Tranxending Vision

C721 scorn

C721 scorn

Bang bang bang bang bang...    


The blast assault rifle roared, and a bullet shot out from its muzzle, leaving a 1000 meter long target that shot out, in the blink of an eye that poor target was torn apart, becoming a target. What shocked people the most wasn't the blast assault rifle's range and power, but the fact that the body of its spear was not shaking at all, and its recoil was nearly zero!    


Its effective range was 1000 meters, its accuracy was extremely high, its power was terrifying, and the recoil was almost zero. With these characteristics combined with the blast assault rifle, what kind of assault rifle could be compared to it? Forget about the few assault rifles that Lockheed Martin Corp brought this time, even if Lockheed Martin Corp brought all of her assault rifles here, she wouldn't be able to pick one that could beat a blast assault rifle.    


This was the case for blast assault rifle, and it was even more so for the sniper rifle. Although the Rayma Group was still a small company that produced light weapons and could not be compared with the Lockheed Martin Corp, in terms of light weapons, the Rayma Group was ahead of the whole world!    


After a magazine was fired, Xia Lei casually threw the blast assault rifle into the arms box. He clapped his hands and turned to leave. As he walked, he said, "I've already shown you all my weapon, Rayma Group's weapon performance, I think you all should be very clear about it, right? "Well then, goodbye everyone."    


He left just like that?    


They did not put the people or weapons of the Lockheed Martin Corp in their eyes at all!    


A large group of visitors as well as the soldiers and military officers of the French Foreign Legion watched Xia Lei leave speechlessly.    


There was no one more difficult to deal with than Bai Li'er. She represented the Lockheed Martin Corp here in order to test the performance of the Rayma Group's weapons and let the French see the inferior weapons of the Grand China. However, they didn't expect that Xia Lei would be able to subdue the entire audience and conquer the hearts of everyone here!    


What made her even more infuriated was that before Lockheed Martin Corp could even start testing her weapon, Xia Lei had already left with a clap of his hands. This attitude, this attitude, it was more than just contempt, it was practically a crime!    


Xia Lei didn't even turn his head around.    


"Mr. Xia, please wait." Masao Hattori said in English, and when he said that, he walked towards Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei stopped and asked, "What's the matter?"    


Masao Hattori smiled, "Mr. Xia, I will delay you for a while, may I have a word with you?"    


"I'm in a hurry to get back to work. If you have something to say, just say it." Because of Bai Li'er, Xia Lei did not have a good impression of him.    


As the saying goes, if there is a father, there must be a daughter. Bai Li'er was such an arrogant and conceited person, how could Masao Hattori be any better? Moreover, Masao Hattori was a general of the Japanese Self-Defense Army. This identity disgusted him as well.    


"Mr. Xia, you won't be delayed for long. What I want to talk about with you is also good for you. " Masao Hattori did not give up.    


Xia Lei hesitated, "Alright then."    


"Please come with me." Masao Hattori walked towards a place with no one around.    


Xia Lei followed Masao Hattori and guessed what Masao Hattori wanted to talk about. Actually, the reason he was willing to give Masao Hattori a bit of time was not because it was "advantageous", he just wanted to understand why Masao Hattori would come here. As for the benefits, even if the Japanese gave him the greatest benefits, he would not trade anything with the Japanese.    


Feeling that it was far enough, Masao Hattori stopped moving. He turned around to face Xia Lei, smiling in a friendly manner, "Mr. Xia, you are the greatest genius I have ever seen. I respect you very much. Let's be friends. "    


A member of the Japanese Land Self-Defense Force will take the initiative to make friends, such a thing almost no one will refuse. But Xia Lei's interest was indifferent, and his attitude was indifferent, "You called me here to speak about this? Forget about making friends. If you have something to say, just say it. "    


An awkward expression suddenly appeared on Masao Hattori's face. He felt very uncomfortable in his heart, but he did not flare up, and his face still maintained a friendly smile, "Mr. Xia, is it because of my daughter? She is indeed insensible, I apologize to you on her behalf. "    


"She didn't do anything wrong. You don't have to apologize to me." Xia Lei seemed to have already lost his patience, "I believe in you, Mr. Clan Leader, that if you really have nothing else to do, then I will take my leave."    


Masao Hattori was silent for a moment, before speaking in a serious tone: "I want to buy your weapon, all types of weapons, XL2500 sniper rifles, blast assault rifle s and helldog single-military artillery s. If you can transfer your technology, then the price we offer is considerable. "    


Xia Lei blanked out for a moment, and then, he couldn't help but laugh, "Mr. Gu, you want to buy weapons from our Rayma Group? Is this true? "    


Masao Hattori said in a serious tone, "Mr. Xia, do I look like I'm joking with you? As long as you nod your head, we can give you a price higher than the market price. You sell France, you sell the United Arab Emirates, you sell Saudi Arabia. Then why not sell it to us? We are willing to offer 20% above the market price. You are a businessman, you should seek to maximize your profits. "    


"I want to earn money, and pursuing the greatest profit is also the nature of a merchant," Xia Lei said, changing the topic. "But ?"    


"But what?"    


"I want to buy Japanese electronics. Name your price." Xia Lei said.    


"This ?" Masao Hattori immediately frowned.    


The United States is the world's most technologically advanced country, but it is inferior only to Japan in the area of electronics. Japan's electronics are ahead of the rest of the world, and Japan's SLR almost dominates the world, which is a clear example. In fact, many of Grand China's electronic components had to be imported from Japan as well. Whether it was industrial production or national defense construction, they were all very passive.    


Xia Lei laughed, "What? Don't you want to sell it? As long as you are willing to sell it, I promise I will give you a very good price. "    


Masao Hattori's face suddenly became ugly. Earlier, he had thought that Xia Lei was considering whether or not to accept his suggestion, but he didn't think that Xia Lei had circled around to trick him. What was his identity? Since when was he treated like this!?    


"Not willing? I want to buy your Japanese electronics, but you're not happy. You asked me to buy my stuff, did I have to agree for that little bit of money? What kind of logic was this? Is that Japanese logic? "    


"Mr. Xia!" Masao Hattori's eyes flashed with a hint of anger, "Even if you don't sell it, we can still buy it from the place where we were. "You are a private business owner. Don't you feel foolish if you don't earn money?"    


Xia Lei sneered, "If you can buy it from another place, that's your ability, I don't care. But you want to buy it from me. I, Xia Lei am not lacking in money. "    


"Humph!" After the unpleasant end to the conversation, Masao Hattori snorted coldly and turned to leave.    


Xia Lei said, "Mister Gu, let me give you a piece of advice. There is no such thing as an empire that will never fall. "    


Masao Hattori turned his head to look at Xia Lei, "What do you mean?"    


Xia Lei's tone was light, "I'm not talking about Japan, because it was never an empire. I'm talking about America. The ancient Persian Empire, the Roman Empire, the Tang dynasty, the Yuan dynasty, and the Ming dynasty all vanished. So, don't create any new hatred, or else one day that fire will burn you to death. "    


Masao Hattori said coldly: "If it's in Japan, if you say such words, I will send you to jail."    


Xia Lei said: "If it was in Grand China, I would not send you to jail, I would beat you up."    


"You ?" Masao Hattori's square face instantly turned green. He, a mighty General Lu, was actually lectured by a kid from the Grand China like this!    


But this is France. Former President Sarkozy was able to confront a fisherman boy on this land, while a Grand China boy was bickering with him. What could he do to him?    


Xia Lei turned and left.    


Whoosh whoosh!    


The staff of the Lockheed Martin Corp still marked the antitank missile. The missile flew out of the launcher and headed for a ruined tank target with a flaring tail.    


The biggest weakness of a antitank missile like the javelin was that it could only use its tail flame to expose the position of the shooter. However, the shooter had to keep his infrared lock and could not move. Usually, it would take close to 10 seconds for a line guided missile to hit its target. In such a long period of time, if it was discovered and the tank bombarded over, it would be time for them to bid their farewells.    


The antitank missile flew for a few seconds before it landed on the tank target. A violent explosion sounded and the tank target was destroyed as well. In terms of power, the javelin antitank missile was slightly stronger than the helldog single-military artillery, but whether it was the time of launch, the speed of hitting the target, or the survival rate of the archer, they were all far below the individual helldog single-military artillery artillery.    


Similarly, the mission of destroying a tank was the same. If the choice was left to the soldiers, they would definitely choose the helldog single-military artillery's single-soldier artillery instead of the javelin antitank missile.    


Sure enough, after the Lockheed Martin Corp's javelin had hit the target, the French did not applaud nor did they cheer for it. Many of them only glanced at it lightly, and their line of sight moved towards the helldog single-military artillery that Xia Lei had left behind. Some even shifted their gaze to Xia Lei.    


From their reactions, they seemed to have little interest in Lockheed Martin Corp's javelins and anti-tank trajectory, but their interest towards Rayma Group's helldog single-military artillery s was piqued.    


All of these were in Xia Lei's eyes, and he could not help but reveal a smile, "Those Frenchmen will very soon draft a contract, and sign it with me."    


When this thought had just left his mind, Jaclyn Eva had already walked over with quick steps.    


"Xia, are you really leaving?" Jaclyn Eva said.    


Xia Lei replied: "Hmm, I understand their weapon's capabilities, I am not interested in it at all. There's no point in me staying, so I want to go back. "    


"Let's go together." Jaclyn Eva lowered her voice, "They have already agreed on a deal. In an hour, they will fax the contract to me, and I will sign it with you. "    


"No problem, but I want to know how I get what I want."    


"This is not a place to talk about such things. Let's talk about it when we get back to the hotel."    


Xia Lei nodded. When he left, his gaze shifted towards Bai Li'er, and saw the latter looking at him as well. Her eyes were cold, with a hint of resentment.    


Xia Lei scoffed disdainfully at him, and thought in his heart: "He's just an assistant, what's there to be proud of? "You are only fit to talk to my assistant. I can talk to you, that is already giving you a lot of face."    


"Enough, stop looking." You made me so angry, so you must be dead. " Jaclyn Eva teased.    


Xia Lei suddenly thought of something, "Oh right, I have a condition."    


"What are your conditions?" Jaclyn Eva became nervous, "I already told those people, you can't just casually add them down."    


"I have added this condition." Xia Lei said: "My technology cannot flow into Japan, and the weapons you produce cannot be sold to Japan. If you do this secretly, once I find out, I won't provide you the original core of the machine tool. "    


Jaclyn Eva shrugged her shoulders and laughed, "What do I think it is? Do you think we French are philanthropists? We have paid such a heavy price, how could we share it with the Japanese? "Don't worry, this kind of thing wouldn't happen."    


"I'm going to put this in the contract." Xia Lei said.    


Jaclyn Eva, "..."    


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