is it?" Tang Yuyan became nervous.    


Xia Lei's left eye twitched, and quickly locked onto the person running at the very front. He could clearly see that person's clothes and face. His expression also became very frightening at that moment. "Yes ?" "Indian soldiers!"    


Tang Yuyan immediately frowned, "How is that possible? This is our territory, how could a soldier of Ah San appear here? "    


Xia Lei said in a deep voice: "This is our territory, but the soldiers of Ah San do not think so. Have you forgotten, this is the southern border of the Xi Province, India has occupied more than 90,000 square kilometers of our territory. They probably have a military camp nearby. Maybe our gunfire attracted them. "    


"Damn it!" How many of them are there? " Tang Yuyan had observed them too, but she couldn't count them all.    


"At least fifty. We have to get out of here." Xia Lei did not dare to stay any longer, he crawled up from the rocks, and headed towards the mountain top.    


Going down the mountain was the best way to get rid of the Indian soldiers, but there were four gunmen up and down. Once he was entangled by them and caught up with them, they would be in a state of conflict. Then, he and Tang Yuyan would be surrounded by Indian soldiers who had chased over from the back.    


Moving horizontally was not the best choice, because the opponent had more people and strong firepower. Both Tang Yuyan and him were simply unable to fight it, even if the two of them had godly spear skills.    


The only choice left was to continue moving towards the top of the mountain. Only by taking advantage of the terrain would they have a chance at escaping from the trap.    


The slope grew steeper and steeper, the vegetation thinned and the wind grew stronger. The top of the mountain was pure white snow, while running, Xia Lei had already started to answer questions. He was only wearing hot pants and a t-shirt, he was also wearing a cool summer attire, how could he resist the cold at the top of the mountain?    


Woof woof woof ?    


The sound of a military dog barking came from behind.    


Xia Lei and Tang Yuyan could get rid of the human eyes, but they could not get rid of the dog nose.    


The two of them wouldn't be caught for long, because even with the Tang Sect's Qing Gong, they wouldn't be able to run across a dog on a steep mountain.    


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