Tranxending Vision

C727 Eating bait

C727 Eating bait

Bai Li'er took something out from her pocket and looked at the thing in her hand. Gritting her teeth and staring at it, she looked like she wanted to tear it into ten thousand pieces.    


Xia Lei had actually put a condom in his pocket.    


What kind of man puts a condom in his pocket?    


"Dirty!" Shameless! Pervert! "Pig!" Bai Li'er muttered a lot of curses in one breath.    


Xia Lei looked at the half-breed woman who was gritting her teeth and cursing at him from the bathroom door. He wanted nothing more than to stuff something into her little mouth.    


Bai Li'er's gaze moved to Xia Lei's pants, she then picked up Xia Lei's pants and searched his pockets.    


Xia Lei had a wallet and a phone in his pocket.    


Bai Li'er tried to unlock the lock on her phone's screen. After making two mistakes in a row, she didn't dare to try again. She opened Xia Lei's wallet.    


Inside the wallet were several gold cards and a metal tube. The metal tube was only the size of a pen tube, and it was small and delicate. The metal tube was sealed at one end and had a lid at the other. It looked like a container.    


Bai Li'er looked at the door of the bathroom warily, then quickly opened the lid of the metal pipe. Inside the metal tube was a rolled up slip of paper. She opened it and read: Mr. A, I've already spoken to the Japanese. I provided them with the technology of Raylong intelligent machine tool, blast assault rifle s, XL2500 sniper rifles and helldog single-military artillery. They provided me with the technology of artificial intelligence, which included the technology of neural networks. This technology allowed the radar to be more advanced, even allowing it to be used in electronic warfare as an offensive weapon. With this technology, our air defense network will be even more powerful, and our electronic warfare capabilities will be greatly enhanced. The Japanese thought they'd made it, but they didn't know they'd been stupid pigs. They think that the Raylong intelligent machine tool is my best technique, they definitely won't know that I had long given up on the Raylong intelligent machine tool. I have already activated plan X. So, Mr. A, I traded the technology I was ready to give up for the technology we needed, and it was a good deal. Please wait for my good news.    


The words on the slip of paper were Chinese characters, but Bai Li'er quickly finished reading them. She was obviously fluent in Chinese.    


"Who is Mr. A? This note was like the information he was about to pass on. The most advanced machine tool in the world was unexpectedly a backward technology that he had abandoned. What was his plan X? "This is too terrifying ?" Bai Li'er's heart was already shocked.    


In the bathroom, Xia Lei couldn't help but laugh.    


What Mr. A, what Plan X, none of that was true, of course. The information inside the metal pipe and metal pipe were only specially prepared by him for Bai Li'er.    


"Miss Gu, can you help me get the towel? I forgot to bring the towel. It's in the closet. " Xia Lei said.    


Xia Lei's voice startled Bai Li'er. She hurriedly rolled up the slip of paper and stuffed it into the Metal Management Office, then placed the metal pipe into Xia Lei's pocket.    


"Miss Yu Li?" Xia Lei's voice came out from the bathroom again.    


"Alright, I'll bring it to you right away." Only then did Bai Li'er come back to her senses. She hurriedly put Xia Lei's pants back in place, then found a bath towel from the closet and gave it to Xia Lei.    


Dong dong, Bai Li'er lightly knocked on the bathroom's atomized glass door.    


Xia Lei pulled the door open a little and extended his hand out.    


Bai Li'er placed the bath towel in Xia Lei's hand, but just as she was about to withdraw his hand, Xia Lei suddenly grabbed her hand.    


"You ?" Bai Li'er immediately became nervous.    


Xia Lei's hand pulled inside, and pulled Bai Li'er inside.    


The hot air in the bathroom made the man hiding in the fog look like a male mermaid from the deep sea. His body was perfect and even the most picky woman could not find any fault with him. Although Bai Li'er really hated this Grand China man, she was still unable to avoid being attracted by his body.    


Just as Bai Li'er was in a daze, Xia Lei suddenly hugged her and stopped her cherry lips.    


"Ugh!" Bai Li'er turned her head and dodged. She shouted angrily, "Bastard! What are you trying to do! "    


A trace of displeasure flashed across Xia Lei's eyes, and he kissed it again.    


Bai Li'er pushed Xia Lei away and scolded: "You hooligan! Who do you think you are? Do you think you are king? Whoever you want, they have to fuck you? "You think too highly of yourself!"    


Xia Lei suddenly laughed, and shrugged his shoulders, "You scolded well, have you scolded enough?"    


Bai Li'er stopped her scolding, but in his heart, she was scolding herself. She had come here on her father's mission, but it was clear that she had lost control of her emotions. She started to worry about angering Xia Lei, if she angered Xia Lei, then how would she complete the next mission? Thinking of this, she began to regret again. She stood in front of Xia Lei in a daze, her mind a mess.    


In fact, he couldn't blame her for this. Xia Lei suddenly dragged her into the bathroom, since she had just finished showering. She had already restrained herself from screaming for help.    


"If you've finished cursing, then go." Xia Lei said lightly.    


"Mr. Xia, I ?" Bai Li'er panicked.    


"No need to explain." Xia Lei said: "It's my fault, I misunderstood. You came to the hotel looking for me and even asked me to take a bath. I thought you liked me. Actually, I like you quite a bit too, so I couldn't resist wanting to be intimate with you just now. But you didn't like me at all. Since you don't like me, what are you doing in my room? You want me to take a bath? "    


Sometimes a woman having a man bathe is a hint of going to bed.    


"Mr. Xia, I'm sorry."    


"You don't need to apologize to me. Go." Xia Lei reached out and picked up the towel that was dropped on the ground and wrapped it around his waist.    


Bai Li'er hesitated for a moment, "Actually, I came to ask you when you would like to make the transaction. Since we are going to do it, we have to agree on a time and place. I didn't expect you to misunderstand, Mr. Xia. I'm really sorry. "    


"Trade? There's no more trading. " Xia Lei said with a stern face, "I find that my view of you Japanese are wrong. You Japanese will only respect those who have conquered you, such as the Americans. You Japanese despise us Chinese at all, and nothing we do can change that. Since that's the case, why should I trade with you? You develop yours, we develop ours, and we have nothing to do with each other. I don't believe that we have surpassed you. "    


Bai Li'er panicked, "Mr. Xia, it's not like that, you misunderstood me, it's true, I definitely do not have any intention of looking down on you Chinese people, I ? I apologize. " She bowed deeply to Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei walked past her.    


"Mr. Xia?" Bai Li'er's intestines were about to turn green from regret. If it wasn't for the haughty attitude from before, there wouldn't be such trouble at this moment.    


"Have you apologized for the history of the Second World War? Have you apologized for Nanjing? You guys didn't apologize for such a big matter and kept quibbling. Do I care about your apology? Let's go. We have nothing more to talk about. "    




"No deal." Xia Lei said firmly.    


"It's a deal that's good for both of us. Are you going to cancel it just because I rejected you?" Bai Li'er was also getting angry.    


"I'm the only one with the technology, I can trade with whoever I want. Will I die if I don't deal with you Japanese? Don't think I've really taken a fancy to your AI technology. I'm actually looking for you. What I don't understand is, you are a senior employee of the Lockheed Martin Corp, but you are working for the Japanese army. Who are you? You must have some ulterior motive for coming close to me, right? " Xia Lei looked straight at Bai Li'er, her eyes seemed to want to pierce through her heart.    


"No, no, I have no other motives. I am Japanese and I just want to make our country stronger. I'm not a spy. My identity in Lockheed Martin Corp is just an employee, that's just a job. In fact, the reason Lockheed Martin Corp gave me such a position was because of my father. The Lockheed Martin Corp's military sale to Japan was very large. Do you understand what I'm saying? " Bai Li'er braced herself and looked into Xia Lei's eyes.    


"I don't need any explanation from you, you can go. If you don't leave, I'll get someone to let you go. " Xia Lei was unreasonable.    


Bai Li'er thought that after she explained it to him, the situation would ease up. However, she never expected that Xia Lei didn't want to hear it at all, so she just told her to leave the moment she opened her mouth. Once she left, her father's plans as well as Gu Kewen's all failed! At this moment, she felt like slapping herself in the face for her earlier arrogant behavior!    


"Well, I'll call the French. They'll take you out of this hotel. " Xia Lei walked towards the door.    


"Mr. Xia, wait ?"    


Xia Lei turned his head, and it was only a glance, but he was immediately stunned.    


The black dress that Bai Li'er was wearing had already slipped off her shoulders, revealing a beautiful scene in the air. Her skin was like white snow in the spring of March. It was white with a bit of powder, and white with a bit of powder. It was so tender that it seemed as if it would melt under the sunlight. On her body, the places that should be big were big, the places that should be raised were curved, and her figure was graceful. There was a place where the vegetation had been meticulously trimmed, making it seem extremely high-end and grandiose.    


The most eye-catching part was a tattoo of a white tiger and a female ninja on her lower abdomen and buttocks. This tattoo gave the quiet and charming her a heroic air.    


"What are you doing?" Xia Lei said hypocritically: "Do you think I'm some random person?"    


This way, Bai Li'er really wanted to pounce over and use her nails to dig a few bloody holes on Yue Yang's face. Facing Xia Lei's teasing, she gently bit her lips, then walked towards Xia Lei, "Actually, I like you a lot too. I just think it's too fast. But if you want me, I won't refuse. "    


"Really?" Xia Lei's tone had already softened with excitement.    


"Pervert!" I will kill you after the transaction is over! " Bai Li'er secretly thought in her heart, but she still revealed a charming smile on her face, "Of course it's true, you are the most outstanding man I've ever seen."    


"You're beautiful. You're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen." Xia Lei had a perverted look on his face.    


Suddenly, Bai Li'er reached out and tore off Xia Lei's bath towel ?    


Xia Lei closed his eyes.    


Now was not the time to think about a deal, but to enjoy being a man.    


Everything was under his control.    


Was what had really happened superfluous?    


No, not at all.    


This mixed blood woman in front of him was the bait Masao Hattori hung on the hook to catch his fish. If he did not eat the bait, he would be hooked, and that would be the real weakness. This time, the opponent was not only Masao Hattori, but also Gu Kewen. But there were two factions behind Gu Kewen, the CIA and FA, he could not afford to make any mistakes!    


"Mr. Xia, about the deal?"    


"Definitely, whenever you say trade, it's where you say trade." Xia Lei was already in a state of pondering with his lower body.    


A cold smile surfaced on the corner of Bai Li'er's mouth ?    


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