Tranxending Vision

C709 Fei Ernanduo's Count

C709 Fei Ernanduo's Count

Since they were already engaged in battle, they were enemies.    


Xia Lei never held any mercy towards his enemies.    


was even more determined to kill after he killed an important figure in the Knights Hospitaller, possibly even its Guild Leader.    


The old man put away his phone, looked up at the sky, and then walked forward.    


Xia Lei's finger slowly moved backwards ?    


RUU ?    


The sound of a huge propeller cutting through the air and the roar of an engine came from behind him. Xia Lei fiercely turned his body to the side and laid on the grass. This position would allow his body to reduce the area it was found in.    


A civilian helicopter appeared on the mountain peak to the right of the valley entrance. In the blink of an eye, it flew over Xia Lei's head and landed beside the old man.    


Just as the helicopter flew past his head, Xia Lei had already seen the situation inside the helicopter. In addition to the pilot, there were four men on board. This time it was not the old man but four very young people. Three white men and one black man. One white man had a sniper rifle, the other two had assault rifles. The black man was holding a Minnigg six-barrel air machine gun in an exaggerated manner.    


This kind of gun, Schwarzenegger and Giant Rock Johnson are the most popular on the screen.    


In the face of such a heavy machine gun, any sniper rifle would pale in comparison.    


The old man bent over and boarded the helicopter with the help of the strong wind generated by the propeller.    


Just now, Xia Lei had the chance to kill him, but Xia Lei did not regret not shooting. In fact, he was glad he hadn't fired. Otherwise, he would be dead as long as the helicopter came through this wasteland full of weeds. The African men's machine gunner would probably be able to smash him into pieces in less than two minutes!    


Using a sniper rifle to kill the helicopter's engine?    


This sort of thing could only be seen in movies. The helicopter was so fast that it was impossible to aim at. Even if it could barely aim, would it take two seconds for the bullet to travel two thousand meters, and for the helicopter to stop moving in those two seconds? And even if the pilot of the helicopter was a fool and the helicopter was suspended in the air, the Mignon Machine Gun would not stand on ceremony with him!    


Just as Xia Lei was breaking out in cold sweat and rejoicing inwardly, that helicopter once again ascended to the sky and flew past the mountain on the left.    


Xia Lei took out his satellite telephone and dialed Ye Liena's number, "Where are you now?"    


"We're almost at the safe house." Ye Liena's voice.    


Xia Lei heaved a sigh of relief, "The other side's reinforcements have arrived. They have a helicopter and a Mignon Machine Gun. There could also be people on the ground, do not enter the Bobbio, don't bother with the safe house in the small town. Let Arresian find a safe place to stay. He is Italian, he has a way. "    


"I know, when will you get back together with us?"    


"At night. Keep in touch, and when you're settled, tell me the location. I'll be over. "    


"Who are they?"    


"Knights Hospitaller." Xia Lei hung up the phone.    


He would not tell the secrets of the Zodiac Clan, ancient alloy and AE, but he was sure that the enemy would tell them.    


After ending the call, Xia Lei quickly got up and sprinted towards the forest on the right with his fastest speed. He didn't know if the helicopter would return, but he didn't dare risk crossing the valley from the wasteland.    


Xia Lei ran on the wasteland, his body leaned forward, his speed surprisingly fast, like a cheetah running on the grass.    


As he ran into the forest to his right, the helicopter suddenly appeared from the top of the hill to his left, entered the valley, and flew in the direction of the church.    


Hiding behind a tree, Xia Lei heaved a sigh of relief. Only now did he realize that his back had long since been drenched in cold sweat. Based on the situation earlier, if he was a few more seconds later, the other party might have discovered him.    


The helicopter quickly flew over the church and descended.    


Xia Lei no longer hesitated as he dove into the forest and walked in the opposite direction from the Bobbio.    


At the same time, a small container car was driving on the road that left Bobbio. On the container were printed the words "KFC Luxurious Meal Market", but inside the container were not KFC chicken wings, but six members of Zodiac Clan.    


"F * ck!" Arresian clenched his teeth, his expression fierce, "I was definitely shot by an old man! This is simply a humiliation! "    


"Enough." Baghu's expression was solemn, "Those old fellows are no ordinary people, I was almost killed."    


"Who are they?" Amanda had asked long ago.    


All eyes gathered on Ye Liena's body.    


Ye Liena shrugged his shoulders, "I was just about to say it, but Arresian keeps on nagging."    


"Am I nagging?" Arresian pointed to his thigh that was still bleeding, "My ass. He had been shot! If you get shot, I'll let you nag all day. "    


"The boss said something about someone from the Knights Hospitaller." Ye Liena didn't want to bicker with Arresian.    


"Knights Hospitaller?" Amanda was confused.    


Not only Amanda, but everyone present, including Ye Liena, were all confused.    


"Could it be a gang in Italy?" Baghu suggested his idea.    


Markus looked at Arresian, "Long, you are an Italian, you are familiar with Italian gangs, this Knights Hospitaller is a newly formed gangster organization?"    


"New Italian gangsters?" Arresian laughed, "Are all of them old geezers and old women's gangs? I'll bet my Tintin, if there is, I'll cut it! " Then he cried out again. The laughter from before had caused the wound to twitch. It was extremely painful.    


Ye Liena glared at Arresian coldly, "You beast."    


"I don't think we should bother about the old lady from Knights Hospitaller." Markus said: "We should be thinking of a way to support boss, I wonder where he is now."    


Amanda opened her laptop and flipped the screen upside down.    


A satellite-based image appeared on the laptop's screen. A red dot was moving quickly through the forest.    


"Don't worry, we'll just go around to his front and pick him up. In this case, we'd better carry out his orders. Avoid fighting with the enemy's reinforcements. " Amanda said.    


The satellite telephone that Xia Lei had brought along was the location's signal source.    


Seeing Xia Lei's signal source moving, the members of the Zodiac Clan all heaved a sigh of relief.    


"The boss is the monkey among us, right? Even in the forest he runs so fast." Baghu lamented.    


"Monkey is still at father's mission. I wonder when he'll finish it." Ye Liena said.    


"Guess who?" Arresian said.    


"I don't know." I don't know. If he doesn't say anything, no one will know. " Markus said: "I'm too lazy to care about this sort of thing."    


Just as they were chatting, Amanda took out her phone and showed it to Arresian.    


On the screen of his phone, there was a Wikipedia page with the words "Knights Hospitaller" written on it.    


Arresian glanced at it, and then shouted: "F * * k! Is this for real? We're fighting a medieval order? "    


"Is it the end of the world now? Are we facing a group of vampiric zombies? " Markus's expression was very exaggerated.    


"How could boss offend such an organization?" Baghu's expression was also very strange.    


"Who knows? My lord is the same as my father, he has no lack of enemies." Markus laughed and said, "However, I like this lifestyle! It's f * cking exciting! "    


Just then, Piao Taiyong's voice came out from the container, "You f * ckers. Shut up, there's a situation! Get ready for battle! "    


Just as Piao Taiyong's voice fell, the sound of a helicopter flying could be heard from above. After that, Piao Taiyong slowed down his speed. The people in the container were all silent, while the six blast assault rifle were also aiming at the rear entrance.    


However, the sound of the helicopter soon disappeared.    


Piao Taiyong sped up again and continued forward.    


Such a life was truly exciting. Not everyone could bear it.    


At the same time, on the helicopter.    


The old man who luckily survived Xia Lei's gunshot threw out half of the cigar in his hand, and his emotions ignited the moment the cigarette flew out of his mouth, "Damn it! Are those guys going back to magic? How could they just disappear into thin air!? "    


The four gunmen in the helicopter were silent. They didn't even dare to look into the old man's eyes.    


"We lost eight people, but that kid and his people still managed to escape. To us, this is the greatest humiliation we have suffered in the past few hundred years! " The old man was very angry.    


"Count Fernando, our men have already controlled the entire Bobbio. "Our followers are also searching for traces of those people for us. I believe that we will be able to find him." A white gunner said in a careful tone.    


"If we can't find that kid, we can't explain it to the Captain." The old man known as Fernando was no longer angry, but looked tired. "We have lost eight men, including Captain Zoivalev. We paid such a heavy price, but someone ran off with a sacred object. He originally thought that this would be an easy battle, but he didn't expect that ? I don't know how to face the Captain. "    


"Count Fernando, is the sacred artifact really in that boy's hands?" the white gunman asked.    


"His people were in the front mountains, but the person in charge of the back mountains died. There's only one possibility, he came out from the maze." Fernando said, "Although I did not see the sacred object, I felt that the probability of it being in the hands of that boy is more than eighty percent."    


"Hypothesis..." The white gunner paused for a moment and then said, "If we fail to catch him and he runs away, where should we go to find him?"    


"Thoron." Fernando looked at the white gunman. "Two days ago, the Paris Louvre Museum opened a nighttime special for a Chinese. It was the first time in years that the French government had made such an exception. The kid went to see the Mona Lisa. Then, some strangers came to Bobbio. More importantly, that brat is the boss of the Grand China, he is also the one who designed the XL2500 sniper rifle and blast assault rifle, and those gunners we fought with all used these two kinds of firearms. Thoron, who do you think he is? "    


"Could it be the kid who made the spear?" The white gunner called Thoron immediately thought of this.    


"Their faces are different, but their figures are the same, so ?" Fernando said the name, "The brat who escaped is Xia Lei. The French Army Arms Exhibition was about to begin, and the Rayma Group was specifically invited by the French government to attend. Thoron, do you know where you should go to find him? "    


"Grand Elder." A cold smile appeared on Thoron's lips, "France."    


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