Tranxending Vision

C713 Please remove your foot

C713 Please remove your foot

The night came unexpectedly.    


Under the candlelight, the wine, the food, the woman sitting in the candlelight, and the familiar scent of perfume. The romance in Paris had returned, and Xia Lei felt that everyone was drunk now.    


Jaclyn Eva had obviously dressed up specially tonight. She was wearing a Louis Vuitton dress, red and simple and beautiful. The soft fabric pressed against her skin, accentuating her beautiful figure. Her protruding front and back, as well as her long legs, were extremely alluring. Not only the curve, the exposed shoulder, the deep V, but also the vacuum, she was a 30 percent transparency in the candlelight. The two bumps were like two pink chocolate beans, faintly revealing themselves with mystery and allure.    


Xia Lei enjoyed the French red wine, French delicacies and French beauties quietly. How many times in his life could he use such a night?    


"Mr. Xia." Jaclyn Eva broke the tranquil atmosphere, "Tell me, what do you want?"    


Xia Lei revealed a slight smile, "What are you talking about?"    


"You know what I'm talking about."    


"I'm very satisfied now. I don't have anything I particularly want." Xia Lei said. The more she wanted to get down to business, the more he wanted to keep her in suspense.    


"Fine." Jaclyn Eva curled her lips, "Then I'll be straightforward then. I want to know what you want in this deal. "    


Xia Lei only looked at Jaclyn Eva and did not speak out his thoughts.    


"You know, I'm in charge of this. The people from the Weapons and Equipment Department want to know what you want, so just treat it as completing a mission for me, okay? " Jaclyn Eva's hand reached out from the table and grabbed Xia Lei's hand.    


Her hands were soft, boneless, and warm.    


Ambiguous movements and craving eyes. The body of a woman was truly the most powerful weapon against men. How many men had fallen into the trap women had dug for them, the number was impossible to count because it was happening all the time.    


"Do we have to talk about this?"    


"When do you want to talk about it?" Beneath the table, Jaclyn Eva's left foot was freed from the high heels. The long leg wearing black stockings silently went through the distance between her and Xia Lei, landing on Xia Lei's calf, and then slowly climbed up.    


Xia Lei's nerves immediately tensed up, like a pulled out bow.    


The black silk climbed up to his knees and continued to move forward. It was an explorer, bold and fearless, who finally reached the end of the volcano.    


In the blink of an eye, Xia Lei's bow had been pulled to its maximum capacity, the arrow on the bowstring was also on the bowstring, and at any moment, it could slip out of the bowstring, heading straight for the opponent's bull's-eye.    


"Yes." In the end, Xia Lei opened his mouth and said, "I've already said it before, the avionics system of the De Gaulle aircraft carrier."    


"What do you know about the electrical and navigational systems of De Gaulle's aircraft carrier?" Jaclyn Eva stared straight at Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei laughed, "De Gaulle's aircraft carrier uses France's Thomson CSF's new Senit8 combat system, with eight computers as the core and a display console with 25 functions. It can track 2000 targets at once, and automatically link all the detection equipment and weapons to engage in battle. This system can transmit data with more than 50 aerial, surface and land friendly units simultaneously, and act as a combat management center for the whole operation. In terms of detection and electronic systems, it uses a Thomson CSF long-range aerial search radar, a Thomson CSFDRV-15C Sea Tiger E/F frequency planar search radar, two R?ka and a vampire infrared detection system. The ship's electronic warfare equipment includes two sets of systems provided by Thomson, which are adequate for modern electronic warfare. "    


Jaclyn Eva looked at Xia Lei, dumbstruck.    


Xia Lei said: "Of course, I only said a part of it. An aircraft carrier's avionics system is very complicated. However, the de Gaulle aircraft carrier's power system is not needed. The power system is its flaw, and we can make better ones ourselves. "    


"Mr. Xia, didn't I look down on your Grand China's strength? With your current level, can you guys create a more advanced power system than the De Gaulle aircraft carrier? I don't think it's realistic. " Jaclyn Eva said.    


Faced with Jaclyn Eva's doubts, Xia Lei did not get angry, but he still maintained a faint smile on his face, "Then do you think that our current standard is still only that of the sock and shirt manufacturing era? If that's the case, then why are you still trying to trade with me? "    


It was only then that Jaclyn Eva realized that she had said the wrong thing and anxiously said: "Mr. Xia, that's not what I meant. Don't misunderstand."    


Xia Lei only smiled. The Western world had always been prejudiced against the Grand China, even discriminated against them. Even Jaclyn Eva, who asked him for it, was acting in such a manner, let alone those people who did not have any relation to the Grand China. However, he was disdainful of changing the attitudes of certain people, and even more disdainful of trying to curry favor with them. What he needed to do was to use actual actions to slap these people in the face!    


"Mr. Xia, I'll tell you the truth. The last time you told me about De Gaulle's avionics system, I reflected on it. They gave me a very clear answer, which is no good, so... " Jaclyn Eva used his foot to speak, "Give me another choice."    


"Why not?"    


"The aircraft carrier is the most powerful existence in the world of weapons. If you use the technology of machine tools and light weapons, you want to trade for the technology of the aircraft carrier. Do you think that's appropriate?"    


"Then what technology do you intend to use in exchange?"    


"Hmm, it means to exchange the avionics technology of a tiger helicopter. What do you think?"    


"Hur hur." Xia Lei spread out his hands, "Then there's nothing to talk about, our kungfu is not worse than your tiger form. You guys want to use technology that we don't need in exchange for what you need, how can you have such a good business? "    


"Mr. Xia." Jaclyn Eva continued to speak with her feet, "Actually, I can still add on some civilian techniques, and money is also fine."    


"Could you please take your feet off me?" Xia Lei said.    


Jaclyn Eva was immediately stunned.    


She thought that by controlling a certain part of Xia Lei's body, she would be able to influence his mind and control his decisions, but it seemed like her efforts were to no avail. She didn't know whether to keep her feet back or to stay on duty, which embarrassed her.    


Ring, ring, ring...    


His cellphone rang.    


"Sorry, I'm going to pick up a phone." Xia Lei stood up and left the dining table, walking towards the balcony.    


It was Fan.    


"I've already reported this to my superiors, and they've agreed to it. I can give you the permission you want. " Fan Fan's voice.    


Xia Lei was not surprised by this result at all. Since he could deal with the Germans, he could deal with the French. As long as they could make the country stronger and quickly rise, it didn't matter who they traded with.    


"Does it specify what technology to exchange?"    


"What kind of technology can you trade with?"    


"I'd like to trade for the avionics of their de Gaulle aircraft carrier, but it's a bit difficult. The French are very smart. They are only willing to trade the avionics of the tiger helicopters. " Xia Lei turned around to look at Jaclyn Eva. She was sitting at the dining table talking on the phone.    


Their gazes met in the air, and they smiled at each other.    


"Your appetite is not small at all. It doesn't expect you to get that technology back. It wants the avionics and stealth technology of the French wind fighters. The stealth performance of a tornado fighter is second only to that of an American F22, and is superior to that of a German typhoon fighter. If you can get your hands on the avionics and stealth technology of the wind fighters, plus the typhoon fighter engine technology that we have already acquired, we can piece together an advanced fighter jet that is comparable to the Western world. " Fan Fan's voice.    


Changing the aircraft carrier's technology was not realistic, but if it was a gust of wind fighter's avionics or stealth technology, Xia Lei was very confident. He smiled, "There are instructions, then it will be done."    


"But you have to remember that the relationship between France and the United States is very special. You have to be careful not to get screwed by the French. "    


"I'll be careful."    


"If you get this done, I'll add a big one to my credit book, and so will yours, which means that if you get your hands on the airpower and stealth technology of the wind fighter, you'll get a big one too." Fan's laughter came from the satellite telephone.    


"I don't want any credit."    


"Then what do you want?"    


"This time, I have a request."    


"What request?"    


"My request is very simple." Xia Lei paused for a moment, then said, "Exempt all of my loans."    


"You ? You want money? " Fan Xian sounded surprised. "I always thought you were a pure person, someone who was above vulgar tastes."    


"F * ck you, this is my condition. Go and tell the higher-ups about it." I did all this, I got so much technology back, I didn't get anything. This time, I'm not going to do it for nothing. I'm going to get rid of my loan. "    


"That's 20 billion." Fan was very clear about the loan value of the Rayma Group.    


Xia Lei said indifferently: "Right now in the capital, a single building is worth billions of dollars, right? If it was a golden port, that number would have been exceeded too. What I exchanged with this thing, could it not even compare to the value of a building? Besides, I'm not greedy. If I wanted money, I would have asked for it already. Although Rayma Group has made some achievements, he is still far inferior to those international arms magnate. I want to go beyond them. I have to get rid of my baggage. After I exempt my loans, I can put all my funds into the Rayma Group. I want to make it run and chase after me. "    


Fan Xian was silent for a moment, then said: "Okay, I will pass on your original words to the higher ups. If you say so, I'm sure it won't be a problem. Some of the national team's science and technology projects have always been supported, funded and given preferential policies. You have a large number, but you are worth it. "    


"Then that's it. Wait for my good news." Xia Lei said, then hung up.    


Jaclyn Eva also put away her phone, smiling as she watched Xia Lei return from the balcony, "Whose number?"    


"My chief engineer, we talked about the domestic company." Xia Lei returned to his seat, "Who are you calling now?"    


"Oh, a subordinate. I asked him to bring the perfume you requested." Jaclyn Eva said.    


Ding dong, Ding dong.    


Just as Jaclyn Eva finished speaking, the doorbell rang.    


"I'm going to open the door." Jaclyn Eva did not wait for Xia Lei to get up, she got up and walked towards the door.    


Without waiting for Jaclyn Eva to open the door, Xia Lei saw a golden-haired man who stood at the doorway. He had a box in her hand, but she had a gun on him. The man at the door was obviously an agent of the French National Security Agency.    


Jaclyn Eva opened the door, received the box, and after saying his thanks, closed the door.    


Mary's desire came, and the confrontation between 101 ace agents and the ace agents of the French National Security Agency was about to begin.    


There won't be three masked men this time.    


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