Tranxending Vision

C732 The Upanishads of Ninja

C732 The Upanishads of Ninja

Three hours passed.    


Xiao Ye closed his laptop and then took down the excellent plate, giving it to Masao Hattori.    


"No problem, right?" Masao Hattori asked.    


Ono nodded his head, "No problem."    


"Are you sure?"    


"I'm sure." Ono nodded again.    


Masao Hattori immediately revealed a smile, his mood completely relaxed, it was extremely happy. He walked towards Xia Lei.    


At this time, Xia Lei had also finished looking through the blueprints and information.    


Actually, an hour and a half ago, Xia Lei had already stored all of the Solid State Disk's contents and all of the people on paper into the "warehouse" in his brain. He then spent another hour and a half to go through everything again, making sure that he did not miss anything.    


However, no one knew that he had read all the contents twice, and no one knew that he had memorized all the contents, not even a punctuation mark was left behind!    


In the eyes of the Japanese people, Xia Lei was just like a child flipping through the diagrams and materials. Whoosh! Who would believe that he had looked through all the documents and blueprints twice and memorized every single word?    


In the beginning, Mei Hattori would look for him to talk, but he did not even speak a word to her. Afterwards, Mei Hattori was too lazy to bother with him anymore, she just sat on the sofa and drank her tea alone. She seemed to be absent-minded as she glanced at Xia Lei from time to time, as if she had something on her mind.    


When Masao Hattori walked towards Xia Lei with the plate, she stood up from the sofa and followed Masao Hattori.    


Xia Lei was still looking through the blueprints with his head lowered. His situation wasn't like looking at a blueprint, but rather like looking for something small in a pile of papers. Such as a member's coin, or a Young Lord's badge.    


Masao Hattori and Mei Hattori couldn't help but look at each other, both of their faces filled with suspicion.    


What was this fellow doing?    


"Xia Lei, how is it?" Masao Hattori said.    


Xia Lei lifted his head and glanced at him, his face filled with worry. "It's too complicated. If I had known, I would have brought my expert here. I'm not sure what you're giving me is true. I'm dying of worry. "    


Masao Hattori frowned, and said unhappily: "You're hurting my good will by saying such words, are you questioning my integrity? I assure you, in the honor of my ancestors, that what I have given you is true. It's very important, very valuable. "    


"If it's so important, so valuable, then why is it in France? They should be in Japan. " Xia Lei said.    


"My Hattori family has a laboratory in France, so we share these resources." said the bear.    


It was only then that Xia Lei remembered the results of the investigation that Amanda had given him. He said that the Hattori family had funded a lot of laboratories, and a lot of research personnel. Looking at the situation, it was not strange for the Hattori family to have a laboratory in France and enjoy all the resources. However, he had at least asked casually, as he was already certain that these items were genuine and of amazing value. He asked this question only to release the smoke, to give the other party a false impression that he had not understood anything at all.    


"So that's how it is. Uncle, I really don't know if you didn't say it." After pausing for a moment, Xia Lei said, "Your experience should have been completely used up, right?"    


"Yes, it's done."    


"No problem, right?"    


"No problem. I'm glad you're an honest man."    


Xia Lei laughed, "I don't have any good points, but I do have one good point, which is to be honest.    


These words made Mei Hattori roll her eyes. Xia Lei did not care about women, as she had a certain right to speak. And her supercilious look was the answer she gave.    


"Alright, it's getting late. You can sleep here tonight." Masao Hattori said: "It's too late, it's not convenient to go back."    


Xia Lei said: "I won't stay any longer, I need to bring these items back for my experts to see."    


Masao Hattori's face immediately became gloomy, "What happened to you? I'm kind enough to let you stay here, but is my kindness enough to make things difficult for you? "    


"This ?" Xia Lei wanted to say something but hesitated.    


Mei Hattori then hooked her arm around Xia Lei's, and said while clicking her tongue: "You really are, you displeased my father. You can show it to your experts tomorrow when you bring it back. Besides, it'll be hard for you to get a cab back at this time of day. "    


"Don't you have a car?" Xia Lei said.    


"I won't send you back."    


Xia Lei laughed bitterly, "Alright, I will listen to you. Which room do I sleep in? "    


"Of course you live in the same room as me." Mei Hattori said.    


"Yes, yes." Masao Hattori coughed dryly, "I will go back to my room to rest, good night."    


"Good night, Father." Mei Hattori bowed towards Masao Hattori.    


"Good night, Uncle." Xia Lei also stood up to send them off. This was also a form of courtesy.    


Masao Hattori walked two steps before he suddenly turned around, "You two, pay attention to safety. I don't want a grandson until you get married. "    


"Father!" Mei Hattori looked embarrassed and annoyed.    


Xia Lei muttered to himself, "Isn't it good to have a grandson?"    


The corner of Mei Hattori's mouth curled into a loathsome sneer, which disappeared in a flash. Then, she intimately pulled Xia Lei's hand, "Let's go, it's time for us to return to our rooms to rest."    


"Wait, I have to take these with me." Xia Lei took out his hands to carry the large bundle of blueprints and information.    


"You really are. Have you never been willing to trust others?" Mei Hattori said angrily: "Is there any difference if you were to take all these things to my room or leave them here? Rest assured, just leave them here and come back tomorrow morning to retrieve them. They won't be missing a single one. "    


"Alright, since I'm a man who dotes on women, I'll listen to you." Xia Lei put down the large bundle of drawings and information, and actually tore off the Solid State Disk of the Toshiba, and placed it in the outer pocket of his suit.    


"You ?"    


"Can I take this with me? It's in my pocket, and it doesn't take up a lot of space in your room. " Xia Lei said.    


Mei Hattori was too lazy to talk to Xia Lei anymore, she turned and walked towards the door.    


"Wait for me, baby, don't be angry." Xia Lei chased after him.    


Little Ye and the other two glanced at each other. It was obvious that they didn't understand the situation. They obviously knew of Mei Hattori's identity, but why did they suddenly get into an intimate relationship with a kid from Grand China?    


However, a few minutes after Xia Lei left the study, Masao Hattori returned. He put all the blueprints and materials into the safe.    


"President, he took the Solid State Disk." Ono said.    


"He'll give it back to me soon. He can't take it away. You don't need to worry about these things. Just do your own thing. " Masao Hattori said.    


"President, I won't dare to say it until that Grand China kid is gone."    


"What are you trying to say?"    


Ono said: "The technology in this UFO has surpassed my phenomenon. Whether it's the Rema machine tool or the technology of those three weapons, they are at least 30 years ahead of today's world. The person who designed them, I can't imagine how his brain is made up. "    


Masao Hattori suddenly thought about Xia Lei's plan X. His eyes flashed with excitement and greed.    


Ono went on to say, "We should bring back the things in the Eureka as soon as possible. It will allow our Japanese military industry to occupy the top of the world. "President, I think we should return immediately and build ?"    


Masao Hattori interrupted Xiao Ye Jie's words with a cold face, "Bastard! Do I need you to teach me anything? "I've already said that you can do your job well. Now, scram back to the hotel!"    


The three engineers bowed to Masao Hattori in unison and quickly left the study room with their heads down.    


"Even if the Japanese military industry wants to occupy the highest point of the world, the only one who can climb up with a flag in hand is me, Masao Hattori!"    


He looked at his wristwatch, then sat down on the sofa and put a wireless earplug in his ear, waiting for something.    


About two minutes later, a woman's voice suddenly came from the wireless earplugs. It was a very strange voice, and it sounded like the woman was in extreme pain. Yet she felt very happy, so happy that she became delirious and started babbling nonsense.    


Masao Hattori immediately frowned. He knew what it was, and he knew the woman who had made the strange sound. She was his daughter.    


Creak, creak ?    


The shaking of the mattress came again, rhythmically, over and over again, up and down, up and down. On the mattress in her daughter's room, there seemed to be a crazy, crazy, crazy, crazy horse. He treated the mattress like grass, and with his strong, sturdy hooves, he trampled and trampled. He wanted to trample all the grass on the grass, he wanted to melt the mud on the grass, he wanted to turn it into mud ?    


The sound provoked him, the father, and the anger burned in him. He clenched his fists, and they rumbled. Blue veins also appeared on his forehead, criss-crossing over and over. Those patterns were actually like the straw hat on the head of the Thief King, Lu Fei. However, it was only an azure-green color.    


"How much longer do you want?" The daughter's pleading voice.    


"I don't know. Maybe it's because they ate beef for dinner."    


"You ?"    


Hearing that, Masao Hattori suddenly stood up, and rushed to the god statue that was half hidden in the ancestor's robes, and pulled the warrior out. Then he rushed to the door of the study.    


But he stopped at the door. Even though what was happening made him feel very uncomfortable, he understood the importance of "enduring".    


Obtaining the technology from Xia Lei would bring a lot of development opportunities to the Hattori family. If he could get an even more valuable Plan X, then the future of the Hattori family would be incalculable!    


Thinking about Plan X, Masao Hattori completely calmed down. The messy sounds in his earplugs seemed to have turned into whispers from the wind. What brought to him was no longer anger, but tranquility.    


He returned to the sofa and waited.    


He waited for half an hour.    


His daughter's room finally quieted down.    


He looked at his wristwatch and then stood up.    


But at this moment, his daughter's voice once again rang out from the earplugs.    


"You, do you still need someone to rest!"    


"You've been resting. Did you use any strength?"    


"Go away, I need to go to the bathroom."    


"I'll go with you."    


"Aiya ?"    


He threw the warrior in front of him to the side. The knife plunged into the carpet.    


The sharp point of the knife penetrated the carpet and stabbed into the pine wood floor.    


Is she a carpet, poor girl, or a pine floor?    


This question made him want to go crazy.    


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