Tranxending Vision

C710 A beautiful picture

C710 A beautiful picture

One day later, in Paris, at DGSE headquarters.    


Jaclyn Eva looked at the sky outside the window with a depressed expression. The sky was clear, but her mood was terrible. There was an intelligence report on her desk. In three days, she had already found the identity of the "Nomosha". It was the ace agent of FA and also the top assassin of FA. However, that was all she got. There was no information on the FA headquarters, no trace of the Nomosha, and no news of Xia Lei. In this kind of situation, she simply could not save Xia Lei.    


DGSE's host, Benjamin, only gave her three days, and today was the last day. She really did not know how to face Benjamin. She couldn't help but feel depressed every time she thought about how she lost someone in her hands.    


Du du du, du du...    


The phone on the desk suddenly vibrated.    


Jaclyn Eva walked to the desk and picked up the phone. On the screen was a very ordinary local number. She hesitated, then slid the answer button and asked tentatively, "Who is it?"    


"Are you Miss Jaclyn Eva?" A man's voice.    


"I am." Jaclyn Eva became more vigilant, "Who are you?"    


"Oh, I'm a driver." The man said, "I work for Rapid Logistics ?"    


Jaclyn Eva frowned, "I don't have time to chat with you."    


"Wait." The man said, "It was a gentleman who asked me to call you."    


"A gentleman?"    


"He's Chinese." The man said, "I met him on the road, he's very bad ?"    


Jaclyn Eva interrupted the man's words anxiously. "Did he tell you his name?"    


"Xia Lei." The man said, "This name is really difficult to put together."    


Hearing Xia Lei's name, Jaclyn Eva's heart almost jumped out of her chest as she said with excitement in her voice, "Quick! Give him your phone and let him talk to me! "    


"That won't do." The man said, "He's in bad shape. He's sleeping in my car. Is it true that if I call you and send him to you, you'll give me ten thousand euros? "    


This seemed to be the driver comrade's real intention in calling Jaclyn Eva.    


"No problem." Jaclyn Eva said: "But I want to understand the situation first. Tell me, how did you meet him? What's the situation with him? "    


"I was driving out of Paris early this morning when I saw a man lying on the grass by the side of the road. He was naked and covered in blood. I thought it was a corpse, but just as I was about to call the police, he woke up and asked for my help. I bought him food and he told me to call you and he said you'd give me ten thousand euros. "    


"I'll give you ten thousand euros. Don't mention it again. "Tell me, is he seriously injured?"    


"It looks serious, but he's strong and he should be fine. I suggested he go to the hospital, but he refused. Well, where are you? I'll send him over right away. "    


Jaclyn Eva thought for a moment, then asked: "Where are you?"    


"I'm at a gas station on Route 13 east of Paris."    


"You stay there and don't move. I'll be right over."    


"Ten thousand ?"    


Jaclyn Eva had already hung up the phone, she did not want to hear the words "ten thousand euros". She grabbed the phone on her desk and skillfully dialed a number. "Get me two helicopters!"    


At the same time, on the east side of Paris, beside a gas station, lying in the car, Xia Lei finished his view. He did not miss the French driver's call to Jaclyn Eva at all. He did not even need to use his lip language to read the French driver's words, because that guy's voice was loud.    


During the night, he returned to France from Italy. Escaping the Knights Hospitaller's pursuit was not difficult at all. What was difficult was how to explain his "escape" to Jaclyn Eva.    


The French driver got on the car and looked at Xia Lei who was lying on the bed.    


Xia Lei closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep.    


The French driver pushed Xia Lei's shoulder, "Heh, my friend, that woman called Jaclyn Eva told me to wait here. I wanted to send you back, but she wouldn't even tell me the address. "    


Xia Lei opened his eyes, looking very weak, "It's alright, we'll wait here."    


"Then she ?" Will you give me ten thousand euros? "    


"Yes. If she doesn't give it to you, I'll give it to you. " Xia Lei said. The guy talked about "ten thousand euros" every two minutes, and he was tired of it.    


"Hehe, this money is very important to me. My wife, daughter, and I thank you. My friend, you really are a good person... "How did you get hurt?"    


"Let me sleep."    


"Uh, sorry, I'm being too long-winded. "I'll go to the supermarket at the gas station to see if there's anything you need. Oh yeah, you need clothes, I'll go buy you a pair of underwear."    


Xia Lei, "..."    


The long-winded driver got off the car and went to the gas station's supermarket. Xia Lei finally calmed down. In his mind, he recalled the scenes from Da Vinci's secret laboratory, the silver metal, Da Vinci's notebook, as well as the star painting drawn with mysterious minerals ?    


"The first Princess Young-mei I came into contact with only spoke two or three sentences, it's like an incomplete recording. After that, as I collected more and more ancient alloy, she became more and more complete. From just a few words at the beginning to having your own mind and temper. I have always thought that her lack and completeness was related to ancient alloy box. As long as I collect all the ancient alloy parts, she would become complete. But back when they were in the maze, she seemed to be already complete. Could it be that her lack and completeness had nothing to do with the ancient alloy ? "    


"It's not like that. Originally, she was trapped within the ancient alloy, which was why I released her. Every time she found a new ancient alloy part, her appearance would be more complete than before. She was an energy mentality, and if I likened her to a certain amount of electricity, she could fit into different batteries. And the ancient alloy parts were those batteries. She existed for some time, and when she fought with the Japanese navy, she used up a lot of energy. After that, she went into hibernation ? "    


"She sent me a message through the peace, asking me to wake her up, the painting is the key to her existence, are those shiny things really minerals? Or were those glittering things her body? That stuff eventually disappeared. If it was a mineral, how could it have disappeared into thin air? She had also given Da Vinci a piece of silver metal. Da Vinci had also said that he had studied it before, but why had he not left behind any relevant research records? This was completely out of line with Da Vinci's style. The back of the notebook is covered in white paper. Could it be that there is something in it ? "    


Questions filled Xia Lei's mind. He pondered on these questions, but his thoughts became more and more chaotic.    


"My friend, ha-ha, what did I buy for you?" The car door opened and the French driver climbed in. He raised his hand and held a pair of red underwear, "The Grand China likes red. Look, I bought you a red one. Do you like it? "    


Xia Lei's eyes moved to the underwear in the driver's hand and became speechless.    


The underwear in the French driver's hand had the symbol Madein China on it, which was obviously made by the Grand China. However, this did not make Xia Lei speechless. What made him speechless was that the underwear that this fellow bought for him was actually a lady's, and there was even a peony flower print on it. If he wore such underwear and got intimate with Long Bing, Long Bing would probably strangle him.    


"Do you like it?" The French driver had a fawning smile on his face.    


Xia Lei forced out a smile, "I like it, thank you."    


"Then wear it." The driver threw the peonies over to Xia Lei, then smiled and said, "I won't peek at you, I'm not a friend."    


Xia Lei, "..."    


A few minutes later, two helicopters appeared in the sky, a national gendarmerie tiger helicopter and an NH-90 transport aircraft. There were dazzling weapons, ground missiles, machine guns and the like on the tiger-shaped helicopter. The NH-90 was full of agents of the French National Security Agency and the elite Special Forces of the National Gendarmerie. This scene was only used to welcome Xia Lei.    


Tiger gunships hovered in the sky, monitoring appearances, ready to strike suspicious targets. The NH-90 aircraft landed on an empty space beside the gas station. One by one, armed agents and special forces jumped down from the helicopter and quickly sealed off the gas station and the surrounding area.    


Jaclyn Eva walked towards the truck parked beside the gas station.    


The driver who called Jaclyn Eva looked at the scene in shock, her mouth open wide without closing.    


"You're the driver?" Jaclyn Eva asked.    


The driver finally came back to his senses. He seemed to be unable to speak and could only nod his head.    


Jaclyn Eva threw a bulging envelope into the driver's hands, not bothering to talk nonsense with him anymore, she directly walked towards the truck.    


"He's in the car." The driver came back to his senses, "Who is he?" Prince of Grand China? "    


Jaclyn Eva opened the car door and she saw Xia Lei. In her eyes, Xia Lei was no longer the chairman of the handsome and elegant Rayma Group. He was dirty, with wounds and blood all over his body.    


However, after confirming that it was Xia Lei, she still heaved a long sigh of relief, and his tensed nerves finally relaxed.    


Xia Lei opened his eyes and looked very weak.    


"What's going on?" Jaclyn Eva saw the bloodstains on Xia Lei's body and the various small and large grazes.    


"They stripped me of my clothes and put me in the trunk of a car." Xia Lei said weakly: "I untied the ropes on my body and jumped down from the carriage ? As you can see, I'm terrible. "    


"That's it?" Jaclyn Eva couldn't believe that Xia Lei had escaped from the hands of a few FA's agents that easily.    


Xia Lei spread his hands, "Don't tell me you want me to get shot? Take me away from here, I... I want to take a bath and then have a meal. "    


"Can you walk?"    


"It's a bit difficult." Xia Lei struggled to get up.    


"Forget it, it's better if I hug you." Jaclyn Eva extended his hand.    


A minute later, a golden haired lady carrying a dirty Grand China man walked towards the NH-90 transport plane. The peony underwear of the Grand China man became the most eye-catching thing there. The scene was so beautiful that no one dared to look straight at it.    


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