Tranxending Vision

C740 Mystery Call

C740 Mystery Call

The three female chiefs left, while Sylvia and Anina slept. A world without women. Xia Lei carried a backpack and headed towards the villa in the factory area. This place had always been guarded by Wu Quan Guo and his subordinates, and no one lived in it ever since Sylvia and Anina moved out. In the darkness of the night, it looked like a ghost house without any light.    


The two special forces guarding the front door saluted Xia Lei. Xia Lei nodded in greeting and entered the villa unhindered.    


Arriving at the underground laboratory, Xia Lei opened his backpack and took out the things inside. A notebook with only one content, a piece of silver metal, and an ancient canvas that had once contained content but had disappeared in the end. These were all things he had brought with him from the Da Vinci Maze in the Italian Bobbio. There were other things, too, Da Vinci's manuscripts and paintings, but he did not bring them here.    


The laboratory was silent.    


Xia Lei was lost in thought as he looked at the three items.    


ancient alloy, AE, Princess Young-mei, Da Vinci, silver metal, bronze valuable book, compass, and other people and things appeared in his mind. There was an inevitable connection between these people and things, but he could not find the line that connected these people and things.    


After quietly going into a daze for a while, Xia Lei picked up the notebook.    


Opening it, the first page was still in Italian: When you see this paragraph, it means you're here. I had finally accomplished the mission she had given me. I couldn't help imagining the scene, and it excited me. I hope you can unravel the mystery of the box. I'm in heaven, waiting for your good news. Besides, she gave me a piece of metal. I tried it, but I couldn't figure out its structure. Maybe you can. The way out is right in front of you. How did the Viking get in?    


He went to the Italian Bobbio because of the peaceful paintings, and also because of the paintings she told him about when he was in the "enchanted" state. According to Da Vinci's message, his main mission in the underground maze was to "wake up someone". The silver metal was secondary.    


"The people of the Knights Hospitaller call this piece of silver metal the 'divine metal', and view it as the sacred object of the Knights Hospitaller. It can't possibly have no story, and it can't possibly have no value, right? In the underground labyrinth, I tested its strength. It's not just any metal. "Da Vinci studied it, but did not leave behind any information on it ?" Xia Lei turned over the first page, and then, he raised the blank page at the back of the first page above his head, and used the light from the top of his head to shine onto the paper that had no content.    


The paper was clean, with no traces of ink. Under the illumination of the light, he saw some faint traces. They were traces left behind when Da Vinci wrote down the first page.    


But just when Xia Lei was about to flip through it, he suddenly remembered something and passed the second page over to the light, awakening Left Eye's micro vision.    


This time, he saw something different. Some of the strokes were different from the text on the first page.    


These different marks showed that Da Vinci had written something else on the first page. If not, there would not have been any different writing marks on the second page.    


Xia Lei then used the same method to look at the white paper behind him. As a result, he discovered even more traces. Those traces were very shallow. Under normal circumstances, if he did not awaken his microscopical ability, he would not be able to discover them.    


This discovery made Xia Lei excited. He was sure that Da Vinci had left a note in this notebook.    


He quickly prepared the different concentrations of the acid and alkali solution, and then carefully dripped some of it onto the white paper in his notebook. The first drop was effective before he had a chance to try all the acid and alkali solutions he had made. The areas dampened by the acid-base solution soon began to show Italian.    


"Ha ha!" "Da Vinci, Da Vinci, Da Vinci, you are really the smartest person in the world. In that era, you were actually able to produce invisible ink."    


Invisible ink is not a rare thing in modern times. It can be bought by paying in a stationery store. However, in Da Vinci's era, it was definitely a miraculous existence.    


More acid and base dripped onto the white paper, and a complete passage of Italian appeared on it: Am I the smartest person in the world? No, if I were the smartest man in the world, I would be able to unravel the secrets of God's metal. In my opinion, it was as mysterious as she was and did not belong to the world. When she appeared to me thirty years ago, she made me different. Thirty years passed, and my exploration came to nothing. I was old and dying, but she was still so young, without the slightest sign of aging. I think she is an angel. It is part of the Angel Sword. She was an angel who had fallen to the mortal world, and her Angel Sword had been destroyed. She was searching for the trail of a god and fighting the devil, but this was destined to be a dangerous road filled with thorns ?    


Xia Lei continued to drop the acid-base solution onto the white paper.    


More came: she always came back with a wound, and each time she brought back a little mineral powder and spread it on the canvas. I asked her what the mineral powder was and she never told me. I also asked her why she was painting such a strange painting. She said that if she died, someone would come here one day to wake her up. I can't understand such things, just as I can't understand the world of God...    


The second page was over.    


Xia Lei was stunned. He was still standing in front of his notebook, holding the drop tube that contained the acid and alkali solution, like a sculpture.    


Da Vinci used invisible ink to solve some of the puzzles that puzzled him, but it also caused him to be quite shocked.    


When she appeared to me twenty years ago, she made me different.    


These were Da Vinci's exact words. These words were not anything special, but to Xia Lei, it was not that simple. His abilities came from AE capsules. If it weren't for the AE capsules his father left him, his life wouldn't be like this. He might still be at the construction site, welding, moving bricks, and living like a dog in the lowest layer of society. Therefore, his turning point in life was the AE capsule.    


Da Vinci was known as the most intelligent person in the world, and he was also the one and only All Genius. The turning point in his life was "she". Then, could his life change because "she" also gave him AE capsule?    


Hundreds of years had passed, and Da Vinci was already an ancient figure. Clearly, he was unable to give an answer. The only one who could give an answer was "she", but where was "she"?    


Xia Lei flipped to the second page, and his gaze also landed on the third page.    


The acid and alkali solution seeping down from the second page had long since made its appearance on the third page: she liked to sit in the sun and do nothing but look at the sun. I tried, but I couldn't hold out for more than a minute, and she could sit like that all day until the sun went down. She said it would make her stronger, and I didn't understand the principle, and I noticed that she never got tanned, and her skin was always young and white and tender. This enlightened me. I analyzed God's metal from the point of view of light and heat, but to no avail...    


The contents of the third page made Xia Lei suddenly recall of the Princess Young-mei. She was afraid of the cold. During the treasure hunt in Jerusalem, she even pestered him to take a hot bath with his.    


A guess surfaced in his mind, "Could it be that the person Da Vinci spoke of is the same as the Princess Young-mei I met? Da Vinci met a complete her and I met an incomplete her? "    


As the acid solution dripped onto the fourth page, something new appeared: She never told me what she was fighting for, or who her enemies were. She left the maze time and time again, and each time she came back with a wound. She never gave up, and I couldn't help her. The last time she had come back was a night without moon and stars. This time, she was hurt so badly that she had lost her body. I couldn't understand how she could still exist, but that was the way of the gods. She told me she was going to die and she told me to do something for her. After she left, I closed the maze and finished what she had told me to do. I can't predict the future, and I don't want you to see what I've left behind. It's just an old man talking to himself. And if you do, and if you wake her, tell her I love her. Leonardo di Piero da Vinci.    


Page five had no content.    


Da Vinci would never be able to help "her" repair her "Angel Sword" in his entire life. Clearly, he would not record those failed experiments into such a notebook.    


The content hidden in the notebook reappeared, but Xia Lei's heart was still unable to calm down.    


Right now, Xia Lei was almost sure that the "she" Da Vinci had met before he died was the complete Princess Young-mei. However, Da Vinci did not explain to him that "she" had made him do those things before he died. The thing he wanted to find out the most was whether one of the things that 'she' asked Da Vinci to do was related to AE capsules!    


ancient alloy, ancient alloy box, bronze valuable book, Compass ? These unsolved problems once again surfaced in Xia Lei's mind. He also had a deep feeling of powerlessness.    


Da Vinci and "she" had clearly failed. Da Vinci was unable to unlock these mysteries throughout his entire life. The "she", who was as powerful as an angel, also died in the end. Could it be that everything he had experienced and done was just a repeat of history and that he was destined to fail?    


Ring, ring, ring...    


The cellphone's ringtone suddenly rang in the quiet underground laboratory.    


The ringing sound startled Xia Lei. He subconsciously took out his phone and looked at the screen. There was no number on it.    


Xia Lei flipped open the answer button, "Who?"    


"Phew ?" "Inhale..."    


Xia Lei's heart skipped a beat. It's her! The woman who called him in Paris to get away!    


"Who are you?"    


"This oxygen mask is really awkward." The voice of a girl speaking in Italian came through the phone. Her voice was slightly childish, giving people the feeling that she wasn't even 18 years old yet.    


"Who are you?" How could Xia Lei care about the oxygen shield? He needed an answer.    


"Alright, I'm ready. Are you ready?" The girl's voice.    


"I... Prepare what? "    


"Forget it, I'll come find you."    


"Hey!" "Who are you?"    


"Du du du..." "Du, du, du ?" Only the busy tone was left on the phone.    


Xia Lei was still holding onto his phone, standing there like a wooden stake, and did not move for a long time.    


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